This program combines faculty and peer mentoring with team-building, industry involvement and academic enhancement classes in engineering foundation courses. This minor, administered by the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, provides the academic background in the application of computers to scientific and engineering problems and to prepare students for possible graduate study in computer-related disciplines. Electives can be structured around a selected environmental theme, to provide in-depth experience in a practical environmental problem of national or international concern. A student who has been dismissed cannot take flexible learning courses for credit until the suspension is removed. Minimum high school preparation should include the basics outlined below. All grade point averages are based on a 4.0 scale. To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. Services include orientation to UF and the college, academic and career advice, leadership development, engineering success skill development, coaching, financial assistance and tutoring. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all civil engineering courses. These programs provide focused support to under-represented groups in the engineering profession.
Civil engineering is the oldest and most diverse branch of engineering and includes the design and construction of bridges, buildings, dams, waterways, coastal protection works, airports, pipelines, space launching facilities, railroads, highways, sanitary systems, ocean structures and facilities, foundations, harbors, waterworks and many other systems and structures upon which modern civilization depends. Currently approved substitutions include: Under certain circumstances, credit toward graduation may be obtained through independent study by registering for a course carrying a department prefix. The minor program is designed to complement engineering studies to help prepare students for careers related to packaging. A student on probation must have permission of the associate dean to register for flexible learning courses when not enrolled in the college. As a condition of probation, students must see an academic advisor at designated intervals to review progress toward meeting the conditions of probation. Gainesville, FL 32611-6550, Academic Advising and Career Coaching

Scholarship awards are made each spring for the following academic year and are based on demonstrated need and scholastic performance. There are more than 40 semester-long exchange programs in more than 20 countries that offer engineering classes in English to help students stay on track for their academic program. Gainesville, FL 32611-4000 Refer to freshman admission for complete information. The minor provides students with the academic background to understand the design, selection and processing of materials. To develop civil engineering professionals with proficiency in the fundamentals of science and engineering; To develop an understanding of the planning, design, construction and operation of civil engineering projects; To develop enhanced communication skills; To develop an appreciation of professionalism and ethics in the practice of engineering. The packaging science program offers undergraduate engineering students the opportunity to obtain a minor in packaging science. Technical coursework is required of all students. Students should contact an adviser in 108 Rhines Hall for additional information. This minor complements the technical training in the students major discipline by providing the tools and knowledge required for engineering innovators. More Info. The certificate is available to engineering majors only. Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.
An enrolled engineering student will not be permitted to register for flexible learning courses unless the associate dean for student affairs and the registrar grant special permission. Students pursuing the BSEE or BSCEN degree are not eligible for this minor.
Packaging Science Minor Usually, foundation subjects common to all fields of engineering are studied in the first two years at the university or in a pre-engineering program at a state or community college. Florida state college students who have completed the Associate of Arts degree and the required technical foundation courses in calculus, differential equations, chemistry and physics with calculus are eligible to apply for transfer directly into the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Aerospace engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, computer science, digital arts and sciences, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering either do not require CHM2046/CHM2096 or may substitute another course. Engineering students can enroll in the advanced ROTC programs offered by the Army, Navy and Air Force. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses.
I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed, Office of the University Registrar Values, as evidenced by an understanding of the importance of employing strong professional ethics. To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements. This semester plan represents an example progression through the major.
The department strives to build upon a leading program of exceptional teaching, innovative research and dedicated service by maintaining a strong curriculum, a highly qualified and committed faculty, outstanding facilities and essential funding. Box 114000 If a student feels that their performance in a course has not been evaluated accurately, the situation should be discussed with the instructor. This certificate program provides academic background for careers in sales, managerial and entrepreneurial pursuits. 1478 Union Road Approximately one out of four engineers is engaged in civil engineering. This category includes students who are admitted to the college who wish to pursue studies temporarily at another two- or four-year institution. Phone: 352-392-2244; Fax: 352-846-1126. Students may not be on academic probation for more than two semesters during their undergraduate program. Satisfy critical-tracking criteria in accordance with specific program requirements and overall grade point average. Division of Enrollment Management Students who wish to transfer credits for coursework completed at other institutions must first obtain department and college approvals. Prerequisites still apply.
All courses used to satisfy general education requirements must be taken for a letter grade and a minimum grade of C is required. The minor requires a 2.5 GPA to apply and completion of the following courses with grades of C or better: MAC 2312 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 2, CIS 3020 Introduction to Computer and Information Sciences, COT 3100 Applications of Discrete Structures, CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization. A prerequisite for any college course can be met by an honors or accelerated equivalent. Each student in the college is required to complete ENC1101 or ENC1102. Division of Enrollment Management Complete 1 of 7 critical-tracking courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts: 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses (lower division), Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course with a minimum grade of C within two attempts, Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses with minimum grades of C within two attempts, Complete final lower division critical-tracking course and, Complete all remaining Civil Engineering required courses. With department approval, a student can receive practical industry work experience under supervision. Quest 2 (Gen Ed Physical/Biological Science or Science Elective - Select one): Climate Change Science and Solutions; Gen Ed Physical Sciences with International, Energy and Society; Gen Ed Physical Sciences, Communities and Climate Change; Gen Ed Biological Sciences, Unintended Consequences in the Environment; Gen Ed Physical Sciences with International, Water for the Future; Gen Ed Biological Sciences, Water for People and Nature; Gen Ed Biological Sciences, Living with Rising Seas; Gen Ed Physical Sciences with Diversity, Can Big Data Save the Earth? In its broadest sense, the civil engineer adapts the physical features of the earth to the needs of society. Students can receive credit for research work by registering for. A thesis is not required for the baccalaureate degree. Graduates with this minor across all engineering disciplines are better prepared to enter the market place as innovators and leaders in myriad technology-centric industries. One-on-one and small group sessions are offered to assist students in identifying majors, resources, and opportunities that will enhance their personal, professional, and academic goals. The College of Engineering offers M.S. Before graduating, all BSCE students must take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Some departments require a grade higher than C in critical tracking courses. Center for Student Excellence Satisfy the general education requirements of the state college and comply with the general education requirements of UF and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. A student who has received a baccalaureate degree who wants to meet specific requirements for admission to graduate school may be admitted as a postbaccalaureate student. Space is limited for postbaccalaureate study and only where space is available will admissions be made for postbaccalaureate studies. S107L Criser Hall - P.O.
A student cannot apply more than eight credits of independent study toward a degree program, including magna cum laude or summa cum laude honors projects, co-op work experience, practical work experience and special problems or special topics. More Info.
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Master of Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering, Doctorate. Materials Minor and Certificate The division informs students of educational opportunities such as scholarships, tuition waivers, co-op and internship opportunities and available campus resources. Qualified students can pursue a bachelors and a masters degree concurrently. Meet the needs and expectations of civil engineering employers and proceed toward the attainment of a Professional Engineering (P.E.) The beginning engineering student should have a good understanding of the basic physical sciences, a demonstrated ability in mathematics and the competence to read rapidly with comprehension. It is the students responsibility to review and consider all pertinent information about the university and the college. To be admitted to the minor, students are expected to meet the admission requirement of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students dismissed from the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering should seek admission to another program. This minor develops a deep and comprehensive skill set in undergraduate engineering students that can be applied innovation-driven enterprises as well as in intrapreneurial initiatives within larger organizations. This minor, administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is designed for engineering students who desire additional knowledge in the area of electrical engineering. All engineering students must contact an academic advisor before registering for classes each semester. S107L Criser Hall - P.O. A transient student who is a degree-seeking candidate at another institution who wishes to transfer credit from the University of Florida must file a non-degree application with the Office of the University Registrar in Criser Hall. Critical tracking grade point averages are computed on the best of the maximum two attempts (including withdrawals) allowed for each course. Design a civil engineering system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability constraints. For more information, go to or talk to your academic advisor to find out more. Students can only complete one UF Innovation minor. However, the department can grant permission to exceptional students to undertake a thesis in lieu of up to four semester credits of required or elective work in the student's department. Required Electives (2 Courses) Two of the following courses: BUL 4310 The Legal Environment of Business, SDS 4410 Interpersonal Communication Skills. Students are expected to complete all critical tracking courses by the fifth tracking semester. Complete the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Students are allowed two drops in the first 60 credits of UF coursework and two drops in upper division (60 or more credits completed at UF). The UF Engineering Innovation Institute oversees this minor. Open to all Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering majors. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCPE) is offered by both departments and requires 126 credits for graduation. Students should acquaint themselves with their departments probation and exclusion procedures and guidelines. Students who fail to meet the conditions of their probation may not be allowed to continue in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Applicants with specific questions can contact the department or Engineering Undergraduate Student Affairs. At least three of the CIS, COT, CDA and COP courses must be taken at UF. Honors and accelerated courses can be taken in place of their regular tracking counterparts. Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of materials-related courses that complement their degree program. Phone: 352-392-2244; Fax: 352-846-1126. A list of approved electives and other information are available in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 226 Aerospace Building. Computer and Information Science and Engineering Minor Visit the Career Connections Center in the J. Wayne Reitz Student Union. A student who fails to meet the conditions of probation must petition their department to be allowed to continue in the major. Complete critical-tracking courses in calculus, differential equations, chemistry and physics with calculus with minimum grades of C in each course and a minimum GPA specified for the intended major (as computed on the last of a maximum of two attempts allowed for each course, including withdrawals). Science Elective Requirement: Upper division transfer students exempt from the Quest 2 course requirement must select one of the following to meet the Science Elective Requirement: BSC2005, BSC2010, BSC2862, GEO2242, GEO3250, GLY2030C, GLY2038, OCE1001, SWS2007, WIS2552.