Prior to joining Vodafone, he held various senior management positions in the Telecoms and Consulting sectors in the UK. << >> He currently serves as the vice-chairman of the board of directors at CEPA, is a senior adviser at the US Institute of Peace, and a non-resident fellow in the Applied History Project Harvard University Kennedy School of Governments Belfer Center. /Im4 69 0 R [5], Authoritarian regimes are nations where political pluralism is nonexistent or severely limited. /Resources 56 0 R Moldova was downgraded from a flawed democracy to a hybrid regime as a result of problematic elections. /Rotate 0 She was previously director, SME Finance and Development, providing finance and advice to SMEs across 26 EBRD countries of operation. As Finance minister and Prime Minister he played a key role in both the development of the euro and in the extraordinary success of the Irish economy. As the first EIB Resident Representative in Ankara, she has opened the new office of the EIB Group in March 2014 and followed primarily the EIB public sector lending in Turkey. Chief operating officer, Henley & Partners. Brand strategy, marketing consulting, creative communication, campaigns, media, events, below advertising, web strategy, social-media marketing. /Type /Page /Resources 40 0 R /Rotate 0 All Right Reserved. /Type /Page /Type /Page ", is not considered, but automatically scored zero. /Type /Page Mr Badea is also a member of the Editorial Council of the Theoretical and Applied Economics journal and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Review of Financial Studies (edited by the Institute of Financial Studies). In this position he has revolutionized the business model for IQOS in Italy and turned a slow growth into an accelerated and sustainable one, with 1 million Italian smokers switching to IQOS. /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Social Indicators Research /Rotate 0 >> The victory of the center and right-winged opposition in the elections of November 1996, revealed the alternance of parties in power and by this the consolidation of the democratic institutions in Romania. /Rotate 0 The Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community. endobj Previously, she was a Head of Unit in the RECOVER Task Force in the Secretariat General of the European Commission with responsibility for the Recovery and Resilience Plans in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia, and responsibility for public administration and business environment. /Type /Page /Resources 44 0 R endobj /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] 10 0 obj Country director for the European Union, World Bank, Deputy governor, National Bank of Romania. In 2010, he published 15 different anthropocentric seminars on DVD.

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/Parent 2 0 R /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Carlo is not new to Romania, from 2008 to 2011 he ran Enel Green Powers operations in the country. He received his BSc in engineering, MSc in production & HR management & PhD in Applied Robotics from Strathclyde University, Scotland. At the Dublin Summit, he helped finalise the Growth and Stability Pact which governs the management of the euro. Please see our privacy policy, Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter. << Prior to the EIB, she gained experience in the Central European Initiative (CEI), a regional organisation supporting candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe in their path to the EU Accession. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Prior to joining Henley & Partners, Stefan worked in the consulting and private equity business, where he managed the acquisition and sale of several companies.
/Rect [304.723 157.154 482.923 164.634] /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Economist Impact is a part of the Economist Group. In political culture, support for strong leaders and technocratic governance or expert rule remains strong. /Parent 2 0 R The index covers 165 independent states and two territories. Harper Reed is a US-based technology engineer, innovator and entrepreneur. Joan joined EIU in 1995, and before her current role was Regional Manager for Europe and Senior Analyst for Eastern Europe. 16 0 obj /Im2 67 0 R /Type /Page endobj
Prior to her position in Brussels, Ms Vincelette was practice manager for macroeconomics, trade, & investment in the Europe and central Asia region of the World Bank. fair? Currently, he is the President of AmCham Romania, co-chairing the Taxation committee of AmCham. /Contents 45 0 R Even though western countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta, and Belgium are categorised as flawed democratic regime countries, they are way above Romania. According to the latest wave of the World Values Survey, many residents in Eastern Europe have little faith in democracy and feel that democratic governance leads to poor economic performance.
>> >> 2 0 obj These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. >> She is keen to support strong public services, such as in education, environment and healthcare, and encourages KPMG employees and business partners to participate in community projects. /Contents 41 0 R For this index category, the regions average score of 4.73 compares to a global average of 5.37 and an average score of 8.04 for western Europe. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] She is active in efforts to promote a strong economic and social environment in Romania, in which businesses can grow and individuals can achieve their potential. Compared to Eastern Europe, Western Europes average regional score fell from 8.29 in 2020 to 8.22 in 2021. /H /I His best-selling book Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas from the Worlds Smartest Minds (Penguin, 2019) has been published in Japan, Korea, Russia and beyond. /Resources 48 0 R You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Business Insider SRL is a carrier of data with personal character, registered in the Registrul de Evidenta a Prelucrarilor de Date cu Caracter Personal with the no. Spain and Chile were downgraded from full democracies to flawed democracies, while Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, and Tunisia were downgraded from flawed democracies to hybrid regimes. At McKinsey & Company, he advised clients in strategic, operational, and organizational projects. media freedom infringement and minor suppression of political opposition and critics). He is fascinated by how technology continues to shape, transform and empower human behaviour. The following table shows the five parameters that made up the score of each nation in 2021 and the changes that had occurred since 2020. endobj Mitt Romney. 4 0 obj We would love to keep you informed about other Economist events, newly-released content, our best subscription offers, and great new product offerings from The Economist Group, Copyright @ The Economist Newspaper Limited 2022 All rights reserved. There are no full democracies in the region: 16 flawed democracies (EU eastern member states and most of the western Balkans), four hybrid regimes (Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine), and eight authoritarian regimes (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia, and all Central Asian states) exist out of the 28 countries. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. >> Mr. Sabin Srma has been nominated Designated President to Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 of The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) by the Government of Romania. /Type /Metadata Reporters Without Borders: Romanias press freedom in free fall. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] << Joan is often invited to share her perspectives on Europe with senior corporate executives, academics and diplomatic officials. The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories, measuring pluralism, civil liberties and political culture. With the exceptions mentioned below, within each category, the scores are added, multiplied by ten, and divided by the total number of questions within the category. Commissioner for economy, European Commission. endobj From November 2019 to December 2020 he was Minister of European Funds, during the government led by Ludovic Orban. /Contents 53 0 R 19 0 obj The region has the second-highest average overall score and has the most full democracies (12 out of 21). /Type /Annot From 2005 to 2009, Harper Reed was the CTO of Chicago-based clothing company Threadless, one of the first successful crowdsourcing companies, and helped increase revenue tenfold during that period. >> << From 1993 to 2019 he has also lectured regularly at the Hellenic Management Association on people skills, empowerment, motivation, and personal skills development. (Jg)Yi"M(Z*$e] Qz2dX#XeI|H?N3 /Type /Page /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] % Is EU on the right track to counterbalance the impact of the pandemic and build resilience? He has given numerous management skills development seminars in 4 continents. @2022 - VALAHIA NEWS. Carlo Pignoloni is a Board Member in local prestigious organizations, such as the Federation of Association of Energy Utilities Companies (ACUE), Romania Energy Center (CRE) and Aspen Institute Romania, and is the President of the Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA). Romania is categorised as a flawed democratic regime country, along with countries like Serbia, Albania, Moldova, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. /Parent 2 0 R She is an expert on European political economy, with a special interest in democracy, governance, political risk, global geopolitics and east European post-communist transition. Senior vice president, Europe & South Africa, Iron Mountain. Another notable shortcoming is persistently low political culture scores. She is responsible for ensuring that EIUs analysis and forecasts for countries in the region are as accurate and insightful as possible for clients, and are delivered in a timely and accessible manner. >> Therefore, Mr. Srma has acknowledged and tackled the challenges of the sector from a multi-stakeholder perspective, becoming known as transformational and visionary expert. << To generate the index, the Economist Intelligence Unit has a scoring system in which various experts are asked to answer 60 questions and assign each reply a number, with the weighted average deciding the ranking. >> /Rotate 0 %PDF-1.4 /Im3 68 0 R Finally, the score, rounded to two decimals, decides the regime-type classification of the country. The process of democratization of the Romanian society, which started in December 1989, following the removal of the communist regime, has several peculiarities. While humanity is still fighting a difficult battle against covid-19, the recent Russian invasion in Ukraine has re-shaped the geopolitical landscape with significant implications for the global social and political environment. >>
Between 2012 and 2020, she was Head of a number of different units, including for the Common Fisheries Policy and Structural Policy Development and Economic Analysis in the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the European Commission. Clarine Kalogeraki >> 5 0 obj document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Romanian News in English with news from Romania and International News. Iron Mountain is the most trusted partner, protecting and unlocking the potential of your data. He returned to Greece in 1988 and lectured at the National Technical University of Athens. /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.0 842.0] Hes typically asked to speak about how innovation and technology are likely to impact a particular sector (from manufacturing to motoring), and what incumbent companies can do to protect themselves. /Rotate 0 Born in 1954, Gentiloni graduated in Political Sciences from La Sapienza, Rome. endobj Previously he worked as a professional journalist. The most substantial downward score changes across the region were in the categories of political culture, where the average regional score went from 8.21 to 8.04, and civil rights, where the average regional score fell from 8.53 to 8.43. She began her career as a journalist covering UK and Irish affairs, before developing her interest and expertise in Eastern Europe over several decades from the late 1980s. Harper has also developed a number of community based apps in Chicago. << /Parent 2 0 R These studies empirical, philosophical and methodological take in the whole spectrum of society, including the individual, public and private organizations, and municipal, country, regional, national and international systems. /BleedBox [0 0 595.275 841.889] He is also the CEE Transfer Pricing Network Leader. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms Vincelette conducted research on economic development issues in academic institutions in Europe and the US. >> He holds a Masters in Engineering from the Imperial College London and an MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management. /Resources 50 0 R Daniel Cuevas began his career with Philip Morris International in 2000. In 2021, 13 Eastern European countries increased their Democracy Index scores, with Moldova and Montenegro showing the most improvement. Japan and South Korea were also upgraded again to a full democracy, while France and Portugal were once again relegated to flawed democracies. Mr Bruton is a board member of Trane Technologies, PIMCO Europe, Terrebellum, IDLF and the Centre for European Policy Studies. This is the case in Romania, where citizens no longer trust politicians because of the countless instances of corruption.