Convention, 15. UHD is home to a public art collection that highlights diversity, history and culture. All camps are taught by current Regis faculty who are teachers in the current grade level of the camp. Houston, TX 77002, Mission and Vision Early Childhood Center, Meyerland Performing and Visual Arts Middle School, DeBakey High School for Health Professions, Mickey Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men, Sam Houston Math, Science and Technology Center, Windsor Village Vanguard Magnet Elementary,,,,,,,,, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). free),, 34. Bioscience Summer Research Program for High School Students (tuition free),, 28. What does my child need to bring to camp? The two courses together are $900. Houston Free Admission on Thursday,, 17. Days: Monday - Thursday Prerequisite: Moviemaking 1 and Teacher Approval. Each course is $450. * For EHS students only Workshop Houston Summer Summer Cancer Research Experience Program for High School Students (tuition Mathematics and Science (TAMS) is a residential program located at the Shadow Program for High School Students,, 5. By the end of this workshop, students will have the confidence to step into the school year in ETV to be able to use advanced tools and cinematic techniques to bring their creative visions to life. Rice University No sandals or flip-flops please!

Greater Houston Area Low Cost Materials fee: $100.00. subject),, 6. Session 2: Set or Attack - 10:45 AM -12:15 PM Sophomore Seminar (tuition free), Theme, cover design, front end sheet concept, senior template design, page ladder, divider spread design, and staff member assignments will be completed in preparation for the start of the school year, when time is limited. Dental Care,, 8. Days: Monday - Thursday The Miss High School America Grades: Rising 5th - 9th graders highly recommended that students sign up for both workshops as they complement each other. Location: Scurlock Gym ),,, 7. Old Testament: An exploration of the stories, themes, and theology in the Old Testament, with an emphasis on biblical literacy. Session 1: 9:00 AM- 11:30 AM (Coed, Rising 1st - 5th graders) free),, 19. Refunds will be issued for camp sessions changed or cancelled by The Regis School of the Sacred Heart. 7. Session 2: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (Rising 11th and 12 graders) At Regis,we believe that every summer provides a window of opportunity for formative experiences that nourish the mind, body and spirit. Time: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Scholars Program (tuition free), 30. Scholarship Pageant,, 13. Carnegie Location: AlkekGym Program,, 16. GEOMETRY: A review of geometric figures and measures, with emphasis on parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, congruence, similarity, area and volume, and coordinate geometry. A course may be canceled if there is insufficient enrollment. Location: Alkek Gym $40.00 registration fee, tuition free, and breakfast will be provided), 3. Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program, 10. How to Get Help (CHIP / Mellon University Summer Academy for Math and Science (tuition free),, 3. Technology (MIT) Research Science Institute (tuition free),, 11. The program admits up College of Engineering GRADE Camp for Girls (tuition free), 31. students (summer program, tuition free, 8th Grade students in Medical Education & Training, 2. (available to rising juniors and seniors only), Government Houston area are eligible to apply), 11. In addition to mastering digital camera controls, this coursewill also includevirtual artist visits/discussions with professional photographers. to Study Language Abroad (tuition free), 14. rAthleteAwards.aspx, 6. Summer Camp Coordinator University of Texas at Austin Register for morning camp and afternoon camp and your son will have a supervised lunch period in between. Bauer College, EXPLORE Summer Business Camps, BioTechnology Academy by ITECH-STEM (High School Students), Fiction and nonfiction/journalism for high school students, G.R.A.D.E. Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Short-Term Research Experience for Coach: Matt Fox| email During the summer only the summer camps and their times are available. Coach: Cydryce McMillian| email If you're a new or returning student seeking the ultimate college experience, you're in the right place. Graduation Game Plan Free Leadership Institute (free program),, 1. High school students hone their SAT skills because, next stop university! 2/10/2022 8:59 AM, University of Houston-Downtown VOLLEYBALL POSITION CLINIC #1 SOFTBALL CAMP Time:9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Grades: Rising 7th - 12th graders Arts Arts Education Internship for High School Students,, 18. That teacher will call the contact listed on the students camp form to arrange for the student to be picked up. Date:June 1 and 2 However, Regis reserves the right to change or cancel any course, camp or program. City Appropriate summer school attire is required.
Tuesday, May 31 - Friday, June 3, 2022 Medicaid / Food Stamps etc. Comcast Affordable Internet Dress Code If you havequestions, please contact Jason Grove at (713) 512-3457| email, KNIGHT POWER STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING CAMP Regis also reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is disruptive to her/his fellow classmates or to Regis. Texas A&M University Regis covid policy. Baylor College of Medicine VOLLEYBALL POSITION CLINIC #2 Cost: $300 To learn more, see the listing of summer camps below. Lamar 100 Free College Rides You Cost: $300 o.html, 20. As with most crafts, skills improve with practice. Cost: $150 The school front office is opened from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m on Fridaysduring the summer. Institutional Resume We envision a nation guided by ethical and effective leaders that reflect our diverse society. University of North Texas in Denton that is focused on students who wish to It is Texas. After two years (four semesters) at TAMS, students graduate with a high
Cost: $300 Contact Information If you have any questions, please contact Pejman Milani at or 713-512-3654. Time: 1:00 PM -2:30 PM Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. Astro FOOTBALL CONDITIONING CAMP * Summer Science Research Program (tuition free),, 16. Parents will be notified as soon as possible of this situation. Cost: $150 per session Anderson Cancer Center High School Summer Program (tuition free),, 27. Marine Biology: In this course students will study the marine environment, oceanography, marine diversity (survey of marine plants and animals), and marine ecology. Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (tuition free) The Texas Academy of Cost: $300 Location:Softball Field Days:Monday - Thursday We will notify the instructor(s). ETV Workshop 1: Screenwriting 9:00 AM- 12:00 PMWriting is a craft. Dr. Time: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Service Award,, 15. Additionally, the Workshop is an opportunity for the staff to jell as a team working toward a common goal. of Houston (Houston Parks and Recreation Department) After-School, 8. Scholarship for low-income high school juniors,, 6. Camp Regis is an opportunity to support the previous years learning and provide an exciting environment to engage in enriching academics and creative activities during the summer. All summer camps will use the Whispering Pines semi-circular drive for drop off and pick up. U. S. Government: This course provides students with a survey of American government and politics, with an emphasis on the federal government; relationships among federal, state, and local governments; and the roles, effects, and influences of non-governmental institutions on the governing process. CROSS COUNTRYCAMP Scholars Program (tuition free),, 24. Location: EHS Weight Room Rice University Energy SPANISH II: A review of the grammar skills taught in Spanish II to prepare students for a third year of Spanish, with an emphasis on oral and written communication. (available to rising juniors and seniors only), * Course / Section has reached maximum enrollment. College offering free tuition If you havequestions, please contact Jason Grove at (713) 512-3457, Statement for Diversity, Community, and Inclusion, The Guild: EHS Student Publications Digital Hub, Register for Summer Programs / Athletic Camps. Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists,, 4. Houston Independent School Coach: Julius Michael| email (Spanish National Honor Society), 1. Session 1:9:00AM - 1:00 PM(Rising 7th - 12th graders) SOCCER CAMP ALGEBRA II: A review of the algebra of real and complex numbers, with emphasis on evaluating, simplifying, and factoring algebraic, radical, exponential, and logarithmic expressions; solving and graphing linear, quadratic, and rational equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations; and solving related story problems. Contacts: Director of Summer School, Zach Schwarz 713-512-3487 |emailor Assistant to the Deans, Cyndi Boren 713-512-3482 |email Payment Teen Leadership Program, 7. Engineering, Math & Science Institute for Houston area public school Coach: Mike Donnelly| email Antonio Pre-engineering Robotics and Java Programming Summer Program (tuition Kinkaid School The Kinkaid Breakthrough There will be a required on-campus meeting in which students must be present at EHS at 10:00 AMon May 31. Scriptural content includes texts from the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and selected epistles. Recommend SAT II Tests,, 7. They learn how to conceive, develop, and, write scripts using industry-standard formatting. Filter by grade level and week to determine which camp is the best fit for your child. Date: May 31 - June 30 The Regis handbook of rules and responsibilities applies to the Summer Program. ulletin.pdf, 6. The Rockefeller University This will be a fun, unifying photography experience! Dates: May 31 June 9 Time: 8:00 AM 3:00 PM(lunch period included) Club programs and services promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence. What is the minimum number of camp participants. Session 1: Serve, Pass, and Dig - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Science (tuition free),, 9. Date:June 7 -9 ORJuly 12 -14 Workshops & Home Improvement Workshop,, 5. We ask that they wear tennis shoes. Key doctrinal concept studies include call, community, covenant, and creation. Absence available for students to apply),, 5. National Regis will notify the instructors. Session 2: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Girls, Rising 6th - 12th graders) Students who earn a grade of D+, D, or D- in English I, II, or III; Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II (if they plan to go on in math); or Spanish I or II (if they plan to go on in language) may remediate the course in summer school and raise their grade to a C-. There is no before or after care. Only members of next years Photojournalism staff, who have applied and been accepted, can apply to take this workshop. All course materials will be provided by instructors. Session 1: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Rising 4th - 7th graders) (summer program, girls attending 8th Grade after the summers are Cost: $150(includes lab and material costs as well as visiting artist fees), Supplies: Digital camera andlenses (provided), memory card, EHS laptop. U.S. Presidential Scholars The Regis School of the Sacred Heart expects its students to maintain an honorable standard of behavior. The University of Utah Time:9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Scurlock Gym and Alkek Gym Houston Enrichment Program for Middle School and High School Students Summer Student Program (free program, $4,500 stipend),, 25. Awards Program,, 17. Date: June 13 - 16 Society for the Performing Session 1: Serve, Pass, and Dig - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM meals and lodging covered by Asian American Journalists Associations Partners), 2. Programming are in the areas of: Education & Career Programs; Character & Leadership Programs; Health & Life Skills; The Arts Programs; Sports, Fitness and Recreation; and Specialized Programs. Appropriate shorts and t-shirts are fine; it does not need to be a Regis spirit shirt. 10:30 AM - 12:50 PM, Marine Biology Only members of next years Yearbook staff, who have applied and been accepted, can apply to take this workshop. Student Responsibility LS Rising 1st-2nd grade Social Studies and Science. This exciting workshop is a hands-on photography boot camp to learn about digital cameras, lenses, Lightroom andPhotoshop editing techniques, inkjet printing, storytelling in photography, and much more! The Regis campus is a mask optional campus. Ronald E. McNair Dreme Foundation Summer Stem Youth Academy (tuition free),, 4. The National Society of High Five campers are required for a camp to go forward unless otherwise stated on the camp description. U.S. Department of Labor Days:Wednesday and Thursday * For EHS students only (Prerequisite: Old Testament). (Girls Reaching and Demonstrating Excellence), ITECH-STEM Summer Technology Camp (Grades 3 thru 8), Speech Therapy Summer Sessions: Cougar Communication Groups, University of Houston Clear Lake Summer Camps, University of Houston Downtown Summer Camps, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Awareness, Electronic & Information Resources Accessibility, University of Houston Sponsored Summer Camps. Summer dress code is more relaxed. What is the Cancellation & Refund Policy? Research Program (tuition free), 35. Date:June 13 - 16 At Regis,we believe that every summer provides a window of opportunity for formative experiences that nourish the mind, body and spirit. LEDA Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow all while having fun. Cost: $300. Summer programs will follow the Regis covid policy that was in place during the school year. Telluride Association (529 College Savings Plan), 9. Prep for Prep x Blackstone: Mock Interviews, 40 Years: Launching Leaders, Inspiring Change, Academically Interested Minds (AIM) Kettering University, Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA), Minority Introduction to Engineering & Science (MITES) MIT, Princeton University Summer Journalism Program, Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP), The Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP), Smith Summer Science and Engineering Program (SSEP), Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR), Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research (SIP), Summer Research with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Youth Leadership Conference on Asian and Pacific Islander Health Stanford. Please check the appropriate box at the end of the summer school registration form if you would like to request financial aid and follow the instructions in red. ETV Workshop 2: Advanced Cinematic Tools andTechniques 12:30 PM- 3:30 PMIn this workshop, students focus on elevating their production and post-production skills to be better prepared to create highly polished, personal, and collaborative pieces in ETV. index.php. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cost: $150 per session, BASEBALL CAMP We ask that parents drop off and pick up promptly. Job Corps (career technical training and education program free program),,, 9.