RHPs asbestos professionals can help you with your asbestos-related questions, concerns, management of risks, and compliance with all of the complicated, stringent, Federal and local asbestos regulations. Phone: (617) 723-3100. A cumulative list of training courses approved by EPA are listed under Unit IV. Abatement Worker (3 days) (contingent). (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (contingent from 11/17/87). Address: 12051 Indian Creek Court, Beltsville, MD 20705. Before taking the exam, persons must provide evidence to the EPA-funded center that they previously had taken one of the training courses listed under Unit IV that is approved by EPA for interim accreditation. Sepulveda Blvd. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at https://www.osha.gov. (2)(a) State: Arkansas. (4)(a) Training Provider: Niagra County Community College. RHP works with building occupants, homeowners, insurance adjusters and contractors to determine the specific needs and scope of each project considering the objectives and motivations of the project and the local, state and federal regulations. To conduct asbestos-related work in schools, persons must receive accreditation in order to inspect school buildings for asbestos, develop management plans, and design or conduct response actions. Professional Regulation. Address: 4725 Merle Hay Rd., Suite 214, Des Moines, Iowa 50322. (2)(a) Training Provider: Mid-Atlantic Asbestos Training Center. professionals who complete this form and return it to this office will be (xxv)(a) Training Provider: Certified Abatement Technologies, Inc. (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Abatement Worker. | Reg. Failure to provide all of the requested information will result in delay of The license will not be issued without the identifying All five of the EPA-funded asbestos information centers and the three EPA-funded satellite training centers are using or will incorporate the EPA model inspector and management planner course recently developed with EPA funds. For all disciplines, persons seeking accreditation must also pass an examination and participate in annual re-training courses. Under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA), the EPA has established procedures for the accreditation of asbestos training courses. (4)(a) Training Provider: Institute for Environmental Education. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. Phone: (212) 481-4352. Air Sampling Professionals are responsible for taking air samples to determine the airborne concentration of asbestos inside and outside the work area. Phone: (617) 935-7370. Address: 12051 Indiana Creek Court, Beltsvill, MD 20705. During a real estate/real property transaction, a general home inspection is typically conducted which identifies deficiencies within the home or unit and provides recommendations. Inspectors are required to identify asbestos-containing materials by Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance, Approved Courses for Competent Person Training, Under the Asbestos Construction Standard, 29 CFR. The examinations for these approved courses under Unit IV have also been approved by EPA. With over 25 years of experience with building inspections, risk assessments, and training courses in Chicago, IL, we know what is required for an asbestos training course or annual refresher, and well make sure you get the best value for your money when you take a class from us. Contact: John Smith. (c) Date of Certification: 4/13/87. 2646, required EPA to develop a Model Contractor Accreditation Plan by April 20, 1987. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. 5* highly recommended., Reliable, conscientious and friendly guys. Inspector/Management Planner (contingent). Phone: (504) 588-5374. Phone: (202) 543-0005. In addition, the Agency is able to approve individual disciplines within a State's accreditation program. (xvii)(a) Training Provider: Mid-Atlantic Asbestos Training Center UMDNJ. People who manage or abate asbestos in elementary and secondary schools must be trained and licensed.. Phone: (413) 525-1198. Phone: (713) 623-0025. (c) Date of Certification: 5/21/85. Phone: (201) 463-4500. It is required by law (5 IlCS/100/10-65 (c) of the Illinois (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor (full from 10/1/87). The owner/operators are highly qualified to NPTC standards and have a combined 17 years industry experience giving the ability to carry out work to the highest standard. (1)(a) Training Provider: Heavey Engineering, Inc. Contact: Emmanuel Riggi. Address: Rt.
Training Providers are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect a prioritization. Address: 25 K Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/ Supervisor, Abatement Worker. The asbestos standard for the construction industry in paragraph 29 CFR 1926.58(e)(6), requires the employer to designate a competent person to supervise the negative pressure enclosure which is mandated for asbestos removal, demolition and renovation operations. As listed in Unit IV, New Jersey has received EPA approval for two accreditation disciplines that are at least as stringent as the Model Plan. Contour Tree & Garden Care Ltd are a family run business covering all aspects of tree and hedge work primarily in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire. UMDNJ. 1 Princeton Serv.
Contact: Ernest Crosby. (2)(a) Training Provider: Con-Test. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 7/27/87). Based on the age, location and class of multi-family residential buildings may have building materials that are asbestos containing. Contact: William Clark. A current list of training courses approved by New Jersey is listed under Unit IV. (3)(a) Training Provider: Biospherics, Inc. The material began its addition to building materials and consumer products primarily due to its heat and flame resistant and durability properties. (617) 565-3273 (FTS) 835-3273. application must be completed and returned to this office to allow the Contact: Charles Flanders. Supervisors are the Contractor's designees on asbestos abatement projects and are responsible for ensuring that work is conducted in accordance with state and federal regulations. a false statement may place you in contempt of court. Address: 218 Central Highway. As a result, the Agency has approved training courses offered previously for purposes of accrediting persons on an interim basis.
*Abatement worker (approved for interim accreditation). in Illinois may receive reciprocity by submitting U.S. EPA or another state Phone: (713) 473-0888. Pennsauken, NJ 08109. Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Alison Roberts, EPA, Region I, Air and Management Division (APT-231), JFK Federal Building, Boston, MA 02203. Phone: (817) 273-2557. license, if the renewal application is not received by April 15. (215) 597-9859, (FTS) 597-9859. This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. For purposes of the Model Plan, an equivalent training course is one that is essentially similar in length and content to the curriculum found in the Model Plan. Copyright Contour Tree and Garden Care | All rights reserved. A sample of the flooring and associated mastic (adhesive) is usually all that is needed to resolve the matter. order shall be made payable to the Illinois Department of Public Health. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker. Address: 208 West Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801. Contact: Skip Harris. (3)(a) Training Providers: Mahew Environmental Training Assoc., Inc. (META). Address: 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Phone: (201) 521-0200. and Code only the supervisors, inspectors and project designers are required to (2)(a) Training Provider: The Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries. 27/Wednesday, February 10, 1988/Notices Pages 3981-3989. Address: 8726 So. Submit a copy of successful completion of an IDPH accredited asbestos (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Workers (contingent). Phone: (312) 996-5762. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Resources had a training program for asbestos abatement workers and contractors/supervisors that does meet the requirements for EPA approval of training courses for interim accreditation (See Unit IV, Region II). Address: 150 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02114. Phone: (207) 289-2770.
Address: 6513 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (contingent). Address: P.O. Inspector/ Management Planner (full from 11/16/87). In addition, Illinois' and Michigan's training programs for asbestos abatement workers are approved for purposes of interim accreditation. (xviii)(a) Training Provider: National Asbestos Council. sampling suspected asbestos-containing materials discovered during an the applicant shall be submitted. This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Our website has Phone: (609) 933-3300. The project designers are required to draw up specifications and contracts that contractors must follow to complete an asbestos abatement project that meets state and federal regulations. (5)(a) Training Provider: Maine Labor Group on Health, Inc. Abatement Worker (full from 8/17/87). (214) 655-7244, (FTS) 255-7235. The Department will verify all training course certificates (b) Approved Accreditation Program Discipline: Contractor/Supervisor (training and exam requirements approved for interim accreditation). This approval is subject to the level of certification indicated after the course name. Phone: (913) 842-6382. Address: 4309 West Henderson, Chicago, IL 60641. contact: Robert G. Cooley. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 9/15/87). Phone: (617) 381-3531. Phone: (608) 262-2111. training course certificates current and maintain copies of all certificates Phone: (913) 749-2381. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor (full from 7/4/86). Contact: Paul Ielmini. Any training courses in those two disciplines approved by New Jersey are EPA-approved courses for purposes of TSCA Title II in New Jersey and in all States without an EPA-approved accreditation program for that discipline. (4)(a) Training Provider: Con-Safe Inc.

Phone: (406) 248-9161. (c) Date of Certification: 5/13/86. Address: 247 Hayler St., So. Phone: (301) 369-3900. be licensed by the IDPH to perform project activities in commercial and public (c) Date of Certification: 6/17/87. All training courses completed March 12, 1999 or after shall Approvals for Region IX training courses and contact points for each, are as follows: (1)(a) Training Provider: ABMS, Inc. Contact: S. David Farris. State Agency: Department of Public Health. EPA has three categories of course approval: full, contingent, and approved for interim accreditation. If (c) Effective date of regulation: 11/21/85. (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Worker (full from 12/7/87). Below is the second cumulative listing of EPA-approved State accreditation programs and training courses. Currently, EPA is conducting a review to determine whether one or both State programs are at least as stringent as the Model Plan. State Agency: Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Very pleased with a fantastic job at a reasonable price. Regional Asbestos Coordinator: Pauline Levin, EPA, Region III (3HW-40), 841 Chestnut Bldg., Philadelphia, PA 19107. you have any questions, please contact the Asbestos Program at (217)782-3517, Abatement Worker (full from 9/28/87). C-182, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Approvals for Region I training courses and contact points for each, are as follows: (1)(a) Training Provider: Abatement Technology Corporation. (7)(a) Training Provider: Tufts University.

In addition, the list included State accreditations programs that EPA has approved as meeting the requirements of the Model Plan. Address: 1515 South Park, Springfield, IL 62704. Address: 32nd and Chestnut (b) Approved Courses: Abatement Workers (contingent). This accreditation is interim since the person shall be considered accredited for only 1 year after the date on which the State where the person is employed establishes an accreditation program at least as stringent as the EPA Model Plan. applicant shall: Renewal of licenses - All renewal applicants shall submit a completed They must also submit a detailed statement about the development of the course examination to the Regional Asbestos Coordinator in their region for EPA approval. Contact: Steven B. Cummings. RHPs licensed asbestos inspectors and certified industrial hygienists have decades of experience in identifying and managing risks associated with asbestos hazards. (xxi)(a) Training Provider: Asbestos Worker Local No. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact Joseph Hopkins of my staff at FTS 523-8036. (b) Approved Courses: Contractor/Supervisor, Abatement Worker.