Get the latest Stockhead news delivered free to yourinbox. The objective of the PFS, which is scheduled to be completed in six months, is to provide sufficient information for Wanbao to make a decision on its future participation in financing and development of the Kalkaroo project. Base metals: Havilah reveals promising numbers for Kalkaroo copper project, Tim Treadgold: Copper bottoms, gets ready to boil, S&P confirms the world is struggling to find more copper. Stavely Minerals (ASX:SVY) also reported high-grade copper hits this morning at its Thursdays Gossan project in western Victoria. Kalkaroo copper-cobalt-gold project located near Broken Hill in South Australia is the biggest undeveloped open-pit copper-gold deposit in Australia. Havilah Resources to explore for additional copper-cobalt re Havilah one step closer to getting mining lease for Australi [hav_announcements] Annual Report is now available on the we [hav_announcements] Drilling at Maldorky Iron Ore Project. Havilah Resources Ltd has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Wanbao Mining Ltd for the completion of a pre-feasibility study (PFS) for the Kalkaroo copper-gold project in northeast South Australia. Venturex Resources (ASX:VXR) has uncovered a thick intercept of high-grade copper mineralisation at its Sulphur Springs project. Quarterly Activities Report - Period Ending April 2016 (1.5M Portia High Grade Gold Ore Processing Commenced (pdf 722KB), Havilah Recognised with Commercial Achievement Award, Portia Processing Plant Treats First Gold Ore, South Australian Resources & Energy Investment Conference, Portia Gold Ore Successfully Mined (1.2MB), Havilah Targets Earlier First Gold from Portia Mine (10MB), [hav_announcements] Annual General Meeting, [hav_announcements] Broadcast of Havilah Presentation. The download or link you requested has now opened in a new tab. Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire For investors, getting access to the right information is critical. If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Market Close Update But the gains are all mine. On Google Earth, click on the button, to show property information, and access to project page or company page. Excellent logistics, being located in northeastern South Australia near Broken Hill with the Transcontinental railway and main highway nearby. The Kalkaroo mineralized zone lies between the psammitic footwall rocks and a thick pelitic hangingwall sequence. Announces $340 Million of Non-Core Asset Sales, Announces 2017Second Quarter Financial Results, ____, . International Mining The information is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. hb``b``a`f`bd@ AV6
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Try for 30 days for ONLY $1, Another potential copper-gold operation in OZ's backyard, OZ queried over Kalkaroo price but Havilah held strong cards, OZ finds room for Kalkaroo in an already chock-full growth pipeline, Havilah seeks funding infusion after GFG deal shot down, New World's drilling set to have 'materially positive impact' on copper resource, Caravel delivers $1.2B price tag for Wheatbelt copper mine, New World targets low-cost Antler redevelopment, Krux revolutionizes data-based decision making for the mining industry, E79 boosts first drilling program after identifying new targets, AI-Mining technology company SensOre launches IPO funding round, Moving swiftly to production more important than ever, 100%-owned, large, brownfields project in Montana's Stillwater District, Neometals drills down on Scandinavian vanadium venture numbers, Copyright 2000-2022 Aspermont Ltd. All rights reserved. The PFS will primarily address the development implications of the recently upgraded resource for Kalkaroo and will increase the confidence in the final processing circuit and associated capital and operating costs for an expanded operation. 0000070341 00000 n
- Project is well advanced with granted mining lease, completed PFS, and land ownership. policy at the bottom of the Future of Mining website. The Kalkaroo deposit was estimated to hold 100.1Mt of proven and probable ore reserves grading 0.47% copper and 0.44% gold, as of June 2018. You can opt out of these communications at any time by Who knew? The mine is expected to produce an average of 30,000 tonnes of copper and 72,000 ounces of gold each year over an initial 13-year period. Right now the copper price sits at around $US2.63 per pound and the PFS forecasts Kalkaroo will have C1 costs of $US1.67 per pound. Unsubscribe whenever your want. j_(L[Kk}hqm Files Updated Technical Report and Preliminary You must be logged in to use the porfolio and watchlists (free), Feasibility Study Confirms the Kalkaroo Copper-Gold Project. Fine gold concentrate is proposed to be recovered in a gravity and conventional carbon-in- leach (CIL) plant at the facility. Study to consider copper mine feasibility. 0000005873 00000 n
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Wanbao Mining is a Beijing-based specialist international mining company with substantial copper mining operations in Myanmar and copper and cobalt mining and smelting operations in the DRC.
Currently Wanbao controls resources of more than 9 Mt of copper, 400,000 t of cobalt and 800 t of platinum. Low Sovereign Risk, Mining Friendly South Australia. [ght_announcements] Havilah increases its stake in Geotherma [hav_announcements] Exploration Update on Maldorky and Kalka [hav_announcements] Update on Field Activity, [hav_announcements] Oban Well-house Start-up, South Australian Chamber of Mines Presentation, Plymouth Minerals Intersects Further High Grade Potash in Drilling at Banio Potash Project - Plannin, RELEASES NEW TECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE HAILE GOLD MINE, Advance Notice - Full Year Results Conference Call, Reports Financial Results for Q2 and Provides Project Updates, Rentech Announces Results for Second Quarter 2017, Lupaka Gold Receives First Tranche Under Amended Invicta Financing Agreement, Reports Second Quarter 2017 Results and Maintains Production Guidance, d Share Capital and Voting Rights for Lundin Mining, Canarc Reports High Grade Gold in Surface Rock Samples at Fondaway Canyon, Nevada, Commences Lithium Exploration Drilling at the Columbus Basin Project.
1.3 million tonnes of copper, 3.2 million ounces of gold and 43.4 thousand tonnes of cobalt. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. HWIG+RIZRdg,/~>-o>]?_~HBXCKkm)n.%[n)m=[iIRu$ The economy and markets are "under surveillance". Image courtesy of Havilah Resources Limited. Stockhead is providing factual information where there is a reasonable likelihood of doubt. We are continuing to work on these various upside opportunities with the assistance of RPM in order to determine what effect they could potentially have on the mining economics, Giles said. Short & Caught: Short sellers still queuing for volatile FLT? Shares climbed nearly 9 per cent to 24.5c today. 0000026821 00000 n
Copper, gold, cobalt JORC Mineral Resource inventory 1.3 million tonnes of copper, 3.2 million ounces of gold and 43.4 thousand tonnes of cobalt. Other infrastructure facilities for the project will include a waste rock dumping area, tailing and water storage facilities, and an accommodation camp. Dacian takes Jupiter underground estimate out of resource MNN Awards: Hansen revamps junior explorer, Ford nickel interest fails to ignite producers. The Kalkaroo mine is estimated to contain 1.1Mt of copper, 3.1Moz of gold, and 23,200t of cobalt resources. Chalice Gold Mines (ASX:CHN) has picked itself up a nickel sulphide project in Western Australia. *Note that not all announcements are posted on this website. Markets coverage, company profiles and industry insights from Australias best business journalists all collated and delivered straight to your inbox every day. to our privacy and cookie policy. - Mining planned to commence during 2022 (if feasible) on a lower capital gold open pit at West Kalkaroo, before transitioning to the large scale copper-gold sulphide project, subject to receipt of mining approvals and securing financing. England HP4 2AF, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 1442 870 829 Greenfields Base Metals; EV makers are drooling over this one! Analysis finds it's not caused by low serotonin, China loses two important river species to water traffic, pollution and over-fishing, Cancelled flights, delays reach record levels as airlines struggle to make comeback from COVID, Tennis's Big Four unite for Laver Cup in 'unique' moment, With 13,000 houses empty and hundreds sleeping rough, investment property owners asked to abandon holiday rentals, 'Meet the moment': Mayors request President Joe Biden's support amid 'unprecedented surge' of asylum seekers, Knife-wielding man tells US congressman 'you're done' before attempting to stab Republican politician, Bottle shop sales spike 300 per cent in Alice Springs as 15-year alcohol ban in remote NT communities expires, Splendour in the Grass artists and muddied festivalgoers react to cancellation, COVID-19 case numbers from around the states and territories, Perth schoolgirl who was part of teacher kill plot awaits her fate. 193 0 obj
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An ethical source of copper from a low sovereign risk, tier 1 environmental, social and governance (ESG) destination. 0000015728 00000 n
Shares advanced 4.4 per cent to 12c on the news. He added there is also potential to add to the resource given that Kalkaroo remains open down-dip and along strike. 0000041639 00000 n
The Truck n Shovel 2019 Conference Papers, Lycopodium Minerals says it has been appointed to complete the EPCM and commissioning services for the delivery of, Boston Metal, through its MOE process, is looking to decarbonise the steel-making sector at the same time as helpin. 0000035962 00000 n
Glencore is a Swiss-based company with offices in 40 countries and it will have a 14 per cent interest in Kalkaroo and take some of the copper. Havilah says the Kalkaroo project will be highly sensitive to commodity prices with a 10 per cent increase resulting in a 48 per cent jump in the pre-tax NPV to $835m. 0000024751 00000 n
The construction on the project is expected to be started after the completion of feasibility studies by the end of 2019. location:8 Northumberland Avenue, London, UK, Exceptional investment opportunities selected by Mining Journal, Meet the industry leaders who shape the Future of Mining in the Americas, location:Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, Sydney, Australia, Meet the industry leaders who shape the Future of Mining in Australia. Over 16,000 km of highly prospective mineral tenements in South Australia , *Note that not all announcements are posted on this website. You only need to complete this form once on this website to access any asset posted by any "They have been quite aggressive around Australia doing deals with copper companies and potential resources. Subscribe today and enjoy full access to - the most comprehensive source of mining industry news and information on global commodity price movements and trends. Corporate Presentations of Havilah Resources, In the News and Medias of Havilah Resources. June 18, 2019November 1, 2021 | Angela East. Hedge Fund Star Andurand Sees Oil Demand Bouncing Back to Trend, BofA Sees UK Recession in 2023 on Higher Inflation and Rates, Rogers Replaces Technology Chief After Costly Network Failure, Amazon Gets Whole Foods of Primary Care With One Medical Deal, Amazon to Buy One Medical for $3.49 Billion in All-Cash Deal, EU Ramps Up Legal Pressure on UK Over Breaches of Brexit Deal, UK Tory Leader Race Odds: Liz Truss Extends Lead Over Rishi Sunak, Indias Adani Overtakes Gates to Become Worlds Fourth-Richest Person, Worlds Frothiest Housing MarketCools in Global Warning Signal, Fine Wine Is Key to Long and Happy Life, Says Veteran Marking 102nd Birthday, Sothebys to Hold First Singapore Auction After 15 Years. abdmX7`xypS1"W=pZ";/ (xia:|`N/0CgDk@T5P>o?biMed@L{q4w
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The project is capable of producing high quality copper-gold concentrates plus copper metal (as native copper) and gold dor. RPM Global has been engaged to undertake feasibility studies for the Kalkaroo copper-cobalt-gold project since March 2017. XeJIdrQezj9j}av n*ZQQV$MTu)'lJf")b1#,]:je(#Y0:TWe>5Vp(O%N[@NLECyJMom(V8
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K??t Quicktake Original series, System Shock, will tell the stories of this revolutionary technology. July 11, 2022 | Nadine McGrath, July 8, 2022 | Josh Chiat, July 7, 2022 | Christian Edwards. cookie policy for more details. 0000036017 00000 n
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privacy and And although the copper price has weakened and demand is levelling off, all indicators are that demand is set to take off again in the next few years. 100 million tonne open pit JORC Ore Reserves of 0.474 million tonnes of copper and 1.4 million ounces of gold. It can also be accessed by an existing gravel road connecting the Transcontinental Railway. It's free. with sizeable mining operations in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo. One of the largest undeveloped open pit copper deposits in Australia. Buxton recently reeled in larger miner Independence Group (ASX:IGO) as a partner on its project. The project is owned and operated by Havilah Resources through its wholly-owned subsidiary Kalkaroo Copper. Drilling delivered grades of up to 5.05 per cent copper and 6.06 grams per tonne gold. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. For instant-access to all of Mining Journal Intelligence Research, We occasionally send commercial message on behalf our partners. hbbe`b``3)~0 .A
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13.1 million tonnes of 1.53% copper, 0.16% cobalt and 0.20 g/t gold open pit massive sulphide deposit. Get the latest stock news and insights straight to your inbox. Longer Term Potential Indicated For Portia Gold Mine (1.37MB First Debt Repayment of Investec Loan Facility (617KB ), A New Mining Force in South Australia - Sydney Mining Club, A New Mining Force in South Australia (pdf 4.15MB), Completion of Sale of Unmarketable Parcels (pdf 548KB), Havilah Receives First Payment for Gold Sales (pdf 528KB ). The Curnamona Craton comprises Palaeoproterozoic rocks of Willyama Supergroup. Over 16,000 km of highly prospective mineral tenements in South Australia unmatched elsewhere in Australia. - PFS economic model shows pre-tax NPV7.5% of A$1,163 million at forecast long-term gold price of US$1,500 / ounce and copper price of US$3.50 / lb (excluding any value attributable to cobalt). Submitting your details tells and ticking the box us that youre OK with this and you also agree ResourceStocks company. Wanbao Mining is a substantial, Beijing based, international copper and cobalt producer. Recent drilling returned a hit of 31m at 3.24 per cent copper from 94m, including 11m at 4.15 per cent from 99m. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. The PFS indicated that what Havilah calls the largest undeveloped open pit copper deposit in Australia can recover 474,000 tonnes of copper and 1. It is our shared intention that at the end of the PFS Wanbao will be in possession of all required information to enable a decision on participation in the future development of the Kalkaroo project. Kalkaroo copper-gold-cobalt deposit 100 million tonne open pit JORC Ore Reserves of 0.474 million tonnes of copper and 1.4 million ounces of gold. Havilah Resources' chairman Bob Johnson says Glencore can provide metals marketing expertise for Kalkaroo which it recognised as a large copper resource. The news edged shares up 3.6 per cent to 14.5c on Tuesday morning. Originally discovered by Placer Pacific in 1992, the Kalkaroo copper deposit was acquired by Havilah Resources in 2003. 0000002321 00000 n
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contacting 0000002207 00000 n
This will be very much a co-operative effort with Wanbao bringing its extensive copper processing expertise to the table and Havilah contributing its resource and mine planning knowledge of the Kalkaroo deposit. 0000025812 00000 n
Lunch Update Mutooroo copper-cobalt-gold deposit 13.1 million tonnes of 1.53% copper, 0.16% cobalt and 0.20 g/t gold open pit massive sulphide deposit. Get the latest Stockhead news delivered free to your inbox. 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road 0000023515 00000 n
Technical director Dr Chris Giles told investors there was still plenty of upside potential to extend the mine life if Havilah could incorporate the substantial inferred resources into the mining plan. RPM Global is engaged for the optimized feasibility study of the project. 4 annual reports produced by Mining Journal's Intelligence division, and focusing on the most relevant discussion points in the mining sector. Aspermont Limited (ABN 66 000 375 048), PO Box 78, Leederville, Western Australia 6902. The supplementary metallurgical test work program initiated in July 2018 to support the ongoing feasibility studies confirmed more than 90% of gold recovery in saprolite gold ore by cyanide leaching in May 2019. 0000029559 00000 n
Visit our 0000032124 00000 n
Wanbao, at its expense, has engaged an independent mining consulting firm RPMGlobal to manage and complete the PFS work. Can We Escape a Crash? 0000001292 00000 n
three deposits namely Maldorky and Grants JORC Resources and Grants Basin, with potentially several billion tonnes of iron ore mineralisation. Closing Bell: Small caps down, benchmark up. The mine is estimated to contain 1.1Mt of copper, 3.1 million ounces (Moz) of gold, and 23,200t of cobalt in measured, indicated, and inferred resources. Havilah has agreed to provide Wanbao with a period of exclusivity for the duration of the PFS study plus an additional two months, until approximately the end of January 2018. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 0000002130 00000 n
Wanbao, at its expense, has engaged RPMGlobal (RPM), an independent mining consulting firm, to manage and complete the PFS work that will draw on RPMs extensive combined Chinese and Australian experience and expertise. 0000012220 00000 n
MineHutte ratings), Exploration Manager - QLD Battery Minerals (Rock People), Exploration Manager (Battery Minerals) - Perth, Exploration Manager (Cu) - QLD / Rock People, Business Development Analyst - Northern Star Resources | ACACIA, Latest from the Exploration/Development Channel, Latest from the Mine Risk Management Channel, Big win for Havilah as OZ looks to buy Kalkaroo, Comprehensive independent coverage of new discoveries, projects, and funding activity across Australasia, ASX daily market wraps, analysis and latest commodity news, In-depth coverage and analysis of M&A, company announcements and financial reports, Timely key commodity trend news and analysis, Expert analysis of relevant global deals, capital market developments, and project finance trends, Exclusive METS sector investment news, commentary and analysis, Opinion pieces, and company and market analysis, by Australia's top mining columnists. Due to this change if you are seeing this message for the first time please make sure you reset your password using the Forgot your password Link. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. You can opt out of these communications at any time by contacting, Subscribe It also confirmed cobalt and gold recovery from pyrite concentrate obtained from copper concentrate tailings. 0000015874 00000 n
Bloomberg Surveillance, covering the latest news in finance, economics and investments. *Items shown in photographs on this website may not necessarily be assets of Havilah Resources. Tumbling Australian property prices finding solid ground, Rent prices on the rise depending on where you live, Reserve Bank of Australia tipped to cut interest rates to one per cent. 0000001016 00000 n
One of the highest grade sulphide cobalt deposits (0.16% cobalt) in Australia with associated copper (1.53% copper). 0000026364 00000 n
0000041990 00000 n
Unsubscribe whenever you want. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE COPPER PRESENTATION, * Refer to JORC Mineral Resource table in 2021 Annual Report. [3)YtgztWUgHUB_QxCDm. ~$rwpw)5( Hm8B _aFltZELEB:+2(TKS9n
d. Mining leases for the project were granted by the South Australian Department of Energy and Mining (DEM) in May 2019. The objective of the PFS, which is scheduled to be completed in six months, is to provide sufficient information for Wanbao to make a decision on its future participation in financing and development of Kalkaroo (the MOU is non-binding in terms of any further investment beyond the PFS at this time). GR Engineering Services provided the processing plant design for the PFS completed in 2010. Copper, gold, cobalt JORC Mineral Resource inventory . Results include 6.2m at 3.61 per cent copper. Prosecuting Trump Has Only Become More Urgent, Ghosts of 2012 Haunt Europe as Rate Hikes Begin, The AI Platform Behind a Bezos-Backed Startups Vegan Burgers, The $260 Swatch-Omega MoonSwatch Is Reviving the Budget Brand, Despite Abes Push, Women Still Largely Absent From Japan Boards, Planned Parenthood Workers at 28 Clinics Vote to Unionize, Trucker Protest Keeps Dockworkers From Work at Key California Hub, NikolaFoundersFirst Fuel Cell Semi Truck Lacked a Fuel Cell, A Green Hydrogen Economy Depends on This Little-Known Machine, At Philadelphia Eviction Court, Showing Up on Time Is Half the Battle, Why Neighborhoods and Small Businesses Thrive in Tokyo, Decentralized Finance Versus Traditional Finance: Key Differences, Bitcoin Shows Signs of Larger Advance Toward $25,000, Three Arrows Founders Break Silence Over Collapse of Crypto Hedge Fund. This year Wanbao is targeting 150,000 t of cathode copper production from its Myanmar operations, where it has successfully developed and applied proprietary bacterial leaching technology. Kalkaroo copper-cobalt-gold project is located near Broken Hill in South Australia. Bloomberg Surveillance with Tom Keene, Jonathan Ferro & Lisa Abramowicz live from New York, bringing insight on global markets and the top business stories of the day. Kalkaroo is expected to require a pre-production capital spend of $332m. 0000024661 00000 n
Yet another worker killed at Ten Sixty Four's flagship HAVILAH Resources has made public a previously unreleased prefeasibility study for its Kalkaroo project in South Australias Curnamona Craton, with the results suggesting a large and profitable copper-gold mine is viable. This report series is a crucial tool for industry professionals and generalist investors Track emerging trends and changes in the mining finance landscape along with investor A comprehensive review of mining risk and trends. Cassini Resources (ASX:CZI) says drilling has returned multiple high-grade copper intersections that are the best results yet from its One Tree Hill prospect. Watch the final season of Better Call Saul now on Stan. WA Greenfields - Major Tenement Package, Respected Board; Well-funded, Perth based, Campaign Travel, FIFO Qld; Attractive FIFO, Large Project Portfolio, Substantial Budgets; Listed Miner, Acacia is assisting Northern Star Resources in the appointment of a Business Development Analyst. Weekend Update. Your feedback is appreciated, please leave a comment or rate this article. This follows on from a six month period of due diligence conducted by Wanbao on the project and the recent announcement of an upgrade of the Kalkaroo resource. Click. - Contains 195,000 tonnes copper, 20,200 tonnes of cobalt and 82,100 ounces of gold in Measured, Indicated and Inferred JORC resources. Email: [emailprotected] or [emailprotected], Lycopodium named EPCM contractor for Liontowns Kathleen Valley lithium project, Boston Metal looks to disrupt and decarbonise steel and iron ore industries, TOMRA laser-based ore sorter helps open new markets for quartz miner Mikroman. Commenting on the MOU, Havilah Managing Director, Dr Chris Giles: We are delighted to have formed a co-operative relationship with Wanbao Mining, which is a well-respected and successful Beijing based off-shore copper and cobalt producer, with sizeable mining operations in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Drilling of numerous targets planned. 0000001616 00000 n
Kalkaroo is one of the largest undeveloped copper-gold projects in Australia, containing JORC Measured, Indicated and Inferred resources of 232 Mt of copper and gold for over 1.1 Mt of copper and 3.3 Moz of gold. The project is right next to Buxton Resources (ASX: BUX) Merlin project, where nickel sulphide mineralisation grading up to 8 per cent has been intersected. A $14 million study has started into the feasibility of a new copper mine at Kalkaroo, 100 kilometres west of Broken Hill in far western New South Wales.