Testament and New Testament preachers preached? If I summarise the preaching football stadiums. The curse of motivational speaking? terminal cancer in its final stages that he should not worry because all will We need to return to the good old gospel that Hope you can manage to get hold of a copy. Motivational speakers DO NOT MAKE ALTAR CALLS.Sir, even if you would rather change the language and call Joel Osteen an inspirational speaker, please put him in that company also. every truly evangelical pulpit must sound out the clear message of repentance Jesus was accused of not hitting Zacchaeus hard enough with the provisions in the 10 commandments that could have made Zacchaeus see the errors of his way before Jesus dined with him (Luke 19: 1-10). Jesus was an inspirational speaker who did not condemn the Samaritan woman at the well but inspired her to reconsider her sinful life. Joachim. Recently i was astonished when a pastor friend uploaded on facebook that his church had finally been able to get the right formular of building a culture of millionaires in his church. They talk it up as the church that will bring revival to our city. gathered in Las Vegas for the Route 91 Harvest, an annual country music Brethren and sisters in the Lord, we must move on from John, to the resurrected Christ. They make money speaking about finances, marketing, time management, career planning, personal grooming, self-actualization and themes along these lines. done enough rounds among motivational speakers to have the answer. May the Gospel be preached clearly and biblically for His Glory! He is our all in all. IT IS NO SHALLOW OR SMALL THING TO WALK WITH THE LAMB OF GOD, AS HIS BROTHER, A REDEEMED FRIEND WHO DECLARES HIM IN WORD AND DEED, EVEN THE VERY SUBSTANCE OF THEIR LIFE NOT ONLY GIVEN OVER TO HIM, BUT HAVING TAKEN ON THE NATURE OF THE RISEN LAMB! Mutambo for the information.I will certainly arrange to get the copy. A man is trapped in a car, rushing down a hill toward a cliff. We certainly must die to all things, but few will ever go all the way unless they SEE the prize. The approach of a gifted Prophet would surely be different from that of a gifted Apostle just like the way of John the Baptist is different from that of Peter, the Apostle. This is a clarion call to us who know the truth to preach it with reckless abandon, when it is convenient and when it is not. motivational speaking has become the staple diet of many evangelical pulpits. Seek Him until you find Him!! Hi sister Sylvia, Pastor Mbewes blog has indirectly handled the issue of generational cases through advertising Reformation Zambia - Special Edition(http://www.conradmbewe.com/2012/02/latest-issues-of-reformation-zambia-are.html). words is not the same thing as saying what he is saying. is death (Romans 6:23) and instead makes those heading for the slaughterhouse How is it possible, if you are a Christian man, that you can do your secular work at all, unless you believe that it is Gods will that you should do it? (R.W. What the true Church need are men, called by God, who are able to rightly divide the Word of Truth, to preach the Word in season and out of season, to admonish, exhort, encourage, and reprove. His father, Carl Peter Hahn (1774-1863) was a farme by Phil Johnson The fact that you put the cover of one of Joel Osteen's best-selling publication would make me really question your intent regarding this blog. As many as believed on him, to them HE GAVE THE AUTHORITY (right of access) to become the children of God!How great is that?!!! It is the height of insincerity if a preacher knows that the wages of sin Majorities of them actually claim, its okay to kill Gods creations in the womb. booklets in his hands. my lifewhether I am a Christian or notthat can catapult me to success? I It is God alone who must be at the centre of our The video below does a great job of explaining the basis of sound bible teaching, and how far the pimps have strayed (and stayed) away from it by only quoting a scripture to use it as a basis to preach their personal philosophy: Some of the voices youhear in the audio portion of the video are (surprise) Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and Fred Price. A gospel that does not insist on repentance and faith is no gospel at all no matter how nice it makes the recipients feel. Praise God for your assessment of what is so popularly called "church". The churches are filled to capacity with people determined to drink They don't seem to release what exactly a shortfall they have and actually go about advertising it to every one else. Truly, there are motivational speakers in the church and on the pulpit but motivational speakers are surely not limited to one religion. The power of the resurrection is upon us. These guys barely ruffle a feather when they preach, but they sure do reel you in by motivating you to live your best life now or be driven by your purpose. Oh well. But today, everyone is labelled a pastor but fail to understand that not everyone pastor is a called and gifted pastor. Hymns Or Gospel Songs, Which Do You Prefer? feel nice. Preachers must be encouraged to faithfully declare the unadulterated gospel instead of offering superficial solutions to mans greatest problem Sin. The majority has now become the minority, but let us not lose heart and pray. Good advise. Preaching is Gods appointed means of communicating the Gospel. following after a suffering Saviour. brothers it is upon our shoulders to preach the gospel as dieing men to dieing men. Instead, motivational speaking feeds that Sad commentary on the church in Australia, Scott. Success can be defined as in this quote: If we are to live a really Christian life, we must all be sure that whatever work we are doing, it is Gods will that we should do it. Motivational are locked. In my new book The Proper Pursuit of Prosperity (the link is at the beginning of this) I take Osteen and others to task with specific interactions of their own words and writings. A local baptist pastor recently run a series called Emotional Spirituallity (look it up on amazon.com the reviews will tell you enough). Usually, an Apostle would sound instructing, a Prophet would sound blunt, and the Evangelist would sound persuasive, while the pastor would usually sound caring and motivating and the teacher would usually sound inspiring and encouraging. In reality, if your pastor relies on theatrics, philosophical illustrations, or the Holy Spirit to fall during service so that he cant even preach because the glory is so heavy then he neither teaches OR preacheshe entertains. speaking is not biblical preaching. I was loaded down with care.I heard God's voice again when I had no place to turn.I knew rebellious man eternally would burn.His grace was greater yet than all the power of hell,and He forgave my debt, that I, in Him, could dwell -because Jesus was enough.At times my love grew cold and my God I greatly failed,when my victory I had sold and the devil then prevailed,But when ever I turned back to my Savior and my Lord,His grace was never slack, and His joy He then restored.For He demonstrates the thing that He said that we should do.He's the great forgiving King. 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever', right?America is about money, its religion is money, and its soul is money. My question is, can a born again Christian become a motivational speaker? * At a network marketing conference i had to work at the other day, I overheard a lady talking about how 'the Lord' had 'just led her' to give a 'message' so 'powerful' that even 'her countenance was changed', you know, 'like Moses'. I like a motivational speaker like Les Brown, his life experience would motivate anyone that listen to him. He was a teacher with a message and that message was He, the New Covenant that was promised to us all. And every other theological sickness and heresy of the last 200 years has come from America, or passed through it on its way to the larger world Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Branhamism, all the rest, including the US Southern Baptist Convention and its incestuous marriage with the US military. People would prefer a motivational speaker, Motivational speaker of course. LIARS!This isnt some acceptable theology or debatable truth, this is an infiltrated effort of a political, anti-God entity, PERIOD.The bulk of these people know full well, what they are, and what theyre doing, and thats why Paul, through directly mingling with Christ said: THEY ARE ALL LIARS, and let me finally say, sir - weve been careful enough, this guy is SPOT ON! Thank you, this is strengthening to some of us. But it's the same salesmanship; you're just selling the bitter pill instead of the sweet one. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Yesterday, a We are both called and equipped to walk in the Spirit, to inherit with this Spirit of Adoption as Sons, the full inheritance. short, I finally persuaded him of the need for reconciliation with God before end. This disease has caught on in India at feverish pace. He was a message of a kind delivered to men and His mission (yes, the message had a mission enclosed) was to deliver that message (Himself) and that is what He accomplished in His time on earth. I know that The aroma may be back to the place where I do not believe in myself. To cut the long story Here in Kenya there is a plague.