Another section of the creek had gotten so shallow that carp werent able pass but, that section has since rerouted itself after the last flood and is passable again. well as links to download the map to your computer, or order a waterproof printed map. Behind us we left a number of trail cameras. The creek itself was flowing well with very clear water, but the Austin Chalk bedrock bottom was covered with deep silt in the pools, and even in some runs. This location's average precipitation levels are Thats where the wonderful waterway known as White Rock Creek beginsas street runoff in the heart of Frisco, Texas. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. In 1943 the government used the barracks at Winfrey Point to house German prisoners of war who had served in Rommels Afrika Corps. Bobcats, Coyotes, Beaver, Red-tailed Hawks, Owls, and many other species make use of the bountiful bottomlands to secure their livelihoods. Ive lived along this part of the creek (near Walnut Hill / Skillman) for two and a half years. Lots of birds, including double crested cormorant, great blue heron, great egret, snowy egret, mallard, gadwall, northern shoveler, blue winged teal, green winged teal, red tailed hawk, Coopers hawk, kestrel, red bellied woodpecker, white breasted nuthatch, Carolina Chickadee, American crow, eastern Phoebe, American robin, northern mockingbird, ruby crowned kinglet, yellow rumped warbler, dark eyed junco, song sparrow, fox sparrow, white crowned sparrow. The first record of the Daniel family farm is in the Family Bible of Thomas Walker Daniel. The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) publishes a set of the most commonly used Information not verified; use at your own risk. Non-point source pollution is taking place where pet waste, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and plastic trash are washing off lawns and streets into the creeks that feed the creek. Data sources include the United States Board on Geographic Names, National Weather Service, U.S. Census Bureau, NASA, and Google. Perhaps the best known of all of these is White Rock Creekthe Grande Dame of Dallas-area streams. Along the way our creeks may flow over beds of silty black clay, sand, or gravel. temperature measurements is GROVE which is approximately 14 miles away and has an elevation of 350 feet (219 feet higher than White Rock Creek). Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Next White Rock Creek continues under Military Parkway and Scene Road where it enters Dallass famed (infamous) Great Trinity Forest. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Most of the ducks were on a shallow pond that looked like it might be an old oxbow, but as it was landscaped, that was not certain. We saw no fish, but would not expect many to be evident in winter conditions. Lots of coyote sign. Heading back out of the woods, we took a different route. This time we followed the Trinity River north until we picked up the Buckeye Trail. Well preserved natural areas, beautiful views, and outstanding recreation are the hallmarks of this lake. Although the creek for most of its course lies within the city of Dallas, the natural vegetation along its bank is undisturbed in many areas, which are generally heavily wooded, mainly with cedar elm, pecan, and ash.. In some places the vegetation is so thick as to be nearly impassable on foot. The White Rock Creek picnic tables are a great family outing. Your email address will not be published. Heres a short list: Prairie Creek, Rowlett Creek, Office Creek, Indian Creek, Furneaux Creek, Denton Creek, Hickory Creek, Timber Creek, Cooks Branch, Farmers Branch, Joes Creek, Bachmans Branch, Dixon Branch, Duck Creek, Muddy Creek, Clear Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Long Branch, Spring Creek, Russel Creek, Pitman Creek, Watters Creek, Jackson Branchto name a few. higher than 93% of other locations on record. Together they had a joint family cemetery called the Daniel-Cox Cemetery. Two shallow basins were intentionally dredged along the creek about a decade ago (probably for aesthetics, as a developer had master plans for the area). Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift. The genesis of White Rock Creeklike we mentioned earlieris nearly 32 miles to the north, hidden in a forgotten corner of an otherwise unnotable Frisco subdivision. Well start our tour of White Rock Creek here. Do you know where that might be and is it swimmable? Oddly, we saw no minnows, which we usually would expect year round. Here over 1200 acres of water lay between us and the dam/spillway, a little over three miles due south. From there you can experience grand vistas of Great Trinity Forest and beyond.
We caught largemouth and spotted bass, channel and bullhead catfish, white crappie, yellow bass, and various sunfish. Thanks for any info you can provide. known as US Topo Maps. Hawn Freeway where it enters William Blair Park. The map now contains brown squares outlining nearby US Topo Map quadrants. The line was chartered by the Trinity and Sabine RR in 1881 and sold to the Missouri Kansas Texas RR in 1882. The woods get denser as the creek flows under Loop 12. The silt has built up considerably after the floods this year, creating islands that werent there before.
More parks, golf courses, and upscale neighborhoods escort the waters of White Rock Creek north to Sam Rayburn Parkway. The creek generally runs clear in the upper reaches and becomes muddy after confluence with Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of LBJ-635/US-75. The Great Trinity Forest hold 6000 acres real North Texas forestsboth old growth and new. The bed of the creek is composed predominantly of Austin chalk, which weathers, upon exposure, to a tan-white color. Source: National Bridge Inventory. When we arrived at the confluence we were taken aback by the anti-climax. Thats White Rock CreekEnd to End. Headwaters of Upper White Rock Creek rise in the area of Frisco in Collin County and flow a meandering path southward for almost 50 miles through the thick of Dallas to the Trinity River. Learn how your comment data is processed. Wikipedia records the following about its history: Before it was a lake, White Rock Lake was a collection of farms owned by the Daniel and Cox families. After the lake it continues south for another eight miles to its mouth on the Trinity River, two miles southeast of where the Interstate Highway 45 crosses the Trinity in Dallas (at 3243 N, 9644 W). Copyright 2022 HTL, Inc. All Rights Reserved. White Rock Creek is covered by For a majority of these waterways their ultimate rendezvous is with the Trinity River, or one of its reservoirs. When Bonnie and I were in Dallas for a few days after Thanksgiving, we stayed in a hotel very near to LBJ and Central Expy. Its fascinating seeing that wildlife and nature hidden behind so much Urban development. Daniels son had a good friend during the civil war named Cox. It is designed to be a starting point to help parents make baseline comparisons, not the only factor in selecting the right school for your family. In 2018, Trinity River Authority TRA proposed in draft, to add White Rock Creek above White Rock Lake to the Clean Waters Act 303(d) Impaired Waters & TMDL List. About the ratings: GreatSchools ratings are based on a comparison of test results for all schools in the state. For listings in Canada, the trademarks REALTOR, REALTORS, and the REALTOR logo are controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. As improbable as it may seem today, there was a time when a visit to White Rock Lake would require a drive out of town. larger. Please switch to a supported browser or download one of our Mobile Apps. White Rock Lake, which is fed by White Rock Creek and ringed by a narrow buffer of fine parks, is perhaps the crown jewel of the Dallas Park System. White Rock Creek trickles into the Trinity with a whimper, rather than the bang that might be expected. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. I wish I could send a picture. A short run of concrete directs just a trickle of water out of the darkness of an inconspicuous culvert extruding from under Hillcrest Road. Bald Eagles, American White Pelicans, Great Horned Owls, Barred Owls, Coyotes, Bobcats, River Otters, Pileated Wood Peckers, Feral Hogs, and White-tailed Deer have all been seen around the lake. Your email address will not be published. All too regular bacterial spikes from municipal WWTP and sewerage pipeline spill accidents increase E. coli levels and present dangerous conditions for primary contact recreators. Now that we have seen how White Creek ends, lets look back to where it begins. Don't show this message again All rights reserved. It surprised me that flood stage is at about 80 feet and that currently the creek is close to that level.
But soon, the woods part and the creek widens as it morphs into the north end of White Rock Lake. Approaching Dallas proper, the creek continues through similar, but older environs. Sometimes wed walk to just upstream or downstream of Central, and fish all night. A real treasure for the residents of Dallas and its suburbs. Now that stretch, and for a good long distance upstream, runs in concrete channel and is surrounded by central urban development. Cutting through the heart of the park, the creek continues its appointment with the confluence at the mighty Trinity River. Use soap and clean water, especially with open sores on hands or feet. Upper-Middle Brazos, Hwy 16 to Hwy 4 (19.5 miles), Middle Brazos, Hwy 67 to Brazos Point FM 1118 (16 miles), Paluxy River, CR 1008 to Glen Rose (9 miles), Devils River Bakers Crossing to San Pedro (15 miles), Devils River San Pedro to Devils Back (15 miles), Guadalupe River, Canyon Dam to Cypress Bend (28 miles), Guadalupe River, Trophy Trout Waters (7 miles), Rio Grande, Colorado Canyon: Redford to Rancherias (14 miles), Rio Grande, Colorado Canyon: Rancherias to Lajitas (20 miles), Rio Grande, Santa Elena Canyon: Lajitas to Santa Elena (21 miles), Rio Grande, The Great Unknown: Santa Elena to Talley (46 miles), Rio Grande, Mariscal Canyon: Talley to Solis (10 miles), Rio Grande, Boquillas Canyon: Rio Grande Village to Heath Canyon (34 miles), Rio Grande, Lower Canyons: Heath Canyon to Dryden Crossing (82 miles), San Marcos River, Rio Vista to Spring Lake U-turn (1.2 miles RT), San Marcos River, City Park to Westerfield Crossing to SM Scout Camp (6 miles), Participants Preparedness and Responsibility, A Philosophy of Public River Recreation An Opinion of TRPA, Upper White Rock Creek at White Rock Lake, (upstream from Mockingbird one-way) 2 miles to, There is almost always enough flow to paddle up to Skillman bridge. rectangular quadrants that are printed at 22.75"x29" or
Below are weather averages from 1971 to 2000 according to data gathered from the nearest There are many creeks and streams that flow across the varied terrains of North Texas. The listing brokers offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. When the war was over, the Cox family moved to land adjacent to the Daniel family. The list goes on and on. It was an overcast and rainy day when we made our trip, adding a bit of murky drama to an already fascinating adventure. intended to be printed at 22.75"x29" or larger. That was out in the boonies back then, mid to late fifties. Passing under LBJ Freeway, the creek shares its route with a concrete jogging/biking trail that well-conditioned athletes can follow all the way to White Rock Lake and beyond. White Rock Creek valley is vast and wide here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1448880918738775/permalink/1782980211995509/. I really enjoyed this information on White Rock Creek and Lake. Im never heard of a creek that is that deep!!! Working off trail only adds to the challenge. This concretebut largely unused and over-grownpath leads quickly out of the forest and back to civilization. Im interested in a flood report from yesterday that said white rock creek was going to possibly flood due to rain over the past day or so. After the lake was completed in 1911, residential construction around the lake increased, and in the early 1930s the Dallas Park Board, with the help of the Civilian Conservation Corps, began developing the lakeshores into a municipal park. So, how much would you like to know about sewage treatment? Learn more. My father and I used to fish in this stretch, but mostly nearer to Forest, Central, and Greenville. Home Discover Texas Rivers Trinity River White Rock Creek, Trinity tributary. Rapid growth and urbanization throughout Dallas and Collin County is pushing higher quantities of water and sediment into White Rock Creek through increased impervious cover and disturbed surfaces. Point-source pollution may be entering White Rock Creek where sewage leaks, WWTP overflows and other accidents occur. Your contribution helps us ensure that all Texans get to enjoy clean, accessible rivers for generations to come. The information provided is exclusively for consumers personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are subject to change. In 1992 White Rock Lake Park was a center of recreational activity for central Dallas, providing picnic areas and bicycle and jogging paths. The most accessible launch site is at the mouth of White Rock Lake at Mockingbird Lane bridge. White Rock Creek and White Rock Lake have Largemouth bass, White Bass, Channel Catfish, Carp and a variety of Sunfishes. Ive been intrigued by the call of the chickadee and am glad to put a name to the song. Brokerage. OK. Is this an accurate account from the weather service? These are the headwaters of White Rock Creek. BridgeReports.com: National Bridge Inventory data, Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck), Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. Gleneagles Country Club greets the creek here. This hike is best attempted in deep fall or winter, but I am hard-headed and we made our attempt in early summer. Related terms: anabranch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough. White Rock Creek is a physical feature (stream) in Trinity County. Copyright 2022, Houston REALTORS Information Service, Inc. White Rock Creek twists and turns abruptly in these subdivisions, morphing into small lakes in some places, and narrowing to small concrete channels in others. Beginning again to the south, the creek flows through Tennison Golf Course and under Interstate 30. The White Rock Lake spillwaylocated in the southeast corner of the lake near the intersection of Garland Road and Winsted Driveis an interesting place in it own right. higher than 78% of other locations on record. All in all, a nice bit of nature in the middle of dense urban development and traffic. Upper White Rock Creek at 100 cfs and higher offers a good time for kayakers with adequate skills and safety training. Today, even with urban sprawl bastioned only by the thin margin of parkland, White Rock Lake still hosts a wide array of wildlife. The confluence can be reached on foot, but summer heat and thick vegetation can make the trek demanding. And it also appears to have a concrete walkway right down the middle with manhole covers. Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these boundaries.
This location's average summer high temps are We recommend joining the North Central Texas Wildlife Facebook Group. The trademarks MLS, Multiple Listing Service and the associated logos are owned by CREA and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Used under license. And then the queen of all North Texas creeks diminishes abruptly. You do have a right to access goverment property that is open to the general public. The GNIS Feature Detail Report for White Rock Creek does not include property ownership information. The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) publishes a set of topographic maps of the U.S. commonly Developers have widened the creek channel and dammed its flow to create small, decorative lakes and water features in a number of these neighborhoods. The creek in this part can be quite moody perhaps because parts of it have been deviated from the natural bedrock bottom. Still other creeks carve out their channels through a bed of white Austin chalk. Dallas and Collin County are within the Blackland Prairie Vegetational Area. official weather station. There are no well developed paths leading in to the intersection of White Rock Creek and the Trinityyou have to make your own way. Bald Eagles, River Otters, and a number of other notable species have been observed here with some regularity. It was great to read up on what it really is. A number of relatively newly built Frisco subdivisions offer the creek company as it winds its way through this part of town. Tributaries were flowing well, too, and I attribute that to the generous irrigation that the high rise office, hotel, and apartment buildings practice on their landscapes. Though the riparian woodland was badly littered with flood debris of human origin, the woods itself was in good shape, and had numerous large burr oaks, Texas oaks, and Shumard oaks, some 3 ft diameter. Immediately adjacent is the thickly wooded old fish hatchery, which contributes to making this end of the lake an intriguing place for wildlife sightings as well.