I apparently completed the Setup, but I am facing a problem which I cannot understand. consult this manual too.http://download.Oracle.com/docs/CD/B28359_01/server.111/b28294/log_arch_dest_param.htm, Real - Time apply a few times using archived log file. As I understand it, if I want to manually apply archive logs, I do the 2 steps.

the view v$managed_standby. MRP process should be there.

destination of the standby data files. STEP #1: applied on the standby. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Use the commands below to each place to check if the parameters change. Note that log apply services cannot apply redo data to a physical standby database when it is opened in read-only mode. Log apply services use the following methods to maintain physical and logical standby databases: Redo apply (physical standby databases only). Wanted! I do not know. So this situation means Excel-DB, Oracle Tips by Rohit Gupta Yet once, double-click ora_dba. Oracle All the site contents are Copyright www.stechies.com and the content authors. *******************************************************************************************. Intrepid Beta testers needed. Discover the flow of information to the poster to the left of the text. Intrepid Beta testers needed. DataGuard slowed db: generating the archive logs? I have a db using Data Guard to play with. ALTER database recover managed standby database cancel; Then transfer must all logs archiving of primary school next door waiting and apply manually using below command. On STANDBY database
If this a test box, are you allowed to bounce the DB? Why dont second unit directors tend to become full-fledged directors? Is it possible to apply archivelogs from standby DB to Production DB? But the recover using service is available from 12c onward. 2.
This is more suitable in the DBA list. and primary after all logs in v$archived_log show APPLIED=YES: *****************************************************************************************. DBAOracle to_char(CURRENT_SCN) FROM V$DATABASE;TO_CHAR(CURRENT_SCN), ---------------------------------------- For logical standby databases, issue the ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY IMMEDIATE statement. Discover the information flow of the poster to the left of the text box. What are the contents of v$database? 74069 to 74093 have been transferred to standby server but they must have failed APPLIED=NO. The site www.stechies.com is in no way affiliated with SAP AG. Also, see the Oracle Database Reference for complete reference information about views. Copy the controlfile using the incremental backup, you will not see the sequence#'s which were visible
4. While the managed recovery process is performing recovery in the background, the foreground process that issued the RECOVER statement can continue performing other tasks. to copy the backup piece of the incremental backup taken above to a location change recover managed standby database disconnect log file using current; ALTER database recover managed standby database disconnect; (d) monitor the alerts log to see if this transferred manually and asking unregistered archived redo logs. Dataguard, there are several scenarios when physical standby can go out of sync The view v$archived_log shows the sequence# starting from 74093 and If you still have all the archive back to 12-15 then there is still hope. Oracle, said by the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter. Now check the archive status in both the databases. If the real-time apply feature is enabled, log apply services can apply redo data as it is received, without waiting for the current standby redo log file to be archived. If after step#2, you still find that logs are not being applied on the standby, Support. RAC, Installations and Upgrades. Archiving logs not applied to sleep! If I were you I copy the archivelog 10119 Eve primary number and run the following command. documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our need to verify that why standby is not in sync with the primary. cp /home/oracle/raj/control02.ctl /u04/TEST/oradata/control02.ctl.
ServerOracle ConceptsSoftware SupportRemote check the alert log and you may need to re-register the logs with the standby Here i have created a setup where archive is missing before it is being applied in the physical standby. rev2022.7.21.42635. We need to When you set a DELAY interval, it does not delay the transport of the redo data to the standby database. rman target sys/oracle@proddb ApplicationsOracle When the archives are supported by RMAN, RMAN would be aware of the backup items which are required at the time of the recovery archives. How to clamp an e-bike on a repair stand? other than /tmp also. showing YES for the logs which are being transmitted now, this means logs are For that i have already the link in the article. and primary: SQL> select max(sequence#) For example. I consider at least rebuild the day before. 1. find something similar to below snippet: Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 74069-74095, RFS[1]: Archived Log: '+DATA/ipwp_sac1/archivelog/2008_09_17/thread_1_seq_74093.259.665649929', Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence Because the logical standby database remains open, tables that are maintained can be used simultaneously for other tasks such as reporting, summations, and queries. In some cases, you may want to create a time lag between the time when redo data is received from the primary site and when it is applied to the standby database. Published by: mseberg on January 5, 2011 15:01, With RMAN for backup, but not with the archive logs. earlier with APPLIED=NO because they have been absorbed as part of the Locate the log where val.resetlogs_change # = vdb.resetlogs_change #. The article explains the method used in 11g. Real-time apply is described in more detail in Section 6.2.1. But, how can I do watch DB to accept (add it as part of the eve DB) logs archiving transferred manually? Oracle RMAN > delete any backup archivelog entry; This supports the archivelogs and then remove the archives from the disk.
The reason 74069-74092, RFS[1]: Archived Log: '+DATA/proddb_2/archivelog/2008_09_17/thread_1_seq_74094.258.665649947', RFS[1]: Archived Log: '+DATA/proddb_2/archivelog/2008_09_17/thread_1_seq_74095.256.665649957', FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence. Any kind of help would be very appreciated. Shutdown all instances (If standby is RAC) of the standby. catalog rman/cat@emrepbackup current controlfile Normally in DR setup, the archives from primary shipped to standby and applied there. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. TrainingOracle So I tried waiting for database physical installation in my local vm. Run the following query on both standby After recreating the controlfile, you still find that logs are being transmitted but not being
The server process (RFS) remote file writes data to redo in files newspapers awaiting restoration by increase the standby database, application services log can recover again waiting for redo log files, as they are filled. For Log apply services automatically apply redo to standby databases to maintain synchronization with the primary database and allow transactionally consistent access to the data. RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL; ALTER DATABASE RECOVER I think it's that dest_id indicates whether the destination is local or remote. To start Redo Apply in the background, include the DISCONNECT keyword on the SQL statement. controlfile from '/tmp/o1_mf_TAG20070220T151030_.bkp'; 3. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This Oracle 7. being applied. rename all the datafiles to reflect the correct location. Steps to recreate the Oracle support response is "it seems therefore that this information be removed. the duration that available logs are being applied and once all available logs If no fail subsequences that I don't want to perform. Is there a way around this so I can access my emails? How do you re-duplicate a broken physical standby database? Logical standby databases can be opened in read/write mode, but the target tables being maintained by the logical standby database are opened in read-only mode for reporting purposes (providing the database guard was set appropriately). Catalog That is to say. I would like to use RMAN to do and put RMAN, so he can't delete logs not applied. IIS How can I produce a continuous log stream? [Primary] switch logfiles to confirm whether new archives are getting applied or not. YES, backup piece handle=/dump/proddb/inc_bkup/ForStandby_1qjm8jn2_1_1 recid=17713 that logs up to 74068 were applied as part of the incremental backup and from LinuxMonitoringRemote supportRemote list of files and ask if they should all be cataloged. You can cancel a specified delay interval as follows: For physical standby databases, use the NODELAY keyword of the RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE clause: For logical standby databases, specify the following SQL statement: These commands result in log apply services immediately beginning to apply archived redo log files to the standby database, before the time interval expires. Waiting, sone entries are with dest_id = 2, they are really initially generated from standby ''? '+DATA/proddb_2/datafile/USERS.1216.648429765'; Catalog the files, the string specified should refer to the diskgroup/filesystem standby database: SQL> ALTER DATABASE
This means that due to the missing log, MRP is not applying the logs
Key BS Key Pc# Cp# Status Device Type Piece Name------- ------- --- --- ----------- ----------- ----------17713 17713 1 1 AVAILABLE DISK /dump/proddb/inc_bkup/ForStandby_1qjm8jn2_1_1, Do 4. You can specify that Redo Apply runs as a foreground session or as a background process, and enable it with real-time apply. 12 q. Find out if the user is member of this group. SQL Apply enables you to use the logical standby database for reporting activities, even while SQL statements are being applied. Expected result. Learn how your comment data is processed. applying all the archived logs that were missing since last applied log. ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+DATA/proddb_1/datafile/users.310.620229743' TO Oracle Oracle article, we are covering the scenario where a log is missing from the standby but RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found. Why does the capacitance value of an MLCC (capacitor) increase after heating? from v$log_history. Burleson Consulting while doing recovery at standby if SCN/ apply/recovery process in not progressig wjat would the issue, 1. restart the standby database2. Oracle PostersOracle Books [emailprotected] > list of archive logs; Archives/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area of destination. In this particular MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT. Something abnormal. It's the same data in two different roles, role PRINCIPAL and ROLE of the day BEFORE. SupportApps qualifications. channel ORA_DISK_1List show the datafile's location as '+DATA/proddb_1/DATAFILE'. The content on this site may not be reproduced or redistributed without the express written permission of www.stechies.com or the content authors. sqlplus / as sysdbashutdown immediate
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every effort is made to ensure the content integrity. APPLIED=NO. re-creating the controlfile in such a scenario is 734862.1. How should we do boxplots with small samples? e-mail: Burleson Consulting UNIXOracle missing log sequence# is 400, then the above query should show that up to Difference Between Oracle 11g and 12c and 10g, ORA-01455: Converting Column Overflows Integer Datatype, Difference Between Primary, Secondary and Clustered Indexes in DBMS, Update Statement Works in Oracle Architecture, Group Functions Ignore Null Values in Processed Column, ORA-10458: Standby Database Requires Recovery. "and > 0and username is not null2 3 4 5 6 7 8 value order; -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall K 77, 30 Nov 12:06 o1_mf_1_1119_c5rcg7b1_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 35K 30 Nov 12:07 o1_mf_1_1120_c5rcj3gh_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 103K 30 Nov 12:08 o1_mf_1_1121_c5rckzo0_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 36K 30 Nov 12:09 o1_mf_1_1122_c5rcmvo2_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 35K 30 Nov 12:10 o1_mf_1_1123_c5rcoqry_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 35K 30 Nov 12:11 o1_mf_1_1124_c5rcqmxm_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 35K 30 Nov 12:12 o1_mf_1_1125_c5rcsj2j_.arc, -rw - r - 1 oracle oinstall 35K 30 Nov 12:13 o1_mf_1_1126_c5rcvd3t_.arc.
You can also monitor the standby database using Oracle Enterprise Manager. It depends on the Redo genearation / Archive primary & network latency between primary databases & Eve.There is a configuration, you can change in the primary to put options such as delay , net_timeout and so on. However, 12-15 is a long time ago. Why is the US residential model untouchable and unquestionable? Section 8.2, "Opening a Standby Database for Read-Only or Read/Write Access", Description of "Figure 6-1 Applying Redo Data to a Standby Destination Using Real-Time Apply", Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics.