Keep your information updated and get the latest rebates based on your unique energy needs.
Tons are calculated based on the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) cooling capacity divided by 12,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs). Massachusetts residents can qualify for an additional integrated control rebate. Next, youll enter the product information based on the type of system, whether partial- or whole-home and whether you are installing a central, multi-zone, or single-zone system. ENERGYSAGE is a registered trademark and the EnergySage logo is a trademark of EnergySage, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of either EnergySage, Inc. or our licensors and are used with permission. Youll then need to upload your documents; usually this will include your proposal with your contractors information, the equipment they installed, and total cost as well as an invoice or documentation noting the installation date and proof of payment. This partial-home rebate is based on the amount of energy usage youre covering with a heat pump, so basically the capacity or size of your air source heat pumps. The first step will be providing the payee information who will be getting the rebate. The specific eligibility requirements called out on the Mass Save website include: Usually your heat pump contractor will help you with submitting the proper rebate documentation, but this can vary depending on who you go with to install your heat pumps. You can get up to a $10,000 rebate to install air source heat pumps in your Massachusetts home through Mass Save. Are you eligible for the Mass Save heat pump rebate? Still, you will want to confirm that any information you receive is correct via the Mass Save portal and documentation since the details, offerings, and incentives may change over time. You can call 1-866-527-7283 to schedule a virtual Home Energy Assessment. If your home will continue to use an oil, propane, or natural gas backup, youll need to also install integrated controls in order to qualify for the partial-home heat pumps rebate. If you qualify for the Income Eligible Program, you may be able to get free insulation and air-sealing upgrades and new home appliances, heating systems, and dehumidifiers. Enter your zip code to find out what solar panels cost from installers near you. The exact amount you qualify for depends on the system youre installing and whether its for your entire home or just a portion of it. Outside of work, you can find her spending time with her family, friends, and dogs as well as traveling, exploring new places, trying new food, or watching Georgia football. This helps you minimize the use of a furnace or boiler while maximizing the use of a heat pump to provide increased savings and comfort. Then you can go through the six step process to submit your rebate. If you are looking for the Air to Water QPL click here to download the PDF. Next, youre asked to enter in some survey information. Mass Save offers Massachusetts residents incentives and rebates on other energy-efficient options as well, including: The Mass Save HEAT Loan offers Massachusetts homeowners up to $25,000 in interest-free financing for up to seven years to make energy-efficient home upgrades like the installation of air source heat pumps (central or ductless mini split), ground source heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, insulation, and more. Your email address will not be published. Mass Save also lets you designate your rebate payment directly to your heat pump contractor if they are registered with and approved by Mass Save. The Mass Save heat pump rebate isnt the only way you can save on making efficient clean energy upgrades in your home. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. Ellen is an expert in content creation, with a specific focus in helping people learn more about clean energy, solar, and EVs. Once youve installed your air source heat pumps and have all of your information compiled, you can complete the online rebate form for either your whole home or partial home heat pump system. As noted in our various rebate applications, if you are applying for a fuel optimization incentive, heating and cooling load calculations will be required to correctly select a system for your home or business. Pro tip: There is also a Mass Save rebate for adding integrated controls to your home which you can use to save money as well. Mass Save is a collaborative of several Massachusetts electric and natural gas utilities and energy efficiency service providers. You can maximize your savings from air source heat pumps by heating and cooling your home with solar energy. Your contractor may also be able to help you with Mass Save details. Youre eligible for a free Home Energy Assessment if you: Before you can begin getting a rebate, youll first want to contact heat pump contractors to get them to provide a proposal with a recommended system design and pricing estimate. Register for free to start comparing quotes. Several other rebates are available for the integrated controls that switch between your heat pumps and a backup heating system, weatherization and home insulation, lighting and appliances, and more. Mass Save does note that they reserve the right to conduct an on-site verification that the equipment has been installed. Even if youre not replacing your entire HVAC system with air source heat pumps, or just using them to heat and cool part of your home, the Mass Save partial-home or supplemental rebate is still an option to get money back. Some solar installers can also help you design and price out a heat pump system for your home (or refer you to someone who can). Learn about all of the Mass Save rebates and incentives available to you.
This is done via a per-ton measurement. Usually, your contractor will indicate this in your proposal as part of the equipment itemization. Youll want to work with a heat pump contractor approved by the Mass Save program in order to streamline the process from comparing installers to the installation itself to claiming your rebate. Click the Start here button for each to begin the rebate submission process. Please enter your zip code and heating fuel type in the widget below to set your preferences. If youre looking to install air source heat pumps in your home and want to power them with solar electricity, just note it in your account so potential installers can design a system that will accommodate this addition. Welcome to the Mass Save Heat Pump Qualified Product List.
Once you submit your rebate form online, Mass Save indicates you should allow six to eight weeks for your rebate to be processed and mailed.
Together, we make good happen for Massachusetts.Your local electric and natural gas utilities and energy efficiency service provider are taking strides in energy efficiency: Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid and Unitil.As one, we form Mass Save, with the common goal of helping residents and businesses across Massachusetts save money and energy, leading our state to a clean and energy efficient future.These programs and services are managed and delivered by electric and gas Sponsors (working closely with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources), providing the energy expertise to help you save energy and money. Youll then need to enter in your electric and/or gas utility information, including your account numbers, address, and the name the accounts are listed under. The rebate amount is $500 per indoor unit, up to $1,500. Check out our complete HEAT Loan guide. The online form requires that you enter information, including: Once you enter in that information, the Mass Save rebate online portal will show you which rebates you have available based on your entries. Just like any major home update or project, its a good idea to get multiple quotes from heat pump contractors in your area to compare the equipment, recommendations, sizing, and costs. Getting personalized content is as easy as clicking on the icons to the left. The Sponsors of Mass Save developed the list by utilizing 3rd party rated data to select energy efficient heat pumps for our climate in Massachusetts.
Use Mass Saves online tool to see if you qualify for these income-based offers. In order to get your rebate, youll first need to install heat pumps in your home and pay for the installation. This is the easiest and quickest way to get your Mass Save heat pump rebate. The Enhanced Residential Program provides free insulation upgrades and increased rebates on energy-efficient heating equipment. See details of the integrated controls covered in the rebate and the online rebate submission form. Usually this will be you, the homeowner, since youll likely need to pay for the installation before getting the rebate. See solar prices from qualified, local companies.
Your profile can help you save on energy and money. Create a free account on the EnergySage Marketplace to quickly get solar quotes, compare offers from qualified, trusted local installers, and speak with an Energy Advisor if you have any questions. Find more ways to save for your home by entering your zip code and fuel type. Integrated controls are either approved control packages or dual fuel thermostats that switch between a heat pump and a backup heating system. The funding is supported from a charge on customers energy bills.Through the joint efforts of the Mass Save collaborative, Massachusetts is one of the most energy efficient states in the country, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).We continue to make strides in energy efficiency and build a clean energy future for everyone in the state! Its important to make sure you have everything included as it will take longer for them to process payment if any information or documentation is missing from the application. All rights reserved. If you are looking for Integrated controls and Thermostats please click here to download the PDF. Just ask them or look for a line item on your proposal that states something like: we will assist the customer with rebate preparation for any equipment we install.. Mass Save, a program created to help Massachusetts residents save money through energy efficiency, has rebates to help you save money on installing heat pumps. If youre using the Mass Save HEAT Loan, youll also need to work with your contractor to get the proper forms and documentation for that approval. If you pay half upfront, usually you must pay the remaining half when installation is complete.
If contractors are not registered and approved, or if the payee information is different from the account holders information, it will extend the processing time since theyll need to verify the payee. Based on your selection from the drop-down list, youll then enter in the details on your equipment. Find out what solar costs in your area in 2022, Complete guide to understanding the Mass Save HEAT Loan for, Eight questions to ask your heat pump contractor, Mass Save 2022: getting an energy assessment in MA. This is something youll want to confirm, since in order to get your Mass Save heat pump rebate, youll need to make sure its on the approved product list, whether a central heat pump system or mini splits. Other ways to save on energy-efficient upgrades with Mass Save, Additional resources for Mass Save heat pump rebates, Mass Save rebate for adding integrated controls, Mass Save air source heat pump qualified product list, heat pump installers in the Mass Save network, integrated controls covered in the rebate, Mass Save rebates and incentives available to you, Mass Save 2022 Whole-home heat pump verification form, Form to print and mail your heat pump rebate claim, Mass Save heat pump qualified product list, Mass Save HEAT Loan portal for Eversource and National Grid customers, Mass Save HEAT Loan portal for Cape Light Compact, Unitil Electric, and Liberty customers.