They provide entrepreneurs with components and services to identify, connect, and engage in a process of continuous improvement to drive desired economic impact. Black Founders started the HBCU Hacks program, which is a well-known series of weekend hack-a-thons that provide students at HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities) the opportunity to develop their computer science skills and invent apps or software. Ninety-six percent participate in the finances of their households. Educators and students are trained through HP LIFE e-Learning workshops that is organized at the Higher Institute of Technological Studies (ISET) and in universities in the four regions. Social enterprises that become part of the Global Social Entrepreneurship program will receive access to free Microsoft cloud technologies, including up to $120,000 in Azure credits, along with technical support and guidance. The SEED Initiative aims to support outstanding and innovative start-up entrepreneurs working in partnership in developing countries to improve livelihoods and manage natural resources sustainably; develop practical tools to help social and environmental entrepreneurs to scale up; influence policy-makers to create enabling environments for sustainable development businesses; and inspire new entrepreneurial ventures to deliver social and environmental benefits. In order to address this issue and create more equity around clean energy and economic opportunities, Solar Sister invests in womens enterprises in off-grid communities. The Tony Elumelu Foundation (54 African Countries). The Foundation has empowered 9,631 entrepreneurs thus far. Based in the Lushoto District, Tanga Region, in Tanzania, the LYDN targets local problems within Lushoto by making long-term investments in capacity building, training, and advising the youth (16- to 25-year old students). To develop their entrepreneurial skills, Indego Africa provides artisans with a mix of training and support programs addressing entrepreneurship business and leadership issues. The goal is to create at least 1million jobs and contribute over $10billion in revenue to the African economy. The SOMO Project identifies, trains, funds and mentors entrepreneurs looking to drive social change by building enterprises in their own low-income urban communities.
Their mission is to empower undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional and policy transformation. Based in Brussels, Young Water Solutions was co-founded in 2015 by 16 young and senior water professionals from 11 different countries but with a common vision: a world where young people contribute to making access to clean water and sanitation an everyday reality for all people on Earth. And 77 percent of women voted in their last community election. The Village Enterprise addresses extreme poverty in rural Africa, specifically women, youth, and refugees, by offering a Poverty Graduation Program that prepares them to become successful entrepreneurs and leaders in their communities. Village Enterprise has started over 48,000 businesses and trained over 185,000 East Africans. Participants collaborate and create inspirational entrepreneurial projects in three broad areas: improving existing livelihoods, enabling diversification of income, and creating dignified and fulfilling work (jobs). At a macro-level, ygap identifies system-level barriers to support inclusion and access within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, then works with stakeholders across sectors to co-design and implement solutions to address them. Their work is both driven by and for undocumented young people, and they have a focus on building and strengthening young persons individual and collective strengths and resources necessary to learn and thrive. The Womens Social Enterprise is a SPI project that provides an opportunity for women in the community to contribute to their livelihoods through handicraft production and sales. These health care agents also care for more than 800 people in their communities. Social enterprises that join the Global Social Entrepreneurship program will be part of a worldwide community of like-minded innovators who come together to share ideas, foster connections and celebrate success. Grameen Bank (GB) has reversed conventional banking practice by removing the need for collateral and created a banking system based on mutual trust, accountability, participation and creativity. Opportunity International offers practical and long-lasting financial solutions to families living in difficult conditions and who need access to a sustainable livelihood and quality education by focusing on four areas: Their focus on rural communities lifestyles and the lack of high-quality education was inspired by the high number of people living in poverty and the recent decay of education because of the pandemic of COVID-19. Participants receive hub workspace for the resident and his/her team, along with mentoring by experienced entrepreneurs and investors in the CODE2040 and Google for Entrepreneurs networks. Masons create stoves and vendors earn commissions for their sales. Tongston's products and services include: Business Secondary Schooling, Consulting, Curriculum Design, Development & Integration, Training, Research, Media, Capital, Structuring, Business Development and Asset Management to students, educators, schools, corporates, governments and MSMEs. Their world-class and world-changing model seeks to help 1 million people lift themselves from poverty by 2027. This program is further enhanced with their partnerships, use of technology and innovation, and complex monitoring and evaluation. Readers can learn about volunteer, donation and advocacy opportunities, along with degree and career paths where they can have an even bigger impact. An initiative to encourage youth employment through entrepreneurship and enterprise development in four vulnerable regions of Tunisia: Kairouan, Kasserine, Le Kef and Sidi Bouzid. YELDs five pillars of empowerment are (1) entrepreneurship mentorship (2) entrepreneurial training (3) entrepreneurial coaching (4) entrepreneurial advocacy, and (5) leadership development. Forty-four percent of Mercado Global entrepreneurs held a leadership position within their cooperatives in the last three years. They train undocumented young people to reclaim and share their personal stories to strengthen community bonds, transform hearts and minds, and advance policy legislation. is an international organization that brings about change not by sending aid, but by working through volunteers and partners to empower people living in some of the worlds poorest and most overlooked regions. Their SBSs success lies in their train-the-trainer immersion workshop and the virtual training. PEP - Prison Entrepreneurship Program -- Texas, USA. The strategy focuses on making all sectors of the economy more gender inclusive, by finding ways to include women into the traditionally male dominated sectors of the economy. Activities target young people in rural communities where there is greater potential to create a structured value chain for agro-pastoral production and related occupations. Indego currently employs over 600 women, 58 percent of whom make over $2 a day. SEAP in Washington, offers a valuable option to eligible people who wish to run their own business. Foundation for Community Development Association (FCDA) is a non-profit organization located in Cameroon, Africa whose mission is to support agri-entrepreneurs to generate seed capital for investments in agri-businesses across Africa. Their long-term investment in empowering African entrepreneurs is emblematic of Tony Elumelus philosophy of Africapitalism, which positions Africas private sector, and most importantly entrepreneurs, as the catalyst for the social and economic development of the continent. The program is not for everyone and has a rigorous criteria and selection process followed by a 6-month in-prison mini-MBA program that includes a financial literacy course, employment workshop, business etiquette course and a Toastmasters class. Their services include Immigration Legal-Intake Service, California In-State Tuition Tool, Mental Health Connector, and Wellness Gatherings. The Business Place is a network of small business support centers. In doing so, Mercado Global enables artisans to address systemic problems within their communities. Programs include: (Agriculture) the Farm Business Advisors network, connecting more than 3500 participants (farmers, suppliers, entrepreneurs, etc.) They have created a resource platform to help black entrepreneurs to acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to achieve as much success as possible. Making steps to eradicate the poverty cycle. They uplift women as business leaders to create jobs, earn a dignified income and provide for their families. These sectors include marble mosaic, gems and jewels, as well as home textiles. Evidence shows the income of self-employed rural women with access to energy is more than double the income of those without access to energy. For that reason, the NFTE designed multiple programs that tailor to the needs of the diverse and various NFTE students.