The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state. 1160. 1. 9. 2. Im not (am not) -ing you/we/they + arent (are not) + -ing Practice infinitive vs gerund with 2043 exercises and improve your English grammar. Gerunds vs Present Participles. Gerund Progressive/Continuous.

1. Gerunds and infinitives exercise 2 verb ing and to infinitive after certain verbs check the list of verbs for this exercise. Exercises; Even though both forms end in -ing, it is easy to find out whether it is a Gerund or a Continuous form. 1. Continuous Tenses. These tenses are formed with to be and the infinitive + ing. Sentence. Tense. She is watching television. Present Continuous. She was watching television. Search: Verb Form Exercises With Answers Pdf. For example, I went running this morning or Were going to go kayaking next summer..

My brother has a daughter and a son. We often go to the cinema. 12 Tenses Pdf Notes & Documents with Exercises. Present continuous vs going to exercises pdf with answers. Part 1 of the Gerunds and Infinitives Tutorial explains what gerunds and infinitives are and how to begin using them in everyday English perfect-english-g Download PDF infinitives gerunds participles jccsskc edu hk Underline any time expressions and references to help you work out which tense should go in each gap It is a circus that travels.) I saw him get on the bus yesterday afternoon (GET). 12. There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer. Gerund or Progressive/Continuous - Online Exercise - English. GI005 - Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Worksheet 2 Answers: 1. If you are using mobile phone, you could also use 101 Infinitive Gerund PDF Worksheets Swimming keeps me in shape. with the present continuous. Verb + Gerund Review. Don't forget to bookmark present continuous exercises pdf for beginners using Ctrl + D (PC) or Command + D (macos). Always check the oil, before you start the car. Correct! present participle. In sentence 1, Swimming (V1 + ing) act as subject. Use gerunds in the following sentences : 1. Progressive/Continuous The difference is in their functions in a sentence. Q. I am swimming in the ocean. Present continuous affirmative Present continuous negative Im (am) + -ing you/we/they + re (are) + -ing he/she/it + s (is) + -ing Im drinking coffee. Swimming in your pool is always fun. You can check the answers and learn the result of your quiz after you finish the test. Simple Present Tense PDF 3. Conditional Perfect Our free, printable gerund worksheets are yet another treasure chest of practice that squarely fits our tradition of ease of learning by giving a simple, short, and telling definition at the outset and following it up with scads of practice sheets. Past Tense. Q. A verb ending in -ing is either a present participle or a gerund. Reviewing some examples of infinitive verbs can help to understand this part of speech Exercises (Gerunds-Infinitives) -with answers! Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2 answers 1 We arranged to meet under the station clock at half nine. 4. In this gerunds and infinitives activity, students write sentences about themselves with gerunds and infinitives and then play a guessing game using the sentences. Hope that helps! Gerund and infinitive - 1. (The logical object of the non-finite verb, encouraged, is the Basic gerunds likes/dislikes (PDF) Gerunds / infinitives 8 - pdf. It can also be a listening activity. It is bag for traveling. To smoke is a bad habit This page is an introduction to the most important ones: Fill in the gerund with the correct preposition Gerund or Infinitive - Exercise 1 1) A lot of people are worried about losing their jobs It's no good forcing him to go with us It's no good forcing him to go with us. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. My grandfather often comes over for dinner at the weekends. Basic gerunds vocabulary and listening/speaking exercise for talking about likes and dislikes. 2. 1. Type in the verbs correctly (Infinitive with/without to, or gerund). BIOLOGY FORM 1 NOTES Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1 1 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1 1 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form. 3. GI006 - Gerund and Infinitive. 12. 3. when I know I could be (do) something useful at work. After that, 7. Verbs followed by Gerund Example: I enjoy cooking. My friend really enjoys books and 9. Continuous Tenses. Make the present continuous (mixed Complete the following sentences using the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. (JOIN) 5. habitual action in the present: be used to doing something |Note: the to here is not indicating the infinitive, but rather forms part of the verb with used. Gerunds / infinitives 5 - pdf. Present Simple or Present Continuous? When ing forms are used as the subject or object of a verb or the object of a preposition, they are gerunds. Any action verb can be made into a gerund: bake baking. Decide whether the ( to meet ) 2 I always try to avoid seeing him whenever I can. Say whether the ing forms given in the following sentences are gerunds or present participles. Trying gerund, object of the preposition at 13. Unlike Participles, Gerunds may be preceded by prepositions (I apologize for being late. Q. Q. I love swimming in the ocean. I learnt driving. A. This is the infinitive and gerund section of Busy Teacher. El present continuous se usa para hablar de acciones que estn ocurriendo ahora mismo. KEY 1. Hence Gerund is also called Verb-Noun. Simple Present Tense PDF 4. 2. I like (leave) home before 8.15 in the morning. Present simple and present continuous exercises pdf language worksheets Video Songs No tags for this post. You don't like chocolate. Spending gerund object of the verb hates 5. Exercise 4 (In PDF here) Choose a gerund or infinitive when it changes the meaning; Go to the main gerunds and infinitives explanation page here. Structures after wish. A gerund is a form of a verb that acts as a _____. Reply. : Gerund or Infinitive exercises 1 2 : 5 mar 2013 7:15: Carlos Enrique Aguilar: : Gerund or Infinitive exercises 1. Swimming is a good exercise. A phrasal verb is a combination of words (a verb + a preposition or verb +adverb) that when used together, usually take on a different meaning to that of the original verb In the article below I cover Causative Verbs Exercise With Answers For Beginners This year there has been a rise in unemployment to 10% Students > Kim. Bill refused to join the youth club because he didn't like the young people there. Ted is taking a shower right now. GERUNDS and INFINITIVES Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of GERUNDS and INFINITIVES. Gerund or Continuous Exercise 1. To praise all alike is to praise none. GI011 - Gerund and Infinitive. GERUND EXERCISES. He was afraid Usually, Nathalie and Chantal 101 free printable present continuous pdf worksheets with answer keys. External link to: Complement. Worksheet 1 Answers: 1. After a preposition Example: I did my homework before going out. Ted is taking a shower right now. a) the playing children b) the painted house c) a used car d) the singing girl e) the stolen bike f) a broken window 2.2 Translate these expressions into English: ein verstecktes Ei ein schlafender Drache ein 6. What are we having for dinner tonight? In general, go +ing/gerund is used for free time activities. 5. 2. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced . 3. 3. Last week my friends and I were busy (prepare) a surprise party for our friend Judy. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Click here to download this exercise in pdf with answers. Verbals- Gerunds and Participles Exercise on Gerunds: Underline the gerunds or gerund phrases in the following sentences and label how they function in the sentence (subject, direct object, subject complement, object of preposition). I cannot go on to do nothing. My father usually reads the newspaper in the evenings. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Q. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Level: elementary Age: 9-12 Downloads: 1185 Questions Present Continuous Level: elementary Age: 11-17 Downloads: 1202 Present Continuous (1) - Use + Czas Present Continuous - wiczenia I . Gerunds look like present participles, which are used to The Present Simple Tense. Present Tense - Simple or Progressive T22 Elementary . 1. Make the present continuous (mixed exercise 3) (download the PDF) Use the Present Continuous. 8. That means gerunds are similar to nouns The answer is: cooking, (2) He refuses (talk) to me Download PDF I don't understand (his not receiving) the award I don't understand (his not receiving) the award. 2. Home Page; About Intro Subject. 101 free printable infinitive gerund pdf worksheets with answer keys. Hiking can be a relaxing and rewarding activity. Simple Present Tense PDF 1. Search: Infinitive Exercises With Answers. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Past Tenses. Students complete sentences 1 to 10 on their numbered worksheet with doing or to do, e.g. GI010 - Gerund and Infinitive. Task No. Future forms (will, be going to, Present Continuous) Conditional sentences (if-clauses) Mixed Conditionals. 3. Choose the present simple or present continuous exercise 1 (download the PDF) 3 Being encouraged by this discovery, the researchers went on working with all the more application and fortitude. Forwarded future actions can be expressed by this continuous stretched with a time expression or by being going to form with enough sleep is very important for 10. Simple gerund vs perfect gerund There is usually no difference between using the simple gerund or the perfect gerund, because the context usually makes it clear when the action happened. Even though both forms end in -ing, it is easy to find out whether it is a Gerund or a Continuous form. 1. Continuous Tenses These tenses are formed with to be and the infinitive + ing. Remember, gerunds are words that are formed from verbs and used as nouns, always ending in -ing; participles are words created from verbs that can be used as adjectives or in adverbial phrases, also ending in -ing (unless expressing past tense); and infinitives are verbs that take the simple tense and follow the preposition to. I don't like (sit) in traffic. Gerund. He is reading books. Search: Verb Form Exercises With Answers Pdf. ans : Always check the oil, before starting the car. 5. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Levels of Difficulty : ElementaryIntermediateAdvanced Gerund GI005 - Gerund with preposition Intermediate Worksheet: gerunds / infinitives 1. 1. Grammar 4. He likes reading books. She Simple, continuous and perfect infinitives and gerunds We use the perfect infinitive or the perfect gerund to emphasize that the action is complete or in the past. infinitives gerunds participles jccsskc edu hk See how many you can get right You have the right to remain silent You have the right to remain silent. GI009 - Gerund and Infinitive. Search: Infinitive Exercises With Answers. GI008 - Gerund and Infinitive. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Verbs not usually used in the continuous form: Worksheet 1: Answer Key 1: Gerund as subject; by / for + gerund; after / before + participle clause: Worksheet 2: Answer Key 2: Verb + gerund or ENGLISH EXERCISES PDF WITH ANSWERS This page regroup all the exercises of (Grammar + Level tests + Vocabulary exercises). 4. ans : Praising all alike is praising none. Priti is an expert at cooking. What are we having for dinner tonight? He needs Manshus help to solve the problem. You will find 134 worksheets on this topic as well as a very useful article with some suggestions on how to explain the difference Speaking gerund, object of the preposition fun. Search: Infinitive Exercises With Answers. bag. 1162 gerund or infinitive after 7. Spending gerund object of the verb hates 5. The kids are playing outside at the moment. WORKSHEET 5 : Past form of verb To Be WORKSHEET 6 : Test your knowledge of whether a verb is followed by a gerund or an infinitive 3-answer questions 4 14,159 Downloads Gerund or infinitive She told us where to find the necessary material Use the below words to form a complete sentence Adjective phrases modify the noun or pronoun in front of them Adjective phrases Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of Since the simple gerund and the present participle have the same form (verb- ing ), sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether an -ing form is a gerund or a present participle. 1. (FIND) 3. I am Hearing a loud noise we ran to the window. to pull my suitcase. Intro Property Turkey. Practice present continuous tense with 2041 exercises and improve your English grammar. My sister had trouble finding her way around in the university halls. THE VERB TO BE: PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. Simple Present Tense PDF 2. Gerunds OR Infinitives + KEY A phrase can act as a noun, an adjective, a preposition or an adverb Fill in the gerund with the correct preposition Includes gerund and infinitive list (Find the infinitive of the verbs and don't forget 'to') Exercise 6 (Complete with the right verb) Exercise 7 (Choose the most appropriate answer) Exercise 8 (Choose the right verb) Exercise 9 (Put the verb into the gerund or the I am writing an e-mail Telling lies wont help anyone. Gerund. Simple Present Exercises. GI007 - Gerund and Infinitive. a) to read a) learn b) reading b) learning c) to reads c) to learning 2. Wrong! be busy doing something. I like watching television. Participles and Gerunds Exercise. State whether the ing forms given in the following sentences are participles or gerunds. In the case of participles, name the noun or pronoun they qualify. In the case of gerunds, state what function they serve in the sentence. 1. Hearing a loud noise, we ran to the window. EXERCISE 2.1 Mark present and past participles in different colors and translate the phrases into German. Dancing is my passion. 3. Select the incorrect use of a gerund in a sentence. They cover all the grammatical bases such as: tenses, verbs, modals, adjectives with many fun quizzes and tests. National Geographic Learning | English Learning Programs and Resources Students then move on to answer questions in the present simple or present continuous, according to the time expression used in each question. 1162 gerund or infinitive after verbs exercise 1. Past Tense - Simple or Progressive T9 Intermediate; Past Tense - Simple or Progressive T15 Intermediate; Past Tense 4. gerund; It is a travelling circus. Answer; 2. Then identify the function of each one (subject, subject complement, noun Gerunds / infinitives 7 - pdf. Answer; 3. A revision on present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, stative verbs, too and enough, present and 14,043 Downloads . It may be worth remembering that a gerund always functions as a noun: Function. Search: Infinitive Exercises With Answers. But you can use this form with any verb tense, changing the form of go.. Exercise 3 (In PDF here) Choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. to the pictures. Other English exercises on the same topics: -ing | Present [Change theme]. 14 Questions Show answers. Students can't expect for things to be easy all the time. Click here to download this exercise in pdf with answers. 3-answer questions 4 14,159 Downloads Gerund or infinitive Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses Knock Knock Prank Sound Gif. > Similar tests: - Placement test : grammar - Present continuous - Present simple 6 Gerund - English These worksheets can be used by high school students, ESL students and The present continuous tense multiple choice test 4. I think that a second language is magazines. Present Simple Tense Detailed Expressions. A revision on present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, stative verbs, too and enough, present and 14,027 Downloads . Gerund Worksheets. 04/16/2018 at 12:45PM. 2. something you enjoy doing in your free time. GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES 333 EXERCISE 1 Read the following text and underline all gerunds and infinitives. Take a look at our FREE RESOURCES in PDF format and try some of our vocabulary exercises HERE. Shes learning French. These tenses are formed with to be and the infinitive + ing. Exercise. Hearing a loud noise we ran to the window. 4. Need more practice? 6. Daily Routines Simple Present Tense. 2. Even though both forms end in -ing, it is easy to find out whether it is a Gerund or a Continuous form. The present participle is a form of a verb used as a verb in continuous tenses, an adverb or an adjective. My school begins at nine every day. He would have been reading a book if he had had time. Worksheet 2 Answers: 1. Verbals- Gerunds and Participles Exercise on Gerunds: Underline the gerunds or gerund phrases in the following sentences and label how they function in the sentence (subject, direct object,