ET will meet for orientation on Wednesday, September 1, at that same time).
https://www.srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au/enrolment-information/event-registration-form/ Copyright 2022 St Raphaels Primary School, Download the St Raphaels Primary School Mobile App, Cooper Street, West Preston, Victoria 3072. Thursday 03/03/22: 9.30-10.30am & 12-1pm
St Raphs punches above its weight in relation to the quality of care and education.

AWKzMMHE>}Z#2{m'jLnCzR|o2KE < As a Catholic school in the Diocese of Raleigh, Saint Raphael Catholic School has a racially non-discriminatory policy for all students and admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students.

2022-2023 SRCS Calendar At A Glance, Statement of Non-Discriminatory Policy as to Students All the students and staff know everyones name, and make the new students and their families feel very welcome. St. Raphael School seeks to provide superlative classical and restful education that is integrated with the tradition of the Orthodox faith. School Open Days for 2023 Prospective Students.

Enrolment Form 2021-2022 SRCS Calendar At A Glance ", "Choosing a school for your child can be one of the hardest decisions on the parenting journey. Additional details about participating, sponsorship, or attendingthe reception can be found on the Golf Classic websitelater this summer.
Our children have also had the opportunity to develop their musical skills. OFFICE OF EDUCATION Tuesday 17/05/22: 9.30-10.30am & 12-1pm & 2.30-3.30pm 2022 Saint Raphael Catholic School, Fall Sports (Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country), Winter Sports (Boys and Girls Basketball), Spring Sports (Baseball, Girls Soccer, Running Club). This means that parents are on school grounds before and after school having a chat, getting together for a coffee after drop off and asking each other for assistance via the parent Facebook group. Summer 2021 class schedules vary by course. St Raphaels School 2022. School News for April 3, 2022read the latest about your favorite Catholic school in Rockville! Unless otherwise noted, spring semester courses are held 2 or 3 times per week for 16 weeks.
This speaks volumes for the genuine care, respect and dignity that we believe is afforded to our children at St Raphaels. School News for March 27, 2022read the latest about your favorite Catholic school in Rockville! Since that time, he has blossomed into a confident, talkative and inquisitive child who absolutely loves school, and has made many good friends along the way. Your child will thrive in our community and we look forward to working with you to raise their hearts and minds. Students and their parents/guardians are required to attend. Catholic Diocese of Raleigh, Our wish is for our sons to be given every opportunity to grow, learn and become resilient individuals, St Raphaels contributes positively towards that. Our main aim was for our boys to want to come to school, and St Raphaels certain succeeded in that!". Unless otherwise noted, yearlong courses are held 2 or 3 times per week for 32 weeks. Join us for the annual St. Raphael GolfClassic!
St Raphael's will have school tours for 2023 enrolments on the following dates: Players and guests can look forward to enjoying one ofthe top golf courses inthe area, food and drink all day long, and aspirited reception where the awards are presented. Our first impression of this small and diverse co-ed school was that it was very welcoming and friendly. Throughout the year, there are activities to anticipate, deadlines to meet, and moments you wont want to miss, for there are long-standing traditions unique to SRCS, and new ones waiting to be experienced! Wednesday 23/03/22: 9.30-10.30am & 12-1pm Lytia Reese All are welcome at the 10 a.m. Mass, which kicks off Catholic Schools Week. School Tour bookings can be made here Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. https://www.srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au/enrolment-information/online-enrolment-application-form/ St Raphael's School - School Tours and Enrolment Information for 2023 Phone: 301-762-2143 | Fax: 301-762-4991 | Email. Sibling applications for enrolment can now be submitted for 2023. please enable JavaScript in your browser. XjFe]C-[H~F*v(n%Ry@KFX][&28fLTExXX2G;Ri}QP2,0JycbM'Q[}O. Please see the individual course descriptions for schedule details. ", "They have learnt to think independently and challenge themselves. Our students are on campus early for strings lessons, live morning broadcast prep, and getting ready to make the best of their day. "Our son first came to the school as a shy little boy who wasnt sure whether he even wanted to be there! Unless otherwise noted by the instructor, orientation sessions are held one week prior to the first day of class for any given course (i.e., courses beginning on Wednesday, September 6, at 10:30 a.m. Our school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of our educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics and other school-administered programs. Please send me a St Raphael's School 's Prospectus Pack, Join us for a Principal's Tour and see us in action. They knew that they would be challenged by the school work, enjoy their friendships and cared for by the staff. ", "We do love that the children can have music lessons during class time.
Thankfully St Raphaels School Parkside made this choice easy for us. Together with the structured learning, we feel that these activities enhance and nurture our childrens social and individual well-being., "Families appreciate the tight-knit community of St Raphs. "This year we entrusted the School to educate our second son who started in Reception. Seeking a balanced education, the School offers a variety of learning opportunities such as Sports, Arts, LOTE and Music in addition to the academic curriculum. Unless otherwise noted, fall semester courses are held 2 or 3 times per week for 16 weeks. School News for March 20, 2022read the latest about your favorite Catholic school in Rockville! Superintendent of Schools Thursday 28/04/22: 9.30-10.30am & 12-1pm & 2.30-3.30pm ", "Our boys loved coming to school at St Raphaels every day. Our Preschool Open House starts promptly at 9:15 a.m. with a presentation, followed by a Q&A session and a tour of the facilities. We are located just three kilometres from the centre of Adelaide, in the leafy eastern suburb of Parkside.