OBA510. Concepts and applications of operations management. Production and Operations Management 26, no. Business Analytics I. 9: 1007-1024. https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2015.1130256. Retaliation is prohibited by 4: 952-985. https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12474. and Goodale, J.C. (2005) Service recovery: Unplanned absences in service operations. 1-12 Credits. Pardoe, I. Visit us on Twitter
1, 47-58. OBA608. For those interested in pursuing a doctorate, the department manages the PhD program's operations management concentration.
The overall objective of the Charles H. Lundquist doctoral program in operations & business analytics (OBA) is to prepare students seeking academic and research careers. OBA335H. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2021.4291. (2019), (health care and operations analytics). Data Driven Predictive Modeling. (2020), Zhibin "Ben" Yang, associate professor (operations management, supply-chain risk management). Fang, Y. and S. Koreisha, 2004, "Forecasting with Serially Correlated Regression Models," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. Jalili, Monire, and Michael S. Pangburn. "Doing Well by Doing Good: Improving Retail Store Performance with Responsible Scheduling Practices at the Gap, Inc." Management Science, forthcoming. statement of non-discrimination. Koreisha, S. G. and Fang, Y. and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by For financial econometrics, he focuses on order determination in GARCH, extra high frequency data analysis and high dimensional covariance matrix estimation. Yasamin Vahdati, instructor (empirical strategy, CEO and CMO activism). Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed on the statement of non-discrimination. statement of non-discrimination. * A master's degree is only attainable as part of the doctoral program, not as a standalone master's degree. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2021.4291.
Anderson, David, Tolga Aydnlym, Margret Bjarnadottir, Eren B. il, and Michaela Anderson. Therefore, the OBA curriculum is not only a dedicated concentration, but its courses are also a valuable complement to all students in other business concentrations. (2009), Fang Yin, senior instructor (business value of IT, electronic commerce). Pangburn, M. (2005).
Thompson, G.M. BS, 2008, Azad University; MA, 2003, Sabanci University (Turkey); MA, MA, 2005, Michigan; PhD, 2019, Minnesota. Have the desire to understand, organize and manage the implementation of projects. UO policy. Pardoe, I.
Anderson, David, Tolga Aydnlym, Margret Bjarnadottir, Eren B. il, and Michaela Anderson. https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2021.1045.
(1999). "Factors Affecting Project Success: An Empirical Study in the Chemical Industry," Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 1-16 Credits. Forthcoming. Fang, Y. and Xu, D. (2003) "The Predictability of Asset Returns: An approach combining technical analysis and time series forecasts," International Journal of Forecasting, 19, 369-385. The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty. UO policy. "Doing Well by Doing Good: Improving Retail Store Performance with Responsible Scheduling Practices at the Gap, Inc." Management Science, forthcoming. UO policy. Students cannot receive credit for both OBA335 and OBA335H. UO 4 Credits. 4 Credits. Balakrishnan, A., Natarajan, H. P., and Pangburn, M. (2000). The OBA concentration is therefore not only appropriate for students interested in supply chain management, sourcing, and logistics, it is also well-suited for business analysts, consultants, and general managers. for Civil Rights.
1217 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1217. These models assist firms to gain a better understanding of methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chain decisions. Lundquist College faculty are among the most productive researchers at business schools worldwide, according to the latest rankings of faculty research productivity by the University of Texas at Dallas. Koreisha, S. G. and Pukkila, T. (1999).
Retaliation is prohibited by Jalili, Monire, and Michael S. Pangburn. Yang, Zhibin, and Volodymyr Babich. Swafford, P., Ghosh, S., and Murthy, N. N. (2006) "A Framework for Assessing Value Chain Agility," International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26(2), 118-140. MS, 1993, PhD, 1997, Rochester. Using game-theoretic models, Zhibin explores the following research questions: (1) What is the effect of asymmetric risk information on the buyer's use of the operational risk-management tools? Ehrman V. Guistina Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, Advising and Student Experience OBA407. Piri, Saeed, Dusun Delen, and Tieming Liu. Allon, Gad, Achal Bassamboo, and Eren B. il. Garfinkel, R., Gopal, R., Pathak, P., and Yin, F., (2008), "Shopbot 2.0: Integrating Recommender Systems and Sales Promotions with Comparison Shopping, Decision Support Systems 46 (1): 61-69. You apply for admission through your program. Decision Support Systems 153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2021.113671. Swafford, P., Ghosh, S., and Murthy, N. N., "Achieving Supply Chain Agility Through IT Integration and Flexibility," International Journal of Production Economics. Pangburn, M. (2001). "Seasonality in Foreign Exchange Volatility," Applied Economics. Rabiee, Meysam, Babak Aslani, and Jafar Rezaei. (2000) "The effect of transaction costs on the decision to replace "off-the-shelf" software: the role of software diffusion and software infusion," Information Systems Journal, 10, 65-83. 1-16 Credits. His current research in data mining has been centered at three topics - adaptive model selection, high dimensional data analysis and forecasting accuracy assessment. Operations and Business Analytics Concentration. Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed Introduction to multiple regression and nonparametric techniques. Pendem, Pradeep K., Paul I.
Koreisha, S. G. and Fang, Y. "Understanding the Value of Delayed Discounts in Retail Rewards Programs." Understanding analytics and how to manage business operations are essential to the success of all managers in todays business environment.

4 Credits. Koreisha, S. G. and Pukkila, T . il, Eren B., and Michael S. Pangburn. "Missing Care: A Framework to Address the Issue of Frequent Missing Values; The Case of a Clinical Decision Support System for Parkinson's Disease." OBA401. https://business.uoregon.edu/phd/concentrations/operations-management, https://business.uoregon.edu/phd/admissions.
Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Beginning fall 2018, there were changes in the OBA core curriculum. BS. Fang, Y. B. and V. Babich, Should Buyers use Procurement Service Providers when Suppliers have Private Information about Supply Disruptions?, Aydinliyim, T. and M. S. Pangburn, E. Rabinovich, and M. Choi, Is the Cue In Stock Always Effective: Inventory Information Disclosure Tactics to Leverage Stockout Risk., Aydinliyim, T. and N. N. Murthy, Managing Engineering Design for Competitive Sourcing in Closed Loop Supply Chains., Yang, Z. "A methodology for evaluating how product characteristics impact choice in retail settings with many zero observations: an application to restaurant wine purchase," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 29(1), 112-131. Here's How." Should You Trust Tests of Significance in Econometric Models Based on Asymptotically Consistent Methods? Decision Support Systems 106: 15-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2017.11.006. 9, No. Journal of MIS 27 (2): 159-188. Questions may be referred to the Guo, P., Q. Cehn, X. Guo, and Y. Fang (2014), Path-Dependent Game Options: A Lookback Case, Review of Derivative Research 17 (1): 113-124. Techniques for structuring and storing business data; primary focus on relational database theory, with applied skills for business users, including data warehouses, reporting, and normalization.Prereq: all MBA core courses. Head, Department of Operations and Business Analytics | Ehrman V. Giustina Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, Associate Professor of Operations and Business Analytics | Robert J. and Leona M. DeArmond Research Scholar | Coordinator, Operations Management PhD Program, Roger Engemann Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, Associate Professor of Operations and Business Analytics | Edwin E. and June Woldt Cone Research Scholar, PhD Candidate, Operations and Business Analytics, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Cameron Center for Finance and Securities Analysis, Operations and Business Analytics Research, operations and business analytics concentration (OBA), sustainable business practices specialization, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2021.113671, Learn More about the Operations Management PhD, Business Operations and Technology Association (BOTA). Forthcoming. Includes the use of quantitative modeling and several case studies in operations. BS, 2008, Amirkabir University of Technology; MS, 2011, Sharif University of Technology; PhD, 2017, Oklahoma State. Yang, Zhibin, Xinxin Hu, Haresh Gurnani, and Huiqi Guan.
"Coordinating the Distribution Chain: New Models for New Challenges," with A. Balakrishnan and J. Geunes. Decision Sciences 51, no. Gopal, R., Pathak, B., Tripathi, A., and Yin, F. (2006) "From Fatwallet to Ebay: An Investigation of Online Deal Forums and Sales Promotions," Journal of Retailing, 82(2), 155 164. for Civil Rights. Koreisha, S. & Fang, Y. Zhang, Y.
Gelman, A. and Pardoe, I. Frameworks and solutions for managing complex projects and operations; implementing optimal strategies for producing profitable new products and services in the competitive global business environment.Prereq: all MBA core courses. Deshpande, Vinayak, and Pradeep K. Pendem. For example, Professor Murthy is investigating the impact of simulation training on call center agent performance. OBA566. Rapoport, M. Jarpe, D. Bellisle, P. Pendem, L. McCorkell, and S. Adler-Milstein. OBA199. (2004). 1-4 Credits. statement of non-discrimination.
Estimation and Forecasting of Regression Models with Misspecified ARCHGARCH Models. This paper won the Irwin/McGraw-Hill Best Paper Award at the 1999 SOMA International Conference. N. Murthy. 2: 395-422. https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12428. (forthcoming). Jin, Ming, Nicole DeHoratius, and Glen Schmidt. Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Cameron Center for Finance and Securities Analysis, Operations and Business Analytics Research. Students cannot receive credit for both OBA311 and OBA311H. OBA410. "Want to Reduce The Bullwhip? (2001). "Multichannel Distribution Strategy: Selling to a Competing Buyer with Limited Supplier Capacity." You apply for admission through your program. Sophomore standing required.Prereq: C- or better in BA101, BA240, EC201, MATH241, MATH243. Cil, Eren, and Michael S. Pangburn. Data analytics expertise has quickly become a must-have skill for aspiring business graduates, andlike operations expertiseis widely applicable across a range of career paths. Lambert, S. Kesavan, P.J. Academic Publishers. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Harvard. Seminar: [Topic]. , instructor (empirical strategy, CEO and CMO activism).
on the Production and Operations Management, 12, 165-185. Research: [Topic]. Koreisha, S. G. and Pukkila, T. (forthcoming). Fang, Y. Be interested in finding how to leverage information technology (and other technologies) in improving manufacturing and services. "The Microstructure of Work: Understanding Productivity Benefits and Costs of Interruptions."
"Designing and positioning services for multicultural markets," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 29, 76-87. B., G. Aydin, V. Babich, and D. R. Beil (2009), Supply Disruptions, Asymmetric Information, and a Backup Production Option." Delana, Kraig, Nicos Savva, and Tolga Tezcan. The American Statistician 58(4), 317321. He also studies the regime-switching modeling by infinite-state hidden Markov chain. Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Yang, Z. OBA 340 became OBA 311: Business Analytics I, and OBA 330 became OBA 312: Business Analytics II. BA, 1963, Washington, Seattle; MS, 1965, PhD, 1969, Oregon State.
1-4 Credits. Expert Systems with Applications 94: 112-125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.09.061. One current project, for example, looks at the impact of high-tech products obsolescence on capacity and pricing decisions. Supply Chain Management: Models, Applications, and Research Directions, edited by J. Geunes, P.M. Pardalos, and H.E.
(queueing theory, game theory, optimization), Sc, 2010, Michigan; PhD, 2019, London Business School.
Murthy, N. N., Soni, S., and Ghosh, S. (2004). Assistant Professor Xing Hu joined the Department of Operations and Business Analytics in December 2012. il, Eren B. 1-4 Credits. Swafford, P., Ghosh, S., and Murthy, N. N. (Forthcoming) "The Antecedents of Supply Chain Agility: Scale Development and Model Testing", Journal of Operations Management. BSc, 2009, Azad; MBA, 2013, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology; PhD, 2019, Oklahoma State. (2002), Pradeep Pendem, assistant professor (large-scale data-driven operational analytics, retail and productivity). Stellar new faculty, distinguished AOM award, job prospects for entrepreneurs, and more in the 2019 edition of. Koreisha, S. and Y. Fang, 2004, "Updating ARMA Predictions for Temporal Aggregates," Journal of Forecasting, Vol. "An Empirical Investigation of Global Sourcing Strategy Effectiveness," International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management. Fang, Y., 2005, "The Effect of the Estimation on Goodness-of-fit Tests in Time Series Models," Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol.
Trends and Temporal Aggregation in Macroeconomic Time Series. Students cannot receive credit for both OBA335 and OBA335H. 5: 2199-2218. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2702. (2001). International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29, no. Decision Sciences 51, no. Consult the university's class schedule for the most current information about when these courses are offered. 541-346-5129 Project and Operations Management Models. OBA311. Business Analytics I. The official prerequisite for OBA 410 electives is all OBA core. OBA612. on the In the area of time series, he is doing research on adaptive order determination and model combination. 4 Credits. First term of first-year second-language sequence, Review the holistic requirements for admission to the major and establish a plan for developing these traits, Introduction to Economic Analysis: Microeconomics, Second term of first-year second-language sequence, Calculus for Business and Social Science I, Meet with a Lundquist Academic advisor to make a long-term plan, Introduction to Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics, Third term of first-year second-language sequence, Calculus for Business and Social Science II, Introduction to Methods of Probability and Statistics, First term of second-year second-language sequence, Social science course that also satisfies a multicultural requirement, Meet an advisor regarding progress toward admission, Arts and letters course that also satisfies a multicultural requirement, Second term of second-year second-language sequence, See Lundquist Peer Educator about informational interviews, General education courses in arts and letters, Third term of second-year second-language sequence, Apply for business administration major within the first week of the term you are completing business premajor requirements, Economic Foundations of Competitive Analysis, General education course in arts and letters, Meet with Lundquist advisor to revise long-term plan to meet academic goals and strategize how to strengthen weak areas for career goals, General education course in social science, Meet a Lundquist Academic advisor to make a long-term plan, General education course in arts and letters with a global context, Course with global context subject matter, Meet Lundquist Peer Educator about informational interviews, Submit a Non-Business Breadth/Global Context proposal for approval. Yazdani, Alireza, Eren B. il, and Michael S. Pangburn. religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, BA, 1992, Peking (Beijing); PhD, 2002, Texas, Austin. Professor Murthy also researches in the area of sustainable supply chains as part of his role in the Center for Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Experimental Course: [Topic]. Practicum: [Topic]. Questions may be referred to the Baker T. and Murthy, N. N. (2009), "The Implications of Forecast Accuracy on the Benefits of Online Auctions in Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Environments," International Journal of Services and Operations Management 5 (3): 299-325. Operations Management. BSc, 2009, Azad; MBA, 2013, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology; PhD, 2019, Oklahoma State. He follows an approach using the fundamentals of both queuing and game theory in his research. Petersen, K., G. Ragatz and R. Handfield, (2001). Jabbari, Mona, Shaya Sheikh, Meysam Rabiee, and Asil Oztekin. Murthy, N. N., Benton, W. C., and Rubin, P. A. Regression analysis, a widely used statistical modeling tool, is concerned with quantifying relationships among variables such as between sales and various marketing promotions and measures of competition. Business Administration Major Requirements, Download Concentration Requirements (PDF), Business Operations and Technology Club (BOTA). OBA409. "Explaining sentence severity in large urban counties: a multilevel analysis of contextual and case-level factors," The Prison Journal, 84(2), 184207. Operations expertise provides a strong foundation for managing todays complex business processes, including challenges related to sourcing and supply chains, manufacturing, and service systems. "A Two-stage Procedure on Comparing Several Experimental Treatments and a Control," Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences. Aydinliyim , T. (2008), "Centralization vs. Competition in Subcontracting Operations," Proceedings of the 13th M&SOM Conference, University of Maryland.
Questions may be referred to the "Service Facility Location and Design with Pricing and Waiting-Time Considerations", with E. Stavrulaki. Decision Sciences 47, no. Production and Operations Management 26, no. The operations and business analytics concentration (formerly known as ISOM) is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in applied statistics, operations management, management information systems, or a management career with a strong emphasis in these areas. Wu, Wenbo, Jiaqi Chen, Zhibin (Ben) Yang, and Michael L. Tindall. (2000). These foundational skills reflect the strength of the Lundquist Colleges OBA department, the faculty of which works closely with students within the doctoral program. (2004). BA, 1962, MBA, 1963, Washington (Seattle); PhD, 1969, California, Los Angeles. statement of non-discrimination. Koreisha, S. and Y. Zhang, Adaptive Order Determination for Constructing Time Series Forecasting Models, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. Techniques for structuring and storing business data; primary focus on relational database theory, with applied skills for business users, including data warehouses, reporting, and normalization.Prereq: OBA 340 or OBA 340H. (2015), Ming Jin, instructor (operations management, business analytics, supply chain management). Piri, Saeed, Dursun Delen, Tieming Liu, and Hamed M. Zolbanin. BS, 2008, Kettering; MSc, 2010, Michigan; PhD, 2019, London Business School. 23, No. The following is an example schedule showing when upper division required operations and business analytics courses are typically offered. (2004). His other current projects include: Assistant Professor Zhibin (Ben) Yang conducts research in supply chain risk management. The department offers a concentration in operations and business analytics for the undergraduate major in business administration; a specialization in operations and business analytics forMBA students; and a Ph.D.in operations management. Green Jr, and Bradley R. Staats. Lundquist College of BusinessUniversity of OregonEugene, OR 97403-1208.
Balakrishnan, A., M.S. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, forthcoming. 4, 275-296. F: 541-346-2804, Visit us on Facebook Jayaram, J., Calanton, R.J., Cooper, R.G., and Kleinschmidt, E.J. Sophomore standing required.Prereq: BA101, BA240, EC201, MATH241, MATH243. "A comparison of heuristics for assigning individual employees to labor tour schedules," Annals of Operations Research , 128, 47-63. (2008), "Influence-factors for operational control and compensation in professional service firms." Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Fang, Y.
Kesavan, Saravanan, Susan J. Lambert, Joan C. Williams and Pradeep K. Pendem.
Capacity Decisions for High-tech Products with Obsolescence (with S. Sundaresan), Product Choice with Recourse: Purchases with Returns (with E. Stavrulaki).
The PDF will include all information unique to this page.
Journal of Operations Management 26 (5): 669-688. Baker, T., Murthy, N. N., and Jayaraman, V. (2002) "Service Package Switching in Hotel Revenue Management Systems," Decision Sciences, 33, 109-132. Supply Chain Management 22, no. Supply-Chain Operations and Information. and Goodale, J.C. (2006) Variable employee productivity in workforce scheduling. Forthcoming. (2000). Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 23, no. UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. *OBA 330/340 can substitute for OBA 311/312. religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, Production and Operations Management, forthcoming. Introduction to basics of programming and fundamentals of predictive modeling. Terminal Project.
Want to develop the ability to back up their decisions with good business sense. OBA577. Operations Management. Methodologies and systems for designing, tracking, and managing complex global operations.Prereq: all MBA core courses. 1: 70-87. https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2019.0811. International Journal of Production Research. 1: 21-34. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41262-018-0110-8. Hanson, Sara, Lan Jiang, Jun Ye, and Nagesh N. Murthy. Concepts and techniques of analytic decision making, sampling and statistical inference, and regression analysis. 74, No. Management Science 55 (2): 192--209. Fang, Y. and J. Zhang, (1999).
Courses offered by the OBA department cover a range of operations and business analytics topics including project management, database systems, predictive modeling (in R), python data analytics, and supply chain management. 4: 297-304. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-02-2017-0088. Rabiee, Meysam, F. Jolai, H. Asefi, P. Fattahi, and S. Lim. Students with a concentration in operations and business analytics are encouraged to participate in the Business Operations and Technology Club (BOTA).