I mean, if youve read this far, you must love this fic at least as much as I do, so you probably already understand where Im coming from. But, within the context of the changes in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, for me personally it changes the read of this scene slightly. This is what you believe. He cannot speak past slide of knife, it cuts into his throat, and. For any chapter number that I mention here, the chapter number in the original pdf, if you have it, is (n+1) in case anyone wants to do their own comparisons.
At night, he dreamed of a city on a sea.
No adult themes happen until Chapter 15. Why? he asks against the blade, its edge an asymptote of death. Youre learning their language. Behind Lam, Telford gave a subtle fist pump. Ugh, he mutters. But, of course, this has now taken a life of its own. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! Is he nervous waiting for those results back from Lam about whether hes clear of the drug or not because hes worried that he's going to get found out and his cover will be blown, or because hes scared that hes going to discover that his choices arent actually his own? Because of the changes in what Daniel said, its no longer the continuous tone upset Rush because of him grieving Gloria and the way his mind works, but it was distinctly different to Rush being directly influenced by the Ancients on Altera.
Hello, cleanwhiteroom fans! Long time in isolation.. But they cant understand that Daniel Jackson was the office. Alone. Enjoy the ride! You think I dont know that? Telford shot back at her, raw and edged. In the meantime, I know thatthat Colonel Telford has been pushing you very hard to solve this., Colonel Young thinks that you had a panic attack in his kitchen., I think you are one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever encountered. Because the original pdf and the updated chapters on blogspot have different chapter titles [unscientific aside: because of ao3 formatting, the Circuit prologue becomes Chapter 1 in the pdf, but not on blogspot] I will be referring to the chapters by the numbering of the updated chapters on blogspot. I understand that youre anxious to get out of here, Lam said, turning her gaze back toward Rush. In Azkaban, there is more than one soul to be saved. More opaque. Since I haven't found a complete whump list of Daniel I decided to do one when I started the show ( `) (I'm sorry if some terms are not adapted English is not my native language) Enjoy ( ) : 2.04 emotional (has to watch his parents death repeatedly), 2.05 drugs addiction, unconscious, withdrawal, 2.22 cryogenized (rip Daniel's long and beautiful hair ,), 3.02 mind control, passed out, shocked (minor), 3.13 hallucination by drinking narcotic liquid, 4.08 knocked unconscious, scratch leftcheek, tired, 4.10 false memory implanted, slave (minor), 4.18 drugs addiction, attempt suicide, withdrawal, coma , 5.19 minor head injury, twisted wrist, crying, 5.21 exposed to severe radiations, dying, ceizure, (ascension episode), 6.21 Jonas : headhache, nose bleed, faint, having premonitions, 7.02 punched (Jonas : tortured, shot, punched), (7.03 is this a supernatural, X-files and marvel crossover episode ? I genuinely never thought it would ever come back and be finished. Where an alien species demands human children as sacrifices. and Young going to rescue Telford from the LA and ending up with his back broken. Did he threaten you? Young asked very quietly. Just like how Daniel sits with Jack post-Baal torture in the episode Abyss, and how he helps Tealc in the The Changeling (can you tell s6 is my favourite season of sg1? Zelenka nods, looks down, lets his eyes rest on delicate loops of wire, destined to become circuitry. She shuts her eyes, and it feels, to her, like death. Out of context, it possibly isnt the clearest, but in the original, the insinuation is that Jackson is mostly worried about Telfords actions obviously, Unnamed Committee #4 and all that entails, with the plan to use Anubis lab and how it endangers Rush. ", He's trying to mop up coffee with an index card. So, its extremely obviously that cwr is leading up to something here. And Im sorry. Sorry guys. Someone knocked on his door. Parasitic aliens, technology so advanced is was like magic. In late TNG era, hell be in his mid-20s and his age will progress with the timeline into PIC era. Siler: The Dos and Donts of Electrical Engineering - (book comes with a first aid kit). The immediacy of the concerto was difficult to get away from but he grasped for another way to express what had happened. I don't care if heaven won't take me back, I'll throw away my faith, baby, just to keep you safe. wild. Jonas gets his own office anyway, only meters away. The rewrite paints a distinctly different picture here. Unfortunately, I think one day youll understand my position. It was almost certainly Young. At this point, he could have reproduced the thing in his sleep. I dont think they did, Telford says, his eyes half shut, his hands dark with his own blood. But I can, perhaps, arrange for you to move freely about the base, and spend the night in one of the VIP rooms. Rush snapped awake, muscles contracting instinctively, his hands coming to his throat fast and bilateral. I know, Jackson said, looking back at him, sharply. And it will, Lam said, her hands out, palms exposed. Are very interesting. This is in Chapter 36, when Rush is starting to hear Beethoven Ninth in an Ancient key signature. (as someone writing a mega au with lots of backstory dates, I understand how easy this is to doI once had a major event that happens when the characters are fifteen actually happen when theyrethirteen. Again, Ill touch on that more in the next section. Its a sci-fi thought experiment, which happens to have some overlapping symptoms. But then, how would I know?. Sheppard is having difficulty sleeping? Jackson looked away from the nothingness hed been addressing. Whereas in the new version, its much more subtle and it really shows you how good a double agent he is, and how hes managed to mostly fly under the radar and garner peoples trust so far. He keeps a measured pace. No writings on how one might communicate with machines. He wasnt sure what the hell was going on. This, in part, is thanks to a fanciful theory I have about FoD because, of course, theres a significant portion of the At All Angles chapters where Rush is hearing and seeing people who arent really there. Somehow, interested, up to the very end. But there is a little continuity thing thats been driving me crazy since the very first time I read these fics. Compare, if you will: Has anything like this ever happened to you before? Lam asked. - The history of the Free Jaffa Nation. His eyes are afire and unmasked, burning with the savage compassion that has been at his core always and that has come to prominence since his death and his ascension. The way he wonders if people who were brainwashed by them even know because, then, the question is, does Telford know? Daniel in Math is just a lot morewell, human. Thankfully, the Others are willing to come along for the ride. And, also, it turns out that I internalised this fic more than I realised. It is a good idea, Rodney says, a quiet admission. They bothered him. Daniel wants to make a difference - and there are plenty of people out there who could use his help. Rush said nothing, feeling the enormity of what remained unsaid pressing down upon his mind. I was shocked too. But my main theory is that this is ascended!Young, since we know that Young ascends at the very end of FoD. Personality: Has a strong sense of whats right and wrong and will speak up about it, regardless of who technically has authority over him. But I need you to understand that Im under certain institutional and ethical pressures as well. And perhaps he could. Rush paused, considering. I think thats for the best., Rush raised his eyebrows. Daniel Jackson has ascended - now what? Is this suggesting that more things happened different in the Math d-brane compared to the FoD d-brane? Theres an unspoken rule that noone enters the office if he doesnt have to. He can be anywhere, anywhenso why not go back to when Rush was cut off and alone and needed help? I think its more than that. And this is something that is in the original version of Math theres that whole conversation that Daniel has with Young in Chapter 20, where he says both sides are watching me all the time by which, of course, he means the Ori and the Ancients and then one of my favourite moments in the chapter Tradition, where Tealc looks at Daniel and, well: Daniel Jackson is looking at her with an expression that Tealc recognizes. Then again, Daniel says, with a gentle amusement,maybe if Id been here, all the air circulators would have gone offline, and everyone would have died. What it must be. It's interesting to compare him to how Riley acts, who we know is an ascended Ancient albeit from another d-brane. And obviously this is going to just make the rest of the development of their relationship even more interesting especially with Rush having no memories by those last few chapters. Yes. All right. There are whole swathes that I could copy and paste, so Ill just show a few: I have seen you, the girl says, on video feeds., We have no texts, the girl says. Im getting that. And so then having Young here, considering Rush choosing to defect and considering Telford choosing to defect, by proxy (and also I think its explicitly stated elsewhere in the chapter, but this thing is already too long haha) really adds nicely to this thought experiment that cwr is building about the nature of the Lucian Alliance brainwashing. Tealc imagines it to be a difficult thingto be the beloved of a man who has spent his life challenging every god he meets. This, combined with the way he keeps freaking looking off into empty space (hello, Rush looking at the AI and Young looking at Ancient!Riley in FoD) and, again, that new line in Chapter 38 that Daniel can sense the Ancients in the room with them, it suggest that, uh, there was definitely some kind of ascended presence in Youngs apartment. Only. But I think you should stay with me tonight., Absolutely not, Rush paused. How many times have you seen me die? Telford and Rush are in the infirmary, with Lam nearby. So. What it must be. Daniel arrives in Stuttgart, Germany just as Loki is set to steal an eyeball and put his plan for Earth's domination into play. My best? Jackson seemed slightly cheered by the question. This is even more unnerving than the silence. Theres nothing you can do about that, Lam said, with all the professional brusqueness of the curative scalpel. Which, naturally, means I want to ramble about it namely, what some of the differences are, and why I think cwr chose to change these things in particular and what they might mean. Maybe he would have walked out into the corridor, hands extended, expression open, asking nicely, and the universe would have fallen into accord with his wishes. As soon as Rush had realized that the stylized drawing was accompanied by Ancient, hed translated it the same night in the privacy of the pink and white tiled second floor bathroom of the Wallace household. Im going to go pass the message up the chain that you guys have something, Sheppard says, pushing away from the silver metal hes been leaning against. It will not be for him like it was for you, Zelenka says, his eyes on delicate rows of resistors. Theres a keep-out-sign too. Now, you could argue Im reading too much into this that this is just another way of writing the same idea. OMA LET ME DOWN THERE NO JACK PUT THE GUN DOWN P U T T H E G U N D O W N J A C K JESUS CHRIST SOMEBODY STOP THAT MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? His tone turned darker, quieter. Doing a better job of hiding his true allegiance? Other than to emphasise whats probably an upcoming plot arc, I actually have a pretty solid theory on why cwr made these changes specifically. Ascended Daniel Jackson has been pulled to the world of NCIS by two mothers' wishes. You could stay, Carter says. When I was scrounging around on Wayback Machine like a creeper, looking for some long lost cwr ficlets, I stumbled across parts of elementals deleted DreamWidth page, which had a ton of commentaries about the FoD and DCwT podfic chapters. But the only ones who knew that were the Man Who Conquered and his bonded, Draco Malfoy. So what am I supposed to do with thismetadata youve just given me?, Jackson looked away. She thinks of Daniel, she holds to him to prevent the mental misfiring thats coming to her oxygen-starved brain as an anoxic inevitability. Daniel has ascended and Jack is trying to deal with the pain. If you are caught in endless torment here, it will be nothing less than you deserve.. What it is.".

Disoriented. Im almost done with season 6 of Stargate SG-1 and Id like to think Daniels perspective on the buckwild happenings of his teammates is either him, sipping virgin mimosas on an interstellar beach, going oh? I dont really have much to say other than I love it a lot and I love these two a lot. There are more changes related to this plot point namely, the one where I went no, Rush definitely argued with Young there! But his hands hadnt been his own, and his handwriting had matched the J Shep drawing. Does that sound like a reasonable compromise?. ! when I read the new version hahaha. Agreeing with Young? The odds that she will die here are high. Ill stay, Telford said. I know, but I thinkI think hes very focused on something that is very dangerous to you., Rush looked over at him sharply, studying the line of his shoulders, the angle of his head. Then he said, glancing after Jackson, That was the least suave communication exchange Ive seen in a while. So what am I supposed to do with thismetadatayouve given me?. I understand that youre anxious to get out of here, she said, But Im under certain institutional and ethical pressures. OR.is this an intentional discrepancy? Does that sound like a reasonable compromise?. And it explains why cwr specifically made these changes to this chapter in particular. The total number of visits Tumblr.com received during January 2021 is 327 million. Which time period are we again, Danny? Because at no point do they show anyone explaining things to him, but he seems to just know. And so when you spend half an hour on the floor not responding to anything, I think that its probably something more serious, or, possibly, different in nature than a panic attack triggered by a gun fired right next to your ear.. Sorry. As soon as hed realized that the stylized drawing was accompanied by Ancient, hed translated it the same night in the privacy of the pink and white tiled second floor bathroom of the Wallace household. Sheppard, too, was having difficulty sleeping. Ive been thinking a lot about Telford in this fic, especially all those moments when he talks about the Lucian Alliance and their coercive persuasion tactics. Instead, they resemble a certain group of egotistical, power-mad beings who want to be worshipped as gods. Theres gotta be something you can do, Telford said, looking at Lam. Please like for a starter. Granted, its subtle and a lot of the changes are really small things, such as Chapter 28 ending with Young saying I think you should seriously consider visiting Atlantis in the rewrite, compared to him just saying Go to Atlantis and Rush saying I dont think so in the original. Namely, how he reacts to Rushs reaction to the continuous tone. Telford is clearly being so much more careful. But anyway, thats not really related to my point for this one I just happened to notice another example of it as I was searching for the excerpt I wanted. Gasping.
Hed dreamed of Atlantis, the last time hed slept. Its explicit in the text that, no, the Ancients are RIGHT THERE. How many times have you seen me walk from life into memory? Pretty much EVERY TIME Carter thinks of Daniel in the original, she gets Daniel talking to her in the new version. And on their own, they seem to suggest that theres been some kind of mental bleedover from Sheppard to Rush, thanks to their experiences on Altera. Surrounded by light and soaked in sweat. Hed been hitting golf balls into the sunset. And, with a little snap, Young made the connection. Rush? He could very nearly visualize it. Thats my point., Lam looked at Rush appraisingly. Nothing, Jackson murmured. What itis.. When reading through the updated version, the first big block of changes that I hit were in Chapter 5, during a conversation between Rush and Jackson after Rush has a panic attack and passes out because he heard a continuous tone, caused by Young firing a gun close to his ears. Whereas, in the original, he seems much more like hes outright stating what he wants to happen, and then when Lam concedes, itswell, its not so tactical on Telfords part. Crickets. I knew I shouldnt have let you go through that damn gate, Young said. But you hyperventilated the point of unconsciousness why, exactly?. Unless you care to make a cogent argument regarding why exactly you think thats necessary?, Jackson opened both hands, his expression agonized. The mathematicians eyes werent tracking anything. The cyphers would consume him. On a concluding note, though, just the fact that were going to get NEW CHAPTERS of Math in the foreseeable future possibly the next time cwr updates, if they chose to post ten chapters again (which I like to think that they will, because last time it was nine chapters for nine chevrons, plus the tenth chapter coming in at the end to surprise us all like that tenth cypher or maybe Im overthinking this HAHA) is just SO INSANELY EXCITING. If Daniel had been here, maybe hed have walked out into the corridor, hands extended, expression open, asking nicely, and the universe would have fallen into accord with his wishes. They are almost stand alone chapters. I know, but I thinkI think [Telford is] very focused on something that is very dangerous to you., Rush looked over at him sharply, studying the line of his shoulders, the angle of his head. But these aren't the Asgardians Daniel knows. Like, does he remember things as they come up or did the team sit down and catch him up at some point. That I had an idea of what the ninth oneof what it might be. The bowl is smooth under her hands. He cant hear the waves he can see. SNW Notes: Shauri was a security officer with Starfleet and disappeared in action during the Klingon war. Perhaps theyd be out there, opening doors and burning shit down.
As of right now, as cogent arguments go, Ive got nothing I can say aloud. Theyre doing so good in this verse! Daniels face flashes on the screen of Carters mind. Now, this is actually talking about AAA!Rush, so its obviously a very different scenario to what we have in Math, Chapter 5 but! Exaggerated and embellished, certainly, but still some kernel of fact.. Rather than Rush coming over as argumentative and desperate, he comes over as exhausted, which is complimented very nicely by his realisation about how little control he has over his situation. Relatively, anyway.
You could stay with us, if you help me.. They were his and he was theirs. But in the rewritesthere is much more a sense of what he later says in Chapter 20 that the Ancients and the Ori are watching him, and that its THEM who hes worried about, rather than the SGC. Most of the changes can be categorised by the plot thread that they affect, so Im gonna split them up just for ease rather than going chapter by chapter. How long does my best take? Lam gave him a one-shouldered shrug and turned to Rush. You think I dont know that? Telford shot back. Currently works as a civilian adviser aboard Starfleet ships and exoarchaeologist on various planets. Also known as: I dont remember being this worried about Daniel the first time around. It's been one year and the team gathers at Jack's cabin to remember. I feel like these basically speak for themselves. In his peripheral vision, he sees Rodney take his seat, place his fingers on the keys of his laptop. Not without someone willing to shoulder the responsibility of facing down the bloody Lucian Alliance. Abyss AU. It's time to finally put right what once went wrong - in more than one life. I can only tell you its happened to me., You heard something, Jackson said, like he could read it straight out of Rushs mind. It suggests that Rushs decision to leave with Telford was just as much about him regaining some control over his own situation, as much as anything else which, to be fair, was the sense of it in the original too. He looked out over a wide expanse of asphalt roads and parking lots to the distant edges of the Rocky Mountains. So I've been watching Stargate SG-1 and I'm up to season 7. The wind in the blinds. Youve been working intensively on Ancient technology. So does Vala. Not without Jackson. he could be, #this is also another reason Daniel Shouldn't Wear Beige Sweaters, #if it's a sweater he owns irl (and honestly i assume it is) he should probably donate it or something, #bad associations at this point.
The mathematicians eyes werent tracking anything. Both the Others and Daniel know this type - and won't stand for their interference in Earth affairs. Not a good combination. You realize Im trying to help you, right?, Jackson sighed in defeat. THIS IS EXTENSIVE and also wild because? He imagined the other man facing down some nebulous threat halfway across the universeexhausted, full of secrets, kept company by his city on the sea. With a bonus of one thing I expected them to change, which they didnt, and is also driving me crazy in terms of trans-dimensional continuity. Just last night, hed been sitting in a silver-gilt window, watching the sea and sky, scribbling on a pad of paper with the word classfied stamped across the top. What happened on that planet., Im fine, Rodney, Sheppard says, heading toward the door. Albeit not everything but SO MUCH in comparison to the original? Ive never thought about it, believe it or not. Something that I dont. Yeah. He basically played his cards, openly stating what he wanted to happen. And your personal view of the situation?, Is better left unsaid. youre in trouble? Rush like it was for you, Zelenka says quietly. Whereas the newer version suggests that Daniel believes there to be some kind of outside influence at play namely, the Ancients themselves. One of themone of the cyphers is probablyalmost certainlytonal. At Number 4 Privet Drive, a child needs rescuing. Stargate SG-1 season 6 AU. The guy hasnt seen a window inhow many days?, See? Telford said, gesturing dramatically toward Rush. You may understand what Im not quite saying, but I dont understand whatyourenot quite saying, Rush said, unsettled. And Im getting better at living this way. It's such a little change but its so much because maybe Telford had a larger plan? General Hammond: The Things I Do For These People - A parenting guide spiced with anecdotes. Like sorry, HELLO? CWR? I was blown away a little bit. ), 7.06 coma, headache, 12 person in his mind (DID), 7.12 beaten, tortured, shot ( Daniel and his rock dkaljsrtgfeh), 8.03 zatted, shot, possessed, bloodloss "noOo who shOt mE?? Sheppard might also be experiencing it too. Is he even brainwashed, or is he a true defector? Absently, Young crossed his arms, wondering what the hell was going on in Rushs head. Everett, Mitchell called, twisting around on the couch. Daniel Jackson knew about many things. In most Star Trek verses;Daniels wife Shauri was assimilated by the Borg, and hes trying to track her down and help her regain her individuality. Whiter. She is dying, after all. (have you seen your office, Jack?!) But he supposed it was an indicator of how serious Jacksons opposition to Telford ran. He is also working to recover the cultures and languages of species assimilated by the Borg. Not quite. What that meant, Young couldnt say, but if he had to hang his bad feeling on somethingthe connection between Rush and Jackson was as a good a peg as any. Shes soldered him to her soul. So yeah in the original, theres a lot about Daniel being somewhat different after his foray into ascension, and that hes under a lot of pressure from the other ascended beings, of which he is extremely aware of. So afraid! He is also able to help with translation of modern languages, codebreaking, and negotiation as needed. You don't really need to have read the entire story to follow. In S1 of PIC, hell be working with the Borg Reclamation Project. Jack returns to Ba'al's stronghold to rescue Ba'al's lo'tar, Shiro, and doesn't quite succeed. But either wayif Telford has been given the LA drug, does he know? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Some had to learn this the hard way. Itisa good idea, he says, a quiet admission. Lam raised a single, unimpressed eyebrow. So while the beige isprobably an Ancient thing (your architecture is pretty, guys, why are your clothes so bland), I also think of it as Daniels mentally-manifested Depression Sweater. And it occurred to me, or, rather, Irememberedsomething that had recently occurred to me, he paused, taking a sip of his awful drink. Where was Jackson eight hours ago?. And it works so nicely with this ongoing thread of ascended beings brushing with our world, and that conflict between observation and interference. It didnt usually go well. Still on his mission to save alternate Earths, Daniel comes across an Earth constantly targeted by alien species, where a rift in time and space has deposited dangers time after time. After his ordeal in Ba'al's fortress, Jack has an unexpected visit. And after Daniels death, um, ascension, everyone avoids the office except SG-1. Which is super interesting, especially considering their strict rules about NOT interfering, and alsoconcerning. Who am I kidding. He looks straight at Zelenka. So maybe the divergence happens much earlier? The leading hypothesis was that all of this had something to do with Rushs unusual genetic panel coupled with either his recent trip to Altera or his near complete insomnia for the past several days. But Im enjoying it hugely. A car engine here and there. The fallout and implications of O'Neill's imprisonment and torture at the hands of Ba'al. One of themone of the cyphers is probablyalmostcertainlytonal., I think I understand what youre not quite saying, Jackson looked up into the nothingness of midair, blue eyes burning.