This is the quality of the mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, and it is as essential as the Word of God and the Masters, which our Messenger is transmitting. At this moment we are talking about our Messenger, Tatyana. And we have said many times that the karma with our Messenger is equal to the karma with God. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The level of my presence is determined by the level of the persons attainments in this embodiment, and the level of my presence changes from time to time. As you already know from Our Messages, with the help of Our Messenger, we tried to give humanity the best, most perfect Teaching that humanity was able to accept at the present time. A discourse on apostleship and Divine Mercy. We do not take into account the state of the person's physical body or their inner state. It must be deserved. Encyclopedia.com. That is why we are waiting until the true attitude toward our Messengers, based on service and on rendering all possible help, will be established in your world. A Messenger is a human who stands on the peak of a mountain, and all the lightning and hurricanes strike them in the first instance. The Great White Brotherhood, also known as The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth is the most advanced mystical order on Earth. The vibrations of the physical plane change, and many things that happen on Earth now will be impossible when the space becomes full of Divine Light. With its help we can establish our presence in your world and provide an embodied Messenger with an opportunity to reach our octaves. With the Masters' help, Lightbearers can create a great Golden Age of Enlightenment and Brotherhood. The Messenger is under my personal protection and patronage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. You see that we continue using this conductor. I will tell you more: no Messenger can be sent anymore, and no mission of Light can be undertaken by Us in Russia in the near future. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. It happens quietly, like the voice of a stream; quietly, like the rustling of leaves; quietly, like the opening of rose petals. This is her ability to transmit Light into the physical world, and it is an ability that was deserved in many previous incarnations and also in this lifetime. Create the conditions on Earth by which we could transmit our energies and give our education. We come to tell you about the principles on which the Community is established. To find out more, please view our. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Then we take her through another round of tests, but those tests are more advanced.

Our Messenger is the person who keeps our vibrations, constantly carrying her devotion to the Hierarchy through all living situations and realizing our plans on Earth. Edgar Cayce referred to the White Brotherhood. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Why are they here? You create your karma by every conscious or unconscious action directed against our Messenger. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Encyclopedia.com. Graphic artist The criterion of your level of consciousness is your attitude toward our Messenger. Members of this Brotherhood have come from every nation, race, and religion. Mark was a Messenger for the Ascended Masters until 1973, when he ascended. I would also like to stop at one important moment. Dont be embarrassed by such manifestation of our feelings. Sometimes nothing is required from you but the acceptance of our Messenger. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Halcyon, Calif.: Halcyon Temple Press, 1929. Santa Barbara, Calif.: J. F. Rowney Press, n.d. Johnson, K. Paul. Your advancement on the Path accelerates, and what you were supposed to have in the natural return of karma over many dozens of incarnations, comes back to you in several years, over a term that depends on the severity of your karma. The Masters teach that every sign has a God-quality, and that a very important part of our purpose in life is to further develop the God-quality of our sun sign, and of the other signs that are most important in our charts (ex., our moon sign, rising sign, and the signs that the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars are in). Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. It does not matter whether that Master resides on the physical or on the subtle plane. I wish that an increasing number of people become aware of our Path and enter the steps of the Hierarchy. When our Messenger gets persecuted, discredited, or accused, it creates a tremendous karma, equivalent to the level of karma with God. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". USD for N&S America, Australasia & Japan, The Great White Brotherhood the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth Audio Download (also available on CD). Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Eastern thought also influenced the West through the efforts of Yogananda, the founder of Self-Realization Fellowship. All the trials test the qualities of devotion and detachment from the results of the activity and to the physical plane.
Lakemont, GA: CSA Press, 296. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. In the same way, Divine energy fills the space through the hearts of those who are ready. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The worship of the Higher Source is a necessary condition. It is truly an invaluable necklace of Knowledge. The duties and the mantle of a Messenger mean only an opportunity to serve more efficiently in the name of God.
I have come for guidance in the sphere of the Divine Knowledge. And you string these pearls on the necklace that you collect throughout your life. But will you have another opportunity to carry out the service during this or the following incarnations? You approach and you start certain relationships with the entire Hierarchy of beings of Light, whose representative on Earth is our Messenger. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.
As it is known, God deprives intelligence to those whom He wishes to punish.
One of the greatest goals of the Great White Brotherhood is the enlightenment of mankind. The best website for this knowledge is www.tsl.org. I appeal to you to please render all the help that you can to our Messenger because we might not get another conductor of that kind in the near future, someone who can bring up their level of conscious to work with the Brotherhood. Your Love and Faith are the only things you need to implement your Divine plan. Dannion Brinkley, the author of Saved by the Light, said that he met and was guided by the Ascended Masters during his near-death experiences. Having this conductor, we will try to use it not only for the transmission of our Messages but also for creating our outpost, the base, the foundation, and the focus of Light on the physical plane. And that means that you must follow the instructions that you receive from our Guru as if I gave you those instructions personally. You have come into this world to act. Suffering is sometimes able to purify peoples souls, and over time this can open up a new opportunity. Whatever one person has the strength to do will sooner or later be mastered by everybody. What does it mean for her and our future? Beloved, God will always take care of the Messenger! . Another very important part of our purpose in life is to work on and eliminate the negative characteristics of our sun sign, and of the other signs that are most important in our charts. This movement introduced the Eastern teachings on reincarnation and karma to the West, and it greatly influenced some of the leading minds of the time (ex., Albert Einstein). Modern Rosicrucians define the Great White Brotherhood as "the school or Fraternity of the Great White Lodge and into this invisible Brotherhood of visible members every true student of the Path prepares for admission." Los Angeles: Summit University Press, 1983. Brother of the Third Degree. What is karma really about? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Nothing can stop us when it is necessary to transmit information and the Law for its application in the physical world. By subscribing below you are agreeing to our. Information about the Masters and their teachings can be found on the Internet. The Great White Brotherhood is a heavenly hierarchy, for he most part. The more energy is being transmitted, the greater the burden is on the bodies of the Messenger. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. We have a lot more karma and impurity that we realize because they have accumulated over many, many lifetimes. The brotherhood was occasionally associated with a "great white lodge" situated in astral realms. It does not store any personal data. And this workload cannot be compared to any of the jobs that exist in the world. Such an Age of Love and Truth has been prophecied by the Ascended Masters. We cannot continue Our Mission in such circumstances. Every person who gets in touch with our Messenger also gets in touch with us automatically. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Immediately after the moment of declaration of her Messenger status in public, any disrespect shown by you towards our Messenger automatically brings you karma between you and God, and this kind of karma is the most difficult to transmute. This Messenger is writing down the things that come from the Higher planes, from the etheric plane to be exact. Contact info: gwbgml@verizon.net, Most people have never heard of, or know little about, the Great White Brotherhood, and since it is the highest and purest source of spiritual teachings, and the greatest help to mankind, I feel that there is a need to provide some information about it. There is a Divine opportunity, which is given for the planet at a certain moment. The Books of Azrael: Teachings. Current address unavailable. all transformations in the physical plane can only be realized through the hearts of people, through their hands and feet.
Similarly, one action directed against our representative is enough for the Heavens to turn away and leave humankind to wander in the dark on its own. If you'd like to learn more about the Violet Flame, which was once the secret of alchemy, you can go to my website and read the paper entitled "Two Spiritual Tools for Balancing Karma, Purification, and the Ascension", go to the Summit Lighthouse website, www.tsl.org, where you can read about it and many other Ascended Master teachings, or read an excellent little book entitled, Click Here for more articles by George Lagos. We are really glad to render all the necessary help to our Messenger, to provide her with our support and protection. The difficulty is the combination of the mission as a public representative and the inner work in the subtle planes that requires tremendous efforts. The readiness of the Messenger must match our readiness. However, there is the Divine order and the Divine Law. The ultimate goal in our lives is our ascensions, and since two of the most important requirements for making our ascensions is purifying ourselves and balancing our karma, things that the Violet Flame does better than anything else, using this Fire of God is the fastest way of attaining our ascensions, and of becoming our Higher, Divine Selves. Only faith in God and love for all of Creation can save humanity in the near future. The mantle of a Messenger allows the space vibrations to change, and we obtain an opportunity to be present and to give our Messages at the point where the worlds join each other. They are called Ascended Masters because they have mastered all of life's lessons, balanced their karma, fulfilled their missions, and have graduated from schoolroom Earth. The external representative of the Hierarchy is a key figure in this process. Your level of consciousness is determined by the Divine qualities that you gain on your Path. ." Use the help that Heavens give you, and do not disregard this help. They have ascended and become their Higher, DivineSelves. The way that people treat our heralds, prophets, and Messengers can be seen as fallen morals of the society and how far society is from the Divine ideal. These and other Ascended Master teachings on astrology can be found in "The Cosmic Clock", chapter 15 of The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History, and Religion of America by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, published by Summit University Press, 1987. However, the date of retrieval is often important. We have said many times that karma with Our Messenger is tantamount to karma with God. It resembles a house that cannot exist and be inhabited in the conditions of severe winter if there is no fire in its hearth. Shop FAQ, GBP for Europe, Africa & Asia (except Japan) Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Please note: This is a downloadable file and you will receive a link to download it as soon as your purchase is completed.iPhone/iPad/iPod users pleaseread this FAQbefore purchasing. The moment comes when a Message comes into your world. I have come in order to give a huge crystal amethyst as a present to our Messenger Tatyana. It is impossible to take the Teaching and disregard the source of the Teaching.
. Another very important part of our purpose in life is to work on and eliminate the negative characteristics of our sun sign, and of the other signs that are most important in our charts. Great White Brotherhood. First, aspiring and devoted hearts must be found. That's because using the Violet Flame is by far the fastest way of balancing personal and planetary karma, and it is the best way of purifying oneself, one's emotions, thoughts, subconscious, chakras, and aura. It is a very high level, and it is just the level of my presence that enables her to reach the 33rd etheric plane from where she accepts these Dictations. I AM El Morya, having come to you through this Messenger again. In the latter part of the 19th century, the Ascended Masters also conveyed some of their teachings through Charles and Myrtle Filmore, the founders of Unity, and through Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. I will say it again: The flame of Service can only flare up based on the qualities of absolute devotion to the Masters, to our Messenger, and on the qualities of love, gratitude, and honor. Lots of my angels, legions of my angels have come together with me to do honor to the Messenger. I have come with another important mission today. Privacy Policy. Some of the Messengers have since ascended and have become Masters, themselves. At that time she could not believe that this event was much more real in her life than everything happening around her in the physical plane. There have always been people who incarnated on Earth with the mission to provide the connection between the worlds, to serve as transmitters of the Divine energies and knowledge to the physical plane. The focus of Light is anchored in the bodies of our Messenger.