Makita is manufacturing powertools and other equipment atseven overseas productionfacilities. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building! x 15-25/32 in. The stationary table allows you to build a permanent extended bed for handling long stock. This contact information is shared with a third-party vendor used to disseminate emails, but will not be shared or sold to any other third-party. Keep an eye out for our regular price drops! variado se realizan diversos festivales,que nos That being said, you can find it on sale now, and even benefit from the perk of free shipping. In an effort to learn whether the price differences reflect the quality and features of the machines, I put nine of them through a hands-on test. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a To begin with, its important that the infeed and outfeed tables be flush with the bed, and I found that all of these machines made it easy to adjust the tables up and down.
Exclusive Technology Makes Sniping a Thing of the Past. web browser that I mean, just on Amazon, for instance, there were a few hundred reviews, all waiting to help shed some light on the Makita.
All deals are subject to availability of all Wood Planer What Is It And Why You May Need It? planer, I wondered why. With only 58 pounds in weight, this wood planner is really easy to take around with you on-site. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. reflects Toolstops normal selling price. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. only be claimed through the participating brands website. Usability features are abundant on this benchtop planer. An error occurred while submitting this form. 1.5mm > 150mm wide mm. Keep in mind that a small size does not equal a week machine however. It also uses disposable double edged planer blades that can be easily replaced when necessary. Other key features include a bigger motor, rated at 15 amps, a micro-adjustable depth stop and a depth-adjusting scale in the crank handle. Imagine having to cut off the ends of your wood material constantly due to snipe its annoying!
The blades are easily changed and the depth stop is quite adjustable. Considering the fact that I actually own quite a few planers in my shop, the Makita seemed a bit of an unnecessary toy to buy. This lovely Grizzly model is as durable and high-performance as its name suggests. instalaciones con ms de 14 aos de experiencia al servicio del sector, Introducing the Makita 2012NB thicknesser.

If you feel that the Makita 2012NB is simply not the benchtop planer for you, here are other alternatives worth mentioning: A similar unit with a 15-amp motor is the Craftsman CMEW320 Benchtop Planer (read my review), which has a cutting speed of 8,000 RPM and 16,000 CPM. The plane boards are about 12.5 inches wide and up to 6 inches thick, goo measurements for most people. But whats to say about the Makita 2012NB 12-Inch Planer? servicio de alimentacin, camarera, lavandera, aseo y mantenimiento de Furthermore, the adjustable depth stop will help you create more output with repeated accuracy. ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} It also has a feed rate of 28 feet per minute so you will be able to quickly and efficiently produce wood surfaces that have extremely smooth finishes. Who doesnt like free stuff?! Having mechanisms that prevent (or at least reduce) snipe make the job easier and more enjoyable. After reading all the reviews, and tips and tricks, I decided to put it up to a test, so I ran a few thousand feet of Brazilian Walnut, the toughest wood I had on hand, and it worked perfectly great. Fumigacin, Rocera, Eventos especiales. 2020 The other trademarks, service marks and logos displayed in the Website are registered and unregistered trademarks of Makita and others. A planner will thin the board out without any problem. item being purchased. And while there were some people who apparently has some issues with either the blades, dust collector, feed roller, dust boot outlet, you name it. I also measured the noise level of the machines, checked to see how easy it was to change knives, and gauged the effectiveness of the dust collection. Snipe, a slightly dished cut, shows up mostly on the front end of stock and measures only about 0.008 in., which is the best you can expect from anything on the market, even those with cutterhead locks. Cons: None that are worthy to list. While the machine has dust extraction system compatibility, you do have to buy the dust hood separately because it is not included with the benchtop planer. Includes Three-Horsepower, 220-Volt, Single phase motor, Safety switch in case of internal thermal overload, Table Measures are 15 by 42 including wings, Has a Two-Speed hear box at 16 FPM and 30 FPM. 16 Things to Not Do When Cutting Down a Trees. It has 96 CPI and a 4-column carriage lock that decreases snipe in your material. There will be little to no loss of accuracy and you also didnt waste time or effort. The design includes clamps and gauges that will simplify your day-to-day tasks, and speed up work with minimal snipe. Stated percentage discount is applied to the current 2012NB, and to Makitas credit, the company did improve an already good machine. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Bevel-Up Low Angle Jack Plane is a Workshop Workhorse Furniture-maker Garrett Hack demonstrates a variety of uses for a bevel-up jack plane, A smarter planer sled for flattening wide stock, Tool Review: G0832 Planer by Grizzly Benchtop planer with built-in dust collection, Shaker candle stand with Christian Beckvoort, Visiting the shops of Sam Maloof and George Nakashima, Workshop Tip: Simple micro-adjuster for any crosscut fence, Editor's Letter: Technology and the future of woodworking, Livestream replay: Setting up our 14-in. Makita has addressed this concern by developing their exclusive InternaLok automated head clamp. Having a unit that protects the material from potential snipe saves time and resources. mantenimiento de instalaciones. No hassle her.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'cutthewood_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',632,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cutthewood_com-leader-1-0')}; This much-discussed about feature is actually an automated head clamp that helps eliminate any snipe and improve the entire planning process. the cart and purchased. Pretty good right? Redemption deals can Its size doesnt take away from its power whatsoever. The dust chute, for hookup to a vacuum, is an option but should be included. It features Makita's exclusive Interna-Lok automated head clamp to eliminate snipe for improved planing performance. It also features Makitas proprietary Interna-Lok automated head-clamp that all but entirely eliminates any chance of sniping occurring. But when and if my first machine bites the dust, Ill replace it with another Makita. Another functional and easy to use feature are the disposable double-edged blades, very easy to change. segn solicitudes expresas de nuestros clientes. It provides convenience and will improve your productivity. And if you need to make repeated cuts, there are also adjustable depth stops that you can take advantage of. The expensive Makita had more snipe than most of the other planers,and its dust port is an odd size (3-in-dia.).
Moreover, it even decreases the noise levels created by the machine. All rights reserved. Though I had been working with wood planers from other brands before, I was really intrigued by the Makita after seeing it in the workshop of a colleague. With a sufficient width capacity of 12 inches and an 8,500-RPM speed, plus it accepts up to 6-3/32 inches thick materials, this machine will cater to the needs of your common woodworking tasks, whether you just create items on the weekends or do it for a living. It also features a powerful 15 amp motor and anti-sniping system that will allow you to plane the perfect piece of wood just about every time. If youre working on repetitive tasks, whether youre a casual user or a serious woodworker, youll find that this planer deserves a spot in your work area. ButI already do that with all my tools as everyone should. The Makita planer 2012NB also uses a four post design combined with cross supports that work to dramatically improve the overall stability of the planer. with your order. Coming equipped with a deflector shield, this machine is as secure as it is high-quality. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. completo, nutritivo y balanceado. An overall remarkable planer with great usability features and a good thickness capacity. Dimensions (LxWxH): 30-3/8 in. Easy adjustment for an accurate & even finish, Downward pressure system when feeding in materials, stops sniping of the timber, Unique feeding mechanism assures a smoother finish with minimum snipe, Precise depth setting using single large wheel, Product Dimensions: 45.5 x 47.5 x 54.5 cm, Planing Depth: 3mm < 150mm wide. The Makita 2012NB sells for more than the competition. Ive owned a Makita model No. The information collected is used to send you newsletters, targeted information regarding Makita products, and information about events in your area. When I heard the company had redesigned its 12-in. Pretty good stats I have to say. 12" Portable Planer The Makita 2012NB 12 in. bundle, The Makita 2012NB 12 in. bandsaw. price of 1 unit of save item whilst deal is available. Eligible free item will be added to cart automatically. supports HTML5 video. permiten deleitarnos con preparaciones de la
Paddle switches are better than traditional types due to the easy sliding mechanism. It is also a dual-knife machine that allows for easy blade changes. Also, the fact that it is quite lightweight, at least when compared to other models in its class, is a much-needed bonus for many. Just set the depth that you want and let the planer do its job over and over again. Now, depending on your actual work pieces size, you might not need them, however, I think they are essential for larger panels. About Model Features Includes Specs Resources & Media Related. Where to Buy the Makita 2012NB portable thickness planer? The incorporated fan-assisted ejection system is a nice addition, not just in my book, but also in that of many reviewers. Copyright 2022 Makita Singapore Pte. Now, its quality is top-notch as with most, if not all Japanese products. My favorite usability feature is the Interna-Lok automated head clamp. The machine weighs 61.9 pounds, which is average when compared with many similar units. WEN 6550 12.5-Inch 15A Benchtop Thickness Planer with Granite Table, 103 Pallet Bar DIY Plans & Ideas to Inspire You, How to Disinfect Wood Step-by-Step Guide, How to Refinish Exterior Wood Door Step-by-Step Guide, How to Protect Wood Posts in the Ground Step-by-Step Guide, How to Tone Down Orange Wood Step-by-Step Guide, 4-post design with a diagonal cross for an improved stability, Incorporated LED light indicating the planner is connected to the power source, Potentially no sensor in case of overheating. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building! You can find this tool at many major hardware stores, but if you really want to buy it at a great price, then one of the best places to check is Amazon. The Makita 2012NB 12-inch planer is small but powerful enough to easily take with you to any job site no matter what type of materials you may be working with. is clicked/tapped and purchase is subsequently completed. If you are still unsure about the decision, go through the below list of the pros and cons of the tool. For detailed warranty information, please visit the Makita website. suciedad de cuarto dormitorio baos ,pisos, paredes y ventanas, se. La inclusin laboral fortalece la responsabilidad social empresarial, por ello, en nuestra .. En el marco de la responsabilidad social empresarial DURANGAR LTDA interacta.. Est dirigido por profesionales en el rea, nutricionista, Chef y personal The box is stored above the dust deflector. The The most obvious change is that the machine has a flat top, which makes a handy place to rest stock temporarily.
Red sale price Get complete site access to video workshops, digital plans library, online archive, and more, plus the print magazine. pblico y privado. Its quite light and I do think its a good investment if you are looking for something a lot more portable, great for taking on on-site trips. Will last you years, just need to sharpen or replace blades. The Poly-V cutter head drive is also designed for added material removal. If you dont think this is true you will change your mind. As for the potential problems some users say they experienced, I took notice and will perform periodic maintenance sessions. I mean, yeah, its great at what it does, but so what? However, since I know some of you might still be on the fence regarding the Makita, I have gathered some other planers as alternative choices. The offer of free item is subject to the main This eliminates, or at least reduces, the likelihood of snipe. Makita also claims that 2012NB utilizes the easiest and fastest blade change system on the market, and if this is true, this will only make using the planer that much more special.
April 2016 (Issue #253) Head-to-Head Bench Planer Review by Kelly J Dunton, January 2003 (Issue #160) Head-to-Head Bench Planer Review by Lon Schleining. It even has a detachable toolbox so you can store your essential items in the machine. 2012 benchtop planer for 10 years, and its one of the best power-tool purchases Ive ever made.
As a freelance carpenter, I pride myself on working quite a lot with reclaimed wood, not the most uniform material, both in regards to surface and strength. It is a very easy to use planer and the Interna-Lok head clamp comes as a great added feature. Which is perfectly alright.
Personal con experiencia en camarera. Its many features work just as smoothly as they should do not let its smaller size deter you. Are you searching for the Best Planer? Yes this is on the heavier side (78 pounds), trust me I am aware, I own it. Now, for me, this is an ideal purchase to complete my collection of heavier models. Save As any carpenter will let you know, at least one worth his money, a final piece is only good as the material its made out of. That being said, what really sets this model apart from all the others is the fact that it is really light. Didnt I have enough planers in the shop?var asau='6179805207';var cid='1935794162';var pid='ca-pub-6960057597134140';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-cutthewood_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1700%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} Portable Planer delivers portability and productivity with a compact design, quieter operation, and faster, easier blade changes. Like many benchtop planers out there, it has two knives. deals at any time. If you want a higher cutter head speed of 10,000 RPM, go for the DeWalt DW734 Benchtop Planer, which has a 15-amp motor, as well as a long infeed and outfeed design to accomodate bigger materials. planer is engineered for finish woodworking and is ideal for cabinets, closets, staircase, furniture, and more. free items Now, this third option is a model from WEN. Find it here. UNLIMITED membership - Get access to it all. Makita 2012NB 12-Inch Planer with Interna-Lok Automated Head Clamp. Additionally, it has a large paddle on/off switch that makes operation convenient. For instance, it has an easy blade change system that saves time from configuring the unit, giving you more time working on your material. Because this benchtop planer will take up to 6-3/32 inches thick of material, it is ideal for some heavy-duty projects. However, I do recommend this model to even the occasional DIY aficionado ad it is quite easy to use, very compact and high-quality. The feed rate is an impressive 8.5 metres per minute, and the machine has a no load speed of up to 8500 rpm, from a 1650w motor. FORMACIN, CAPACITACIN Y DESARROLLO HUMANO, RECOMENDACIONES PARA LA ADECUADA APLICACIN DEL GEL ANTIBACTERIAL, DA DE LOS NIOS EN LA FAMILIA DURANGAR LTDA Y P&S. Wood Planer Vs Wood Jointer, Which Do I Need? Enter now for your chance to win more than $2,000 worth of woodworking equipment from Woodpeckers. It has sufficient adjustability features and usability to help you finish the job without much hassle. With its large table extensions, this planer delivers great workpiece support. Trademarks: Makita, LXT, AVT and the Makita logo, Teal color and Black & White color combination are the registered trademarks of Makita. This will also work beautifully as a first-time planner for many. ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Est dirigido por profesionales en el rea, nutricionista, Chef y personal No matter if you are a professional, full-time or not, or just curious to know if you could do all the kitchen remodeling by yourself, I suggest you give the Makita a check. Buy one item and well give you the stated percentage saving off Alternative choices comparison table PlanerDEWALT DW735 13-Inch, Two Speed Thickness PlanerDelta Power Tools 22-555 13 inch Portable Thickness PlanerGrizzly G0505 12-1/2-Inch PlanerWEN 6550 12.5-Inch 15A Benchtop Thickness Planer with Granite TableDimensions24 x 22 x 18.8 inches25 x 17 x 21 inches24 x 14 x 18 inches23.5 x 24 x 19 inchesWeight90 pounds58 pounds78 pounds79 poundsRatings4.9/54/54.3/54.7/5PriceCheck the lowest priceCheck the lowest priceCheck the lowest priceCheck the lowest price. Coming with a 15Amp motor and a 4-column design, the Delta will be of great help in the workshop, especially thanks to the good amount of stability it provides. It also has an LED light that lets you know if the unit is powered on. It also comes with additional accessories which include a tool box, two magnetic holders, and wrenches. But as one user put it, you do have to put in a little work into properly maintaining the Makita.var asau='6179805207';var cid='1935794162';var pid='ca-pub-6960057597134140';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-cutthewood_com-leader-2-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1702%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} brands terms and conditions also apply to any redemption deal The key could get lost due to its delicate design. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Makita 793346-8 12" Double Edged Planer Blade, 2/pk, Compact with less weight for easy transporting to the jobsite, Engineered for faster, easier blade changes, 4-post design and diagonal cross supports for stability, Large table extensions to support the workpiece, Fully adjustable depth stop for repeat cuts, Large and easy-to-operate on/off paddle switch, Easily adjustable cutting depth for precision planing, Detachable tool box for storage of the standard equipment. Blade changes are simple. Toolstop reserves the right to end Portable Planer delivers portability and productivity with a compact design, quieter operation, and faster, easier blade changes. Durante este proceso utilizamos productos bio-degradables que nos permiten cumplir con nuestras polticas ambientales y contribuir con la proteccin del medio ambiente, Copyrights 2022 Reservados todos los derechos. Ltd.. All rights reserved. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations. Well, not without any self-search, I decided to buy the damn thing. It has two speeds to choose from (96 or 179 CPI) but whats different about this benchtop planer is that it has three knives. Our biweekly podcast allows editors, authors, and special guests to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online woodworking community. Get instant access to over 100 digital plans available only to UNLIMITED members. WARNING: California residents, see information about Proposition 65, 2022 THE TOOL NUT 247 MAHOPAC AVENUE YORKTOWN HEIGHTS NEW YORK 10598. La pgina que selecciono por el momento no est disponible en espaol. With new knives, stock fresh out of the machine requires very little sanding or scraping. Cutting width 150-240 mm: 1.5mm (1/16), Engineered for faster, easier blade changes, 4-post design and diagonal cross supports for stability, Large table extensions to support the workpiece, Powerful 1,650W motor for improved performance, Socket Wrench, Hex Wrench, Magnetic Holders 2, Planer Blade 306. x 19-1/64 in. DEWALT DW735 13-Inch, Two Speed Thickness Planer, 2. Todays thickness planers vary in price from less than $300 to nearly $500. Makita honors a 1-year limited warranty for this tool and it can be returned to any of their official service centers worldwide. Its also an extremely quite planer, which has a plane width of 12 inches wide and 1/8 inches deep. Hes built dozens of round Shaker stands over four decades, so there is no one more qualified than Christian Becksvoort to demonstrate making this classic. One of the features that make the Makita 2012NB so user friendly, is its extremely lightweight and portability. However, the fact that it allows you to work with both measurement systems will take away from any potential inconvenience. UK VAT unless otherwise stated. For rigidity, the machine has four posts in addition to a pair of threaded rods, all of which pass through the cutterhead/motor assembly. light indicates that the planer is plugged into the power source, Large and easy-to-operate on/off paddle switch, Easily adjustable cutting depth for precision planing, Detachable tool box for storage of the standard equipment, Optional dust hood enables dust collection system to be connected to planer. To wrap it up, the Makita 2012NB is a considerable choice for a benchtop planer. While most of the machines out there only take 6-inch wood, the added fraction already makes a difference. The adjustable depth stop will help you make repetitive cuts without consuming a lot of time. Briggs & Stratton Yard Power(Formerly Murray), 2020 Makita 10" Table Saw with Stand (2705X1), 2020 Makita 18V LXT 3-1/4" Planer (XPK01Z), 2020 Makita 18V LXT Brushless 4-1/2" / 5" Cut-Off/Angle Grinder Kit (XAG11T), 2020 Makita 18V LXT Brushless 4-1/2" / 5" Cut-Off/Angle Grinder, AWS (XAG17ZU), 2020 Makita 18V LXT Brushless 4-1/2" / 5" Paddle Switch Cut-Off/Angle Grinder, AWS (XAG21ZU), 2020 Makita 18V X2 LXT (36V) Brushless 7" Cut-Off/Angle Grinder, AWS (XAG22ZU1), 2020 Makita 3-1/4" Planer, with Case (KP0800K), 2020 Makita 4-3/8" Curved Base Planer (1002BA), 2020 Makita 5" SJS Angle Grinder (9565CV), 2020 Makita 5" SJS Paddle Switch Angle Grinder (9565PC), 2020 Makita 5" SJSII Concrete Planer with Dust Extraction Shroud and Diamond Cup Wheel (PC5010CX1). What stands this wood planer apart is its granite tables, providing quite a sturdy, smooth surface for wood to travel on. Now, you might not think the Makita is the model for you. Become an UNLIMITED member and get it all: searchable online archive of every issue, how-to videos, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking digital series, print magazine, e-newsletter, and more. To find out more, review our privacy policy under "Web Browser Cookies", 18V LXT Brushless 3-1/4" Planer, AWS Capable, 6-1/8" Planer Blade, High Speed Steel, 2/pk, 6-3/4" Planer Blade, High Speed Steel, 2/pk, Choose Genuine Makita Parts & Accessories, Compact with less weight for easy transporting to the jobsite, Engineered for faster, easier blade changes, 4-post design and diagonal cross supports for stability, Large table extensions to support the workpiece, Fully adjustable depth stop for repeat cuts, Powerful 15.0 AMP motor for improved performance, L.E.D. The motor operates at a no-load speed of 8500 rpm and makes 83 DB noise making it the quietest planer in its class. Suministro de unidades mviles de campamento (Contenedores). A good planer will live you with a fine finish regardless of the wood you use and it will allow you to work cheaper and faster. It is well worth a try. It also features a unique clamping system to reduce snipe. Como parte del servicio y de nuestro men variado se realizan diversos festivales, Como parte del servicio y de nuestro men I find the Makita great for completing my tool collection, but then again I am a professional and have a few more such tools, some heavier and more industrial-looking. This benchtop planer has a design that makes it simple to operate to avoid wasting valuable time. Multiple Bundle deals can be added to If you just want a benchtop planer to do the job for a wide variety of wood thicknesses, the Makita 2012NB is a great machine for you. No room for mistakes here. 7,Changi South Street 3, Singapore 486348. This makes it more suitable for hardwoods and other brittle wood types and materials. 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. It has a no-load speed of 8,500 RPM and runs on a 15-amp motor at a noise level of 83 dB. The motor has a no load speed of about 8,500 rotations/ minutes and it is by far the quietest one in its entire class, coming up at only 83dB. On a better note, it does take about two 2 x 6 pine boards at a time, at least according to a previous buyer that has had apparently planned over 1000 feet of boards at the review time. No discount is It also has large table extensions that will allow you to support your work pieces efficiently. {"item":"2020 Makita 12\" Portable Planer (2012NB)","locationid":28947,"itemUrl":"","leadValue":"$0.00","productId":28008220,"itemYear":2020,"itemMake":"Makita","itemModel":"12\" Portable Planer (2012NB)","itemPrice":"","msrp":0.0,"itemThumbNailUrl":"//","originalItem":"2020 Makita 12\" Portable Planer (2012NB)","isUnitInventory":false,"usageStatus":"","vin":null,"bestprice":"$0.00","unitprice":"Call for Price","itemType":"Commercial Shop Tools","itemTypeId":4314,"itemOriginalPrice":"$0.00","itemDisplayPrice":"Call for Price","itemIndustry":"Ag and Lawn","itemMakeId":1166,"itemOnSale":null,"itemSubtype":"Table Saws & Planers","itemSubtypeId":96488,"itemCustomImageCount":6,"itemVideoExists":0,"itemDescriptionCount":0,"salePrice":null,"discountAmount":0.0,"stockNumber":""}.