Nor is there much evidence that Poland, which is fond of the idea of being at the heart of Europe, will follow in the footsteps of Hungary.
He apparently won a significant share of young voters on Sunday. Two new political parties aiming at the younger generation have already been formed that reject the nasty rhetoric of Kukiz. Komorowskis campaign was strongly backed by the liberal media. Duda commences his presidency on August 6. The first involves a radical change of the power elite. To paraphrase Chantal Mouffe, the ideological battle between the Civic Platform and Law and Justice sometimes resembles the discussion on the relative virtues of Coca-Cola versus Pepsi. The only question is how bumpy it will be.. The Polish Presidential Election: A Victory for the Radicals? Lets give him a chance, says Lech Wasa, otherwise a resolute opponent of Kaczyskis party. Or was Komorowski and his party to blame for squandering their advantage? That would be a nightmare scenario for Polish foreign policy, because it would mean getting into conflicts with Germany and anti-EU stunts and aggressive rhetoric towards Russia, Kucharczyk said. Many older people, on the other hand, are prepared to overlook its failures, feeling that they are the losers of the transformation. If Dudas win is confirmed, it could herald a political shift in the European Unions sixth largest economy, a nation that has been able to punch above its weight in Europe without belonging to the 19-nation eurozone. Komorowski built his campaign on a rhetorical division between rational and radical Poland. First, office will turn any radical into a relatively moderate technocrat. This round was won by Duda with 51.5% of the votes, to Komorowski's 48.5%. Polish voters have sent a strong signal that they are unhappy with the countrys direction, apparently unseating the president despite years of fast economic growth and unprecedented stability. The results of the Polish presidential election on May 24 proved that anything is possible in a democracy. Nearly all view polls taken before the first round of the election predicted President Komorowski would receive the largest vote share in the first round, with some polls taken in slow 2014 and early 2015 suggesting he was on track for an outright win that would avoid a runoff election. Observers say this was a key factor in his undoing, with voters punishing him for government corruption scandals and unpopular measures, such as a rise in the retirement age. Social liberalization is not a priority for them either. Party supporters have been rejoicing since Dudas apparent victory was announced late on Sunday. However, the twenty-year-olds who voted en masse for Kukiz take for granted Polands membership of the EU and perceive the events of 1989 as prehistory. If his debut resembles the rule of the Kaczyski brothers, many may start to miss Komorowski and the dull but predictable Civic Platform. Much has been said about the inevitable defeat of Civic Platform, and the electorate might get carried away by the media prophecy. Duda says he wants new taxes on the foreign-owned banks and supermarkets to protect Polish interests, suggesting an approach similar to that of Hungarys prime minister, Viktor Orbn. However, the 2010 election took place under the shadow of the Tu-154 crash in Smolensk, in which the president Lech Kaczyski had been killed, along with many other members of the government. Und man hat den Eindruck, eher einer Beerdigungsfeierlichkeit als einem Kollegentreffen beizuwohnen. Third, Poland has a stable democracy and a balanced economy that many say will not be affected by a change of government. Since coming to power in 2007, the Civic Platform has established a good reputation in the European Union and can boast a positive economic balance. In the second round, most of his supporters, unable to imagine voting for the Civic Platform, opted for Duda. They say the party will do much more to help the many Poles who have not benefited from the countrys economic growth, those who face low wages and job insecurity despite a quarter of a century of growth. The surprise defeat of the Polish president Bronisaw Komorowski by the Law and Justice candidate Andrzej Duda suggests a return of the reactionary and parochial politics of the Kaczynski era. Two debates took place before theround, the first chaired by Dorota Gawryluk and by Krzysztof Ziemiec on 17 May,Bogdan Rymanowski and Justyna Pochanke. The inauguration is appointed for August 6. Polands influence is underlined by the fact that one of its own, Donald Tusk, now heads the European Council in Brussels. Andrzej Duda is a responsible person and will be a responsible president, said Zbigniew Ziobro, who was justice minister when the Law and Justice party led the government. In the final count, Duda received 51.5 per cent of the vote. Kaczyski was a president of limited popularity, especially among young people, and his death symbolized the end of the Fourth Polish Republic.

Incumbent Bronisaw Komorowski unseated despite years of fast economic growth and unprecedented stability. Why did Belarus prohibit foreigners to sell their shares? changes in 2011. Pawe Kukiz, who finished third in the first round of voting, declined to endorse either Duda or Komorowski, instead offering to moderate a debate between the two candidates. As no candidate had received more than 50% of the votes cast, a second round was held on 24 May between the two highest-placed candidates, Duda and Komorowski. So why did the Polish electorate opt for change in 2015? Komorowskis defeat may bring home to the Civic Platform that a cosmetic correction of its programme will no longer do. Second, Duda is seen as the new, more civilized face of PiS. Third, the Polish electorate has undergone a demographic shift underestimated by the political parties. Figures of Belarusian noblemen removed from historical museum, Belarusian writer against cancelling cultures, including Russian, Belarus Foreign Minister's wife pushes for drastic changes in local theater, Belarus and Russia pentathletes excluded from World and European Championships, Belarusian tennis players allowed to play at US Open under neutral flag, FC Homiel allowed to play in Conference League, Molchat Doma enjoy sold-outs in Europe but remain little known in Belarus, Molchat Doma: Post-punk band from Minsk suddenly stirs emotions around the world. Andrzej Duda will receive documents proving his victory at a festive ceremony on May 29. As the term of Bronisaw Komorowski would officially end on 6 August 2015, the first round had to occur between 27 April and 22 May, so that the possible dates were theoretically either 3, 10, or 17 May, though in practice only the latter two were realistic possibilities as the first fell on Constitution Day, a national holiday. Second, the critical discourse has been reinforced by a silent majority of Polish voters, laying specific claims for changes which have little in common with neat slogans of modernization and political stability. Why has the EU reacted so angrily to Tymoshenkos imprisonment and threatened the Ukrainian government with various sanctions, primarily with the shelving of the nearly-finalized Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine? He defeated the incumbent by a margin of approximately three percentage points, according to official results. Duda said on Monday he planned to leave Law and Justice, following a tradition of Polish presidents breaking formal ties with their parties to represent the entire nation. Polish politics needs a new set of arguments. 43-year-old lawyer, member of the Law and Justice party and MEP Andrzej Duda got 51.55% of the vote. Belarusian goods still sold in Ukrainian online stores, Case of journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva heard in total secrecy, Ukraine seizes hundreds of rail cars and tanks from Belarus and Russia, Polish border guards find six Belarusian soldiers digging under border fence, Teenager sentenced to 3 years in prison for video of Russian military, Belarusian authorities liquidate independent trade unions, Belarus seeks SCO membership in response to isolation, Belarus in top five countries with cheapest broadband, Belarusian exports down by 4.4% as sanctions take their toll. Polls were closer in the second round, with most predicting a narrow Duda victory. Andrzej Duda celebrates with supporters in Warsaw. There are several explanations. Magdalena Nowicka-Franczak is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of d and Bronislaw Geremek Junior Visiting Fellow at the IWM (20142015). On 13 November President Andrzej Duda, a former PiS member, tasked Ms. Szydlo with forming a new government. A vote for the former was an endorsement of evolutionary change, Europeanization and response to grassroots social demands. The PiS, which endorsed Ms. Beata Szydlo as its premiership candidate, became the first party in the country's post-communist era to win enough seats to govern on its own. A large group of voters are too young to remember the confrontational Kaczyski government between 2005 and 2007. In that case, the Law and Justice party may form a populist and Eurosceptic coalition with Pawe Kukiz, if he manages to establish his power base in time. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning.

As no candidate had received more than 50% of the votes cast, around was held on 24 May between the two highest-placed candidates, Duda and Komorowski.
Five years ago, the Polish public was called upon to choose between the so called liberal and solidarity Poland . In an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form figure or combination. Official results are expected late on Monday. This did nothing to put off young voters, a large majority of whom are simply indifferent to such issues. According to the article 28, the day of the election had to fall on a Sunday between 100 and 75 days ago the end of the term of the incumbent. That would cement Polands turn to the right, create a new dynamic with other European countries and possibly usher in a less welcoming climate for foreign investors. After eight years in opposition, the Law and Justice (PiS) led by Mr. Jaroslaw Kaczynski returned to power, winning an outright majority in both the 460-member Sejm and the 100-member Senate. The result was listed as a surprise, as the Komorowski camp and many political observers expected him to perform better or perhaps win outright. Comment on Mykola Riabchuks Article Ukraine: One State, Two Countries?, Comment on Mykola Riabchuks ArticleUkraine: One State, Two Countries?. The treason of the intellectuals is nowadays a leitmotif in a process of reappraisal being undertaken by twenty and thirty-year-olds, particularly members of the left-wing movement of Krytyka Polityczna and the circle surrounding the periodical Kultura Liberalna. It is staunchly pro-US, but has a sometimes defiant stance towards other European partners, which has created tensions in the past with the EU and neighbouring Germany.

Our political programme focuses on the stomach, not the heart we wont play around with a struggle against the Church, says Katarzyna Paprota, a representative of the newly-formed party Razem (Together). Duda hailed his victory as a vote for change. Incumbent Bronislaw Komorowski got 48.45% in the runoff. Many world leaders, including United States President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, congratulated Duda on his victory. Komorowski and the Civic Platform instead offered moderate social and economic liberalization combined with political stability, predictable decision-making and a pro-European foreign policy. Paul Starr (Translated by Andreas Simon dos Santos), Institut fr die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. He conceded defeat that evening and wished Duda "a successful presidency". Presidential elections were held in Poland on 10 together with 24 May 2015. Supporters also say Duda will do more to fight for the countrys economic interests. to be registered to contest the elections, candidates had to be a Polish citizen, at least 35 years old on the day of the first round of the election, and realise collected at least 100,000 voters' signatures. Ten candidates attended the debate, while President Komorowski declined to appear. According to an exit poll, challenger Andrzej Duda, a rightwing member of the European parliament, won the presidential election on Sunday with 52% of the vote to 48% for the incumbent, Bronisaw Komorowski. Komorowski said after the release of the exit poll that it was important to respect the result of the vote. The result, he warned, was a wave of nationalism and populism accumulating below the surface. Copyright 1996-2016 Inter-Parliamentary Union, Archive of past election results for this chamber, Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments).