With this in mind, we will aim to keep these comps in mind as we rank our HOTS Tier List. Mishas charge is a nice stun, which can become easier to land when paired with his Unleash the Boars ultimate. Hanzos very potent from long range and is one of the best choices if you want to dole some early poke damage. With that said, Deathwing has the ability to create map pressure and be a massive threat in team fights. Moreso, this ability is an amazing tool for following up on engages, or being an engage option if your team lacks dives. It is easy to see why, as he has one of the strongest single-target heals with Holy Light, which comes in handy when a double assassin or bruiser pile on a kill target. Zeratul is a sneaky and mobile character, moving in stealth when out of combat and able to deliver high burst damage. The sustained damage is her Maelstrom ultimate, which also deals AOE damage.

Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. is another bruiser living the S Tier life. Heroes of the Storm is approaching its fifth anniversary, marking half-a-decade of crossover MOBA action. So, while not quite A Tier, theres still quality to be found in this set of heroes. Therefore, he is better in Tank based comps rather than Double Bruisers. Please note, we did not include a Support section because there are few Support Heroes, and they are all low win-rate. The Healing Pathogen proves strong healing, which can spread to other allies. Arthas deals much more damage than most other tanks and even has decent self-sustain. Unlike most healers, he naturally has a higher movement speed through his movement speed aura on his W and amplifying it further on his E. He also has a knockback built-in, removing tanks and bruisers from their ideal position. With that said, Deathwing has the ability to create map pressure and be a massive threat in team fights. Finally, his entered arm is a great ultimate for team fights. The trick with Diablo is to go all-in, where his combo potential can cause the most havoc. While it takes a bit of getting used to the health-mana relationship, his area of effect damage and mighty sustain makes him a top-tier hero. Overall, a compelling pick. Either that or they are a counter to something specific and not often seen because of it. is a higher risk, high reward ranged assassin, and that is down to his Berserker trait. It easy to see why he scales so hard, especially when played in the right hands. When Stukov uses his trait, he can provide burst healing at the cost of the buff. Medivh boasts a huge amount of utility and is very versatile, but does take a lot of experience to perfect. Also, his Weighted Pustule is a great slowing mechanic, which gets worse the longer it lasts. Finally, his entered arm is a great ultimate for team fights. The first is his Mirror Images, which can combine with his guarantee crits., he can then blade storm to make it even harder to tell his true form. He has long-range poke on his channelled auto-attack, Shock Ray and Storm. Although his attacks do so much damage by the late game, the trade-off is worth it. When he ults into an Archon, he becomes much more healthy, gaining shields and empowering his auto attacks beam to provide high sustain DPS. HOTS Tier List June 2021: Best Assassins, Bruisers, Tanks, Healers, Since Blizzard separated Heroes into better categories, there is no clear team anymore. S Tier: D.Va, Falstad, Gazlowe, Lost Vikings, Mei, Sonya, Rexxar, Uther. C Tier Are underpowered, with a sub 50% win ratio. Valeera is known as an anti-assassin, and while she can attack targets in the backline, help from teammates if often required to finish the job. If she successfully dives, she can generate a shield by doing damage with her trait and then doing consistent and burst damage through her abilities. Also of note is the hero Tassadar. Heroes of the Storm: HotS Tier List (2021). It is easy to see why most, since many maps are either small or medium sizes, where she gets a lot out of her boosters ability. Azmodan is among the elite-level heroes when it comes to wave clearing and sieging. Uthers burst healing is superb, and hes among a small class of heroes that can lock down a foe for over two seconds. The key here is his Master of Destruction and the Demonic Invasion talents at LVL 7 and 10. Besides, Azmodan is a great wave clearer, sieger, and provides large amounts of AOE and single target. With all these options, Stukov is a great pick, albeit a little hard to master. Recently reworked from a support into a ranged assassin, Tassadar boasts some new abilities and a transformed talent tree. Tassadar has one of the safest carry potentials in the game. An incredibly mobile melee assassin, Qhiras high damage output makes her a potent weapon. is technically a Bruiser, although his stances make him a decent tank too. She is an honourable mention for those looking for counter picks. The first is his Mirror Images, which can combine with his guarantee crits., he can then blade storm to make it even harder to tell his true form. Deathwing and Kaelthas have been in the S Tier for some time, but Xul has rocketed into the upper echelons of the game, being banned in nearly as many contests as Deathwing.
While Zarya is very dependent on her energy, she doesnt require mana, offers a lot of protection against burst damage, and her basic attacks can damage multiple enemies. The focus of MlaGanis is his Carrion Warm ultimate, which makes him invulnerable for a short period, with advanced healing from his vampiric touch passive. It is basically a permanent buff as her core ability all slow. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. : Alarak, Ana, Artanis, Arthas, Auriel, Alexstraza, Brightwing, Butcher, Chromie, Chen, Cho, Fenix, Garrosh, Greymane, Guldan, Illidan, Jaina, KelThuzad, Leoric, Lunara, Maiev, Malfurion, Malthael, Mephisto, Murky, Orphea, Probius, Ragnaros, Raynor, Rehgar, Sgt. Comprised of Erik, Baleog, and Olaf, TLV are very good at putting pressure on multiple lanes. Her LVL 1 talent allows her to increase her damage against slowed targets. In the right setting, Abathurs unique play style puts the Evolution Master way above its peers. Samuro is a Blademaster who has many different strengths to Kerrigan. He has long-range poke on his channelled auto-attack, Shock Ray and Storm. Although, it is not entirely necessary, with his Regeneration and TazDingo ultimate ability helping him survive through his breakpoints. With that said, there 90+ Heroes in the hots. Alternatively, he can get an ult that prevents death on a target. While his healing falls off, he instead grants resistance buffs, along with two viable ultimates. Like Deatjhwing, Falstad has great map coverage with his Flight ability. His primary heal is chain heal, which is a fairly strong team heal. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Imagine it paired with Meis wall; for example, thats a combination! Anubaraks abilities allow him to interrupt and perform crowd control at range. A few other variants have a 50-52% win-ratio, including two bruisers, healer, ranged, and melee assassin. is one of the best Ranged Assassins in the game right now. But the best part of his kit is his Divine Shield ultimate, preventing all damage on a target for several seconds, granting them 20% movement speed. Johanna has become a favoured tank for many thanks to her wave-clear and incredible resilience. B Tier: Alarak, Ana, Artanis, Arthas, Auriel, Alexstraza, Brightwing, Butcher, Chromie, Chen, Cho, Fenix, Garrosh, Greymane, Guldan, Illidan, Jaina, KelThuzad, Leoric, Lunara, Maiev, Malfurion, Malthael, Mephisto, Murky, Orphea, Probius, Ragnaros, Raynor, Rehgar, Sgt. The D tier of the Heroes of the Storm Tier List is the very bottom, currently only featuring five heroes. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Very strong, but rather balanced in perspective and performs well when comps are thought through.

Mishas charge is a nice stun, which can become easier to land when paired with his Unleash the Boars ultimate. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Fairly decent and flexible as a non-traditional tank. B Tier Heroes are balanced, often sitting around a 50% win-ratio. The core of his hit allows him to be fairly sustainable, a trait not too familiar with the role. C Tier: Anduin, Blaze, Dehaka, Diablo, E.T.C., Li Li, Li-Ming, Junkrat, Kaelthas, Lt. Morales, Muradin, Nazeebo, Thrall, Valeera, Valla, Whitemane, Zagara. For this reason, he is one of the most successful Ranged assassins in the game, especially with a solid healer by his side. The reality is the amount of pressure Brightwing can place on enemies is incredible. MalGanis a tank that is quite strong at dealing damage and remaining in his fight through healing effects. With a health boost, Xuls lack of mobility is more than compensated by his mighty lane push particularly in the smaller Battlegrounds. She has a 54% win ratio and is often banned more than she is played. If she successfully dives, she can generate a shield by doing damage with her trait and then doing consistent and burst damage through her abilities. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. That said, players are finding such an inordinate amount of success with Xul that he might just be able to retain a high ranking. Follow this up with Impales stun with the added slow from talents, and he is a pain to deal with. Raynor is one of the more durable ranged assassins in HotS and boasts decent and ranged basic attacks. He also has a lightning shield, chipping away at enemies nearby. Genji is strong in the initiation, deals plenty of damage, and is very mobile. Mei is currently dominating the tank meta at the moment, with her 55% win-ratio and an incredibly high pick and ban rate to match. The core of his hit allows him to be fairly sustainable, a trait not too familiar with the role. If he manages to launch his opponents into a wall, they are stunned too. One of the unique strengths of Rehgar is his persistent AOE slow for 8 seconds, but the enemies can kill the Totem emitting the slow. He can throw enemies out of team fights, making tanks and bruisers a little frustrated. launched, the tainted Dragon has caused a cataclysm on the meta. The reason why Rexxar is so good is down to the amount of control. Like her friend Mei, she is one of the best Bruisers in our HOTS Tier List. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. She is an honourable mention for those looking for counter picks. Moreso, his frag grenade is another light damaging tool, with a push back attached to it to keep baddies away.
The key here is his Master of Destruction and the Demonic Invasion talents at LVL 7 and 10. Kerrigan is one such melee assassin that is doing good work. Malfurions healing abilities are sound, but he also has a sinister side, being able to lock down his foes. Her success is because it is easy for her to stun a target and whale at them, doing lots of damage. has one of the safest carry potentials in the game. However, if he gets locked down, he doesnt have the tools to stop it. The first is his DPS build one, becoming a nuisance. It also boasts a tremendous amount of health. Ever since Deathwing launched, the tainted Dragon has caused a cataclysm on the meta. In stealth while not in combat, great burst damage, and great ability and basic attack range: but Nova is very much a niche hero. Also, the ranged assassin has great wave clear to help his team level. Two players control Chogall, with Cho being the tank which controls movement, and Gall being the ranged assassin/turret. More often than not, Rehgar will choose the single target heal for his ult, which provides huge healing after a delay. With that said, he also has a strong sustain for a carry, gaining a shield with his barrel role and Might Gust. It is slightly hard to use, but it will restore a large chunk of a carrys health up when it works. The range of Ana makes her a very useful healer. While his healing falls off, he instead grants resistance buffs, along with two viable ultimates. He can even provide higher sustain and burst if he talents into it. Anubarak is a rather squishy tank considering his playstyle but is one of the best initiators and pickers in the game. Deckards strengths are in debuffing, zoning, and, of course, healing. The B Tier class of heroes in HotS is filled with fan-favourites, many of which have proven to be very effective when used correctly. Her LVL 1 talent allows her to increase her damage against slowed targets. The notable aspect of Tracers kit is that she can counter many of the meta and congested picks in the A and S Tier. Sonya has always been rather strong in HOTS, and the current meta hasnt stopped that. Craig has spent several years in esports. Somewhat of a niche choice, Cassia can poke, wave-clear, and can sustain basic attacks whenever on the move. Alternatively, he can get an ult that prevents death on a target. It is easy to see why most, since many maps are either small or medium sizes, where she gets a lot out of her boosters ability. For a Bruiser, he also has nice wave control abilities with Swoop and becomes incredibly tanky through both his and Mishas sustain. She also has a reliable stun with her Spikes, allowing her to stun a threat placing pressure on her, prevent a healer from healing, or locking down a carry in a dive. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If you enjoy chucking around some slowing effects, Jaina is a great choice. Leoric specialises in cutting down tanky teams and heroes with high health. Melee Assassins are not exactly the most defined role in HOTS, nor do they rank that high in the HOTS Tier List. Sign up now for all the latest news, builds, and ideas for your PC gaming setup. Although his attacks do so much damage by the late game, the trade-off is worth it. And she can teleport to allies and heal them too.
Very adaptive to team comps and very powerful indeed. Either way, it stalls time. Because his abilities protect allies and do some damage, Kharazim is one of the better early game healers. The core of his team fight is his Grav ultimate, which has a large radius but a delay. Alternatively, another good comp works with a second healer, dropping a bruiser in the process. Although there are two excellent picks at the moment.

Incredible mobility and high sustained damage make Sylvanas a strong choice for a teams backline. Tracer is one of the fastest moving Ranged assassins in the game, allowing her to abuse prominent meta weaknesses. This ability is so versatile in tealights, avoiding getting caught and more. Chromie boasts a considerable amount of range, superb poke, and deals out a high amount of burst damage. Garrosh is a one-hero frontline, perfect for crowd control and eliminating lonely foes. Another S Tier Bruiser is Sonya. Also, her passive allows her to remove CC effects on nearby allies if she lands her Arcaneflare correctly. . Maiev is a top choice if you enjoy teeing up your team, especially alongside allies with powerful area of effect damage. While youve got various roles present across the Heroes of the Storm roster, with supports, healers, bruisers, tanks, etc, this HotS tier list ranks the heroes by their strength in the meta at the time of writing. The reality is the amount of pressure Brightwing can place on enemies is incredible. Your email address will not be published. As for his siege, his trait ability makes pushing even easier, getting more pressure on Towers and accelerating map advantages. Also, his Cocoon ultimate is the go-to that can even stun someone at range. Imagine it paired with Meis wall; for example, thats a combination! If you fancy being the one who puts pressure on the enemy, Mephisto is a great choice. Also, she is hard to lock down with her short-ranged. : Anubarak, Azmodan, Cassia, Deathwing, Gall, Hogger, Kharazim. Although, that is easy enough, with many meta Healers and Bruisers providing the slows to prevent their escape. While each of these heroes does have some perks, they are mostly considered to require a lot of work and near-perfect play to make them useful. One of the unique strengths of Rehgar is his persistent AOE slow for 8 seconds, but the enemies can kill the Totem emitting the slow. is one such melee assassin that is doing good work. He has a 55% win rate but nowhere near as much popularity in the pick and ban department as other S Tier bruisers. One of the most popular level 4 talents is his Protection Warrior stance, Taunt ability. Combine this with her self destruct, and missile barrage in tight areas and she will burst or control fights perfectly. As for his ult option, doing large spot healing for an ally or a team fight AOE shield ult has great value. Your email address will not be published. Varian is technically a Bruiser, although his stances make him a decent tank too. Besides, Azmodan is a great wave clearer, sieger, and provides large amounts of AOE and single target. Unlike most healers, he naturally has a higher movement speed through his movement speed aura on his W and amplifying it further on his E. He also has a knockback built-in, removing tanks and bruisers from their ideal position. Kharazim is flexible, capable of healing teammates through melee combat, and can increase his own movement speed. Tyrande is a coveted healer among some, but mastering the hero can be difficult. Rexxar is an almighty solo-laner and is especially strong on Braxis Holdout and Volskaya. His Holy Radiance is strong in team fights for general healing, hitting all allies in range and doing light damage to enemies. ZulJin is a higher risk, high reward ranged assassin, and that is down to his Berserker trait. Anub has a safe tunnel that can get him into combat, even knocking someone up. Fairly decent and flexible as a non-traditional tank. For that reason, she has lots of kill pressure without necessarily feeling the pressure herself. Perhaps the optimum choice in a team fight, Deathwing boasts a great deal of armour and health, as well as slow yet mighty abilities. Also, she has the ability to engage and dive the backline with Icing and two ultimates that basically prevent enemies from escaping her slows in two different ways. Samuros strength is in being difficult to kill as he can make copies of himself. In fact, in recent times, Li-Ming has been a very popular choice, as has Diablo. Lt. Morales is rather one dimensional, and while she isnt mobile, her focussed heals are very powerful. D Tier: Abathur, Deckard, Genji, Hanzo, Johanna, Medivh, Nova, Stitches, Zarya, Zeratul. Your number one source for esports games statistics, pro gaming gear and esports news. Heroes in the bracket are solid, good in their own right and not broken enough to be OP S Tier. Gazlowe is one of the most contested Bruisers in the game. We have provided a few highlights, showing the statistics behind the S Tier picks and contextualising the strengths of the highlights on many of the best Tanks, Healers, Ranged and Melee Assassins. A Tier: Anubarak, Azmodan, Cassia, Deathwing, Gall, Hogger, Kharazim, Kerrigan, Lucio, MalGanis, Samuro, Tassadar, Tychus, Varien, Xul, ZulJin. With his kit, he has the freedom to rotate with Dragonflight and is immune to CC as he does so. The complete list of played comps is available at Hotslogs. Very strong, but rather balanced in perspective and performs well when comps are thought through. If you enjoyed this HOTS Tier List, we have many more MOBA Tier Lists, including Smite and LoL, if you fancy checking them out too. She has a 54% win ratio and is often banned more than she is played. Karrigans success is all about making sure her dive isnt going to get interrupted. Because his abilities protect allies and do some damage, Kharazim is one of the better early game healers. When he activates it, he can do incredible sustained damage at the cost of his health. With an ability to deal decent poke damage and absurd amounts of burst damage, Greymane is solid all-rounder. When it goes off, Gazlowe deals huge AOE damage and increases the strength of the rest of his abilities by 30%. Lunaras poison, which deals high sustained damage, can be invaluable. Very adaptive to team comps and very powerful indeed. Also, she is hard to lock down with her short-ranged. Whitemane is a very flexible healer, with the added perks of being able to deal out disruption and debuffs. is the only Ranged Assassin highlight currently in the B Tier of our HOTS Tier List. Also, his trait allows him to shred 2.5% max hp on his targets, making him an effective tank and bruiser nuker. As for his ult option, doing large spot healing for an ally or a team fight AOE shield ult has great value. During that time, he gains increased passive healing by 40%. The notable aspect of Tracers kit is that she can counter many of the meta and congested picks in the A and S Tier. Follow this up with Impales stun with the added slow from talents, and he is a pain to deal with. is the bracket Heroes who need to get banned and/or picked to get as big of an advantage as possible. If things change, we will be sure to reflect that. However, the best performing composition uses two bruisers, a healer, and two ranged assassins. For that reason, she has lots of kill pressure without necessarily feeling the pressure herself. To top it off, the Wrath of the Berserker ultimate makes it, so it is hard to get Sonya off-targets, with 40% reduced lengths of slows, stuns and roots. is the most popular Ranged Assassin in the HOTS Tier List. Either that or they are a counter to something specific and not often seen because of it. One of Tychus best damage tools is Overkill, which also allows him to kite. Rehgar is another amazing healer, especially in the spot healing department. Lucio has the ability to be one of the best healers on the HOTS Tier List. It is slightly hard to use, but it will restore a large chunk of a carrys health up when it works. The most common one uses a tank, bruiser, and healer, with two ranged assassins. One of the more versatile tanks in HotS, E.T.C fits into just about any team. His key strength is his ability to do damage while not being the focus, and he has a few tricks up his sleeve to achieve this. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.