The License: This License applies to any Open Game comply with any of the terms of this License with respectContent that contains a notice indicating that the Open to some or all of the Open Game Content due toGame Content may only be Used under and in terms of statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation thenthis License. As such you gain a+1 circumstance bonus to damage withweapons and spells against creatures withthe fiend traits. Ifyou would automatically become trained inone of those skills (from your backgroundor class, for example), you instead becometrained in a skill of your choice.SUPREME SORCERY FEAT 1 TIEFLINGMagic burns within you. Tieflings often become wizards or sorcerers who draw upon their natural fonts of magic, though a great many of the tieflings become rogues, fully embracing their darker sides. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking, 9 , [DOWNLOAD IN @PDF] The Sympathizer [[FREE] [READ] [DOWNLOAD]]. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Coast, Inc.contributing original material as Open Game Content, System Reference Document 2000, Wizards of theYou represent that Your Contributions are Your original Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, andcreation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax andrights conveyed by this License. 12.
You can see in darkness anddim light just as well as you can see in brightlight. The Cast [two-act somatic, verbalspell ends at the end of the targets next turn. If your unarmed attack 101 #36648176, Thomas Mackay <[emailprotected]>, Sep 1, 2021 2018482220184822, The words you are searching are inside this book. When used toscatters into a sphere of metal shards as cover a 5-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall sectionthe metals try to return to their places of of a wall, the paint turns that sectionorigin. Just like other creatures they learn from their experiences, good and bad, and shape their behavior accordingly. Choose one magicschool. bone shard (range increment 30 feet), Damage 2d6 Critical Success The creature is unaffected. This gives you a supernatural ability to abilities of your forebears, and whenever youcommunicate with and calm animals. Ability BoostsIf you want to play a character who continually Wisdomquestions the supposedly inherent good in Charismathemselves, and the world around them, and Freewho struggles with whether they live up totheir heritage, you should play an aasimar.
You gain a tail unarmed attack thatdeals 1d6 piercing damage. These attacks areand through the target, dealing 3d12 electricity damage Dexterity based if you choose an air or fire elemental,with a basic Reflex save. Range touch; Targets 1 weapon of MagicHeightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6 negative Duration 1 minutedamage, 1d6 alignment damage, and 1d6 additional You channel magical energy into the target weapon, andnegative and positive damage for a true neutral deity. evil; Melee [one-act tentacle arm (agile), Damage 1d8 Heightened (7th) You can target up to five creatures. This allows you to dissipate spells and effects such as the smoke created by a smokestick.DIVINE GRACE FEAT 1 AASIMARDIVINE GRACETrigger You are targeted by a spell thatallows a saving throw.Your ancestors innate resistance to magicsurges, before slowly ebbing down. While they have the free will andfreedom of choice of most mortal creatures,their fiendish blood draws forth their darkesttendencies. When you activate this talisman, you attempt to Recall KnowledgeDISPERSING BULLET ITEM 6 about the creature you hit. Youve learnedto project that authority. When wearing mediumor heavy armor, you reduce the Strengthrequirement by 2 and Speed Penalty by 5feet. breach. fire elemental, or water elemental. Your tails is inthe brawling group and has the finesse andunarmed traits.THE COMING DARKNESS FEAT 5 TIEFLINGPrerequisites at least one arcane innate spellWhenever you cast a spell with the darknesstrait the spell is automatically heightened(+1). Gods that teach revenge,violence, and destruction have a small butstrong following among evil tieflings.NAMESTieflings take names from the societies inwhich they were born or live. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held4. COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game Content. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Contentsymbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, You must clearly indicate which portions of the workconcepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other that you are distributing are Open Game Content.visual or audio representations; names and descriptionsof characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, 9. 8 Bully others to get your way when in a Size hurry. You losethe bonuses from the shield until the end ofyour next turn and cannot use the Raise aShield action until the end of your next turn.PIERCE THE DARKNESS FEAT 1 AASIMARNot all aasimar have the ability to see in thedark, but you have inherited this ability fromyour ancestors. Medium Feel that youre smarter than everyone else. 23By: Kim Frandsen Additional Writing: Rodney Sloan Art & Layout: Bob Greyvenstein Editing: Rodney Sloan Publisher: Rising Phoenix Games RisingPhoenixGames.Com Subscribe to our newsletter for monthly updates and visit us on our blog, our Facebook page and on Twitter. They gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the following round.ORATORY OF SOULS FEAT 9TIEFLINGPrerequisites Intimidating PresenceYouve learned to project the power of yourconvictions onto others. EYE OF ENLIGHTENMENT ITEM 5 of MagicThis talisman, a bright red coil thats warm to the touchand faintly resembles a serpent, wraps entirely around CONSUMABLE DIVINATION MAGICAL TALISMAN Classesyour weapon. Roll once on the tablebelow to determine your celestial features, or pick one or more you like.d100 Feature0102 Your hair always smells like a spring meadow in the early morning.0304 Your eyes are a clear, icy-blue that grows paler, almost white, when angry.05060708 Birds and small animals flock to you whenever you settle down for the night, often eating directly from your hands. You never know if they listen, but it cant hurt, right? Chosen names tend to beguttural with plenty of hissing, an ironic nodto their dark ancestry, which some tieflingscannot resist.Sample NamesAllizah, Baru, Dellisar, Endie, Gorgron,Hessh, Indranna, Kasidra, Maldrek,Maris, Mellisan, Molos, Mordren,Nisha, Nokven, Sarvin, Shoremoth,Sushvenneh, Temerith, Voren, Zoren.TIEFLING ADVENTURERS Tieflings adventure for power and the opportunity to further themselves, and for a rare few, to experience companionship amongst those that accept them for who they are on the inside, rather than their fiendish exterior. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game this License.Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms ofthis License. You combine Book ofType binding coil; Level 6; Price 50 gp your observation about your enemys UnlimitedType greater binding coil; Level 13; Price reaction to your Strike with the stores of450 gp20184894 magical wisdom within the talisman to try to glean Magic 1041363The escape DC is 30. more information about the foes true nature. While they are certainly inclined towards that behavior, courtesy of their bloodline, they are not all good, nor are they all benevolent. CELESTIAL LAMP ITEM 2 DIVINE GOOD Price 300 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Activation Interact This polished lantern contains a continual flame and sheds light as a common lamp. Like this book? Unlike normal darkvision you can stillsee colors, rather than being limited to blackand white.5TH LEVELANGELIC MAGIC FEAT 5 AASIMARPrerequisites at least one divine innate spell Your connection to your ancestors and the12 wellspring of magic grows stronger, and you gain the ability to cast searing light once per day.SHIELD EXEMPLAR FEAT 5 AASIMARPrerequisites Armored MightBy now youve become a staunch defender,and you are a formidable obstacle foropponents to overcome, thanks to thestrong connections with your celestialancestors. You gain a +1 circumstance bonuson Intimidation checks whenever dealingwith creatures who are good or neutral.OUTLANDER FEAT 1 TIEFLINGKnowledge and subterfuge runs throughyour veins. Theyll put the beauty of the aasimar, instead lending them community first, a leftover from their celestial an air of the divine. You like to pray to your ancestors at the end of each day. When you make aDiplomacy check to make an impression, you Furthermore, you can use it on unfriendlyimprove the degree of success by one step (though not hostile) animals.when dealing with good-aligned creatures. +(2d10x5 lbs. These social organizations are run and ruled by tieflings whose forebears leaned towards lawful behaviour. )Generally, the aasimar have clear skin and SOCIETYregular, almost perfect features.
An incorporeal creatureActivate [one-act Interact; Requirements Youre an expert with thats inside the wall when the paint is used is shuntedthe affixed weapon. (h) You or Yourmeans the licensee in terms of this agreement. An incorporeal creatureActivate [one-act Interact; Requirements Youre an expert with thats inside the wall when the paint is used is shunted to the nearest exit. You were born with them, and you dont know their meaning. The owner of any Product IdentityIdentity means product and product line names, logos used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, titleand identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; and interest in and to that Product Identity.creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematicelements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, 8. Tieflings have no particularinclinations towards law or chaos, in general,but the legacy of their ancestors influencesthem. The targetbecomes sickened 1 unless it succeeds on aDC 10 + your level Fortitude save. Intelligence Blame you when things go wrong and Charisma theres no other obvious reason. You gain score a critical hit with a Melee Strike againsta +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks creatures with the evil and outsider traits,when using the Command An Animal action. Thesethat give you the paralyzed, petrified, or are not strong enough to allow you to fly, butstunned conditions are reduced by 1, down you can use them to, as a reaction, cause a strong wind in your square. Tiefling HumanoidThe mortal side of tieflings is both easier,and more difficult to predict. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Ignore your armors check penaltySaving Throw Reflex; Duration 1 minute and Speed reduction.Calling out to the skies, you summon a bolt of lightning 30 temporary Hit strike through a foe above you and down into your Darkvision.weapon or your body, charging it with electrical power. As such, any one tiefling could be relegated to a different social class depending on where they are, ranging from beggar or slave, to veneration as a god. In addition, if you roll a critical failure on a save against a disease, you get a failure instead. They live to around the same time as their parents, so Find it difficult to understand your an aasimar born to humans could expect to perspective on things, especially when it live to be around 90, while one born to elven comes to giving others a second chance. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. You gain a +1 status bonus to saves against diseases. This deals1d6 fire damage to your target. For most of them, due to their obvious celestial nature, these names tendAasimar are idealistic creatures, believing to carry some form of positive meaning,in the good in all beings. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. White markings run across your face, accentuating your features, as if subtly underlining them. Whenever you drink anything, it always tasted of blood.7778 You are completely bald. You dont have any external ears. Your have no nose, instead theres a flat piece of skin.2324 Your nostrils are flared wide, like those of a bat.2526 Your tail isnt scaly like most tieflings, instead its like that of a rat.27282930 Your hair is long and dreadlocked. If you rest for 10 minutes, you can designate a single ally. This grants fire resistanceequal to half your level (minimum 1), and yougain horns.
Creatures in If draw the lightning is cast outside under a cloudy or Secretsthe area take 10d6 negative damage and 10d6 alignment stormy sky, increase the bolts damage by 2d12.damage (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic), chosen from among Heightened (8th) The damage dealt to the initial target ofthe alignments your deity has. As an aasimar, you select from among the following ancestry feats. If your hands are full when Introduction the weapon returns, it falls to the ground in your space. Your touch causes plants and flowers to die, though living creatures are unaffected.6970 Your heart beats at double the speed of a humans.7172 Youre able to rotate your head around like an owl.73747576 Your body is covered in runes and tattoos. 15Presented below are random features an aasimar might possess. 173, The words you are searching are inside this book. You cannotlevitate further than 10 feet above the ground.9TH LEVELARMORED MIGHT FEAT 9 AASIMARPrerequisites Shield ExemplarOne of your ancestors was on the frontlines of the war against evil, and yourblood connection with your ancestor growsstronger as you experience more of the realworld. For example, if youd get stunned 2 from a spell, you only get stunned 1, or if suffer an effect with a duration of 1d6 rounds, it would now be 1d61. Choose one cantrip from the arcanespell list.
You can cast this spell as an arcaneinnate spell at will. You are much warmer to the touch than normal.8586 You are much colder to the touch than normal.87888990 No matter the circumstances, your skin and hair is always clean, though this doesnt extend to your clothing. succeed at a Strike with the affixedYour opponent must succeed at a weapon; Requirements Youre an Book ofDC 20 Escape check to break expert in Arcana, Occult, Nature, Unlimitedfree. You carry thesetraits deep within you. As such, a descendant of a devil wouldtend towards lawful, while one descendedfrom a demon would have a chaotic bend.While not overly religious on a whole,some tieflings are drawn towards thedivine, seeing in the gods an opportunityto redeem and better themselves. Similarly, a creature who attempts to affect claw (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6 slashing plus the target with an auditory effect must succeed at a DC 5 1d6 evil; Melee [one-act stinger (reach 15 feet), Damage flat check or the attempt fails. Only rarely do these reminders societies, working as civic leaders, sheriffs, of their celestial ancestors detract from the and champions of a cause.