54 of 59 people found this answer helpful. 51 of 52 people found this answer helpful. 49 of 52 people found this answer helpful. Contains Spinosad. Free Shipping. The product mixes automatically with the water as you spray. 0000002908 00000 n
It does not significantly impact predatory beneficial insects, predatory mites, and spiders while controlling target pests. endstream
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xb```b``f`e``s`g@ ~ * F).IL DWL4kEK$l+TL"u]Tg fJ@h LJ. Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Product Label, See More : Q READY TO SPRAY - This product arrives in a container with an attached hose-end sprayer. ", See More
Application: Spray as directed complete coverage is important.
44 of 46 people found this answer helpful. PHI (pre-harvest interval) for particular vegetable crops. pesticide used by agriculture world wide in the production of organic produce. %PDF-1.4 % Once the product has had time to dry, it is safe for pets to re-enter the area. Copyright 2022 Pike Nurseries all rights reserved. 121 of 126 people found this answer helpful. "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. Treat when insects, begin to appear and repeat treatments to maintain control as directed. 0 0000031951 00000 n
0000028346 00000 n 0000002497 00000 n 0000001016 00000 n Testimonials, Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. <<8CF4CD95331737419D339A63BC87E97F>]>> Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Ready-To-Spray - 32 oz, Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Dust - 4 lbs, Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Ready-To-Use - 32 oz, Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew Concentrate - 16 oz, Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Dust - 1.5 lb. 2) Turn water on at faucet. Use on listed vegetables, citrus, fruits flowers, and ornamentals. TWIST & SHOOT READY TO SPRAY INSTRUCTIONS. 0000024418 00000 n HOT SUMMER DEALS Save on Hundreds of Products- Shop Now , Learn more about Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate, cargo-truck Susceptible insect pests may be observed on plants. 0000006849 00000 n 0000027636 00000 n Spinosad is a leading pesticide used worldwide in the production of organic produce. 0000000016 00000 n This unique bacterium was, defined as a new species when it was discovered and it has never been found in nature, anywhere else in the world. 0000001376 00000 n The shelf life of Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate is 3-5 years. endstream endobj 54 0 obj <> endobj 55 0 obj <>stream 0000009080 00000 n Testimonials . VARIETY OF FOLIAGE - Protects a wide variety of plants including fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, cole crops, leafy vegetables, tuberous vegetables, stone fruits, bushberries, and pome fruits. It should be kept out of extreme temperatures, which are more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit and less than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. 29 of 31 people found this answer helpful. 44 36 %%EOF 155 of 166 people found this answer helpful. insects. BONIDE Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew is approved for organic gardening to control a wide range of listed insect pests. 0000009830 00000 n ORGANIC GARDENING - The active ingredient in Dead Bug Brew is a naturally occurring bacteria called Spinosad. Asked by A. from Ashland, New Hampshire 03217. Carefully follow, all label directions and any limitations of use, such as the amount of spray to apply or. Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew can be used in a vegetable garden but is not labeled for whitefly or aphid infestations. 0000024697 00000 n 85 of 94 people found this answer helpful. from $50.00 * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. Per the product label for Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Concentrate, it is best to apply when weather is cool, 65 to 85F, or in the early morning or late evening. When spraying taller trees, shrubs and, other plants, twist the control knob left to the STREAM position for extended reach and. 1) Make sure control knob is in OFF position, then connect to garden hose. There is a one day (24 hours) that you must wait between application and harvesting. Use the same mixing instructions listed for leafy vegetables and herbs on the. Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate can be reapplied 7 to 10 days after first application per the product label. 28 of 30 people found this answer helpful. d9(-pEH+!X$? !fC :R2]iPA ?G_0zkA D++86lmlg6A6k [ 0000025091 00000 n We would recommend waiting 7 days to apply Neem. Within 10 Miles, Choose your neighborhood store below to get started. 122 of 139 people found this answer helpful.
44 0 obj <> endobj For residential use in home gardens, lawns and ornamentals. 0000007683 00000 n 0000015341 00000 n 54 of 56 people found this answer helpful. Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be sprayed on the types of vegetables you are growing. labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying. more uniform coverage. Find your neighborhood Pike Nursery store. 0000015685 00000 n HTn@}WdV/. 0000012479 00000 n
Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. Not for use on, plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed, This insect control product is intended for control of worms (caterpillars) and other listed. Since being discovered, Spinosad has become a leading.
0000027914 00000 n 26 of 32 people found this answer helpful. 0000031669 00000 n While applying Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate, keep pets and children out the area. Just wash the lemons with water prior to using. This product does not significantly impact predatory beneficial insects, predatory mites, and spiders while controlling target pests. Yes, you can use Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew on your Cilantro. 0000002039 00000 n 29 of 38 people found this answer helpful. 0000001892 00000 n 0000001475 00000 n 65 of 72 people found this answer helpful. 0000003079 00000 n 24 of 28 people found this answer helpful. INSECT KILLER - This pest control is great for use on bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, spider mites, loopers, leaf miners, tent caterpillars, thrips and more. 165 of 181 people found this answer helpful. 0000004626 00000 n 38 of 38 people found this answer helpful. ~0[ >dS*6mK'6x+"NBQ%hXz3,X",ad01r$aQ_MX8"Zj7'W5OrI+\)z) `qh v JbP|BYhaN{jjj'n;(5Ri6hw.n#54vtshP;oteLbVJH)P}l_ZvbH NNg-Tr5!yH1SBR|s~zs]).X~M>z~z:cm1gqiis{[[Ep]+RJ+lTbsd%$Asg}1/;N1jWoh?r[:53_#4YqHgc'F4rBGtvuQtS/m??S3`R~X'x1&gx - CL Captain Jacks DEADBUG Brew contains Spinosad spin-OH-sid. HTo0~Gba!&8 -M&dqg|+ 0UL>6MbtJpde 20122022, manualsdir.comAll rights reserved. thanks to Captain Jacks DEADBUG Brew, Spinosad is available to the homeowner. 30 of 34 people found this answer helpful. 0000016121 00000 n 0000028429 00000 n While the products could be used one after the other, applying Neem Oil (which is a suffocant) over surfaces treated with Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate (which works by ingestion) would null the Captain Jacks as insects would die faster and not be able to ingest it. 0000008245 00000 n 79 0 obj <>stream up to several hours after treatment, but will have ceased active feeding before being killed. 114 of 119 people found this answer helpful. trailer 0000004069 00000 n 2004-2022 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers). It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its. 0000003114 00000 n Simply connect a garden hose to the sprayer and begin application. 31 of 31 people found this answer helpful. TARGETS PROBLEM INSECTS - Product is intended for control of listed insects. startxref 0000005425 00000 n Yes, Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate can be used as a dormant spray on your roses.
0000015410 00000 n xref Today. 0000003227 00000 n 0000015710 00000 n When spraying low growing plants and small shrubs, twist, the control knob right, to the FAN position. 0000006108 00000 n Spinosad is, derived from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected from an, abandoned rum distillery on a Caribbean island in 1982. 0000015063 00000 n Yes, this product will kill borer larvae.