Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a pot, then add the pork, ginger, onion, and garlic, and cook for 3-4 minutes. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Enjoy these Chinese pork belly recipes folks! Nutrition Calories: 1704 Fat: 162 grams Carbs: 27 grams Fiber: 1 gram Sugars: 9 grams Protein: 30 grams. Thanks for the recipe, its brilliant. Cut the pork belly into roughly 1-inch (2 cm) cubes. As always, a Nagi dish that hits the mark. All you need is 7 ingredients! Bring water back to a boil and turn heat to simmer, cook for 3 minutes. Just wait until you hear how crispy that crackling is!! Avoid piercing int o the fat as best you can, and really ensure you do not pierce the flesh (Note 5). Not Dijon, just ordinary American or other yellow mustard (yes really!). Sometimes it is served with white sugar on the side too. Refrigerate uncovered for 12 hours (max 24 hrs, min 3 hrs). Family loved it. This humble and perhaps odd-sounding noodle dish is made truly special with the addition of pork belly, which flavors the sauce. You simply melt sugar in oil to make the caramel, then add the pork to give it a lovely sticky, pale brown coating. Perhaps you can add this as an option to your notes for people who might otherwise not have use for rock salt and dont want to buy it just for one recipe. Stir fry to brown on all sides. At this stage, the skin is rubbery and looks thoroughly unappetising (step 7 above). This Steamed Pork with Rice Powder, or fen zheng rouis a special occasion kind of dish in China, as without modern kitchen conveniences, its quite time and labor intensive! Doesnt the crackling using this simple Alternative Method lookalmost impossibly perfect??
(Its easy!). 5. The Alternative Easy Non Pricking Method yields a crackling that is a beautiful golden brown that is outrageously crispy but without bubbly crackling. I dont buy the takeaway anymore. To make puffy crackling, you need to prick lots and lots of little holes in the skin. The results are stunningly tender, silky hunks of pork that people will fight you for.
Set all aside. But mostly, its all about.. Chinese pork belly crackling is, in my humble opinion, thebest crackling in the world. Blanching the pork helps to get rid of any impurities. Ditto above, except these Cantonese Style Zongzi are more mild flavored, with the addition of salted egg yolks and Chinese sausage or lap cheung. I had many, many chances to catch this shot. In case youve been living under a rock, were here to tell you that pork belly is a wonderful cut of meat, and we have 18 must-try Chinese pork belly recipes to prove it! This braised pork belly recipe, or dong po rouin Chinese, is a beautiful, traditional, and incredibly easy dish to make. Until we post a recipe for pork belly, you can try substituting pork belly for the ribs, which should be delicious! If you dont have something suitable for or are having troubles pricking the skin, dont be sad, there is another way to Chinese Crispy Pork Belly heaven! Unfortunately, that means that grocery store prices have been hiked up a bit. Traditional Chinese Crispy Pork Belly has a golden puffy crispy cracklingthat almost crumbles when you bite into it. This Taiwanese version is super rich, complemented by Shiitake mushrooms and hard boiled eggs, because enough isnt ever quite enough, right? Check out that colour! You are so welcome, Lynell. Some of them might be less familiar, but you can usually find them at your local Asian supermarket. It is really one of the greats in our repertoire of Chinese pork belly recipes. When we lived in, Cantonese Roast Pork Belly A Chinatown Classic, Shanghai-Style Braised Pork Belly (Hong Shao Rou), Cantonese-Style Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot, Mei Cai Kou Rou (Steamed Pork Belly w/ Preserved Mustard Greens), Chinese Cured Pork Belly (Cantonese Lap yuk), Steamed Pork with Rice Powder (Fen Zheng Rou), Twice Cooked Pork Belly Restaurant Style, Shanghai Style Pork Zongzi (Sticky Rice Dumplings), Braised Daikon with Salted Pork & Glass Noodles, Lu Rou Fan (Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice Bowl), Bian Dou Men Mian (Steamed Noodles and Green Beans), Braised Glass Noodles with Pork and Napa Cabbage. If theres anything you can conclude from this list of pork belly recipes, its that in many cases with Chinese recipes, whynot add pork belly? Tag me on Instagram at. If you use fine grain salt, make sure the foil is VERY snug around the edges - if salt falls down the sides, it will make the flesh salty. Entire post refreshed, new photos added, brand new (much better!) With this alternative method which is virtually foolproof, you can skip pricking the skin and the crackling will still be outrageously crispy, however,it will not have thesignature puffy bubbles that Chinese Pork Belly is known for. Slice the chile lengthwise. Bills mother and grandmother have been making it for decades, and theres always some in the freezer at both our apartment and my parents house, where its ready to be added to the rice cooker for a quick and delicious dinner. The heart of any great savory zongzi is a fall-apart tender nugget of pork belly. Fold up sides of foil around the pork to enclose it snugly (see photos in post or video) with a 1.5cm / 2/5" rim above the pork skin (to hold salt in). So easy but so spectacular. Can I cook it for 1 hour the day before, refrigerate overnight and then just grill it 25mins on the day for the crackling? Your email address will not be published. Remove from wok and drain on paper towel, set aside. OMG. This is what makes all the difference, yielding that beautiful bubblycrackling that is so unique to Chinese pork belly. Turn skin side up and place in a container. Tasty Ceramic Non-Stick 16-Piece Cookware Set, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. I chopped the belly and used it in the quick fried rice recipe with ginger,veg and a good splodge of Hoi Sin Sauce heated through. 2. Thats what makes Chinese Crispy Pork Belly so sought after. Discard the remaining water and vegetables. For the real devotees, this Homemade Chinese Salted Pork opens up a world of other Chinese pork belly recipes. As for sauce, Chinese pork belly is typically served with mustard. I am proud to say that your genealogy has been the sole tutorial for my Asian-inspired culinary adventures for years; probably since you began. Were Bill, Judy, Sarah, and Kaitlin a family of four cooks sharing our home-cooked and restaurant-style recipes. As usual I never fail to cook with yrs recipe, let me know how high the belly is ideally. Follow every single step and it is amazing. Subscribe for the latest updates on new recipes, and get started with our family's Top 25 Recipe eBook! It takes a little patience, but it's easy, hands-off cooking and so worth the wait. Remove pork from fridge. The reason this method isfoolproofis because with the traditional Chinese method, if youare too enthusiasticwith the pricking and pierce too far into the fat (or even worse, into the flesh), the juices will bubble up ontothe skin, and the wetness as the skin is being grilled/broiledwill cause little splotches where the skin is not super crispy. Sichuan Three Pepper Pork Belly Stir-fry uses crispy chunks of pork belly with three peppers dried red peppers, Sichuan peppercorn, and long green peppers. It works remarkably well. Cantonese Roast Pork Belly, or siu yuk, can be found hanging in many Chinatown restaurant windows, but if you dont live near a Chinatown, you can make this crispy pork belly recipe at home with our easy-to-follow recipe. N x. After a slow cook, remove the lid to let the remaining sauce reduce down to leave a delicious sticky coating. Hello from Namibia, where pork is cheap and plentiful! While this dish is simple, its the essence of Chinese home cooking. The cracklingsnaps rather than crumbles like the authentic Crispy Chinese Pork Belly. Clean and dry the pot, then return it to high heat and add the olive oil. Turn the pork belly upside down. Mei Cai Kou Rou is a recipe for braised, steamed pork belly with preserved mustard greens. Privacy Policy, Tips & secrets to delicious Asian recipes. What I love the most was the super simple pairing of yellow mustard and raw veggies. discard foil) to baking tray. Chairman Maos Red Braised Pork Belly is similar to Shanghai Style Braised Pork Belly, but it has more spice from aromatics and dried chilies! 2.
Perfect served with rice and maybe some steamed greens as a main, or else alongside other dishes as part of a larger feast! Sprinkle over five spice powder, salt and pepper. Slice the peeled ginger into four equal pieces. That juicy, seasoned flesh. Just a small dish of everyday white sugar that you dip the pork into. This is a Crispy Pork Belly recipe,just like you get from the Chinese BBQ meat shop! Add the brown sugar, then reduce the heat to low. Happy wokking! Serve with ordinary yellow mustard - or Hot English Mustard if you like spicy like me! Skin piercing - If you pierce the fat too much (a bit is ok) or flesh, then after you remove the salt crust and place it under the grill/broiler, juices will bubble up onto the skin and prevent the skin from getting crispy. Its really good. When we lived in Beijing, we noticed that almost every table at any given restaurant ordered this dish and for good reason! My partner is so excited. This Shanghai Style Pork Zongzi has plenty of soy sauce flavored pork belly at the center. And yes, it works whether you do the pricking or not.Again, more on that below. Pricking lots of holes in the skin = puffy crackling with bubbles. This was great and I am an amateur! what can I say, Im Chinese, I love pork belly, AND Im so glad I found your blog! The hole punch method was a good idea and produced great results. Thank you so much xx. Hungry for more? You see, I was firmly convinced I had rock salt in my pantry but to my horror I found none. The Chinese have a special tool to do this. I am now a retired popo and cook for my extended family every night. I didnt want to separate the crackling from the meat as I think it looks nicer the way you served it in the photos. Hi! Good rescipe thanks you Notoriously unable to follow a recipe (usually preferring to freestyle it), Kaitlin's the family artist, knitter, master of all things chili oil/condiments, and trailblazer of creative recipes with familiar flavors. Rub the flesh (not skin) with Chinese cooking wine, dribbling it on gradually. Serve this with steamed rice and top with finely chopped chives.
Thank you so much for cooking our recipes, Cheryl! Wow! You may be familiar with the version that uses chicken, often served in Sichuan restaurants, but we decided to go hog wild and use pork belly. Serve it over rice for the ultimate dinner and forget you ever wanted to order take-out. Stir continuously until the sugar has melted, caramelized, and coated the pork evenly. . I am a jook sing born in NYC Chinatown and I remember my dad and mom cooking so many of these recipes. Just marinating now . Small pieces is the go here because pork belly isrich!. Pork belly may seem a bit intimidating or off-putting if youve never cooked it at home, but dig for a piece that has a high meat-to-fat ratio, and well break down the rest for you with our favorite Chinese pork belly recipes. Place pork on a rack and return to baking tray,roast for a further 30 minutes or until crackling is golden and crispy. More on that below in the Easy Non Pricking Method. We couldnt leave you without just one more recipe of soy sauce braised pork belly goodness. Chinese cooking wine (Shaoxing wine) -sub for dry sherry (near perfect) or Mirin (very good sub). Just a handful of years ago, pork belly wasnt so highly regarded, but its become far more popular recently. It is easy and very very mouthwatering. video. Dab skin with paper towels. Celebrate Chinese New Year with thebest of Chinese food! The pork belly isfirst roasted with the salt crust, then the salt crust is removed. Oh Nagi youve done it again. If pricking the holes seems like too hard work, skipit and opt for the Alternative Easy Non Pricking Method for Crispy Pork Belly. This combination of glass noodles, pork, mushrooms, and napa cabbage makes for a great one pot meal. how come vinegar is important before salt? This one is high on the list of Chinese comfort foods, to the point that you can find this at one of our favorite fast food restaurants in China. (Note 6).
Spread rock salt on the skin (the foil edges will stop it from falling down the sides). I use an ice pick (aka my Basic Instinct moment?). The Chinese have a special tool that they use to prick the skin.Me, I have my Basic Instinct moment and use an ice pick. Remove pork onto cutting board. This Chinese classic recipe is way too famous to ignore and too delicious not to share. Watch in amazement as it starts to puff and crackle and becomes soo crispy!!! The sauce should coat the pork in a very thick glaze. Remove the lid. Thank you so much for taking the time to translate these recipes into a format north americans can follow. Kaitlin is the younger daughter/sister in The Woks of Life family. Ive also had it served with white sugar. Either your everyday yellow mustardor Hot English Mustard which is my favourite. Hi Mel, Judy made a braised duck with taro and I made a braised rib with taro. There are some Chinese pork belly recipes out there that dont marinate, but I really think its worth the time to do this otherwise the flesh somewhat lacks Chinese flavour (in my humble opinion). The best crackling in the world with juicy seasoned flesh, no one does crispy pork belly like the Chinese. The flavour was perfect for my fussy family too. I have made many a pork belly dish over the years. Move shelf so it is at least 25cm/10" from the heat source. Learn how your comment data is processed. Very easy to follow instructions and I was sooo impressed with the crackling. After years of cooking these recipes for family and friends, I decided to share my passion for the foods along the ancient Silk Road with you, too. Havent been able to get it as crackling as I want it. And here are the two secretsto perfect crispy pork belly that the Chinese discovered*: 1. Thank you so very much for sharing your recipes and stories. Its unlikely that I will ever share a proper Peking Duck recipe because its too hard to make properly in an ordinary home kitchen. Our version involves pork belly, of course, and lots of spices!
Cut the pork belly into 1-inch cubes. Rub all over flesh, including sides (not on skin). When you break the crackling, it will snap cleanly rather than partially crumbling which the puffy crackling does (which you can see in the video). Time and again, my worldwide web pursuits for solid recipes that I know my family will eat has landed me back here., Steamed Mussels from Prince Edward Island. This Chinese-style pork belly is sweet, salty, and perfectly tender. Great recipe, cant wait to try it! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
I think it might be because im not poking it well enough, not sure. To all crackling lovers out there, this one is for YOU! A weekly staple for us now. Remove pork from oven and transfer onto work surface. Its simple, tasty, and satisfying. Roast covered in rock salt = crispy crackling.Salt draws moisture to the surface, helping to guarantee youll get crispy crackling every single time. Follow recipe up to and including brushing with vinegar but do not prick skin. Cover skin with rock salt per recipe, OR use 1 cup kosher/cooking/table salt (enough to cover skin about 3 - 5 mm / 1/8 - 1/5" thick). Rock salt is easy to remove and also will not penetrate into the holes while roasting, making the pork far too salty. Whats a man to do? Plus, they add great colour to the plate, dont you think? From the Mediterranean, Middle East and Persia to India, China and more, Im serving up sweet and savory recipes using traditional and modern cooking techniques. If you accidentallyprick too far into the fat under the skin, or even worse, the flesh, this maycause juices to bubble to the surface which may result insome splotches that are not 100% crisp. . Place onto a large sheet of foil. Thanks! Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, press Enter to select and submit search query. Cantonese Style Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot () is a traditional dish often served at Chinese New Year. Remove pork belly from wok and dry with paper towel when cool enough to handle. Any person who ever cracked open a beginner Mandarin textbook knows this. Slowly cooking the pork in a flavorful mixture of garlic, ginger, and brown sugar gives it that signature sticky-sweet glaze that pairs perfectly with salty soy sauce. 3. I want to know how to keep after cooking. My favourite is cucumber and radish because theyre so fresh and radish also has a kick of spiciness. This method is veryeasy with guaranteed crispy crackling, every single time. Oh its always fun to be worshipped by the family!! Leave at least 2 tablespoons of rendered fat in wok, discard remainder. All it takes to transform the ugly ducking into a crispy golden swan is to stick it under the grill/broiler for 25 minutes. Happy cooking and happy eating. Supreme Soy Noodles (NEW recipe finally!). Our local supermarket just recently started carrying pork belly. Its an ingredient that just tastes like home cooking, and the rich pork fat goodness has made it a staple for many Chinese holidays, like Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival (zhong qiu jie). Serve immediately over a bowl of rice and sprinkle with sliced green onions. this was so amazing. Stir to coat the pork, cover and simmer on low for 30 minutes. Subscribe to my newsletter and follow along on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for all of the latest updates. But thats the price you pay for enlightenment, I suppose. Slice into 1 - 1.5cm / 2/5 - 3/5" thick slices, then into smaller slices like pictured in post. Tap here to receive our FREE top 25 recipe book! Rice, I reasoned would do the same and it did! With the signature puffy bubblesall over, this Pork Belly Crackling is crispy and crumbly in a way that you will never achieve on apork roast, even pulling out all the secret crackling tips. Originally published January 2017. Ive cooked this twice now and currently on my third try (its in the oven). Dont watch this on Mute. Braised Beef Short Ribs in Red Wine Sauce, steamed dumplings with crispy golden undersides, Chinese takeout standard (no false promises), just like you get from Chinese BBQ meat shops!, big fluffy white buns filled with BBQ pork, pork belly, skin on (800 - 1.2kg / 1.6 - 2.4 lb), Use an ice pick, sharp metal skewer or another tool to prick tons and tons of holes in the skin. Fold down foil and scrape all the salt off the top and sides. Pork belly is amazingly versatile, uber-flavorful, braises like nobodys business, and is a key ingredient in many of our familys perennial Chinese recipes. Stir every 10 minutes or so, adding more water if the pot is getting dry. I did come up with an extra method of not using rock salt. Love the recipes and site. As forsides, because pork belly is rich, I just serve it with plain fresh vegetables. Return the pork to the pan and cook until browned. Dab skin dry with paper towels. ive never done this before. There are just a few key secrets you need to know. The best crackling ever.
I would never have thought to do it. This doesn't need many ingredients. Add the soy sauce/spice mixture and the browned pork belly to the wok. The pork flesh is infused with subtle flavour by marinating itin classic Chinese flavours Chinese cooking wine (or dry sherry or even Mirin), five spice powder, salt and white pepper. I am now worshipped!Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Hey Nagi,Great crackling from my slab of Pork Belly.Thanks for the pin prick tip. It is still a stunning crackling that many people dream of. Transfer pork to baking tray. Have a recipe of your own to share?Submit your recipe here. Return pork only (i.e. Best recipe Ive used. Shanghai-Style Braised Pork Belly (hong shao rou, ) is one of the most famous Chinese pork belly recipes out there. The kick of fresh heat pairs so well with the richness of the pork belly! Add the remaining 250 milliliters of water. I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if youre short on time and cost conscious. Switch to grill/broiler on medium high. Its complete and utter bliss to experience! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Nagi this is an incredible recipe! And this is how they make it. We picked some up this week and went looking for recipes. This Chinese cured pork belly recipe is truly a family treasure. best crackling, Chinese pork belly, Crispy pork belly, pork belly, I love hearing how you went with my recipes! Its surprisingly simple to make this cured pork belly la rou(Mandarin) or lap yuk(Cantonese) at home! Almost tasted like a cross between a posh sausage sizzle and a banh mi! So simple and easy. Remove the pork from the water using a slotted spoon and drain on a plate lined with a paper towel. In a bowl add the soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, ground ginger, red pepper flakes and Chinese Five Spice. Remove the lid and allow sauce to cook and thicken for 5 minutes more. In my humble opinion, the Chinese are the undisputed king of two things: crispy duck and crispy pork belly. Just wondering if this could be converted to an air fryer? Twice Cooked Pork, or hui guo rou (), is a Sichuan dish of spicy seared pork belly. This classic Chinese pork belly, hong shao rou, is wonderfully tender, sticky and flavorful. Add some fresh raw vegetables (I use cucumber and radish). Make sure the mixture is at a low simmer, not boiling. We bet you you cant have just one bite. Just add rice and you have simple weeknight dinner! And today, my friends, youre going to see howeasy it is to make your own Chinese pork belly that comes out looking just like this. A combination of soy, Shaoxing wine and aromatics add flavor as the pork slowly cooks in the braising liquid. you want tohear how crispy that crackling is!! Pork belly, on the other hand, is totally doable. While the recipe is impressive looking, it only takes 8 ingredients! Potstickers steamed dumplings with crispy golden undersides, Fried Rice Chinese takeout standard (no false promises), Chinese BBQ Pork (Char Siu) just like you get from Chinese BBQ meat shops!, Chinese Steamed Pork Buns big fluffy white buns filled with BBQ pork, Browse all Chinese Recipes and Asian Takeout copycat recipes. If you can't consume alcohol, just skip it and add an extra 1/4 tsp salt.. This is the typical way to serve it: cut into slices, then each slice cut into smaller pieces. I served up the pork with a garlic infused rice and greens. Immediately add the soy sauces and rice wine, stirring continuously for 5-6 minutes more, or until the liquid has reduced to a thick glaze. Stir, cover, and simmer for about 45 minutes. Trim the ends off the green onions and cut in half. It's not the end of the world if you have a handful of pricks that went too deep, you will just get tiny splotches or little strips of crackling that's not 100% crispy. I got a cheap pork belly from the supermarket that was pre-scored.but I persevered and it still turned out crunchy. But either way, it tastes divine! Will definitely need to try again but Ill buy from the butcher because I did lose some of the fat and a couple of sections were a little chewy just because the pre-scoring was a little too deep. But anything that is pointy and sharp will work just fine for example, metal skewers. Well put your recipes into our wheelhouse and thanks again for sharing! Add vegetable oil to hot wok and add pork belly pieces. DO NOT SKIP THE VIDEO!! I realise theres a lot of information in the above, so I though it would be useful to finish with a summary. For this method, oven works better to make skin crispy. It's as simple as cooking it in boiling water for a few minutes. In a large wok bring 4 cups of water to boil. Discard water and contents from wok. No change to recipe, though writing was cleaned up a bit. Add the sliced ginger, onions, chile and pork belly. Hi Nagi, If youre looking for inspiration on how to use the salted pork you just made with the previous recipe, this braised daikon is a tasty and satisfying one pot meal. Hi, Im planning on cooking this for Christmas Day. To your wok add the brown sugar and cook over medium heat until the sugar melts and bubbles. Join my free email list to receive THREE free cookbooks! Place under grill/broiler for 20 - 25 minutes, rotating tray once, until skin is golden, crispy and puffed. Preheat oven to 180C/350F (all oven types). Required fields are marked *. Stir and set aside. I will definitely keep it. he was doing this the whole time I was shooting the pork belly!! You just need to cook clever and get creative! Nagi x, PS Oh wait, its also for Chinese New Year which is tomorrow! Would love your thoughts, please comment.
Well, I wiped the skin with vinegar, salted and then put a layer of rice on top as my understanding is that the rock salt would wick out moisture from the skin.