If you have a student service hold placed on your account or records, you cannot conduct business with the registrar or other University offices until you resolve the situation that caused the hold and have it removed. Tuition Rates
I dont have an agenda when I meet with a studenttheres no cookie cutter approach." Once your enrollment appointment has occurred, you can register online any time, 24 hours a day. Please note: Providing a permission number is at the discretion of the department offering the class, so a number is not guaranteed. 140 Thackeray Hall Phone: (412) 383-6565 Please note: If you are looking to enroll in Computer Science or Information Science courses, please follow the instructions on SCI's Permission Number Application System website. Applying to cross-registerdoes not guarantee enrollment in the requested course at the host institution. If successful, you will be notified of your enrollment by the host institution.. If you are having issues with your Pitt username or password, contact the Pitt IT Help Desk. If you have a hold, please visit the appropriate office to resolve the matter so that you may continue to transact University business. Current CGS students should contact their academic advisor to discuss summer registration. My.Pitt.edu
Flex@SHRS Resources
Faculty and Staff Resources
See also these additional Enrollment Resources. Student Payment Center
Online Learning Resources
Congratulations,you are ready to enroll in courses! Health Sciences Portal
Academic Calendar
You are able to make changes to your schedule at any time once enrolled through the end of the add/drop period, which ends the second week of the term. If you Wait List a course and then no longer want the class, it is important to remove yourself from the Wait List. For those seeking to graduate with a CGS degree and/or certificate, access the College of General StudiesAugust 2022Graduation Application(Qualtrics form). The Office of the University Registrar has developed a new Student Guide that you can view online here. Millstein Library houses more than 78,000 volumes and provides access to a vast wealth of digital resources through Pitt's University Library System. If you need to make any changes after submitting the application, do NOT submit a new Qualtrics form - you must emailCGSGRAD@pitt.eduinstead with the updates. System Status
Room Reservations
Health Sciences Diversity
Changing your schedule, even if it is from one section or lab to another, must be done either online via the www.my.pitt.edu portal or by filling out an add/drop form during the add/drop period. Registration for summer 2022 classes is currently underway for current and visiting students. Completed forms must be submitted to home dean (Student Affairs Office 4044 ForbesTower,or emailedto the SHRS Registrar, Kellie Beach atKbeach@pitt.edu) for processing. Upon approval it will be submitted to the home registrar (main Pitt Registrar at Thackeray), and host registrar. Students: PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX User Guide. Any full-time student enrolled at a Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) school may cross register. During the fall and spring semesters, a limited extended drop period will be granted to students who wish to drop a class, with deans permission, as long as they remain full-time. For the official end date of the Add/Drop Period, visit the University Registrars Web site. Click here for full instructions on completing the form. Don't miss a deadline! Technology
Have other questions? If you wish to drop one or all of your courses, you must use the enrollment form and you will receive full refund for the courses you drop if you do so during the add/drop period.
If permission is granted, the student will be given aPermission Numberto self-enroll. CGSFacultyHandbook, Guides, & Forms
Some classes do fill quickly, so be sure to enroll as early as possible. Office Hours:Monday - Friday8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ms. Linda SmithRegistrar724-836-7188ljs20@pitt.edu, Ms. Elizabeth CavanaughRecords Assistant724-836-7812eac99@pitt.edu, 150 Finoli DriveGreensburg, PA 15601-5860, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please check with your Department Administrators on their procedures. Course Enrollment at the University of Pittsburgh takes place onlinethroughthe student portal. If permission is granted, the department will issue the studentaPermission Number. The registration system will keep track of the students on the Wait List and enroll them in the class when seats become available. Web Accessible Contracts, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Athletic Training, Sports Medicine, & Sports Science, McMurtry Family Undergraduate Research Award. Once your enrollment appointment has occurred, you may enroll from your Student Center using your enrollment shopping cart. Before submitting this form, please review the course with your advisor for approval. We will submit your Act 48 Reporting Form (pdf) to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. For questions about tuition rates, fees, and payment options, visit the Student Payment Center. Student Release of Information-FERPA Information, 120 Millstein Library Building150 Finoli DriveGreensburg, PA 15601Phone: 724-836-9899Fax: 724-836-7176. Visit our CGS Courses webpage to learn more about the courses offered by CGS and how to identify CGS sections in Class Search. Learn moreabout your enrollment appointment by following the link above. If you wish to drop all of your courses after the add/drop period is over and not attend at all this term, you must follow the procedure under Resignation. Financial holds may be placed by the Office of Student Accounts, Student Loans and Special Accounts, and the Student Payment Center. Pitt students applying to cross-register at other PCHE institutions should refer to the host institution's latest mandates and guidelines for attending in-person classes as related to the COVID-19 pandemicbefore applying to cross-register.. Visiting students from other colleges and universities wishing to take summer courses must apply for non-degree, guest admission through CGS and be admitted before registering for classes. If you are considering cross registering for a course at another institution, using the PCHE (Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education) system, you must complete the updated PCHE Cross Registration Form., The deadline for submitting a PCHE form to the SHRS Student Affairs office, is 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the spring or fall term. If after submitting your graduation application, you need to make any changes to your academic plans or wish to remove yourself from graduation, you must contactcgsgrad@pitt.edu. The Pitt-Greensburg Registrar's Office serves as the reporting agency for undergraduate course work completed at the Greensburg campus. Students must submit documentation from the instructor that they consent to the later enrollment. To request enrollment assistance with a class that has a pre-requisite, please complete this form. If a class is closed, you may put yourself onto the Wait List using Online Self Enrollment. Schedule of Classes
You list your CGS minors on the graduation application with your home school. Advisor Signature will be required. See also Guidelines for Extended Drop Period. Visit the Wait List section on the Registrar's website for more information and frequently-asked questions about waitlists. Please have your advisor email Courtney Fleck at courtney.fleck@pitt.edu to grant you permission. Not doing this may result in not receiving a grade in the course, an "F" in the course, and/or charges to your account. Pittsburgh, PA 15260, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays, Office of Admissions & Financial Aid
The Add/Drop Period usually extends two weeks into the term. Helpdesk
Check the academic calendars for the University and the College of General Studies. University Registrar, CGSFaculty Resources
An academic administrator will review the transcript you submitted as part of your application and enroll you if you meet the pre-requisites. Please complete this by no later thanMonday, August 1st at 4 PM Eastern Time. Once the ADD/DROP drop period has ended, students can enroll in courses only with special permission from the Dean's Office. The permission number should beentered when adding the class to the enrollment shopping cart. Academic Advising Holds (ADV) are automatically placed by the Office of the University Registrareach term for students and must be lifted by a student's advisor or departmental administrator before enrollment can take place. In order to register for a College of General Studies course sectionthat is closed/full or requires special consent,or has restricted seats orprerequisitesthat have not been met, students must request permission to enroll from CGS Academic Affairs using our online Permission Number Request Form. Complete the CGS Late Add form (PDF) and attach all necessary documentation. This information is extremely helpful, and you are strongly encouraged to take the time to review it before enrolling for the first time. Students must be finished taking all coursework before beginning to enroll in FTDI and will then remain enrolled as FTDI until graduation. In order to register for a class not offered by CGS and that requiresdepartment/instructor consentorhas prerequisitesthat have not been met, or is full, you must request permission from the department/school and/or instructor offering the course. Other Campus Resources
Please note that this is theFINALdeadline for August graduation. Courses Requiring Special Approval (CGS Sections). (due to holiday - Springterm forms must be submitted prior to Holiday break). Include that permission number in the CGS Late Add form. Approved schools are listed on the form. It is important to watch your status on the list and your class schedule to see if you have been added to the class. Building trust and rapport leads to honest communication. An academic administrator will review the transcript you submitted as part of your application and enroll you if you meet the pre-requisites. Apermission number is requiredto enroll in FTDI. Admittance to a closed class is permitted only to students who have obtained permission from the instructor and department. Health Sciences Library
Complete the CGS Credit Overload Appeal form (PDF) and submit it to your College of General Studies Advisor. - Shannon DeMateo, CGS Advisor. Those that do not submit their application by this deadline must apply for December instead. 139 University Place Find a list of Pitt schools and departments here. Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 credits in a single semester must secure permission from the Dean's Office. See the latest updates on Pitt's response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Holds may be enacted due to academic probation, missing data, disciplinary action, missing high school transcript, missing immunization, and overdue account balances. Check out to finalize the addition to your schedule. These appointments are staggered and assigned based on the number of credits earned by each student. (fall and spring only - Cross registration does not apply to summer semesters/terms). FTDI is 0 credits but students are considered full time and pay $925 for theacademic term (tuition rate of $500 +$425 fees). The Office of the Registrar is the official source for all student academic records, including registration services for students enrolled in undergraduate programs. Other functions handled by the Pitt-Greensburg Registrar's Office include the monitoring of the end-of-term grading process, processing of course repeats and grade changes, enrollment and degree verification, transcript and veterans services. Please aim to have this completed by no later thanJuly 29th. A note on advising holds: Please keep in mind that you will not be able to register if there is an academic advising hold on your account. Undergraduate Catalog
To see the day and time of your enrollment appointment, follow these steps: The information will be located in a blue box on the right titled "Enrollment Dates". You must be enrolled as a full-time student at Pitt beforeyour PCHE course is processed (Fulltime is Undergrad 12-18 credits, Graduate 9-15 credits) You must maintain your fulltime status after PCHE is approved.. Academic holds are now lifted by your Departments. Contact your advisor or departmental administrator directly for assistance with advising hold removals. The form must be typed and printed before submitting. If you are only completing a minor within the College of General Studies: You do NOT fill out the CGS graduation application.