If you have questions about training or need accommodations to participate email SDSTraining@alaska.gov. Phone: 907-272-8270 Toll-free: 800-243-2199 Location: 2702 Gambell St, Ste 103, Anchorage, AK 99503, Trust Training Cooperative - http://www.trusttrainingcoop.org Learning Management System - http://www.ttclms.org. SDS will only issue certificates of CIR training completion for program administrators or agency trainers.
Includes history of Waivers and other basic legislation that informs home and community based supports, eligibility, and state and federal requirements. Additional costs not included in this price are, but not limited to: drug test and physicals, transportation, room and board, child care, etc. NSTC: Camps & Safety OrientationDescription: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope have the basic information they need about traveling, living in the camps and general safety practices and rules for working in the remote areas. Find out more about the responsibilities and requirements to be certified as a provider. Each unit will take about 10 minutes to complete. var dEnd='&dend=' + data.endDate; When employers ask, "Do you have an NSTC card? Do you want to become a provider of Alaska Medicaid Home and Community Based Long Term Services and Supports? The cost to attend North Slope Training Cooperative is $250. Check the SDS Training Calendar for CEH Webinars. The training consists of the following six courses: NSTC: Alaska Safety Handbook(ASH)Description: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope can use the Alaska Safety Handbook (ASH) as a key reference to identify correct safety policies and procedures utilized on the North Slope. This is a 14 minute video. var title=data.name.replace(/[\/\\,' \/ ',' ']/g, '-');
being NSTC and NSTC (North Slope Training Course). 2022 Northern Industrial Training, LLC. NSTC: Environmental ExcellenceDescription: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope recognize and use company and regulatory policies to minimize the effects of operations on the environment.
Allow one hour to complete the online training and quiz. 3 0 obj Learnmore and register here. stream

It is not intended to be all inclusive, grant rights, impose obligations, or function as a stand-alone document.
Training is available in live facilitated webinars and recordings.
Register for training-on-demand from the links on this page. NSTC: Hazard Communication (HAZCOM)Description: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope can recognize health and physical hazards in the workplace and take steps to control them. Required prior to taking Care Coordination Core Units offered by SDS for new care coordinator applicants not yet certified. The State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Senior and Disabilities Services employees and staff make no representation, warranty or guarantee that this compilation of information is error-free and/or comprehensive and will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of the use of this curriculum.
A non-technical training to help you learn how to prepare yourself and your computer to use the Harmony Data System. Alaska has a crisis hotline for those in need of support. This is a 35 minute video and quiz.
Scroll down to read course descriptions and class requirements. Prior to enrolling in a course for a certification, please contact the proper school or certification administrators for information regarding certification requirements.
Adult Protective Services Mandatory Reporting Video Only, optional training resources available here, Critical Incident Reporting Training-On-Demand, CCCORE-AKTC Basic Concepts of Care Coordination, presented by The Alaska Training Cooperative. A network of interdisciplinary centers advancing policy and practice for and with individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities. You can reach them at 1-877-266-HELP (4357) or online at www.carelinealaska.com.
The TTC receives funding from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and is a program at the Center for Human Development-UAA. I paid for and took the 6-pack & H2S on my own hoping that it would give me an edge over other applicants.
There is a registration fee.
The AKTC promotes career development opportunities for direct service workers, supervisors, and professionals in the field engaged with Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiaries, by ensuring that technical assistance and training is accessible and coordinated. The Council reviews the Director's report, project updates from the team members, budget updates, and assists the team in setting priorities.

2011 Association of University Centers on Disabilities, he Trust Training Cooperative (TTC) has been active since, - Leading and partnering with training entities, - Brokering and facilitating non-academic training based on identified training gaps, - Utilizing tools that assist with training delivery, Assist in the delivery of training provided by agencies, organizations,businesses, and associations to a broader audience via distance delivery (audio conferencing, video. Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend.
TTC staff provide Technical Assistanceto agencies, organizations, businesses,and associations providing services to the beneficiary populations* of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.
Exam is detailed and discussions applicable to the general outlines of everyone's Job Positions. These motivational sessions offer an opportunity to explore and discover new pathways for managing the complexities that surround us during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Using the Managing Complex Change formula as a basis, Motivational Mondays aim to serve as anoasis of calmamong the feelings of uncertainty and chaos. I got the job.
conferencing, web-based), sharing of training materials, or coordination of shared training.
Assist in updating current training materials agencies, organizations, businesses, and associations are interested in sharing with other providers to assure that the training content and learning objectives meet competencies identified in the Alaskan Core Competencies for Direct Care Workers in Health and Human Services.
Learn more about roles, responsibilities, and documentation. CCCORE-02-TOD Care Coordinator Training On Demand How do I Become a Care Coordinator?
I was told that maybe 5% of the students are there on their own. These classes must be completed before arrival on the slope.
The session includes procedures for acquiring and using Material Safety and Physical Agent Data Sheets (MSDS and PADS). With it, an employer can hire you and send you to the slope immediately. Available as a live facilitated webinar.
Allow 45 minutes to one hour to view 2 short videos and answer the quiz questions.
This school offers training in 2 qualifications, Interdisciplinary Technical Assistance Center on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, CDC: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, AUCD ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY CENTERS ON DISABILITIES Research, Education, Service, Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), International Professional Fellows Program, Embedding Cultural Diversity and Cultural and Linguistic Competence, Family Interaction Training (FIT) Program, Prepared4ALL: Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning, Council on Research and Evaluation (CORE), Community Education and Dissemination Council (CEDC), National Training Directors Council (NTDC), Introducing the Trust Training Cooperative (TTC), a program of the AK UCEDD. Use the calendar to view all current trainings.
Presenter: Tom McRoberts, MSW
An array of resources will be discussed and reviewed to encourage resiliency today and into the future. The TTC is a strategy of the Trust's Workforce Development Initiative designed to address statewide training needs and as a coordinated response for training the direct service workforce who provides services to Trust beneficiaries. I think it was very informative and helpful in the everyday safety that everyone needs to work in those extreme temperature conditions and being so remote either on or off shore facilities.
Email SDSTraining@alaska.gov to request the link to online training. Together, we will create our supportive network. }); The following information applies to all NIT vocational programs, and any continued education programs exceeding 80 hours: It is the applicants responsibility to secure funding or provide payment for tuition and any training related costs. The "Unescorted" comes in because with this training you are allowed to travel independently, or unescorted, throughout the field.
Classes have limited enrollment. This is an opportunity for a live discussion of the realities of compassion fatigue and the anxiety of present circumstances. Assist with the development of training opportunities that address an identified training need that is supported/recommended by the TTC Advisory Council.
If you have already completed NSTC Unescorted training and can produce your card, then you are ahead of the game when it comes to getting hired. Please check your entries and try again. The Trust Training Cooperative (TTC) has been active since 2007.
Email SDTStraining@alaska.gov for information.
Presenter: Charlie Johanson-Adams, CPP, This training is focused on providinga foundation of understandinghow to create and maintain a supported environment and to model positive self-care during unsettling times.
Individuals can browse an online catalog of available training and create a free user portfolio with the Learning Management System (LMS) to help keep track of the training, education, and conferences theyve completed.trusttrainingcoop.org, RADACT provides training to help individuals meet the ongoing requirements of certification for Chemical Dependency and Behavioral Health Counselor Certification as well as the requirements for clinical supervision and administration.radact.com. article.find('a.mec-booking-button').attr('href', url);
This training and quiz will help you learn more about mandatory reporting in Alaska: making reports of harm for vulnerable adults.
Join us for an open discussion about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Written by an Indeed User on February 23, 2020, 11:54 PM, Good teachers, Affordable, Helpful career services, Positive environment, Good career preparation, Hands-on training. Seewww.nstc.apicc.org. What are some positive strategies that your clients are using to cope with the pandemic? All Rights Reserved, Every North Slope job requires that you complete. This card lists the courses that you have completed. Required training for currently certified care coordinators who are applying for renewal of certification. xkS8;U}s[S]8JNX_wy@8a"eYP_j[T(+Yx" l8g8*d49}y1_Xi[.BaeZpzlOX2gWl3d+ !L{s`jpn jZ,@9|!@ C3Ca039g&ie.
This is a one hour video. The 6-pack takes approximately 8 hours and the H2S class lasts another hour.
Learn about habilitation services, their definitions and purpose. 2022 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network, National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC, Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Racial Equity and Cultural Diversity Resources, Responding to COVID-19 | School Mental Health, Best and Promising Practices (BPP) Fact Sheet Library, National School Mental Health Best Practices: Implementation Guidance Modules, National American Indian and Alaska Native, Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, Early Serious Mental Illness Treatment Locator, SAMHSAs National Helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357), SAMHSAs Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. Nothing on the site is a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding any legal matter. Available throughout the year as a live facilitated webinar and face to face class.
This shall be indicated on the employees NSTC card.
To Contact an Alaska Mental Health or Substance Use Treatment Provider, or to learn more about your options, visitFind a Treatment Provider.
NSTC: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)Description: This course is provided to ensure that personnel working in H2S designated areas on the North Slope can recognize the hazardous characteristics of H2S and can correctly apply the standards, procedures and emergency response practices for potential exposures. Good overall course about Health, Safety & Enviromental Guidlines. Complete this recorded training to learn the basics of the Harmony Data System website. Copyright AlaskaPipelineJobInfo.com. Although every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in this document, the ultimate responsibility for compliance lies with the provider of services.
The NSTC Curriculum is based on the Alaska Safety Handbooks and the Environmental Field Handbook.
CIR Training-On-Demand (or for non-administrative care coordinators - complete CIR training within your agency), Read learning units in Care Coordination Study Guide.
This training has several units starting with the basics.
The TTC promotes career development opportunities for direct service workers* and their supervisors engaged with Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiaries, by ensuring that technical assistance and training is accessible and coordinated by: Goal 1 - Leading and partnering with training entities, Goal 2 - Brokering and facilitating non-academic training based on identified training gaps, Goal 3 - Utilizing tools that assist with training delivery. endobj There is NO substitute for this training and it must be taught by a certified instructor (see link below for providers).
Learn how to complete PCS (only) applications, reapplications and changes of status in the Harmony Data System. For providers of habilitation services.
It is not available online. endobj
The module will cover the procedures and guidelines in the North Slope Environmental Field Handbook. SDS Training Recommendation: Allow 30 days minimum to complete the self-paced training and exam, Optional training for currently certified care coordinators who need continuing education hours according to the Care Coordinator Conditions of Participation. Harmony Data System topics for currently certified/enrolled Care Coordinators. Email SDSTraining@alaska.gov for information.
NSTC: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Description: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope have the ability to identify potential hazards and correctly use personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against personal injury. Required training for certified/enrolled PCS Administrators and administrative staff, and Care Coordinators only. Every North Slope job requires that you completeNSTC Unescorted training. Something went wrong.
Alaska has a crisis hotline for those in need of support. The session provides an overview of the policies and procedures for HSE activities on the Slope. var article=jQuery(this); The information contained in SDS trainings was current at the time it was written. Full Lives draws a wide range of attendees that provide services in developmental disabilities, behavioral health, traumatic brain injuries, substance related disorders, and senior services. depending on the qualification, with a median time to complete of 2 weeks. Bring your challenges and your successes to share and discuss in a safe community space.
While we don't have any currently on the schedule, please. Join theAlaska Training Cooperative (AKTC) for these free, online, any-time trainings available through June 30, 2020. This training series is in development check the training calendar often for updates. <> If you want more information about becoming a certified Care Coordinator in Alaska, please click or tap here to review our Frequently Asked Questions. Log on today and check out what'savailable for you on the TTC LMS!
var dStart='&dstart=' + data.startDate; 4 0 obj
Some companies have their own NSTC trainers while others send you to a class.
CFC-PCS providers must train staff who are helping individuals who choose to learn independence skills. Held at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage, in April of every year, this three day conference is offered in partnership with The Alaska Training Cooperative. Topics include resources to check your computers readiness, how to download the correct browser, how to use a browser to find a website when you have the exact web address, tips, common troubleshooting answers, resources and terms and definitions. Topics may include: Service principles; Person Centered Service; Certification; Agency Based PCA vs. Consumer Directed PCA services; Application, Assessment & Renewal; Non-covered Services; Responsibilities as a provider; PCA in combination with HCB Waivers, and Community First Choice. A refresher is required any time there is a major change to the program (rare) and when the Alaska Safety Handbook (ASH) is updated. CCCORE-01-TOD Care Coordinator Training On Demand - What are Long Term Services and Supports?
Learning Management System(LMS) Catalog of Trainings, The TTC Meets Quarterly with the TTC Advisory Council.
Allow 30 days minimum to complete the course and exam. Your NSTC card is valid as long as you complete required refresher training. % Allow one hour for completing both.
Good for a new user or as a refresher. Visitors who are not NSTC trained must be escorted at all times by a qualified individual whenever they are out in the field or at a worksite.
The H2S course costs $15 and takes another hour. For new provider applicants and those who have not yet applied for certification. The Unescorted 6-pack costs $190 and takes 8-9 hours to complete.
All information on this page, including but not limited to price, cost, instructions, descriptions, and the content of a certification course, is presented for informational and promotional purposes only, is not legal advice, may be an approximation, is subject to change, and may have been generated by third parties. Topics include: Ethics, How to Serve Someone with a Disability, Advocacy, and Planning Services. Attending this training is part of your job and you are paid to take it. Training is offered in live facilitated webinars and recordings. Complete the series in order, 1 through 3.
Many workers must also take an Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness class. Complete the series in order, 1 through 6. Time to complete this education training ranges from 8 hours to 2 weeks
Presenter: Jill Ramsey.
Application of standards, permits and guiding principles are covered in the course. jQuery(document).ready(function(){
Open space, along with gentle coaching and co-created direction duringthis 90-minute sessionwill provide inspiration, awareness and enticement for committing to practice new approaches learned. Try a non-credit Care Coordinator practice exam!
This training is only available in the state of Alaska. This training includes how to train staff at your agency and resources. If you or a loved one are experiencing a psychiatric or substance abuse related emergency,please call 911.
Distance delivered training opportunities, Support for content experts to develop and deliver trainings via distance, Technical assistance to transition materials to distance format, Delivery of training using distance methods, Full Lives Conference for Direct Service Professionals, Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Certificate Program, Behavioral Health Assisted Living Home Staff & Administrators' Training, Web-based system that offers aone-stop shop for various types ofprofessional training opportunities, Offers an Online Catalog of availabletrainings statewide and free listings, On-line, virtual classroom, andInstructor-led courses, Tracking of a User's trainings,conferences and educationalparticipation in an E-Portfolio.
if(data.grantFunding=='1'){ Introducing the Trust Training Cooperative. If you have not completed the NSTC Unescorted 6-pack then your company will put you through training. $35.00 tuition fee. These classes are taught all on the same day - it's a long classroom session but very interesting. In addition to providing training, the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification is the entity charged with certifying Chemical Dependency Counselors and Behavioral Health Counselors in the State of Alaska. All company or contract employees must also complete all other applicable regulatory training specific to their assigned job task exposures prior to commencing work. An applicant may apply at any time but may enter class only on specified starting dates. North Slope Training Cooperative is located in Anchorage, AK. SDS webinars may not work if you are using a Hotmail or AOL email address.
View more schools offering NSTC (North Slope Training Course), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Certification, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30 Hour Certification, Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Certification, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification, Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Certification, Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ Certification. Choose your training(s) in the calendar and click or tap on them to register. What have been the biggest recent challenges to you and your agency and how have you overcome them? This training will qualify you to apply to SDS for access to Harmony as a user and/or your agencys Harmony Access Coordinator. To prove that you are NSTC certified, you are issued an official NSTC card that you must be able to produce on demand.
1 0 obj
Explore the Alaska Training Cooperative to help meet your CEH training needs!
Email SDSTraining@alaska.gov to request the link to training and materials.
<>/Metadata 421 0 R/ViewerPreferences 422 0 R>> Learn the requirements for Critical Incident Reporting to comply with Home and Community Based Waiver and Personal Care Services conditions of participation.
NSTC: HAZWOPER First Responder AwarenessDescription: This module is part of the NSTC Unescorted course and is provided to ensure that personnel working on the North Slope can demonstrate the proper response to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances. For more general information, support, and help, dial 2-1-1 or visit www.alaska211.org.
{}b67;8I.A6uz|'B m c. Topics for discussion: Trauma Informed Care is an approach that considers how the people we serve are impacted by traumatic events in their lives and offers strategies to help people feel safe, respected, and empowered to begin healing from the impact of trauma. Care Coordinators currently certified for 24 months or more may choose the conference and an assignment from SDS Training as required training for recertification. Anyone can sign up for and take NSTC training.
North slope training and safety.
REQUIRED of prospective administrators to apply for initial certification as a PCS or CFC-PCS Agency.