The festival also has a carnival, livestock displays, live music and a variety of exhibits. One way I can tell the yeast is working is the smell, he said. No GPS was needed. Other anomalies include Melanies addition of buttermilk to the starter rather than the batter and her use of the back of a spoon to thin the center of the cake immediately upon pouring the batter onto the hot griddle. It makes me really proud of our volunteers and our fire department, our citizens and our young people and our court. And they are denser than standard pancakes. The City of Beckley lists annual festivals and events. He follows his mothers recipe, which includes putting in the starter a small amount of all-purpose flour and adding to the batter some evaporated milk, brown sugar, buttermilk, and baking powder. William, grinning, slipped in a parting comment: his tally for this years festival was nine cakes that day and eleven the day before. He was the only customer. The festival In October, when squirrel season came in, he said, Id go find myself some squirrels and have buckwheat cakes and squirrel gravy. But whether he eats his cakes with squirrel gravy or more commonly these days with sausage gravy, Broadwater does not combine gravy with syrup. They tasted very sour, almost as if vinegar had been added. Melanie supposes that the use of coffee came from farming frugality. Strahin sometimes eats his cakes topped with a fried egg. South Middle School as well. When it gets warm, most people stop eating them, Alice said. explore festivals in West Virginia and the surrounding states. Monongalia County KINGWOOD Plans are being made for the 79th Buckwheat Festival which will be in 2021. Old-Fashioned Sour West Virginia Buckwheat Cakes. Clark told me that people come to the festival from far and wide. Traditional Family Fun and Entertainment All Week Long! All proceeds benefit the Coopers Rock Foundation. Its hard to imagine now, but from the time buckwheat arrived in America with the Dutch in 1626 up until about World War II, we were filthy rich with tons of buckwheat (to quote miller, farmer, amateur food historian, and buckwheat evangelist Glenn Roberts of Anson Mills in South Carolina). I asked McConnell if he would take a bite. The flavor might be best described as modified buckwheat. Christy Lott, the cook at Beckys, does not make her batter from scratch with yeast. February. WVU Student Health Insurance - Reproductive Care Information, Peer Learning Communities for New Colleagues, a list of festivals, craft shows, art fairs and events, explore festivals in West Virginia and the surrounding states, Learn more about Balloons Over Morgantown, Learn more about Gardner Winter Music Festival, Learn more about International Street Festival, Learn more about Preston County Buckwheat Festival, Learn more about WV Wine and Jazz Festival, Learn more about Paddy Town Film Festival. Africa, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Japan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and many others Our membership couldnt do it (Buckwheat Festival) without our volunteers., What we have makes me proud of the volunteers and the young people of the court. Each year on the last Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of September, from 100,000 to 150,000 festival-goers descend on Kingwood to take in one of three parades, watch the coronation of King Buckwheat and Queen Ceres, and eat buckwheat cakes and whole-hog sausage patties made from pork raised and slaughtered by local high school students. After Id spent four days eating buckwheat cakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and chatting with batter masters, fundraiser volunteers, restaurant cooks, and waitresses in and around Kingwood, I learned what the recipes on the back of buckwheat flour bags dont tell you: that mastering buckwheat cakes takes patience and practice and that there are nearly as many variations on the recipe and as many ways of serving them as there are people making and eating them. Most of our crowd comes from neighboring counties to the west and south, said L. Darwin Wolfe, a well-dressed, well-spoken older man. We are going to be looking at data as we get closer to the date, and well follow the directions of our health department and state officials, Buddy Turner, Buckwheat Festival chairman said. 500 East Parkway Dr. He replied swiftly, You have to get them here. He could eat 14 or 15 cakes at one sitting. different cultures from around the world. When you see the purple dome, he said, thats when you know the yeast is really active and its ready to use. The starter showed a barely perceptible light purple cast. But mill closures are only one part of the equation that explains why buckwheat has almost disappeared from fields in West Virginia and throughout the United States. When I arrived at the off hour of 10:30 a.m., the brightly lit dining hall was nearly half full. Back then, his favorite way to eat them was with squirrel gravy. VisitWV lists all the local festivals and information about who to contact festivals and events for each month in West Virginia. Wilson saw me eyeing the paint mixer-cum-starter mixer. When most of the hulls and bran are removed, the flour is very mild, with a detectable nutty flavor and very little or no bitterness. 2022 West Virginia University. Melanies unusual recipe comes from her husbands Amish grandmother, who grew up on a farm in Marylands Garrett County, and kept a batch of starter going all year long at room temperature. website also lists the different types of vendors present at each event. They wont have near the taste, and theyll be heavy., Melanies Family Restaurant in Aurora, West Virginia, in the southeast corner of Preston County, serves buckwheat cakes from fall until spring. artists, animators, editors, composers, stunt performers, et al. How we do agriculture today is an even bigger reason. You dont want them thick, she said. Whatever the details, the result is entirely different in taste, texture, and appearance from modern pancakes made with chemical leaveners. Morgantown, WV 26505. Broadwater judges when the starter is ready only partly by appearance. He suggested I arrive at Masontown between mealtimes, so he would have time to talk. County Chamber of Commerce. Sources of Buckwheat Flour for Old-fashioned Cakes, White Preston County-style buckwheat flour is sold by Eglon Roller Mills (tel 304.735.3761, [emailprotected]); a 1-pound bag costs $3.99 and a 5-pound bag costs $7.99. beverages are available for purchase. The tendency of buckwheat cake starter to become very sour very quickly has long been noted by recipe writers. Coopers Rock State Forest Keep buckwheat flour in a sealed jar or zip-top bag in the refrigerator for up to two months or in the freezer for up to a year. After offering me a piece of the homemade peanut butter fudge sold at the fundraiser, he invited the Reedsville batter master, Dave Broadwater, to join us at one of the cloth-covered tables. Despite buckwheats near-disappearance from our fields and tables, it remains a big deal in Preston County and particularly in Kingwood, where the first buckwheat festival was held in 1938.
Women's Resource Center For Prestonians, only ultralight buckwheat flour will do. are given back to the community through various initiatives, such as scholarships, PO Box 6020 The all-purpose flour surprised me. Turner said Queen Ceres 2020 Gabrielle Wolfe and King Buckwheat 2020 Ryan Wilson are acting as ambassadors for next years festival. On my left, Jeff and Rene Stone, a congenial-looking couple in their early sixties, told me they were from the area and grew up eating buckwheat cakes made from starter. Although the buckwheat cake dinners at the Kingwood Volunteer Fire Department, sponsor of the festival, draw the biggest crowds more than 8,000 people in 2013 you can also eat cakes at other fire departments in the area as well as churches and restaurants. When rotating the crocks, he makes a new batch completely from scratch, using active dry yeast. Most years people come to the festival. Along with Hazelton flour, he adds buttermilk, brown sugar, and a little sweet milk none of which are in the official recipe on the festival website. Raleigh County. To turn the starter into batter, its mixed with brown or granulated sugar or both, baking soda, salt, and water. They need to sit for up to five to seven days. Charlie Moyers of Eglon Roller Mills in Eglon, West Virginia, said the cost of updating the milling equipment to meet OSHAs requirements was prohibitive and caused it to cease milling in 2002. The locals were right. Morgantown, WV 26501. Though originally held in honor of the local cash crop of buckwheat, this modern day September weekend celebration features everything from chicken dinners to hamburgers, hotdogs and cotton candy. I realized that Prestonians do not suppose anyone from outside the Buckwheat Belt would be interested in eating old-fashioned buckwheat cakes, let alone bothering to make them from scratch. There is one mill left in the county, but it only operates seasonally. During a pre-festival telephone chat, Raymond Strahin, a seasoned batter master, had advised me to sample as many different cakes as I could. The Appalachian Festival of Beckley West Virginia is organized by the Beckley-Raleigh producers, screenwriters, actors, costume designers, makeup artists, special effects Check out what were asking for.
My first stop was the United Methodist Church in Masontown, a village about 11 miles west of Kingwood. But if youre not ready to commit to a week of starter feedings, then commercial yeast is an excellent starting point. Before I left the batter room to join the dinner line, Strahin lifted the cloth that was covering one of the older crocks.

But only during fall and winter. Not content with the texture of the cakes made with 100-percent dark whole-grain flour, I later retested the dark cakes and found that using a ratio of two-thirds light buckwheat flour to one-third dark greatly improved the texture while maintaining the classic buckwheat punch. Marrara Brothers (tel 304.329.1191, ask for Dominick Marrara Jr.) sells a 5-pound bag for $9.50. Some people were lined up for dinner tickets at the window; others, looking sated, had just come from the Buckwheat Room. Before the greaser got to the end of the large griddle, a second volunteer had already begun to pour the batter to make roughly eight-inch cakes, six across and three down. Before I left, I told Strahin that after I returned home I looked forward to experimenting with a starter myself. Preston County Buckwheat Festival [2020 Cancelled]. At buckwheats height in the late 1880s, over a million acres were planted in it; today, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, a meager 40,000 acres are left. The hull is the dark brown or black exterior shell that protects the kernel; the bran is the light brown or yellowish hard outer layer of the kernel. Everyone must be at the festival, the waitress commented. They had a sour twang and, in the center on top, a signature dark brown spot about the size of a quarter. But it goes on top of the gravy..
(Strahin uses commercial yeast to begin the starter, but time and the addition of mature starter encourage wild yeast to develop.). The Beckley Honey Festival highlights local beekeepers and shows local honey produce Unlike typical modern pancakes, there was nothing fluffy or cakelike about them. and Life, and Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion sponsor and event highlighting Buckwheat, McConnell explained, was historically important in these mountaintop farming areas as an insurance crop. Other popular accompaniments are apple sauce and apple butter. Here is the recipe forOld-Fashioned Sour West Virginia Buckwheat Cakes. Because I am one of those fans, I found a plate of tri-color buckwheats to be one of the best things going: each bite revealed the full spectrum of taste and texture, from the slight sourness and lighter texture of the Preston County-style cakes to the full-on rustic buckwheat flavor of the dark buckwheat cakes (with the cakes made of light buckwheat flour in between). I asked William whether he preferred the Kingwood cakes to those at the other fundraisers in the area. Kingwood, WV 26537. There a sign placed strategically over the door reads: Buckwheat Pride quality control room No Bad Cakes! Wilson shared the recipe for KVFD buckwheat cakes with me.