You can also email or schedule an appointment to talk with us. The second field may be chosen from the four main sub-fields, or from the department's foci in Politics of Identity and Politics of the Environment, or it may be defined by the student, subject to approval. http://www.polsci.ucsb.edu/, Degrees Offered Students learn energy technology characteristics and understand contemporary political debates over the energy system. Examines the political consequences of ethnicity and theoretical approachesinvolved in the study of ethnic politics. Concepts that are crucial to the analysis, understanding and transformationof political and social phenomena. MA/PhD, PhD, Environment and Society; Feminist Studies; Global Studies; Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences; Technology & Society (Ph.D. Only), Comparative Politics, American Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, Methodology, Politics of Identity, Politics of the Environment. This is the first quarter of a two-quarter research seminar designed to give students experience in the production of a research paper, with a focus on designing theoretically-informed, empirically-tested projects. Honors students, in three-quarter sequence of seminars, write original theses under close faculty supervision. Reference Sources are used to find brief, authoritative information on a topic, or when specific elements of information are required. Surveys the scholarly research on civil war's causes, dynamics, termination, and consequences. South Asia is home to 1.5 billion people and its politics has important implications for the rest of the world. SMITH, MAHDAVI, STOKES, Comparative and International Environmental Politics, (4) Public Policy & Interest Groups sources, including federal and state agencies involved in policy analysis, as well as political party and interest group links. A comparative study of recent literature on the historical and contemporary political experiences of the four major racial and ethnic minority groups (Blacks/African Americans, American Indians, Latinos/Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans) and their interactions with the dominant racial group (non-Hispanic white Americans) in the U.S.
An introduction to the politics of Israel. A simulation of the U.S. House of Representatives designed to teach the operation and politics of Congress. The Research Tips page gives directionon how to start and conduct your library research. Discussion of the nature of collective action, methods of policy analysis and evaluation, and problems of implementation. Designed for students who are at the early to intermediate stages of their dissertation plans. The Larry Adams Scholarship in Public Policy is given quarterly to a political science student working 10-12 hours per week in a local governmental agency. Final/Official transcripts will be required for all applicants who are admitted and have indicated their intent to enroll at UC Santa Barbara by submitting a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). How can governments respect diverse ethnic, racial, and religious identities, and still promote bonds of common citizenship? UC Library Search is here! AHUJA, BRUHN, (4) The roles of economics, technology and social organization are each considered as explanatory variables for understanding environmental problems. Interested students must submit an application by the deadline early spring quarter. Graduate e-mail: polsgrad@polsci.ucsb.edu A comparative analysis of the political system of a selected number of African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries, with particular development and modernization common to all of them. Department of Political Science American Government & Politics, with links to federal, state and local sources. Issues regularly included are: the process of political change, democratization, ethnic politics, political structure, and economic reform. Fall Only: December 1, 2022 (by 11:59 PM PST), Statement of Purpose, Personal History and Diversity Statement, and Resume or CV (Submitted in the online application), Three Letters of Recommendation (Submitted online), Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (Submitted online), TOEFL scores 600 Paper-Based Test (PBT), 80 Internet-Based Test (IBT) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Overall Band score of 7 or higher (if applicable), Writing Sample (submitted in the online application). Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Reading the "Colleges and Departments" Section. This seminar provides an intensive survey of scholarly analysis of the presidency and the interaction of the president with other branches of the national government. The seminar will draw insights and examples from the classical and contemporary literature, the present and the future. Graduate seminar on political interest groups in American politics. Includes methods of analysis, policy alternatives, and approaches to explaining policy choice. Directed research on the political process through participant observation and relevant reading. This course has examples from around the world, deals with the pressing challenges related to water, and gives the students a better understanding of politics related to water. Telephone: (805) 893-3432 Sources for the study of Identity Politics. Course is structured around the major issues in environmental politics, for example: global warming, nuclear waste, deforestation, and chemical pollution. Emphasis is placed on the use of statistical software to implement the statistical models covered. This is the second quarter of a two-quarter research seminar designed to give students experience in the production of a research paper. Covers foundational topics such as political deliberation, agenda-setting, framing, selective exposure, and political advertising, as well as the changing structure of contemporary media and the role of digital media in politics. In addition to its standard program, the department also offers a public service emphasis for undergraduate majors. These are the types of questions that political scientists explore, but they also represent issues that require ordinary citizens to make informed judgments. Analysis of environmental policy issues and their treatment in the political process. This course provides an introduction to key theoretical debates in the comparative politics and international relations of the Middle East. Examines, from a variety of theoretical perspectives, the proposition that there is an international society consisting of laws, norms, institutions, organizations, and cultures that has significant effects on the behavior of states and the character of international relations. Claims over water by powerful sectors including commercial farming, industrialization and urbanization will get stronger and water scarcity will further marginalize the poor from their livelihoods. Current topics in the field of political science. Emphasis on the dynamics of the presidency, including presidential personality, conceptions of role, impact of public opinion, and responses to changes in the environment. Campaign & Election sources, including sources on campaign finance. By drawing on examples from industrializing and post-industrial countries, we will examine a variety of aspects related to the politics of the poor. Annual Review of Political Science. Survey of the electoral systems in use throughout the world; their relationships with other political institutions, such as the system of government; and their effects upon political competition, democratic representation and policy outcomes. Emphasis is on American politics, but theories and research are viewed in comparative perspective. Graduate e-mail: polsgrad@polsci.ucsb.edu The Kevin Patrick Moran Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in political science who demonstrate leadership qualities, academic promise, and a devotion to the peaceful resolution of conflict. Examines both Israeli domestic politics and Israel in comparative perspective. All Rights Reserved. The course will reflect on the political factors that impact a state's economic development, including order and violence, historical and contemporary institutions, collective action, culture, ethnic diversity, rural-urban linkages, international trade and foreign aid. This is a supervised internship designed to provide graduate students with a means to pursue research on the policymaking process through participation in the formulation and/or implementation of policy in the field. Examines the politics of US immigration policy. Readings demonstrate some empirical bias toward LatinAmerica, as well as the United States and Europe. A survey of different traditions of policy analysis. The politics of international monetary relations. An interdisciplinary seminar focusing on research at the intersection of political science and public policy as it pertains to environmental issues. Students will present their own work, comment on the work of others, and engage in professional development activities. A careful examination of major texts and thinkers in the ancient world and in medieval times. Students pursuing a doctoral degree in Political Science may petition to add the following Optional Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Emphases: Black Studies, Environment and Society, Feminist Studies, Global Studies, Information Technology and Society, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. Students are encouraged, in addition, to consult with individual faculty members about course content and professional or career concerns. To see the historical record of when a particular course has been taught in the past, please visit the Course Enrollment Histories. An intensive examination of major texts and thinkers in the ancient world and in medieval times. Examination of alternative analytical and theoretical perspectives for their value in helping to understand and evaluate the historical development and current operation of the world economy. Division of Social Sciences Explores the global and comparative political economy of the environment. The Books and Articles tabs provide information on finding secondary sources on your topic. An introduction to government and politics in Latin America. Keyword Searching lists examples and strategies for keyword searching. Topics include: strategic theory, East-West relations, trade and the monetary system, and relations among states of the former Soviet Union. Political ideas, institutions, and processes of American government. The focus of this seminar will be on theoretical issues at the leading edge of contemporary scholarship in the field of international political economy. The Servicespageis an overview of library services, including interlibrary loan, study areas in the Library, and how to get research help. This seminar focuses on development of the environmental movement in American politics and the resulting institutional responses. (USA), Website Special Topics: African American Politics, Special Topics: Business and Politics in a Comparative Perspective, Special Topics in Political Science: Causal Inference, Special Topics in Political Science: Designing Democratic Governments, Special Topics in Political Science: The Political Economy of Extractive Resources, Special Topics: International Law and Human Rights, Special Topics in Political Science: Emerging Technology and International Security, Special Topics: Intergovernmental Relations, Special Topics in Political Science: Politics of the Marginalized, Special Topics in Political Science: Media and Social Movements, Special Topics in Political Science: Nuclear Security, Special Topics in Political Science: Psychology in International Relations, (4)