*Comparative degree:- Ras Leela is more popular than any other dance of Manipur. The prosperity of the island depends on the development of agriculture, the acquirement of industrious habits by the people, and the abandonment of political agitation. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions industristder industrio + -oza "He is the politest/most polite of them. Childers was a capable and industrious administrator of the old Liberal school, and he did his best, in the political conditions then prevailing, to improve the naval and military administration while he was at the admiralty and war office. Adam Smith A Bourgeois, Organic Intellectual? They are an intelligent and industrious people, growing their own crops, manufacturing their own cloth and mats, and building their own boats, while many read Arabic more or less fluently, although still believers in magic and witchcraft. Have you tried it yet? The people are industrious, and devote themselves to agriculture, but from the geological structure of the country, and from the insecurity of property, regular husbandry is limited to comparatively few spots. There has not been sufficient rain this year. Origin & history It was found that the government by Boule and Ecclesia did not mean popular control in the full sense; it meant government by the leisured classes, inasmuch as the industrious farmer or herdsman could not leave his work to give his vote at the Ecclesia, or do his duty as a councillor. Turner's prolific research interests made him an equally industrious writer and editor. He said she was very industrious and happy. His opportunities for regular schooling must have been very scant; but he had cultivated friends who discerned his talents and encouraged their development, and he early formed the habits of wide reading and industrious study that were to persist through his life. denote the mere existence of some quality of what we speak about. and Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Track your progress, build streaks, highlight & save important lessons and more! The "Llanos de Mojos," famous for their flourishing Jesuit mission settlements of the 17th and 18th centuries, occupy the eastern part of this department and are still inhabited by an industrious peaceful native population, devoted to cattle raising and primitive methods of agriculture. Hint: To answer the question, one must understand the degrees of comparison and the meaning that each one of those conveys. How do you spell stirpe?, ab invito, tinneas na dighe (Scottish Gaelic). industristders Large bodies of emigrants, chiefly recruited from the sober, hardy and industrious peasantry of the northern provinces, annually leave Portugal to seek fortune in America. If you are very industrious, you can purchase a quilt top and fashion it into a lined nightgown yourself. Noun industrious + -ness And, aided by the king, who is represented to have been an industrious student and translator, he wrote the first books by which Buddhism became known in his native land. (5) Superlative degree:- Ras Leela is the most popular dance of Manipur. Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant; What, which and whose, when they are used with nouns to ask questions, are called Origin & history Webster's Dictionary, WordNet and others. The word "oligopoly" comes from the Greek oligos, meaning "little or small" and polein, meaning "to sell." or thing; Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant. An industrious colonist could purchase a small farm on the estate and make himself independent in two years. From characters to storylines, what you do in your faction affects if your city becomes wealthier and industrious or poorer and less popular.
The working bees, such as have been mentioned, are victimized by bees of other genera, which throw upon the industrious the task of providing for the young of the idle. (7) Superlative degree:- Peacock is the most beautiful bird. Given to industry; characterized by diligence; constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied; busy; assiduous; not slothful or idle; commonly implying devotion to lawful and useful labor. Others are highly imaginative or with miraculous incidents, like the story of the Predestined Prince and the story of the Two Brothers, which begins with a pleasing picture of the industrious farmer, and, in demotic of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, two stories of the learned Sethon Khamois, sonofRameses II. *Positive degree:- No other dance form of Manipur is as old as Lai Haroba. *Positive degree:- No other award in the world is as high as Noble prize. He was a careful and industrious student of the English records, and his writings are almost wholly devoted to English history. *Comparative degree:- Health is more important than any other thing in our life. They are an industrious agricultural race, and cultivate cotton with considerable success. This site uses cookies. industristaden He may not stay one.The Washington Times, 18 April 2019, It's late afternoon in beautifully bucolic Hampshire, and from her office in the grounds of Highclere Castle - where they film Downton Abbey - Clodagh McKenna has just spent an industrious few hours tending to her culinary empire.Independent.ie, 10 June 2019, Australia were ahead after 41 minutes when a terrific decoy run from the industrious Rhyan Grant created just enough space for Awer Mabil to lash a perfect curled effort past the outstretched Ibrahim Alma and into the top corner.The Guardian, 15 January 2019, If you're industrious and innovative, these strategies can get your money working for you.U.S. She was the softest member of the team.? An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. The colonists whom he settled upon his grant (1630) were industrious, and "Beverwyck" became increasingly prosperous.

His investigations show that the Dhahira contains many settlements, with an industrious agricultural population, and that the unexplored tract extending 250 m. It has been said with truth that an industrious collector of beetles, butterflies, neuroptera, &c., finds a greater number of species in a circuit of some miles near Tokyo than are exhibited by the whole British Isles. Why not extend the suffrage to the industrious people - the working people. A word used with a noun to describe or point out, the person, animal, place or thing which the noun names, or to tell the number or quantity, is called an Adjective. News, 23 June 2021, Moments after he had been given out lbw to Mohammed Siraj for 37, an industrious innings forged from the ruins of 62 for five, Bairstow was seen berating a steward by the dressing room.Mail Online, 3 September 2021, The fourth-seeded Kenin, sporting an industrious print with matching shoes, is the only one of the top-five seeds in the French Open womens draw, through to the fourth round.The Times of India, 6 June 2021, Many people in the farming community have been busier than ever and some industrious farmers have begun new food businesses aiming to adapt to the changing marketplace.Independent.ie, 20 March 2021, i: smo .. ngo/v i) also, too on je ne samo darovit, nego i jako marljiv he is not only talented, but also very industrious so, so that (= te, pa) umorio sam se i nisam mogao vie igrati koarku I grew tired, so, industrial: industrial tribunal industrial union industrialism industrialize industrially industrialness Related words & phrases industrious Translations industrial - of or relating to industry Armenian: , assiduous: Since the 18th century, this term has sometimes carried a connotation of servility. The Adjective sweeter is said to be in the Comparative Degree. industrious + -ly By centurys end, however, the "diffusion of knowledge" to all white citizens was being described by many political thinkers as critical to securing the new republic, and more formal education had gained popularity. *Positive degree:- No other member of the team is as soft as her. The country depopulated as the result of this delusion was afterwards peopled by European settlers, among whom were members of the German legion which had served with the British army in the Crimea, and some 2000 industrious North German emigrants, who proved a valuable acquisition to the colony. Abdurrahman III., an Oriental ruler of the great stamp, industrious, resolute, capable of justice, magnificent, and free handed without profusion, was eminently qualified to give all that his people wanted. They have shown themselves to be industrious, thrifty and lawabiding. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Inflection of WordSense is an English dictionary containing information about the meaning, the spelling, synonyms, translations and more.We answer the questions: What does industrious mean? Inflection of industristdernas (Swedish)
(8) Superlative degree:- Health is the most important thing in our life. Inflection of industristder (Swedish) Gracias a que es superaplicado, Alan obtuvo calificaciones casi perfectas en sus exmenes finales. When oligos is used in the plural, it means "few." The cultivators, including landowners, tenants, hired labourers and slaves, represent the working population of the country, and as industrious and successful agriculturists they are unsurpassed in Asia. Apaches, Pimas, Papagoes have been employed by the United States on great irrigation works, and have proved industrious and faithful labourers. In spite of his weak health, he was indefatigably industrious. Perhaps no more industrious compiler of knowledge ever lived. His clear mind and industrious habits drew him to questions of finance. Details can be found in the individual articles. The most industrious race of Europe, they repressed industry.
Origin & history industris (Danish) 2022 LoveToKnow Media. 2022 Duke University Press. Noun The immigrants in our community are very industrious, and a lot of them eventually establish businesses. The people are peaceful and industrious, and chiefly occupied with agriculture. *Comparative degree:- She was softer than any other member of the team. (6) Superlative degree:- Lai Haroba is the oldest dance form of Manipur. There was also a very considerable caravan trade in native goods which the industrious Hausa population carried for great distances through the western and central states of the Sudan. From Middle French industrieux, from Late Latin industriosus (diligent, active, industrious), from Latin industria (diligence, industry); see industry. The people are industrious, and many of them seek employment as labourers in the Morea and Asia Minor. Among the wildest of them head-hunting is still a common practice; but the majority are industrious farmers laying out their fields on artificial terraces and constructing irrigation canals with remarkable skill. Adjectives of Number (or Numeral Adjectives) show how many persons or things are While engaged on this work. Noun Aargau is an industrious and prosperous canton, straw-plaiting, tobacco-growing, silk-ribbon weaving, and salmon-fishing in the Rhine being among the chief industries.
All rights reserved. *Comparative degree:- Peacock is more beautiful than any other bird. Synonyms meticulous, diligent, sedulous See also industrious Derived words & phrases assiduously assiduousness Translations assiduous - hard-working, diligent, : too , he is not only talented, but also very industrious so, so that (= , ) , masker: with great resolutions and hopes, and returns with maskered fears, and despairs; neither is he like those that take more care, and are more industrious to get gay clothes, and fine feathers, [] (intransitive, now, chiefly, dialectal) To be bewildered, Cite this page: "industrious" WordSense Online Dictionary (22nd July, 2022) URL: https://www.wordsense.eu/industrious/. Search for other works by this author on: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (1996) 16 (1): 1526. The inhabitants are described as moral, religious, hospitable to strangers, well mannered and industrious, healthy and long lived. Oligopoly Examples, Meaning and Characteristics. Although careful and industrious, Addington had no brilliant qualities, and his mediocrity afforded opportunity for attack by his enemies. (4) Superlative degree :- Lata is the most industrious girl in the class. Hardy, simple and industrious, fond of music, kind-hearted, and with a strangely artistic taste in dress, these people possess in a wonderful degree the secret of cheerful contentment. They are industrious, frugal and intelligent; the richer among them are excellent men of business and are peculiarly equitable in their dealings; the majority of all classes can read and write their own script, and the second generation acquires an education of an European type with great facility. This Tentamen, containing his complete method of classifying birds in general, naturally received much attention, the more so perhaps, since, with its appendices, it was nearly the last labour of its respected author, whose industrious life came to an end in the course of the following year. Father Sirmond was a most industrious scholar, and his criticisms were as enlightened as was possible for a man living in those times. According to Lilly, this pale violet star sharpens the understanding, memory, and makes men industrious. Thanks to being super industrious, Alan got near perfect grades on his final exams. Sober and industrious, good farmers and skilful artisans, they scarcely ever had recourse to a lawsuit, and lived peaceably under their native chiefs. Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. In character they are industrious and hospitable, and pique themselves on their loyalty and orthodoxy. (10) Superlative degree:- She was the softest member of the team. An American chemist, inventor, and manufacturer, Leo Hendrik Baekeland (1863-1944) invented Bakelite, the first plastic to be used widely in industry. (4) Superlative degree :- Lata is the most industrious girl in the class. Positive, and is used when two things (or sets of things) are compared, The Adjective sweetest is said to be in the Superlative Degree. These highlands, formerly known as the Raigarh Bichhia tract, remained desolate and neglected until 1866, when the district of Balaghat was formed, and the country opened to the industrious and enterprising peasantry of the Wainganga valley. 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While the discovery of bromine and the preparation of many of its compounds was his most conspicuous piece of work, Balard was an industrious chemist on both the pure and applied sides. The Positive Degree of an Adjective is the Adjective in its simple form. They are industrious and abstemious in their lives, and when living up to the standard of their faith they present one of the nearest approaches to the realization of the Christian ideal which have ever been attained. This fact had considerable influence on the inhabitants, both by enforcing industrious habits and by leading them at an early period to take to the sea. The islanders are a Spanish race, very closely akin to the Catalans; but the long period of Moorish rule has left its mark on their physical type and customs. 1996: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa & the Middle East. (9) Superlative degree:- The Noble prize is the highest award in the world. He is industrious in collecting facts, careful and impartial in stating them; his judgment is sound, his reflections generally acute, his conceptions of the general march and movement of things not unworthy of the great events he has recorded. Genitive singular indefinite of industristad (Swedish) Lastly, I confess that I have as vast contemplative ends as I have moderate civil ends; for I have taken all knowledge to be my province; and if I could purge it of two sorts of rovers, whereof the one with frivolous disputations, confutations and verbosities, the other with blind experiments and auricular traditions and impostures, hath committed so many spoils, I hope I should bring in industrious observations, grounded conclusions and profitable inventions and discoveries - the best state of that province. They are also more hardy and industrious than those living nearer the equator. Versailles sterilized all the idle upper classes, exploited the industrious classes by its extravagance, and more and more broke relations between king and kingdom. Cibrario was a good example of the loyal, industrious, honest Piedmontese aristocrat of the old school. The Falashas are an industrious people, living for the most part in villages of their own, or, if they settle in a Christian or Mahommedan town, occupying a separate quarter. *Comparative degree:- Lata is more industrious than any other girl in the class. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, About Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Special Issue: Divergent Modernities: Critical Perspectives on Orientalism, Islamism and Nationalism, YOGA AND XENOPHILIA: Ambiguity Now and Then, The Mughal Book of War : A Persian Translation of the Sanskrit Mahabharata, TRANSRELIGIOUS AND INTERCOMMUNAL: Hindustani Music in Classical and Contemporary North India, Premsagar (1810) and Orientalist Narratives of the Invention Of Modern Hindi. He retired from public life in 1870, but was unceasingly industrious with his pen.