The double door is to make cleaning the kennel more convenient and to make accessibility easier for your dog. To be even more confident that your measurement is right, you can also measure your dog standing. Kristin and her husband own a farm in Central Ohio where they have made a home for their two horses, 4 dogs and beautiful young daughter. Measuring length of your dog for a crate is both a measurement and a calculation. Kristin has been writing for several years with We3Equines and has recently moved to the Decidedly Equestrian team. It is a great and EXTREMELY safe investment for your canine companion on and off the farm! The sidewalls on all Ruff Land kennels feature a series of vent holes. More compatible accessories are available and sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand Medium Double-Door Crate are:28 5/8"L x 19"W x 21 3/4H(Interior Dimensions: 27"L x 18 1/2"W x 19"H)Floor Dimensions: 26 3/8"L x 16 1/2"WWeight: approximately 18 Lbs. Your dog should have a crate 6 longer than the length of his body and 6 higher than his shoulder height for maximum comfort.
Best for dogs under 90 lbs. This large dog kennel has quickly become one of the bestselling kennels that RuffLand manufactures. This Ruff Land Kennel Crate is available in two different sizes: Intermediate and large. The medium, intermediate, large, and XL sizes are also offered in a two-door model for the backseat of a car or pickup so that the dog can be let out of either side. Overall this kennel is a CORE product that we will continue to utilize for years to come. Best for dogs under 45 lbs. This crate comes with the composite door. Please consult your veterinarian for additional guidance if necessary. Use your tape measure to find the distance from the floor to the tip of the highest point on your pets head. If you are looking for a dog car crate that is tough, easy to clean and that will keep your dog safe, then the Ruff Land Kennel is certainly worth consideration. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});report this ad. I have had 60+ lb. Also, keep in mind that these are rough guidelines and may not apply exactly to your dog. Can a Cavalier King Charles spaniel jump? All rights reserved. Standard 1" vent holes are patterned at the top of the kennel with one finger hole in the back. by Hawaii Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:55 am, Post Compatible accessories can be purchased and are sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand Large Dog Crate are:35"L x 22"W x 26 3/4"H(Interior Dimensions: 34"L x 22"W x 25"H)Floor Dimensions: 33"L x 17 1/2"WWeight: approximately 30 Lbs. The Medium Double-Door Dog Crate is made for easy accessibility and comes with a double swing composite door. Weve received testimonials that our kennels have also been involved in actual car accidents and are happy to report that dog and kennel have survived each and every time. The 1 3/8 sized vent holes are displayed in the standard pattern along the top and bottom of the kennel and has with two finger holes in the back. The Skoda Fabia estate is a great car if you have dogs. 20 Lbs. What sizes are available for the Ruff Land Kennel? I have larges, but my shorthair is closer to 75-80 and is leggy like a horse. The Medium and Intermediate Crates have aplexiglass door coveravailable to protect your dog from the sun and wind. The warranty applies only to Ruff Land Kennels Products purchased from Front Range Gun Dog, an Authorized Ruff Land Kennels Dealer, and is extended only to the original purchaser (owner) for a period of one year from the purchase date. New Gen II Ruff Land Kennels Medium Dog Kennel. by northwoodshunter Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:06 am, Post One year comprehensive warranty guarantees satisfaction. This patented dog crate comes in five sizes for most dogs. The RuffLand small dog crate is affordable, durable, and is of the same quality as our other size dog crates.
The fan connects to your vehicle's 12-volt cigarette lighter plug. To transport your pet as checked baggage or cargo, you must use an approved shipping kennel, and it must ship in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines. Compatible add-on accessories can be purchased and are sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand Large Double-Door Dog Crate are:36"L x 22"W x 26 1/4"H(Interior Dimensions: 31 1/4"L x 21 1/2"W x 25"H)Floor Dimensions: 31"L x 17 1/2"WWeight: approximately 31 Lbs. The Mid comes standard with a handle and 1" vent holes.
The crates only suffered a few minor scratched, there were no cracks, dents or other breaches of structural integrity.var asau='9039681844';var cid='3695592491';var pid='ca-pub-6826509493795406';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-1-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1004%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} by birddogger2 Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:33 pm, Post This dog crate is very tough and durable. Ruff Land Kennels warrants all products sold by Front Range Gun Dog to be free of defects in material or workmanship. This intermediate dog crate sets the standard for built-to-last intermediate-sized dog crates. The RuffLand XL Double-Door Dog Crate is made from the same material as our other kennels and is made to accommodate your larger breed of dog. Beginning in 2022, we are introducing the newly designed Ruff Land KennelsGen II. We also loved the options for add ons and accessories. These vent holes ensure proper air circulation for your dog. Comes with a composite door. Its durable enough to withstand any bumps or collisions on the road, spacious enough for larger breeds of dogs, and easy-to-clean. Compatible accessories can be added to this crate and are sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand XL Dog Crate are:40 3/8L x 22 3/8W x 29 7/8H(Interior Dimensions: 39"L x 21"W x 28"H)Floor Dimensions: 38 1/2" Length x 19" Width Weight: approximately 42 Lbs. Measure from the top of the head (or ears if higher) to the ground, just like you did when sitting. You don't want dogs moving around in travel crates when you are transporting. Keep your dog cool in the car with theRuffLand Kennel Cooling Fan. The walls, top and floor on Ruff Land Kennels also have built-in flexibility which absorbs energy that would otherwise be transferred to your dog. The Ruff Land Kennel was fired at with a full choke charge of number 6s from about 15 paces. Finally, we are also introducing a new standard color, Millstone! This was a game changer. We now offer a wider variety of accessories many of which will be specifically designed to fit the various size kennels. Choosing the proper size dog crate for your dog is not as simple as small, medium, or large. Most notably, all kennels now include handles that are recessed for stacking and accessorizing. Not only do they provide a safe place for our canine companions, but they also protect them from household, traveling and in our case farm hazards. The Intermediate Dog Crate was the first dog crate that RuffLand manufactured. The 3/4 sized vent holes are the standard display with one finger hole in the back. Is it ever too late to start training a dog? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Please Welcome New Members - Introduce Yourself Here! The easy squeeze latches were easy for even the little equestrian to operate, but durable and secure enough to avoid any possible escape attempts. Want a dog crate that's really durable, safe, and still economical? This unit comes with a handle for dog crate portability. If youre looking for a car crate to use in your vehicle, Ruff Land Kennel Dog Car Crate is the way to go!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',688,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; This product has been tested and reviewed by pet owners like yourself and includes everything you need to make sure that your dog is safe while travelling. It also has two finger holes in the back. We measured Holley and went with the Intermediate size, she is 62 pounds and big bodied. We could arrange the kennel to match to area we needed it to fit in with complete confidence! In testing these crates were dropped from a height of 12 feet, time and time again, to assess damage and durability. Ruff Land Kennels Medium Dog Kennel Features, Ruff Land Kennels Medium Dog Kennel Sizing.
Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more , PHONE| SALES| SUPPORT: MON - FRI 9 AM -5 PM, COPYRIGHT 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.LION COUNTRY SUPPLYWORLD'S PREMIER HUNTING DOG SUPPLIER11746 S. EAGLE VALLEY ROAD PORT MATILDA, PA 16870, 2022 Lion Country Supply. The Ruff Land Kennel Dog Crate is a one-piece stackable design made of moulded PE plastic.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-box-4','ezslot_3',690,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-box-4-0')}; There are doors on both the front and back side to make getting your dog in and out as easy as possible, plus it can be taken apart for efficient storage. The kennel was slightly awkward to maneuver for me, but I am petite and struggle with most large equipment. This crate has a double swing composite door and can also be stacked. This is a solid plastic dog crate that will not rust or chip. If an Intermediate or Large Crate will be in the back of an SUV or a truck bed with a topper, check out the Tray and Gear Box for the top of the crate, perfect for holding gloves, retrieving dummies, whistles, e-collars, leads, dog treats, and any other dog or hunting gear you need to have stored.
Powered by Shopify. Your email address will not be published. Roto-molded plastic makes cleaning quick and hassle free! NOTICE: CUSTOMER SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT:Due to supply chain shortages and shipping constraints,kennel orders are shippingwithin 4 weeks of order date. The traveling would be usually 1hour+. Main Features of the Ruff Land Dog Kennel. I think a drain plug or hole near the bottom of the cage to drain would be SUPER helpful! We LOVED the many options for multiple doors and the ambidextrous doors that can be adjusted to swing either way. 12"H x 8"W x 3" D. Power usage: 12 Volt DC, 1.6 amps on low, 2 amps on high. The newest in our line of kennels comes in response to dog owners' and show go-ers requests. This decision should involve a number of considerations including gender, the possibility of mixed ancestry, age, and even the personality of your dog. To our surprise only a handful of pellets penetrated. Front Range Gun Dog will work the our customer to facilitate all warranty related issues. Then I didnt know if I should go for intermediate or large for my gsp. The 1 3/8 sized vent holes are a standard pattern and have two finger holes in the back. We were satisfied that it would provide maximum protection from a few errant pellets in a hunting situation. If my RuffLand Kennel gets dented, what can I do to fix this?Place out in the hot sun and the dent will pop out like a dented kayak does or carefully apply heat from an electric heat gun only.What is the warranty on the RuffLand Kennels?It is aone-yearwarranty. Call with any further questions and we will do what we can to get you answers! By clicking above, you agree to our Terms of Use and consent to our Privacy Policy. The best and safest way to transport your dog is in a dog kennel. The two measurements that are important are height and length of your dog.
I was thinking intermediate should work okay. The reason for this is that when the pet is laying down, it can stick its arms or paws out beyond the standing length of its body. The overall design is different than any other kennel I have ever seen. However, this dog crate sizing chart will give you a good baseline to understand the proper size crate for an adult dog of each breed. The design of this kennel is amazing. Shedding Formula and Itch Relief Review. The interior floor in a Ruff Land kennel is raised so that debris and liquids that fall or spill off to the side are channeled away from your dog. Note: If you are using Ruff Land Kennels for car travel, a smaller size is a bit safer. Dimensions are as follows:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',693,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1-0')}; 20 W x 31 L x 23 Hvar asau='9039681844';var cid='3695592491';var pid='ca-pub-6826509493795406';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1700%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} When impact testing the Ruff Land Kennel, we dropped it from a height of 12 feet with no noticeable damage, so we kept trying. If you are on the border between two sizes, go with the larger one. . Best for dogs under 65 lbs. These crates can be placed side by side and stabilized with theCoupler Kitand secured in the truck bed with theTie-Down Kit. Offer treats, toys or training devices to capture and hold your pets attention when measuring. Try to choose a dog crate that will accommodate him in his adult size so you dont have to purchase more than one.
Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. They include: Ruff Land Kennels ( and the accessories ) are available from Pet Pro Supply who provide a reliable, global service. You can think of this height as the minimum, but you should not be concerned if the crate is slightly taller. It comes standard with the double swing composite door. Feel free to reach out to us for any reason (even to chat!). Every new and seasoned dog owner knows this is one core piece of equipment that is (usually) required when owning dogs. If you have a cabelas/bass pro nearby, they often have kennels in the store and are dog friendly, or maybe stop by a trial or a NAVHDA training day, I imagine someone there will have some. If yours is one of the breeds not listed, find a breed closest to yours and go by your pets adult size. Dogs actually feel a sense of security when they are in a closed environment and they will establish it as a home, much like we do with a bedroom. The kennel must provide enough room for your pet to stand and sit up without the head touching the top of the container and to turn around and lie down in a natural position. Medium: 18" wide (at widest point) x 20" high x 28" long; weighs 15 lbs. They offer door covers, door liners, kennel handle sets, single replacement handles, tie down kits, pads, storage trays that mount to the top (one has a built in water storage) which would be AMAZING at horse shows and traveling, insulated covers for the cold, and fans to combat the heat! Airflow: 550 CFM on low, 825 CFM on high. The interior floor is raised so that debris and liquids that fall or spill off to the side are channeled away from your dog. All prices are USD. These usually include the following breeds: Typical dimensions of a medium dog crate are: 36 dog crates are recommended for the following breeds or dogs weighing between 41 70 pounds: Typical dimensions of an intermediate dog crate are: 42 dog crates are recommended for the following breeds or dogs weighing between 71 90 pounds. Excluded from coverage under this warranty are the following: If determined to be a warranty related issue, Ruff Land Kennels will pay for the product return to replace, or repair and send back to customer at no charge. The best way to measure this dog is with a simple tape measure. Our doors, while made of composite material are secured with metal rods. by PoorMansWrangler Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:00 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout. The 1 vent holes are the standard display pattern with one finger hole in the back. Customizable items are sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand Intermediate Double-Door Side Entry Crate are:32L x 21 1/2W x 22 1/2H(Interior Dimensions: 30"L x 21"W x 22"H)Floor Dimensions: 29"L x 17 1/2"WWeight: approximately 21 Lbs. Field-tested to withstand weather and vehicle vibration. The plastic is very lightweight and easy to clean. Easily hangs on most kennel doors and includes mounting hardware. I was thinking intermediate for him, thought maybe medium would be safer but that size cant stack with bigger sizes. They offer composite doors which we LOVED, as well as wire doors, replacement latches and parts for doors in case of damage. Yes, dog crates can be too big. We chose the intermediate kennel to use at our best judgement, the Ruff Land kennel staff does not provide which kennel may fit your breed so it is at your own discretion. The composite material has worn extremely well and we will definitely be able to use this kennel for YEARS to come! +1 on the intermediate Ruff Tuff. The 1 3/8 sized vent holes are displayed in the standard pattern along the top and bottom of the kennel. We now offer an updated version with increased ventilation, pebble granite look, and black doors. by birddogger2 Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:56 am, Post But at this stage she is enjoying the slow and steady pace of western pleasure and trail work. You can see the Ruff Land Kennel at this link. , When it comes to travelling with your dog, safety is key. We did, too, and we chose Ruff Land Dog Kennels! Thank you for your understanding and patience while we work through this.. The 1 3/8 sized holes are displayed in the standard pattern at the top and bottom of the crate. Intermediate SUV: 20" wide (at widest point) x 23" high x 27-31" long (sloped at top to fit in an SUV hatchback); weighs 20 lbs. Kennel doors open both directions, making it easy for you to access your pet when needed. However, too much room in a dogs crate can lead to them not thinking of it as their own confined space.

I was told if they had to guess they think hed be around 65-70lbs. This would only be for traveling and theyd have big large and xl for home. When the Medium Kennel is more than you need but the small is not roomy enough; meet the Mid-Size! They are ambidextrous and can be adjusted to swing either way. The intermediate dog crate can be stacked and customized with the add-on options sold separately.The exterior dimensions for the RuffLand Intermediate Dog Crate are:30 1/2"L x 20"W x 23 1/4"HInterior Dimensions: 30"L x 19 1/2"W x 22"H)Floor Dimensions: 281/2"L x 17 1/2"WWeight: approx. This is where the stiff, two-walled plastic kennels, which claim to be safer, fail. They may not break, but when your dog hits the side of the kennel, there is no give like there is with a Ruff Land. If you have an estate car such as the Mini Countryman then theres a fair chance that you use the boot space for your dogs. My GSP is on the bigger side - about 65 lbs - and he seems plenty comfortable in an intermediate size RT kennel. If your dog is spending time at home in the crate you can go a little larger. You can measure the width of your dog if youd like, but most crates will come sized appropriately based on the height and length. I was thinking maybe getting a 3 hole dog box built for me but I thought to get these instead because I could stack them in the back of the cab inside the truck by flipping the seat up. This warranty is subject to the following limitations in addition to any imposed by virtue of applicable law. As your puppy grows move the divider panel to accommodate his changing size. You should look for roughly 2x your dogs shoulder width. Have your dog sit on the floor and face upward. If you prefer, you can just add 2-6 inches to the full length rather than measuring the legs and calculating it. It is also important to keep in mind that there are many varieties of dog crates available today. Best for dogs under 65 lbs. This is the height when the dog is standing from the floor to the elbow joint (many people think of it as an armpit). Rest assured all Gen II kennels will stack and couple with previous versions. The moulded plastic design is surprisingly tough. He was one of the bigger pups in the litter and his sire was around 68lbs in hunting season and dam I believe they said somewhere between 50-55lbs. Add the first measurement (full length) to one half of the second measurement (arm length) and that will give you your length. The 1 3/8 sized vent holes are in the standard pattern design on the side of the kennel that does not have the door. by benelli Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:55 am, Post This is a stackable design that can be moved in and out of the car with ease. www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/plane-talk-traveling-animals, USDA Kennel Requirements and Restrictions, Door open both directions, hinges both right and left, Metal inserts for attaching multiple kennels together or tying them down, Stackable Ruff Land Kennels nest easily together, and can be bolted together, up, down, and sideways. The Small and XL sizes come with a metal door and the other sizes come with a composite door unless you specify metal wire. Go from maximum speed to minimal power draw at the flip of a switch. The XL Dog Crate is made from the same material as our other kennels and is made to accommodate your larger breed of dog. Kennels sized Intermediate and larger have holes on the top and bottom halves of the kennel. Typical size dimensions of an XXL dog crate include: If you are starting out with a puppy, many wire dog crates come with a divider panel that allows your dog crate to grow with your dog. The Large Dog Crate can be stacked for transport or in a boarding-style setting. that is how they get hurt. You have your choice of wire, plastic, soft side, rolling soft side, decorative wicker dog crates and wooden dog crate end tablesalso known as dog crate furniture. Small: 16" wide (at widest point) x 16" high x 21" long; weighs 10 lbs. pointers that fits in intermediates just fine. Vent hole pattern displayed is standard (1hole size), with one finger hole in the back. There are no corners for dogs to chew or damage. Ive seen some other threads on this people saying intermediate and some saying large for a dog that side but none matched the scenario where it could be only for travel.