The animals can include a variety such as: alpacas, chickens, goats, invertebrates, miniature horses, and sheep. Shifts are once a week for 5 hours and require the ability to be outside in a typical horse environment with ability to hand walk multiple horses. Our cats look forward to their feather time sessions. Volunteers assist the Barn Animal Caregivers with husbandry, cleaning, exercising, and grooming of the hoof-stock and barnyard creatures used in our Education and Pet Encounter Therapy programs. Any accident or injury to either a person or animal should be reported to a Center manager immediately. Is there a time to talk about my specific interests and schedule? It does require an onsite training session and a 5-8 hour shift on the day of the event. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. What is the time commitment needed to become a volunteer? Reasonable notice is required if unable to make a volunteer shift. The Foster department works to make sure that animals coming in to our care have temporary homes until they are ready for adoption. The animals are divided into three different categories including: amphibians and reptiles, birds, and small mammals (chinchillas, guinea pigs, and rabbits.) What is the minimum age to volunteer? Volunteers shall agree to the Centers right to release them for unsafe practices, for not following the procedures described in orientations and training sessions, or for any behavior that is inappropriate for Center business. Club Pet Does Helen Woodward Animal Center offer court-ordered community service? Once trained, volunteers are scheduled as needed (typically 3 hours per week) and must commit to volunteering for at least 1 year. Limited positions are available for junior volunteers (14 and up.) The size of the route depends on the size of car needed. Occasionally volunteers may assist technicians in cleaning procedure rooms and the barn. 2022 Helen Woodward Animal Center | Tax ID# 23-7228287, Volunteering only for events does not require the general orientation and tour. We carry one-of-a-kind items, furniture, home dcor, games and toys, books, jewelry, art, clothing, shoes, sports equipment, pet products, and more. . Doors open at 9 a.m. Volunteers must accept the guidance and decisions of the professional staff person responsible for volunteer activities. Shift times range from 1 p.m.5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, and 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Shift times are 7:30 a.m.10:30 a.m., 10 a.m.1 p.m., 12:30 p.m.3:30 p.m., and 3 p.m.6 p.m. Ask the Manager of Volunteer Services for screening forms to find out if your pet is suited for this type of volunteer work. Orphaned Objects Resale Shop PET involves taking avariety of animalsto visit special needs clients in a variety of health care settings: skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, childrens shelters, mental health facilities to name just a few. Volunteer positions are usually a weekday shift for 3-5 hours. (The general volunteer orientation is not required.) (The general volunteer orientation is not required.) Shift: 9 a.m.12 p.m. Education Department Assistants We reserve the right to release a junior volunteer from his or her job without delay if we feel the situation is either unsafe or unproductive. Club Pet is looking for energetic volunteers to give our boarding dogs and cats lots of attention and TLC! This rewarding program requires patience and an outgoing personality. This will help you learn about our volunteer programs, the benefits to the animals and the community, and the commitment involved. A 6-month overall commitment is required. How do I get a volunteer application? An interview with management is necessary. In-Home Training Volunteers assist with the foster onboarding process by going to potential fosters homes and doing one-on-one trainings or home checks, and then sending a report to foster staff. Shifts: 9 a.m.12 p.m. or (rarely) 12 p.m.4 p.m. Education Barn Animal Care Assistants To sign up, emailmarlenem@animalcenter.orgor call 858-756-4117 ext. After attending Orientation and an interview, am I guaranteed a volunteer position? Please note, volunteers do not have the opportunity to ride our horses. Opportunities are available to take on leadership and support roles for fundraising events. Volunteers help ring up sales, organize and sort through inventory, assist with projects as needed from the store manager and tag items for sale. Volunteers working with dogs need to be physically able to handle very large, enthusiastic dogs. It does require an onsite training session and a 5-8 hour shift on the day of the event. All sales at Orphaned Objects Resale Shop benefit the programs and pets at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Contact the Volunteer Department for more information. Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age or older to participate in this program. A commitment of four shifts (usually 3 hours each) per month, scheduled in advance is requested. A 6-month or 70-hour commitment is required. The animals can include a variety such as: alpacas, chickens, goats, invertebrates, miniature horses, and sheep. Various tasks such as organizing packets, stuffing goodie bags, organizing paperwork, etc. All volunteers are required to attend a volunteer orientation before receiving an assignment. Tours are conducted during Volunteer Orientation. Extensive experience with horses is required. Occasionally volunteers may assist technicians in cleaning procedure rooms and the barn. We may have several camps in the summer where juniors are needed for 1-2 weeks. (Volunteers are not on-call indefinitely. Volunteers are needed 7 days a week. No photos or videos of any kind can be taken on Center grounds without prior consent. If youre interested in learning more about becoming a Foster Family, please visit the Foster page. An interview with management is necessary. You do not need to attend an orientation for these projects; however the tasks do not include hands-on activity with the animals. Junior volunteers ages 14-17 may apply to be teacher assistants for one week, Monday through Friday. In-Home Training Volunteers assist with the foster onboarding process by going to potential fosters homes and doing one-on-one trainings or home checks, and then sending a report to foster staff. The pets are brought back to the Center once they are ready for adoption. Exotic Animal Care Assistants PET involves taking avariety of animalsto visit special needs clients in a variety of health care settings: skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, childrens shelters, mental health facilities to name just a few. This is a separate application process. They contain important information about the Centers rules and policies. Volunteers must have some prior animal experience and attention to safety in order to work with these larger animals. For junior volunteers, an extensive background of lessons or comparable horse experience is required. This opportunity is generally for those with an interest in attending veterinary school for large animal medicine. We need volunteers who have organizational and customer service skills as well as attention to detail. Please e-mail the volunteer department to inquire about upcoming orientation dates. Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age or older to participate in this program. Felines also enjoy bubble time, cuddle time and TLC sessions with our volunteers. Special Event Planning/Marketing and Fundraising. Volunteers also answer all incoming calls to the Center and transfer them to the appropriate department. Contact the Volunteer Department for more information. For our older dogs, we offer TLC and cuddle times out in the sun on the lawn. Commitment required is 6 months or 70 hours with a regular weekly schedule. Therapeutic Riding is dedicated to serving clients with special needs through equine-assisted activities. Provide an orientation, training, and continuing education as available for the assigned position. Working in the Adoption department includes exercising and socializing dogs or cats, restocking kennel supplies, kennel cleaning, laundry, and dishes. Volunteers should be polite and helpful at all times. Pets awaiting new homes need extra TLC! Volunteers must be at least 14 years old. Interviews are scheduled only if you have completed Orientation and are available for the specific training dates and shift openings. Volunteers must also pass our dog handling class, which is given as part of the Club Pet Volunteer orientation and training program. In addition to onsite volunteer opportunities, you can also be a part of our Paw Partners Committee which is responsible for getting auction items and sponsorships for our Spring Fling Gala. Volunteers should not be in any area of the Center without the proper training or supervision. However, please see job descriptions below for complete details on age requirements. Orientations will be held in Morse Hall. Please do not bring pets or small children. Opportunities to help with securing event underwriting, auction items, and sponsorships may also be available. Our volunteer shifts are 9 a.m-12 p.m., 10 a.m.1 p.m., 11 a.m.2 p.m., or 12 p.m.3 p.m. Our dogs and cats miss their families, so our volunteers step in to give them the love and attention they need while boarding. Ask the Manager of Volunteer Services for screening forms to find out if your pet is suited for this type of volunteer work. We have five major events here at Helen Woodward where we need volunteers! Once trained, volunteers are scheduled to come in once a week for a 3-hour shift and must commit to volunteering for at least 6 months. The application period is January through March, with summer assignments made in late April/early May. Frequency of meal delivery depends on the route. Once trained, volunteers are scheduled as needed (typically 3 hours per week) and must commit to volunteering for at least 1 year. 2022 Helen Woodward Animal Center | Tax ID# 23-7228287, Current Therapeutic Riding Clients and Volunteers. (The general volunteer orientation is not required.) Limited positions are available for junior volunteers (14 and up.) Volunteers see projects through from beginning to end, including the many details of major events. Volunteering for our outreach program involves going with a member of our outreach team to offsite events such as our Business Buddies program, Pets Without Walls, and other locations around San Diego County. Please contact the court for a list of participating non-profit organizations to verify your hours. Current Therapeutic Riding Clients and Volunteers, download the volunteer opportunities package/application. All prospective individuals must attend a Volunteer Orientation and tour. Extensive experience with horses is required. (The general volunteer orientation is not required.) may be given from departments based on need. Opportunities are available to take on leadership and support roles for fundraising events. Classes are scheduled usually following a Volunteer Orientation. All Volunteer-owned dogs are screened and introduced to the program after the volunteer is trained. Junior volunteers will help with program set-up/clean-up, face painting, providing hand sanitizer after clients pet animals, and other general helpful assistance as needed by instructors. Junior volunteers ages 14-17 may apply to be teacher assistants for one week, Monday through Friday. Volunteers also assist in barn chores, tack cleaning, grooming, and preparing horses for lessons. Junior volunteer openings (ages 16-17) are limited. A background of lessons or comparable horse experience is highly recommended for all volunteers, but a limited number of positions may be available for volunteers 18 and older with limited or no horse experience. Current Therapeutic Riding Clients and Volunteers. What is the first step in becoming a volunteer? Can I volunteer at your special events? Volunteers must be at least 14 years old. Immediately following Orientation, we will forward your application to your top volunteer choices. Foster Families care for orphan pets in their home. Volunteers are responsible for keeping track of their schedules and logging in daily according to their supervisors system. (Once per week or twice per month. *Important note to Juniors: This program has a separate application and training program to teach classroom leadership skills and determine junior volunteer readiness to be classroom assistants. At most events, an adoptable dog is brought to increase traffic. Foster Department They are called at the time of need to see if they are available for about 18 weeks.) Volunteer supervision should be consistent with the Volunteer Management Policy and Procedure Manual. Most of the work that is done here would not be possible without our team of dedicated volunteers, who donate their time to help us continue our mission. Volunteers must be 21 years of age or older. Volunteers help to provide the necessary environment of safety, support, and fun by assisting in several roles. Duties involve organizing files, stocking supplies, packing supplies, assisting during intake, and helping send animals home. Volunteers in the Equine Hospital assist the technicians with animal husbandry like grooming and walking. (The general volunteer orientation is not required. The Critter Camp application is available in January or early February. This manual is available for review from the Volunteer Manager. Positions include marketing and fundraising, planning and completion of tasks within deadlines, clerical and phone assistance, preparation of mailings, set-up and take-down on the day of the event, etc. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old to apply. Free Center Tours Junior volunteers 10 years old and up may hold a pet food drive at a local supermarket or other location to collect food for the program. Volunteers participate in an interview and training process for certification. Volunteers provide varying levels of care for canines and/or felines, including but not limited to bottle feeding, medical assistance, socialization, or simply cuddling and feeding. Be a part of planning fun and important events. Tasks include set-up, take-down, registration, auction sales, cashiering, vendor assistance, course control, etc. Important parking information: Please park in spaces nearest to the Center in the Horizon parking lot. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.

The Foster department works to make sure that animals coming in to our care have temporary homes until they are ready for adoption. Working in the Adoption department includes exercising and socializing dogs or cats, restocking kennel supplies, kennel cleaning, laundry, and dishes. (You may apply for more than one week, but its not a guarantee that youll be able to volunteer for all of the dates that you request.) This is a separate application process. Be sure to include your name, email address and phone numbers. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas (see supervisor). The Department Manager will review your application and schedule and contact you if they would like to schedule an interview. A commitment of four shifts (usually 3 hours each) per month, scheduled in advance is requested. During temporary construction of our Adoptions building, please park at Horizon church located next door to the Center at 6365 El Apajo Road. Volunteers who work in a public access area are required to purchase and wear a Center T-shirt (approx. Please request specific guideline information. Pleasedownload and fill out this release formand save it to your computer. Volunteers in the Equine Hospital assist the technicians with animal husbandry like grooming and walking. Volunteers exercise our dogs by taking them on walks and doing off-leash field play. This program provides free food to the pets of homebound seniors, disabled citizens, low income families, wounded warriors, and homeless individuals. Each program will have different shift times and days where volunteers can assist. Whether its walking dogs in Adoptions, lending a hand at one of our local events or helping in our Administrative office, there is something for everyone! A fun and flexible way to help the Centers programs! Junior volunteer assistants help instructors with behavior management as well as setting up and cleaning up for the day. ), AniMeals is a petfood-on-wheels program that provides free food to the pets of homebound seniors, disabled citizens, low income families, wounded warriors, and the homeless. The majority of PET volunteers use their own dogs that have been screened for both temperament and health by PET personnel and approved for the work (only privately owned dogs are used not adoptables.) Volunteers work with minimum supervision. Volunteers exercise our dogs by taking them on walks and doing off-leash field play. On-Site Foster Volunteers help set up fosters with their animals and ensure they have everything they need to care for them. Assign a staff person to supervise volunteer activities. Join a program where you monitor donation canisters in retail locations near your home. We may have several camps in the summer where juniors are needed for 1-2 weeks. Is there a time to talk about my specific interests and schedule? Get Involved Volunteer Volunteer for Spring Fling 2021. We conduct several fundraising events each year, such as The Spring Fling, Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon and HOPE Telethon.

All people and animals are to be treated with respect and courtesy. Frequency of meal delivery depends on the route. The Critter Camp application is available in January or early February. (Once per week or twice per month. You canapply onlineordownload the volunteer opportunities package/application. Volunteers will typically start in just one category of animal that best suits their exotic pet experience, but there are opportunities for growth into the other animal categories with time and commitment. Volunteers must be able to help lift and support an adult rider. Pet Encounter Therapy All sales at Orphaned Objects Resale Shop benefit the programs and pets at Helen Woodward Animal Center. This rewarding program requires patience and an outgoing personality. This program provides free food to the pets of homebound seniors, disabled citizens, low income families, wounded warriors, and homeless individuals. Outreach Please do not bring pets or small children to Orientation. Volunteers help to provide the necessary environment of safety, support, and fun by assisting in several roles. Examples of tasks include: registration, cashiering, check-in, stuffing bags, flyer distribution, etc.