(covering 48 governments) by the time they were originally scheduled to end in April 1996. Ministers hoped that through the extension more liberalization could be

market access offers. Round.
shall give special consideration to opportunities for the least-developed countries to
members in lists of m.f.n. The negotiations began in May 1994, initially with the
application of Article III of the Agreement, each Member shall ensure that relevant
negotiations on trade in basic telecommunications beyond the Uruguay
open for acceptance until 30 November 1997. Access to and use of Public Telecommunications
1997 onwards), Unilateral or new accession commitments (basic
Developments that
termination points. accounting rates, in bilateral agreements with other operators or countries -- an issue
Member's schedule of commitments; not only be value-added and competing basic
Group agreed to modify the rules on participation in meetings so that all WTO Members had
The schedules
were discussed at length during the negotiations. also addressed in the final Report on the Group. Member's market. M.f.n. wish to take advantage of market access commitments made by WTO Member. Relation to
On 15 February, nine governments submitted m.f.n. telecommunications)
notifications from a specific country) add
transparency, requires governments to make public their laws, rules and regulations
back to text.
wished to preserve the results achieved so far in the negotiations.
2. (g)
date. commitments.
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particularly developing countries, is essential to the expansion of their trade in
as soon as Guatemala ratifies it), (the schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as
annexes to the GATS concern particular service sectors -- such as air transport, financial
Papua New Guinea ratifies it), (the
44 out of the 48 governments submitting offers included commitments on
(b) Members
WTO successfully
their positions on market access and m.f.n. observers to WTO bodies, ITU has is an observer to the Council for Trade in Services.
On the equipment side, the GATT schedules of tariff concessions and developments
5. They also define the specific commitments to be inscribed in schedules and
(iii) to
WTO) requested to participate with observer status.
commitments already in force since the Uruguay Round concluded in 1994.
successful outcome, participants devoted the remainder of the year to
the establishment of the Council for Trade in Services. schedules, a Member's commitments for particular services are to be "phased in". search engine. Certain
inter-operability of telecommunication networks and services and undertake to promote such
re-examine their positions on market access and m.f.n. unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade in services. services and developments in telecommunications and information technology to assist in
concluded nearly three years of extended negotiations on market access for basic
This compares favourable with the April1996 results, when
requirements relating to the attachment of such equipment to such networks; (v)
the regulatory implications of next generation IP-enabled networks. telecommunications transport networks or services not offered to the public generally. recognize the role played by intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and
multilateral trading system. Annex shall apply to all measures of a Member that affect access to and use of public
(after 1995), GATS/SC/131 (complete
(1994-1995), Commitments annexed to the Fourth Protocol on Basic
The negotiations began in May1994,
Dominica ratifies it), (complete
However, the
participants chose to include them in their offers. 1. Philippines ratify it) b, GATS/SC/119 (complete
public generally. attachments to the Protocol.
inter-connection with such networks and services; (iii)
7. link to access the WTO document database. shall encourage and support telecommunications cooperation among developing countries at
large and small from virtually every region of the world also took part as did six of the
simply the relay of voice or data from sender to
But even if it files an exemption, a Member may only
services, or telecommunications for which suppliers "add value" to the
the obligations of this Annex are applied with respect to suppliers of
They also agreed that each would use the text as a
a full voice in its activities and only those governments under accession to the WTO
(a) Members
organizations participate as observers in each others' meetings and
Participants accepted the Director-General's proposal in a
receiver). See also:
individually whether or not to file an m.f.n. services to the public generally. On that date, the schedules on basic telecommunication services of the
jurisdiction) to establish, construct, acquire, lease, operate or supply
conducting domestic procedures, if necessary, for accepting the Protocol
For example, during 2006 the
the sale or lease of transmission capacity), fixed
insert the codes indicated in the document symbol window of the
had resulted in offers from 48 governments (contained in 34 offers), but some saw the
(ii) to
(complete URcommitments including value-added
transport networks and services is publicly available, including: tariffs and other terms
ratifies it), (complete schedule including telecommunications), (complete accession schedule including telecommunications), (the schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as
multilateral level, the results of the telecommunications negotiations are to be extended
Another 24 governments (including some in the process of accession to the
recognize the importance of international standards for global compatibility and
participate fully in the Group. apply it to unscheduled services or to grant special preferences over and above the market
For these purposes,
telecommunications services both public and private that involve end-to-end transmission
the form or content of the customer's information. reasonable and non-discriminatory basis. or voice mail) More commonly liberalized than basic services, value added services are
telecommunications transport networks and services for the movement of information within
For these, while the schedule formally entered into
One by Turkey relates to two neighbouring countries,
of services commitments submitted by each member are considered an integral part of the
negotiations. Home | About WTO | News & events | Trade topics | WTO membership | Documents & resources | External relations, Contact us | Site map | A-Z | Search, espaol
introduced, the frequent presence of telecom providers with a dominant market share and
ITU Study Groups and Expert Meetings, including, for example, one on
related to establishing a regulatory environment conducive to market entry were discussed
stations. April. value-added or enhanced telecommunications services, since basic telecommunications were
By the February 1997
could take into account some of the reforms under way in telecommunications regulatory
(the schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as
As a result, market access commitments
The Decision affirmed the
participants met monthly and held numerous bilateral negotiations on their
take measures that reduce the level of access inscribed in their schedules. Another 24 governments (including some in the process of
machine-readable form in the territory of any Member. the exceptions to the GATS which are permitted under specified circumstances. Such services may include, inter alia, telegraph, telephone,
access to and use of public telecommunications transport networks and services on
an open-ended possibility to negotiate commitments on measures affecting trade in services
collaborate at the staff level on such activities as research,
(contained in 34 offers), but some saw the package as not yet sufficient
Finally, there are provisions for dispute settlement and
exemption lists to be annexed to the Protocol.
An exemption by Antigua and Barbuda
back to text
under negotiation were voice telephony, data transmission, telex, telegraph, facsimile,
legal basis for the negotiations made it possible for each WTO Member to decide
and ITU is mandated in the
reference to a paragraph or subparagraph of this Annex includes all subdivisions thereof. will cover not only cross-border supply of telecommunications but also services provided
access to and use of public basic telecommunications, both networks and services, on
understood to refer to most-favoured-nation and national treatment as
leading service sectors included in schedules are considered intensive users of
insert the codes indicated in the document symbol window of the
as soon as Guatemala ratifies it) b, GATS/SC/44 only
accession schedule including telecommunications) v, GATS/SC/132 (complete
= value-added telecommunications.
financial services, tourism, and transport. schedule including basic telecommunications), (complete
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suggested attaching the results to a Protocol and the establishment of a
measures are necessary. See
and the needs of the regulators and public telecommunications operators to maintain a
in telecommunications services, both basic and value-added, within the ambit of the new
directly to consumers. at length during the negotiations. accession schedule including telecommunications) b+v, GATS/SC/118/Suppl.1
schedule including telecommunications), GATS/SC/129 (complete
attachments to the Protocol. regulatory disciplines and only 31 of these inscribed the Reference Paper.
Some apply only to the sectors or
The sectors most frequently listed in schedules were, in
strengthening their domestic telecommunications services sector. and intellectual property rights. group called the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications (NGBT).
and which is necessary to supply a supplier's services; (ii) to
By April, the talks
To this end, Members endorse and encourage the participation, to the fullest
negotiations and the commitments of 69 of these governments (contained in 55 schedules)
New commitments replace or supplement old
basic telecommunications sector.
numbering) when viewed through the browser. After April, a new body the Group on Basic Telecommunications (GBT)
Papua New Guinea ratifies it) b, GATS/SC/70/Suppl.2 (the
Participation in the NGBT
(complete accession schedule including telecommunications) b+v, GATS/SC/24 only
M.f.n. services, in particular the International Telecommunication Union. That of Brazil relates to the distribution of radio or television programming
made legally binding commitments to provide specified levels of access to trade in each
matters arising from the implementation of this Annex.
Many of the
to be phased in. At the meeting in April 1996, WTO Director-General Ruggiero said he
The talks resumed in July 1996 and then in the autumn of 1996
Article VIII on monopolies and
1995-99 br>.
Any new or amended measures of a
agreements in ensuring the efficient operation of domestic and global telecommunications
franais, v
restrictions on resale or shared use of such services; (ii) a
services (56 schedules since the EU Member States submit a single schedule).
A total of 71 governments tabled offers by the close of the
Annex shall not apply to measures affecting the cable or broadcast distribution of radio
WTO is also an observer at the ITU. The WTO is
included in its Schedule. relevant. General
Member shall ensure that service suppliers of any other Member may use public
company communicates within the company or with or among its subsidiaries, branches and,
economic activities, the Members have agreed to the following Annex with the objective of
protect the technical integrity of public telecommunications transport networks or
safeguard the public service responsibilities of suppliers of public telecommunications
The articles of
can do business. Included in these was a decision to extend
One of the
The Decision affirmed the opportunity to negotiate further to
schedule including telecommunications), GATS/SC/99 (complete
franais. be observed. specificities of the telecommunications services sector and, in particular, its dual role
This Group agreed to modify the rules on participation in
accession schedule including telecommunications) b+v, GATS/SC/13/Suppl.2 (the
(complete schedule including telecommunications), GATS/SC/33 (complete
The articles
Then, there is the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which put trade
Renato Ruggiero's speeches,
obligation (these were inscribed by some

It requires each Member to ensure
Many participants
was voluntary and, by the end of April, 53 WTO Member governments had decided to
Reference Paper. The
ministerial decisions related to services was adopted at the Marrakesh Ministerial Meeting
services by users rather than the ability to enter markets to sell such services; the
contain each Member's commitments on market access and national treatment, and can also
Agreement. customer's information by enhancing its form or content or by providing for its storage
telecommunications services.
equal to its own nationals. (meaning essentially basic public telecommunications).
Collaboration has included joint workshops such as: ITU/WTO Workshop on Telecom and ICT regulation, Observer status
On the
Services. negotiations on trade in basic telecommunications beyond the Uruguay Round. search in the WTO on-line database for documents on services, follow this
a number of schedules, a Member's commitments for particular services are
and/or value-added telecommunications)
Telecommunication Union and the International Organization for Standardization.
Additional commitments (Article XVIII), create
From this perspective, several of the agreements which the WTO oversees are
commitments in schedules as a way of safeguarding the value of
of an ICT Regulation Toolkit being prepared by the ITU. market access offers. telecommunications transport networks and services.(1). requirements, where necessary, for the inter-operability of such services and to encourage
the achievement of the goals set out in paragraph7(a); (iv) type
general obligations of the GATS are of particular relevance to telecommunications. commitments already in force since the Uruguay Round concluded in 1994. caps on foreign equity participation. telex, and data transmission typically involving the real-time transmission of
that they satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph (e), conditions for access to and use
package as not yet sufficient to successfully complete the talks. December 1996 WTO Ministerial Meeting in Singapore and returned to Geneva
the Reference Paper. Once in force, the schedules on
notification, registration and licensing.
regimes and rapid advances in technology. telecommunications infrastructure and expansion of their telecommunications services
to which the schedules and m.f.n. infrastructure which permits telecommunications between and among defined network
telecommunications transport networks and services and other entities in the development
formally consists of 29 articles, 8 annexes, and 130 schedules of commitments (each WTO
to all WTO members on a non-discriminatory basis through m.f.n. on 30 April, WTO Director-General Ruggiero said he wished to preserve the results achieved
scheduled to formally enter into force on 1 January 1998. schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as Brazil
and the independence of regulators in a commonly negotiated text called
accession to the WTO) requested to participate with observer status. 57 of these committing to the Reference Paper in whole or with a few
This paragraph is understood to mean that each Member shall ensure that
services, and telecommunications. disciplines in the Annex will be firms that supply any of the services included in a
require a Member to authorize a service supplier of any other Member to establish,
basic telecommunications services. publications, conferences and workshops. goods). paragraph
operating protocols of the service supplier's choice in the supply of any service, other
Without an m.f.n. domestic telecommunications infrastructure and service capacity and to increase its
communications in this Annex excludes commercial or non-commercial services that are
Each Member shall ensure that any service supplier of any other Member is accorded
these obligations whether or not they have liberalized or scheduled commitments in the
result of the Uruguay Round and the accession of new WTO Members since the end of the
By April, the talks had resulted in offers from 48 governments
These negotiations are just now beginning. obligations strike a fragile balance between the needs of users for fair terms of access
Collaboration between WTO
GATS Annex on Telecommunications para 6. processing, on-line data base storage and retrieval, electronic data interchange, e-mail
cooperation with relevant international organizations, Members shall make available, where
interconnect private leased or owned circuits with public telecommunications transport
ensure that service suppliers of any other Member do not supply services unless permitted
treatment and modify their
WTO Secretariat provided technical and drafting comments on portions
They also maintained informal contacts at the December 1996 WTO
All of these agreements taken together, and in particular the
The world's industrialized countries all participated in the deal Renato Ruggiero's speeches,
Conference, mandated to meet once every two years, a General Council that meets more
order: tourism, financial services, and business services, followed closely by transport
specified in the schedule. that are not expressly captured by market access and national treatment. Consult the Guide to downloading files. schedule including basic telecommunications) b+v, European Communities and their Member States, GATS/SC/31
(f) Provided
Fourth Protocol, to which the schedules and MFN exemptions lists tabled in
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. treat the services or service suppliers of every other Member as favourably as those of
affecting trade in services, so that service suppliers can know the rules under which they
suppliers, and for access to information contained in data bases or otherwise stored in
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exclusive service providers and Article IX on restrictive business practices are relevant
addressed by commitments entered in the schedules. They also maintained informal contacts at the
National treatment (Article XVII) is defined as
one-month period early in 1997 during which participants could re-examine
of the signing of the Final Act in Marrakesh in April 1994, 125 countries were
treatment prohibits Members from discriminating among themselves, or in fact from
Examples of the services
(the schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as
under way in telecommunications regulatory regimes and rapid advances in
This is because the Annex addresses access to these
The WTO also participated in
Central and Eastern European economies in transition. processes, and the independence of regulators in a commonly negotiated text called the
International Organizations and AgreementsBack to top.
ORGANIZATIONS. schedule will be annexed to the Fourth protocol as soon as the
services by geostationary satellites. Finally,
treatment is the cornerstone of multilateralism, without it the WTO would be little more
The annex
In the GATS
Under the cooperation agreement cooperation agreement between
was responsible for implementing the further extension of
treatment. (complete schedule including telecommunications) b+v, GATS/SC/130
some articles mandate further negotiations, e.g., the articles on government procurement,
They also agreed that basic telecommunications services provided over network
(c) In
technology. date for such commitments will be on the date specified in the schedule. when the European Union, the United States and the Slovak Republic became the first to
(d) Members
Nevertheless, a few
on general obligations and principles vary in character.
Decision directed the negotiations to conclude by 30 April 1996. are offered to customers or potential customers.
progressively expanded and liberalized. services; or. might be inscribed as additional commitments in schedules (an approach made possible by
Decision adopted 30 April by the Council for Trade in Services. require a Member (or to require a Member to oblige service suppliers under its
accorded to any other user of like public telecommunications transport
of their April 1996 offers. Secretariat by the new World Trade Organization (WTO) with a strengthened mandate and a
full list of
schedule including telecommunications), Separate
enables the Government to extend to nationals of other Caricom-Member countries treatment
(b) This
treating other members less favourably than any other country, member or not. (d)
appropriate arrangements, where relevant, for consultation with such organizations on
composed of seven sections, but its core obligations are contained in a section on access
The schedules
paging, and personal communications systems. the project was provided by the World Bank-managed Information for
affiliates shall be as defined by each Member.
requirement to use specified technical interfaces, including interface protocols, for
and retrieval were not formally part of the extended negotiations.
Accordingly, this
purchase or lease and attach terminal or other equipment which interfaces with the network
At the outset
try to secure improvements and established 15 February 1997 as the closing
The Protocol and its annexed documents are
deadline, 63 of the 69 governments submitting schedules included commitments on regulatory
were made by most countries representing major markets for telecommunications services. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs of this section, a developing country Member may,
Participants succeeded in
elaborating a set of principles covering matters such as competition
defined in the Agreement, as well as to reflect sector-specific usage of
in Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (Standards) are important. to and use of public telecommunications transport networks and services.
1996. Procurement Code and the new rules on trade related aspects of intellectual property
dispute settlement mechanism. than an overseer of special bilateral and regional trade deals. disciplines, with 57 of these committing to the Reference Paper in whole or with a few
N.B. frequently, a Dispute Settlement Body and three subsidiary Councils-- on services, goods
Member significantly affecting such use shall be notified and shall be subject to
ratifies it) b+v, GATS/SC/122 (complete
Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, 1.
(GBT) -- was responsible for implementing the further extension of negotiations. accession schedule including telecommunications) v, GATS/SC/127 (complete
After April, a new body -- the Group on Basic Telecommunications
rights. search in the WTO on-line database for documents on services, follow. A set of
which closed the Uruguay Round in April 1994. website, >
granted to domestic services or suppliers. (c)Public
the international, regional and sub-regional levels. Each Member shall ensure that service suppliers of any other Member have access to
allow some remaining participants to complete ratification. only those governments under accession to the WTO participated, upon
technology, training and other activities that support the development of their
He suggested attaching the results to a Protocol and the
(a) Members
regulatory disciplines to undertake as additional commitments. informal background for information purposes only. At a meeting
WTO news
matters such as competition safeguards, interconnection guarantees, transparent licensing
By the February 1997 deadline, 63 of the 69 governments
It should not be cited or quoted as an
All schedules of industrialized countries contain commitments on
Through successive rounds of negotiations, these commitments are to be
Whether full or limited access is granted, Members may not
participation in international trade in telecommunications services. affecting such access and use; conditions applying to attachment of terminal or other
opportunity to negotiate further to try to secure improvements and established 15 February
Member shall ensure that no condition is imposed on access to and use of public
of the search engine.
and across borders, including for intra-corporate communications of such service
be specified in the Member's Schedule. >
so far in the negotiations. Public telecommunications transport service means any telecommunications
of these inscribed the Reference Paper.