In Shakespeares day, its likely that sailors were hired to rig the elaborate sets from legendary playhouses like theGlobe Theatre.
Carefully release one ankle and bring the other down toward the floor in a bent position. Poses for the Aerial Yoga Hammock or Yoga Swing are endless. The best way to make your own aerial rig is to create a custom truss system.
This is both dangerous for you and can result in the death of the tree.
Familiar yoga poses take on a new life in the air. Setting up an aerial point that is anchored to your home may invalidate insurance policies that you have for your home (home owner, renters, etc.). Can I bring an aerial rig on an airplane? It can be tempting to think we could just hang apparatus on a tree, or around a support beam/joist in our house but you do not have the expertise to properly assess if that is safe (unless you are an arborist or structural engineer!).

Yes, a portable rig may move slightly when being used. Both support a variety of apparatuses, although one will give you more height over the other.
With your hands holding the bottom of the fabric, stretch forward.
In this blog,shared some tips on how you cantake care of yourself while watching out for your aerial cohorts in this heat. There are several conditions to be met, including preventing twisting or swaying of the beam. Another perk to having your own rig instead of rigging into an existing space is its main selling point: portability. Remember that our aerial rigs for sale are not to be used for swinging style work.
You should only practice at home if you have another person in the house/in ear-shot in case of an accident. Pull up slightly with the arms, and lean back.
Our rigs are sold standalone, so if you dont already own an aerial apparatus, check out ourAerial Silks setor theYoga Hammock set. Simply attach your carabiner/s directly into the top bar.
One strop for a one point hoop or two strops for a two point hoop. To come up, tuck into a ball and come upright. Top 6 Best Pole Fitness Classes In Sheffield, UK To Try Out! For aerial hoop, a portable rig can be used at lower heights but at least 8-10 feet is recommended. Its possible for a single person can set one up on her own.
If you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out and.
Do your research, talk to the experts, and only use equipment that has been designed, tested, and certified for aerial work. To conclude, stand on the floor and lean back into your hammock to rest and recalibrate to your upright position.
Uplift Active customers are highly unique individuals with a sharp eye for detail.
For many professional aerialists, the rig will pay for itself in full in a single performance. It is important that you explain that you are wanting to hang a human live load and would be creating dynamic forces For example, a suspended chair or hammock, meant for curling up with a good book, may come with hardware that is cleared for hanging the weight of a person.
13 min read. This is where downward force pushes against the beam. Begin on the floor with the fabric in front of you. When you step on the mat you dont want your foot to get absorbed all the way down to the floor, as this means the mat is bottoming out. When you order with Uplift Active, you will also receive access to our expert support team. Its important you install your lyra in a suitable position capable of bearing weight, but we cannot give one general answer as each customer is different.
Also, you might assume that equipment designed for rock climbing or similar activities would be appropriate for aerials, and in some cases this is true, however if purchasing from a rock climbing store, be sure to check the safety specs before purchasing.
Even on a properly rated free-standing rig, most aerialists will modify their practice to reduce the amount of dynamic force on the rig (less frequent drops, avoiding large drops, etc.).
Even if the manufacturer gives a maximum user weight, that does not mean that it has been safety tested for aerial activities. Depending on your ceiling height this is not always possible so pick what moves you prefer to practise to decide the length you need the strop to be.
Will you leave the overhead point for the next resident's discretion?
Even with all the safety precautions, accidents can still happen so its a good idea to minimise the risk as much a possible.
To determine a beams load capacity and material, you need to know if it is wooden or metal.
Our equipment is top quality, independently engineer load tested and certified, and comes with a 1-Year Warranty. We DO NOT recommend purchasing equipment from Amazon, even if the description says it is designed for aerial use. In this blog, we delved into ways on how aerial yoga might help you step even further into a spiritual mindset.
Have you ever dreamed of having greater independence as an aerial artist, but havent made the leap quite yet?
, and magnesium alloys, but they also can be made of wood or bamboo. Imagine your foot is your head: you want the mat to absorb your body and support it above the floor in the event of a fall. A 6 inch crash mat is about the right thickness.
What do you love to practise on your hoop?
Made of super-strong and lightweight magnesium alloy, you can pack up and tote your rig to virtually any place your airborne career may take you. Below is a video on how to wrap your aerial hoop. A portable Aerial Rigwill fit in your room/studio/gym/backyard if theproduct descriptioncomes within the constraints of your space.
Expansion Pipe Legs: 4 pcs 1.6meters.
Screwing into the bottom of the beam pulls away a section of the beam from the screw.
You want a relatively firm foam mat that is at least 8 inches tall. At Uplift Active, we know exactly what that kind of dedication feels like.
If you are hanging your hoop in your house/garage, make sure you get a professional to install and weight test whatever you are hanging it from. Atripodstyle aerial rig will tend to be lighter.
In addition to working regularly with aerial riggers and rope access technicians, we have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. To suspend an aerial silk from a properly engineered point you will typically need the following: A silks anchor (referred to as: Anchor-8, Silks Anchor, Figure-8, Silks Bell, and many other names).
Come out of the sequence by reaching behind and pulling yourself back up to the Butterfly. Read on to find out how.
Arms can hang or cross each other toward the floor.

In this article, youll find helpful information on how to choose and purchase one of the most important pieces of equipment in an aerialists career: the portable aerial rig.
A lot of these pieces of equipment are intended for gentle suspended yoga practice or for children swinging.
Aways fun, never spam.
The popularity of circus arts has soared in recent years, with more people than ever taking to the air all over the world. How tall does a portable rig need to be for aerial silks?
Top 3 Best Knee Pads For Pole Dancing (Anti-Slip & Protective), The Best Chalk for Pole Dancing: Our Top 5 Picks, 5 Best Pole Dance Crash Mats For Home Or Studio Use, How Pole Dancing Helps With Body Positivity And Body Image, Best Dance Pole For Plus Size Dancers: Complete Buyers Guide, Everything You Need To Know About PoleCon, How To Create A Pole Competition Training Schedule, List Of Different Pole Dance Competitions & Information, 6 Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles After Pole Dancing, Top 7 Best Pole Fitness Classes In Southampton, UK, Top 5 Best Pole Dance Classes in Cambridge, Top 5 Best Pole Dance Classes in Liverpool. Check out the Uplift Active Aerial Rigstoday to launch your dream into the air!
Equipment included in the Height Adjustable Portable Aerial Rig: This rig ships worldwide, with only a few exceptions.

Loosely translated from the Latin as god from the machine, the mechanism may have been a first for flying human beings onstage.
To begin, remove any existing tape from your hoop and replace it with fresh sports tape.
If you want to know how to hang a Lyra hoop, you are in the right place!
The best type of aerial rig depends on your needs and what you plan to use it for! One of the biggest benefits of owning a portable aerial rig is that you can take it anywhere, which can save a lot of money in rigging costs over time.
We want to keep you safe!
For aerial yoga, you will need a minimum of 8-feet, and even at this height, there will be some limitations on poses available. There is truly no feeling like the sweet taste of self-sufficiency when it comes to having a rig you can build yourself without the hassle of dealing with someone elses terms.
If you want to fly virtually anywhere, a portable aerial rig for silks is the best way to go.
Each airline handles this differently. We are here for you!
The Uplift Active portable rigs assemble with tension pins so there are no tools or hardware required. Bring your Half-Forward Bend to the air by using the hammock as a support for your leg as you fold.
This is normal and expected - the legs are designed to absorb shock. Once you have been attending aerial hoop lessons for a while, its natural to want your own hoop.
It can be dangerous to set up an aerial rig - there are heavy pieces that can fall, pinch, or injure if not assembled correctly. To hang a Lyra hoop safely, there are a few steps you will need to take. The two companies in Canada that we recommend are Circus Concepts and Juggle Gear. Each set up is unique depending on what type of aerial rig that you have.
Yaheetech Professional Stripper Pole Spinning Static Dancing Pole Portable Removable 45mm Dance Pole Stripper Poles for Home, Static Spinning Pole Dance Pole 45 mm Removable Dancing Pole for Home High Thigh Leg Warmers for Women.
With its adjustable top bar connectors, you can quickly and easily swap out one apparatus for another to train multiple disciplines in a single session. Other ideas include aerial net, short conditioning straps, and smaller hanging apparatuses like a tiny hoop. The Butterfly Pose and Ankle Inversion are two poses that fit perfectly together. You are in the right place!
Just make sure you know the ceiling height if youre using it as an indoor aerial rig, and the rigs footprint (4.4sqm-8.9sqm) for all uses. As aerial hoops are made from metal, its very common to tape/wrap the hoop using adhesive tape. How we suspend our equipment is one of the biggest contributors to the risk involved in aerial practice. There are many pieces of equipment that look similar to proper aerial equipment, but that are not safety tested or rated for the loads applied during aerial practice.
Aerial rigs are usually either semi-permanent structures (tethered or reinforced to one location), or portable (which can be packed up and moved from one location to another). Its adjustable height stands between 5 (152 cm) and 11 (335 cm) when fully extended. I got my hoop from Firetoys.
They are good for practising individual moves but depending on the size they can be difficult to use for spins and routines as its easy to hit your legs/arms/the hoop on the sides. There are significant differences between these materials, so it is crucial to know what you are dealing with from the very beginning. Once you figure this out, you will move on to rigging using your nylon straps, shackles (used to hold the tab of the hoop onto the nylon strap), carabiners, and swivel.
Aerial equipment isin the air! We recommend buying from Canadian companies as you can get hit with large unexpected customs bills when ordering from the USA.
We LOVE aerials.
The only home set-up that we do recommend is purchasing a free-standing rig from a reputable supplier, and ensuring all of the hardware and aerial equipment you purchase also comes from reputable sources.
Influenced by their experience sailing the high seas, the wisdom of the water was taken to the air with amazing results. But is this thrill and exhilaration an expression of spirituality? Please feel free to contact a professional with questions.
If you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out andcontact ustoday.
Thequad or A-Frameis generally stronger and more stable, as it has more legs to distribute its weight load.
You will gradually reduce the strength of the beam as you take away a significant amount of the tension zone. Typical swing sets are not tall enough for aerial arts.
Buy your aerial hardware and aerial equipment from a reputable circus/aerial company. Do you hope for the best possible scenario in your next location, and then begin the rigging process all over again in your new place?
It would be best to consult with someone with experience with rigging for circuses who can professionally install points for you to attach to without affecting the overall strength of the beam.
Yes, you can fit the Uplift Active portable rigs in a car (sedan or larger).
Home practice should only include skills or movements that you have previously been coached in (and that your coach communicated comfort with you working on unsupervised), Home practice should only include skills or movements that are appropriate for the rigging set-up and equipment you have, If you are on a set-up that isnt designed for aerial, do not invert or hang above your own height (preferably dont do aerial practice on it at all). Especially if you can only have lessons once a week or so.
Aerial Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief can help to ease the physical pressure we carry with us. Theres also a guide to rigging at home by Steven Santos (Simply Circus) that is available to members of this group.
The downside of tape is that is get stick to clothes and can give you lovely friction burns! Next you will need to determine whether you have a double point or single point hoop, and whether your hoop is hollow or solid.
We are here for each stage in your process as an aerial artist, from answering initial inquiries about silks for beginners to taking orders for replacement parts for your trusty aerial rig.
How tall does a portable rig need to be for aerial hoop/lyra? The first aerial rigoriginates from theDues ex Machina, used in ancient Greek and Roman theatres of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. Most airlines accept oversized cargo, but you will need to check with the specific airlines baggage rules. In addition to the challenges of setting up a safely anchored rigging point, there are important differences in what a home practice should look like compared to what you are used to in the studio.
We always recommend discussing your options with a rigger, builder or engineer. Canadian Suppliers we recommend for purchasing a rig: Just as all rigs are not built for aerial forces, the same applies to equipment and hardware.
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions in great detail. Having figured this out, you will move on to rigging using nylon straps, shackles (used to attach the tab of the hoop to the nylon strap), carabiners, and swivels. Yes, you can use a portable rig in a backyard, park, festival, or other outdoor setting.
Yoga Hammocks: History, Rigging, Home Workouts, and more! A thin pole or yoga mat definitely wont save your head if you fall. A Single Leg Bend can be accomplished by "dressing" one leg in the opened hammock, then lean forward.
Think about it - you can take your aerial rig just about anywhere and have a safe and reliable place to hang aerial equipment!
Whether youre a mistress of the silks, a trapeze master, a gymnastics enthusiast, an aerial yogi approaching nirvana, or a Lyra enthusiast, we have the tools and expertise to assist your discipline.
by Quynbi Ada August 16, 2021
This feature truly makes rigging an absolute breeze.
You can play with many classic apparatuses such as low aerial silks, static trapeze, yoga swing, hammock (sling), and aerial hoop (Lyra). Even experienced structural engineers dont always understand the very unique forces we as aerialists create until they are specifically brought to their attention. Owning a rig will transform your practice, career, and/or studio business. give us the incredible opportunity to fly -- an experience no less than extraordinary. Someone other than a professional should not attempt this without consulting a structural engineer first.
Practice your Downward Dog supported by the aerial hammock at your hips.
We caution against any rigs that are lighter than this, because they may be too lightweight to be sturdy to movements. First, wear the hammock like a backpack.
The easiest way to know the correct size is to sit on a chair, measure from the chair to the top of your head and add 10cm.
3 min read.
A steel beam can be easily tested to see how strong it is before riggers are called in.
An actor portraying a god or a goddess would appear from the sky via an early crane device, or. is ideal for portable aerial play, including Aerial Fitness, Low Silks, Aerial Yoga, Static Trapeze, and Aerial Hoop. Say you have gone to all the trouble of doing your homework, checking references, hiring a structural engineer, and then paying that person to install a point or two in your home or commercial building.

When the time comes in your career as an aerialist that you are ready for the big time, an aerial rig is your best bet.
you'll discover that your rig will pay for itself within just a few uses. From the floor, place your leg through the fabric, resting your knee, and lean forward.
Before you begin, always make sure your aerial apparatus is hung at the correct height, and remember to breathe! Stretch your arms in front of you while holding with your hands.
An aerial hoop is made from metal, usually steel and they come in a variety of sizes. Our mission to empower the community with resources and equipment to fly. We can ship to almost every corner of the world!
9 min read, by Quynbi Ada July 06, 2021
Becoming the proud owner of a shiny new aerial rig is certainly a thrill. Discovering a passion for aerial arts is a lot like falling in love. Find the best aerial rigs for silks, hammock, and aerial hoop right here at Uplift Active. Many artists in the modern aerial world may pay homage to the revolutionary concepts that gave rise to our art.
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Here are some of the questions you ask most often! This enables you to wear leggings and long sleeved tops when you use the hoop and still be able to grip. Keep in mind that you will be hanging your life from this apparatus, so you want to make sure its been tested thoroughly and made professionally. It only takes a tiny slip of concentration to fall out of the hoop so having a mat underneath you could save you from a broken arm or worse!
Having your own rig gives you much greater independence as an aerial artist.
, descending to the awe and delight of the audience.
Step into and stand on your hammock.
But remember that safety always comes first. Hold on above you, bend your knees, and flip over. It's built to last for many, many years!
It doesnt matter if your practice is grounded at home or across the ocean. I get all of this type of equipment from Firetoys. Some people do prefer smaller or bigger hoops than their correct size so if you have a hoop at your aerial school that you really like then its a good idea to get the same size.
We recommend storing inside for longevity. Aerial arts are an incredible union between astounding athleticism, art, and physics.
We are sharing the following information to shed light on some of the considerations of setting up an aerial point at home that you may not have considered, and to ensure that you have all the information we can give you in order to weigh the risks and make the best decisions concerning your and your familys safety. Read about my accident hereFrom Aerial to A & E. Youll need strops to hang the hoop.
And unlike some aerial rigs for sale, ours are highly portable and very easy to use. We aerialists are looking for more opportunities to train outside the studio than ever before.
When you are training at home, you have to modify your practice to account for the absence of a coach to help keep you safe. However, bear in mind that it can be dangerous to make your own aerial rig and we suggest consulting with a truss expert if you are going down this route!
When installing your Lyra hoop or other aerial equipment there are a few common steps youll need to take. A big, thick crash mat is super important.
Heres an interesting and enlightening video about rigging from trees from @the_aerialista on Instagram.
A woman who buys a pole is about to change her life! Our studio mats were purchased from Apple Athletics in Orillia, Ontario.
updates, special discounts, tutorials and more. You need both vertical height (ideally a minimum of 12 feet, but you can get by with less) and width (at least a circle with a 6 foot diameter).
The Ultimate Guide (All Your Questions Answered).
To invert, grab the fabric in front of your hips and gently fall forward, adjusting yourself for comfort.
And then you decide to move. The plot device later expanded to encompass any surprising twist that resolves a storyline. We do want you to understand that any other set-up carries heightened risk. You can search in there for information on sorts of aerial safety topics, and ask the group any questions you have.
Whether you are just starting out with your aerial yoga practice or if youre already a seasoned professional, purchasing a new portable aerial rig is almost as big of a thrill as it is to dance in the air. Come to rest in an inversion to elongate the spine.
If you have more or specific questions, one useful resource we recommend is a group called Circus and Aerial Safety on Facebook. Come to your basic inversion (see above). By entering your email address, you agree to our Privacy Policy, is a free standing structure used to suspend aerial arts equipment, like.
Most airlines will accept oversized cargo, but you will need to check with the specific airlines baggage rules. When it comes to aerial rigs, youll run across two main styles: the quad or the A-frame, and the tripod.