The signature of the nine-point ceasefire agreement on 9 November 2020 led to the termination of fighting between warring parties and also changed the existing territorial status quo. Crisis Groups datasets, upon which this Visual Explainer is based, are available here. Council of Europe/European Court of Human Rights.
][9], The United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War demanding that all occupying forces withdraw from the territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh. Nagorno-Karabakh also claims but did not control the region known until 1992 as Shahumian, which although being majority-Armenian before 1992, was not part of the NKAO. [28] Thousands of Azerbaijanis demonstrated for war against Armenia in response, with Turkey propagandising in support of Azerbaijan. Agdam was a predominantly Azerbaijani town until the 1993 battle over the city,[61] after which it became a ghost town,[60] labelled the Hiroshima of Caucasus,[62][63] The Associated Press reported that Aghdam Mosque, which had been vandalized with graffiti and used as a stable for cattle and swine, was the town's only structurally whole building. It is also intended as a tool for policymakers and others involved in the peace process or in mitigating the conflicts humanitarian impact. Based on an extensive study, the International Committee of the Red Cross maintains a, Contemporary challenges for classification, contemporary challenges for classification control over proxy forces, Statement by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation, The Recent Ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh: Territorial Control, Peacekeepers and Question of Status, Process for Withdrawal of Armenian Troops from Karabakh Began, In Karabakh Deal, As Many Questions as Answers, military occupation elements of occupation, contemporary challenges for classification control over proxy forces, Determining the Beginning and End of an Occupation Under International Humanitarian Law, Guide on Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Obligations to Respect Human Rights Concepts of Jurisdiction and Imputability, International Mediators condemn ceasefire violations in Nagorno-Karabakh, Revamping the Nagorny Karabakh Peace Process, Getting from Ceasefire to Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia and Azerbaijan Unleashed the War of Interpretations, Improving Prospects for Peace after the Nagorno-Karabakh War, Interview: Thomas De Waal on Whats Next For Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian-Azerbaijani Relations, Russia and Turkey Open Joint Military Center in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict is a Reminder of Europes Instability, Nagorno-Karbakhs War. [56] At Armenia's request, Azerbaijan extended the deadline for Armenians to fully vacate Kalbajar District by 10 days, until 25 November.
For a discussion of the European Courts approach to this issue, see M. Milanovic, The Nagorno-Karabkh Cases, EJIL:Talk!, 23 June 2015. According to Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh has no future as a part of Azerbaijan and whatever is the solution, it must emanate from the will of the Karabakh people and that any Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement must be based on recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh peoples right to self-determination. Furthermore, Amenia considers itself to be the guarantor of Artsakh's security. Apart from the question of the withdrawal of the Armenian troops from Nagorno-Karabakh, it is critical to re-assess the link between the separatist armed groups of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, i.e. [71][72] The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, vowed to rebuild and revive Kalbajar District,[73] and the event was also celebrated by a rally in Baku. A Frozen Conflict Explodes, The Economist, 9 April 2016. 1562, . Crisis Group tracked the use of such heavy weaponry. For instance, in 2017 there have been 19 casualties on the Azerbaijani side and 22 on the Armenian side.
Crisis Group analysts collected data regarding incidents reported by Azerbaijan, Armenia and de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities in the conflict zone between 1 January 2015 and 26 September 2020, including both incidents that resulted in casualties and those that did not. Nagorno-Karabakh Searching for a Solution. The war cost lives of 2.425 Armenian servicemen and 2.783 Azerbaijani soldiers. Under the deal, the Russian peacekeeping troops are deployed along the line of contact; they are deployed concurrently with the withdrawal of the Armenian troops.Statement by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation, 10 November 2020, points 3-4. #Azerbaijan #Karabakh @UNESCO", "Armenians burned mosques before leaving Aghdam - PHOTOS", "Azerbaijani Troops Take Control Of Agdam As Armenians Flee", "Adamn Glabl kndind Azrbaycan hrbisi il ermni halinin shbti", "Azerbaijani military defuses more than 150 mines in Agdam", "Azerbaijani Forces Reclaim Second District From Armenians Under Nagorno-Karabakh Truce", "Ermnistan hrbilri Klbcr rayonunu qaytarmazdan vvl ordak ermni hrbi qrargahn partladblar", "Azerbaijani army enters Kalbajar, region returned by Armenia", "Azerbaijani leader vows to revive region ceded by Armenia", "Klbcrin qaytarlmas Bakda avtoyrl qeyd olunub", "Gncd mskunlaan Klbcrdn olan mcburi kknlr Klbcr Mdniyyt Evinin Gncd yerln inzibati binasnn qarsna toplablar, BBC News Azrbaycan mxbirlri deyiblr", "Azerbaijan to monitor fields in Kalbajar - Head of National Geological Exploration Service", "Kelbajar gold deposits to remain on territory of Azerbaijan", "Azrbaycan MN Zod mdni il bal yaylan xbrlr rh vermyib", " : " ", " - ", "Azerbaijani troops have not entered the area of Sotk gold mine Defense Ministry", "Half of Sotk Gold Mine Now in Azerbaijan, Says Armenian Military Official", "Rusiya Mdafi Nazirliyi: Lan dhlizind hrkt slhmramllar nzart edir", "Azerbaijani troops enter Lachin district in Nagorno-Karabakh", "Lan hri ermnilrdmi qalr?
[68] On 22 November, the Azerbaijani military reported that it had defused more than 150 mines in the district.
It held that the de-occupation of the regions and respect of its territorial integrity is a conditio sine qua non for sustainable peace in the region. Both countries used heavy weapons and violence caused twelve military fatalities, including a well-regarded general, and one civilian on Azeri side and four military casualties and one civilian wounded on Armenian side. [86] The Russian peacekeepers also set up a post in a town previously called Zabukh by the local Azerbaijanis before it was destroyed in 1992, but later on the ruins there was built a village inhabited by Lebanese-Armenians. [82] Armenian military authorities then stated that half of the mine area had been passed to Azerbaijan. This agreement was codified in a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement and will be enforced by Russian peacekeepers under an initial 5-year mandate.
[30] The Azerbaijani authorities claimed to have taken a mountain peak in the Murovdag range in Kalbajar District. In addition to ordinary residents, non-combatants include civilian state agency staff engaged in demining and other activities. Armenia-Azerbaijan Summit described as positive, constructive, RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, 30 March 2019;Round of negotations on Nagorno-Karabakh in Vienna, CaucasusWatch, 30 March 2019. Yet, no concrete steps as to the design of a possible agreement was laid out. Based on the bilateral agreement between Russia and Turkey, the joint ceasefire-monitoring center was opened on 30 January 2021 in Aghdam district in Azerbaijan. [29] The Azerbaijani forces started operations along the Aras River on the same day, with advancements in Jabrayil and Fuzuli districts, and the initial objective to seize control of Jabrayil and Fuzuli. Russia is traditionally seen as an Armenian allied and has a military base in the country, but has also good relationships with Azerbaijan and sells weapons to both countries. Armenia, Azerbaijan Exchange Troops Bodies After Ceasefire, Al-Jazeera, 17 November 2020.
At the outset of the 1991-1994 Karabakh conflict, the majority-Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast was surrounded by regions with Azerbaijani majorities and had no land border with Armenia. In tallying incidents, Crisis Group faced several limitations.

Second, the presence of the foreign forces prevents the effective local government in place at the time of invasion from exercising its powers. 999, 1244, 1565, 1566-, 1567, 5925, 7879, 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire agreement, Azerbaijani Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Administrative divisions of the Republic of Artsakh, "Report of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs' Field Assessment Mission to the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan Surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh", "UN Security Council Resolution 822 (30 April 1993)", "UN Security Council Resolution 853 (29 July 1993)", "UN Security Council Resolution 884 (12 November 1993)", "Around the Bloc: Kazakhstan Bans Child Jihadi Video, Russia Cracks Down on Capital Flight", "Several leaders of Armenia's far right detained | Eurasianet", . First, the foreign state has overall control over de facto local authorities. Based on an extensive study, the International Committee of the Red Cross maintains a database on customary international humanitarian law. While Azerbaijan claims that these terms include both regular and separatist forces, according to Armenia the withdrawal only applies to Armenian regular troops. 239, 4 July 2016;S. Tisdall, Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict is a Reminder of Europes Instability, The Guardian, 3 April 2016;Nagorno-Karbakhs War. Servicemen attend Sunday service at Gandzasar monastery in May 2017.
[22] From 27 November, citing the city's self-proclaimed mayor, Narek Aleksanyan, who called on the ethnic Armenian population to flee the region, the Armenian media alleged that "the agreement has been amended," adding that Lachin, Sus, and Zabukh would not be handed over to Azerbaijan. [15], In the wake of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, Armenian forces lost control of Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Zangilan and Qubadli districts, and Armenia agreed to withdraw its forces from Agdam, Kalbajar and Lachin districts, returning them to Azerbaijani control, by 20 November, 25 November and 1 December 2020, respectively.