to go back to the article page.Or contact our Lin L, Hedayat AS, Sinha B, Yang M. Statistical methods in assessing agreement. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies.
Interpretation of Clinical Exercise Test Results. your express consent. 34. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed Bentley DJ, Newell J, Bishop D. Incremental exercise test design and analysis: Implications for performance diagnostics in endurance athletes. Maximal and functional aerobic capacity as assessed by two graduated field methods in comparison to laboratory exercise testing in moderately trained subjects.
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The average MAS_calc (4.71 +/- 0.48 m.s-1), MAS_ex (4.62 +/- 0.48 m.s-1), MAS-tr (4.75 +/- 0.57 m.s-1) and MAS_UMTT (4.64 +/- 0.35 m.s-1) were not significantly different and were significantly correlated, between 0.85 (MAS_ex vs MAS_UMTT) and 0.99 (MAS_calc vs MAS_tr), with p < 0.001 in both cases.
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A familiarization with the sound signals is recommended for optimal running pace adjustment when performing audio-guided running track tests.
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This study demonstrates that the Track(1:1) is a valid, noninvasive, and individualized test to assess both external (Vpeak and MAS) and internal (VO2max and HRmax) running performance parameters, while assuring that the athletes reach their maximal aerobic velocity. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Click here to go back to the article page. 20. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without Or contact our 9. Berthoin S, Gerbeaux M, Turpin E, Guerrin F, LenselCorbeil G, Vandendorpe F. Comparison of two field tests to estimate maximum aerobic speed. Millet GP, Candau R, Fattori P, Bignet F, Varray A. VO2 responses to different intermittent runs at velocity associated with VO2max. Dupont G, McCall A, Prieur F, Millet GP, Berthoin S. Eur J Appl Physiol.
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The Track(1:1) intensity is individualized according to the athlete's maximum potential (i.e., Vpeak) to allow for completing the test within 14 minutes; in turn, longer or multistage track tests could lead to an early fatigue failure and underestimate the outcomes. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013. pp. Jones AM, Doust JH. Influence of exercise intensity on time spent at high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake during an intermittent session in young endurance-trained athletes. Mora-Rodrguez R, Pallars JG, Lpez-Gulln JM, Lpez-Samanes , Fernndez-Elas VE, Ortega JF. Int J Sports Med 24: 486491, 2003. Aubry RL, Power GA, Burr JF.
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Some error has occurred while processing your request. Int J Sports Med 28: 934939, 2007. After treadmill measurement of VO2max, MAS was calculated (MAS_calc) by the following formula: MAS_calc = (VO2max - 0.083)/C, where VO2max is the maximal oxygen uptake ( and C the energy cost of running ( Is a threshold-based model a superior method to the relative percent concept for establishing individual exercise intensity? Search for Similar Articles 151174. Tardieu-Berger M, Thevenet D, Zouhal H, Prioux J. Eur J Appl Physiol. modify the keyword list to augment your search.
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Int J Sports Med. The extrapolated MAS (MAS_ex) was obtained from the measured VO2max and by extrapolation of the VO2 versus speed relationship.
Epub 2005 Jun 23. Renoux JC, Petit B, Billat V, Koralsztein JP. 3. Please try after some time. FOIA