Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today. No late orders will be accepted. TRIP orders are due for physical cards (paper and online) on Thurs., Apr. The orders for SEC students MUST be picked up in the school office.
The HCS voucher program is specifically designed to help currently enrolled families with their tuition bills and to help promote individual businesses with increased business. These Registration Forms will be kept on file. If a written reply is not received within 60 days of the contact, their earnings will be transferred to the HCS~TRIP account. Classroom environments maximize student engagement. The business will keep the white and yellow copy, you take the pink copy. Also, some stores may limit the amount of change back from a certificate purchase. We will not release orders to SEC students. Filled orders will be delivered the following Tuesday to the designated student (if disclaimer has been filled out on the TRIP registration form) or may be picked up in the school office at 2:45 p.m. Any further questions may be directed to the coordinator. Thank you for the positive conversations you are having with your children about doing their best, along with promoting good nights of sleep and a hearty and healthy breakfast. Home Academics Kindergarten 8th Grade. 14th by 10 a.m. Trip Policies & Procedures. 1. Please make every effort to pick them up at that time. We look forward to meeting you! A certain percentage of each card purchase will go into an account held for your childs tuition. Wednesday, April 13 Track Meet @ Chicago Christian High School 3:30 start, TRIP NEWS Turn in the pink copy of the Voucher Slip to the TRIP Office so that we know you have earnings coming. Online bidding starts April 16 at and continues through the auction. If we are unable to reach you, your order will be only processed for the amount of money that has been turned in. Highland Christian School Tuition: *Net of Foundation Gift of $315 per full-time K-8 student. Fill in your portion of the slip (name, address and TRIP account number) before going to make your purchase.
HCS View Brochure Curriculum Guide Kindergarten 8th Grade Admissions. For information, see our website at We provide covenant-model, standards-based Christian education. Is your child entering Kindergarten? Sign up for a Kindergarten Readiness appointment here! FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK Free will offering will be taken. Any further questions can be directed to the TRIP Coordinator at 219-838-0356 ext. Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today. James 1:22. Place order form in a sealed envelope with payment in the form of a check or cash (please limit cash to $100). These gift certificates are just like cash. Just LIVE it! The disclaimer section needs to be filled out and signed if a child will be bringing your certificates home. The concert will include the cantata with other special selections.

We will make every effort to contact you regarding discrepancies. A TRIP statement of your purchases and tuition credit earned will be enclosed with your tuition statements. Later tonight, we want to invite you to our first of two HCS expansion meetings in the gym. The TRIP program will operate according to the TRIP calendar and TRIP News, which are available at the TRIP office, in the parent note and online at

Reminder: There is no school on Good Friday, April 15. We are excited to meet your family and to share with you the extraordinary opportunities that await your child at Highland Christian School. Any discrepancies found on your statement must be reported to the TRIP coordinator within 15 days of the statement date. TRIP participants are urged to count their certificates when received. number will only be paid to SEC/HCS tuition reduction for grades K-8 and preschool. We are looking forward to seeing many members of our community later this evening. In doing so, we help parents fulfill their educational obligation in a manner that is consistent with the Holy Scriptures and the Reformed creeds. Please use the following as a guideline when using your HCS TRIP Voucher: Highland Christian School students will be academically equipped, biblically grounded, and spiritually nurtured to impact their world for Christ. Tuition earnings will be divided evenly among these designated accounts. As shared last week, there are many things happening this month. A Registration form must be completed and enclosed with your first order of each school year. 3. 1. You, or the family you wish to donate to, must be registered with TRIP.
In case of unforeseen circumstances, TRIP cannot be responsible for any non-payment of tuition credit. Please note: TRIP orders are not Tax Deductible because you receive dollar for dollar value. ATHLETIC NEWS The business will give you credit on merchandise before taxes are applied. The percentage earned by each participating family will be held by HCS~ TRIP account and credited to your account on the tuition statements of August, November, February and May. Additionally, ILEARN starts next week for 3rd 8th graders! Each business has the right to refuse a Voucher if the above guidelines are not followed. Highland Christian School students will be academically equipped, biblically grounded, and spiritually nurtured to impact their world for Christ. Please make checks payable to HCS~TRIP. If you are donating to more than one family, please fill out their names and account numbers. If your student(s) will no longer be attending SEC/HCS, the monies held under your family account number can be: Everyone is invited to our Easter Chapel this Thursday at 8:40 in the school gym. Here are some 10 quick facts about the culture and environment at HCS: K-8 Admission for 2022-2023 is now open! Visit our Admissions Page to learn more or get started on your application today! Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today. In this dynamic, inquiry-based learning environment, students engage with teachers and peers to build a strong foundation of thought and academic readiness.
Home Blog News Welcome to HCS! is an easy way for you to earn credit toward your childs tuition payments simply by purchasing gift cards or certificates to places you would normally shop. Owners/employees of a participating Highland Christian School (HCS) voucher program business are not eligible to benefit from tuition credit earnings through their own business. HCS~TRIP is not responsible for any changes or stipulations added to the guidelines printed here. Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today! Every effort will be made to keep you informed of any changes made to the program via the Parent Note, TRIP News, and website. Highland Christian School students will be academically equipped, biblically grounded, and spiritually nurtured to impact their world for Christ. 14, 21, and 28, May 12, 19, and 26. You may also use them as gifts. All courses are Christ-centered, meet a high academic standard, and are taught by a faculty who are committed to Christ, Christian instruction and scholarship. 26; Team C May 3; Team D May 17, COMMUNITY NEWS If you order these certificates online or on our weekly paper order form please remember you will not be able to receive your certificates until the Tuesday after you place the order. Gift certificates are $17 each with a bonus rebate of $3. At the conclusion of the presentation, community members will be given the opportunity to ask further questions or make a public comment. Credited to your outstanding tuition balance RSVP for one of our scheduled Parent Preview events. HCS is not responsible for lost, stolen or incorrectly ordered certificates. We have a vibrant constituent base and strong Church relations. Grandparents and other family members can also participate in raising funds for your childs tuition by setting up an account of their own. The percentage earned will be held by the prepaid tuition account and will be credited at the end of a quarter as a tuition payment when the TRIP coordinator is informed. Please note that some certificates do have an expiration date varying from 6 months to 2 years. Order forms with payment need to be turned in to the TRIP Office. | Virtual Tour. Highland Christian School is a Model PLC school where students at all levels are engaged in deep discipleship and high-level learning. Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today. We are a Professional Learning Community (PLC). In our community parents, church, and school work together to ensure that every facet of learning is rooted in biblical truth and taught from a Christian worldview. All students participate in our 1:1 Technology Program. If you want your certificates faster, contact the TRIP office directly at 219-838-0356, ext. This years auction is Live and Online. Home T.R.I.P. Only the envelope with the certificates ordered under your family number will be given to the designated student. Obtain a 3-part Voucher Slip from in front of the TRIP Office. Please use this account number for all TRIP orders. TRIP is being offered to promote the education of students at Sonshine Enrichment Center and Highland Christian School; therefore, the money collected on your family HCS Record I.D. For example, you cannot order $25 if the denomination offered is $10. To this end, we aim to academically equip, biblically ground and spiritually nurture students to impact their world for Christ. Parents planning for the future education of their student at SEC/HCS may also participate. You can order these online or on the weekly physical gift card order starting on April 14th. We know what it takes to see kids thrive and are pleased to provide students with a Christ-centered, standards-based education that will equip them for life. Policies and Procedures Registration Order Form Trip Calendar Voucher Policies and Procedures Voucher Vendors. After two NSF checks are written against your account, only money orders or cashiers checks will be accepted on your account.
Mark your calendars! We are a certified Project Lead the Way (PLTW) School. 5:00 Doors open, kitchen opens, Silent Auction begins Tuition credit will be posted to your account on a quarterly basis after the TRIP Office has received money from the business. If you wish to speak with a current parent representative, contact Jessica (, I know that my children are loved and nurtured while they are away from me in school., I am confident that my child is being met at his ability level and that his unique gifts and talents are being nurtured., I have peace of mind that my child is receiving a Christ-centered education that reflects my own Christian values., With my kids at HCS, I am assured that the values and principles I teach at home will be supported and reinforced at school instead of ridiculed, minimized, or untaught during their schooling.. I could not think of a better way to start the month of April than using our gifts to serve the Lord. Register for the 2022 HCS Foundation Golf Outing today. SCHOOL NEWS Highland Christian School students will be academically equipped, biblically grounded, and spiritually nurtured to impact their world for Christ. Future families who have not participated in the TRIP program for a two-year period will be considered inactive and contacted as to their intentions. Registration Forms are available at the TRIP Office and online at The TRIP Voucher Program is an extension of TRIP (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) for the purchase of products that are typically higher in cost and less frequently purchased. Zandstras Greenhouse gift certificates are available to purchase. Submit one certificate order form for each family number. Credited to the General Tuition Assistance Fund Home Blog Parent Note Parent Note April 11, 2022, PARENT NOTE April 11, 2022 Saturday, May 7, 7 p.m. Men of A-Chords annual Night of Song featuring the Easter Cantata Written In Red at First Church (16248 South Park Ave., South Holland, IL). The participating businesses are asked to have their tuition reduction checks reach the school office by the 10th of the following month.