Or when Meg was taken by the Myrmekes - just a couple pages before he was thinking of nominating her for the Demigod Sacrifices award, yet as soon as they actually drag her out of sight, he stops any form of joking and just collapses in tears, running off through the forest, completely unprepared, to try and get help - then running right BACK in as soon as hes armed. You know?, But you showed me. Honestly dude your an amazing author this is amazing. You have every right to! 1000000/10 ! Athenas smart enough to see that this new council is working out better than the old one anyway, and does her best to help thoroughly explain different sides arguments, if they have good arguments but arent necessarily the best at articulating them. I do think that if the story continued forward that something more would need to change with Zeus - I cant see Apollo being willing to put up with Zeuss dickery when it comes to the demigods - but for where it ended and what it was trying to do, I think the ending with Zeus, though anticlimatic, was good. If she waited for them to reform naturally, it would take millennia. Artemis knows who it is immediately - how could she not recognize her baby brother? Skylar looked at Apollo, looked at how his hands were trembling, how tears were prickling at the corners of his eyes, at his pleading expression, like hes afraid that hes going to endure the loss of another person he cares about. And people that you were willing to give your life to protect. Honestly with Reyna and Piper both taking a break from romance in order to find themselves, I think that Apollo may lay off the romance for a bit after ToAs over, work on his more platonic relationships instead. Plus, it makes for an interesting dynamic when you pair him with Meg. Another ficlet, this one based on a writing prompt, by @fallensun: A universe where everything is the same except Apollo actually acted hurt from Cade and Mikey. So gradually, without really intending to, without any formal announcement, Apollo becomes the leader of Olympus. While Meg was at Camp Half-blood with Apollo, shed heard stories from Percy and Annabeth about their friends from Tartarus, who died protecting them: Bob, Damasen, and Little Bob.
Do not repost or transform without permission. Hell try to avoid most votes that make it clear how much he cares for the demigods, unless he has to serve as a tiebreaker. That hardly ever happens though, most of the council are pretty on-the-ball about trying to keep their children alive. Commodus makes a request. Some of them still believe that the Marsyas story is true, though. Hed been glad that his friends were safe, but had secretly felt guilty that hed broken the promise hed made to himself, to keep Apollo safe from his father. Nothing unusual or alarming about that until they found out who his minion IS. Why are you looking at me like that even now, like somehow, for some reason, you CARE about me?! Apollos MOSTLY be back to his regular self by the time hes 10. He wishes he could meet Jason or Jupiter, get to know those members of his extended family, but Jupiters been sentenced to some punishment which most of the campers dont know the details of.
She takes her duties as a goddess seriously, but she separates out a part of her essence to just stay around Camp Half-Blood and be a normal kid, getting the childhood she had been denied for so long. Apollo slowly, carefully moved forwards, rested his arms on Skylars shoulders, and gave him a gentle, fatherly smile, one hed seen a million times before. And people LIKED you. And maybe, just maybe, one that Zeus wont have control over. Apollos experienced these sorts of caring relationships with Leto and Artemis at least, so theyre not totally a foreign concept. You are family., Skylar would have sobbed even harder, but his tears were drying up. The satyr exclaims I bet Im even better at the pipes than you!. He wants to live, thats true. Megs still not entirely sure what happened, but at least Apollos safe. Now he doesnt even try. She tears off a portion of the dress, and wraps Apollos essence in it. I think it was powerful, the way Tower of Nero ended with Zeus. I wouldnt have to deal with you threatening my throne. Frank went into that tunnel knowing he might die. Which means that the dryads in her territory pray to her for assistance when needed. Ok cool. Now was a different story. Tend it and make it grow healthy and tall. Her dress. Apollo stumbles around, trying to figure out WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED. Maybe Ill make another analysis focusing on Meg later, but Ill skip over her for now.
He escorts his son down to the Underworld, and watches as hes judged. MANY. Thats when Zeus had growled, Dont get on the wrong side of my lightning bolts, boy. Zeus was tied up in a celestial bronze net on the floor. Calypso sings him a lullaby, Jo and Emmie tell him what Zeus did was wrong, and little Georgina offers him a stuffed animal and some advice, telling him what her moms used to tell her when she was scared of thunderstorms. I woke up to the face of my new mother, reborn into the world of Percy Jackson. He hadnt had time to sort out the memories, before he was hit by the last set of memories. You should HATE me! Apollos still standing there, waiting for Skylar to make the next move, not wanting to scare him off. And what they see in themselves. Apollo seemed to have learned his lesson, at least for now. Were I that Burning Star by @californiannostalgia: Apollo interacting with various other gods after the events of TOA. At least on the drafts page. until Apollo teaches one especially musically talented young satyr a complicated piece, and Apollo praises his musical skill. And him completely failing at being suave. You did what I didnt think was possible, and proved yourself to be even stronger than me. Meg, Artemis, and Leto take baby Apollo to Delos to recover and grow up a bit. And he tells him to keep on playing. Now, Im not saying there arent some flabby Lesters out there : some artists made him with a bit of flab, or a little paunch, and on top of that it was cute or good-looking drawings, so thats satisfying. Im glad I got it through. Apollo is more than the sum of his history, of what he has done, of what has been established by the older gods. Id always wondered what it would be like to have a younger sibling.
But the person hed most wanted to run away from was himself. Promise by TheEternalEmpress: Apollo makes a promise to Meg. Apollos dead, and Meg is summoned by Zeus to face the consequences. Finally, Zeus had gotten tired of throwing the lightning. I murdered Nicos and Biancas mother. Meg sends him to be reborn. Some more clarification on Megs duties - while her most unique power is being able to bring back immortals, thats not exactly something she does regularly. Apollo wasnt really trapped like that. Hey, Apollo, you- you know the difference between a faun and a satyr?. I-I-I- how could I do that?! As the afternoon went on, I coaxed and pleaded. The Suns Rays by Wyrenfire: A collection of oneshots centered around Apollo. Like on my dashboard, but not when I look on my blog. Calypso is also a former immortal whos learning to deal with the loss of her powers (though not TOTAL loss) and being thrown into the demigod world headfirst. So yeah. So his character development is about how he can figure out how best to function even though he CANT get out of Zeuss toxic reach entirely.And theres a lot of value in that!
Demeter hasnt really been fond of Zeus since he allowed Hades to get away with kidnapping Persephone, plus Meg will often try to talk her around (or rather, tell her shes being stupid and explain why). You were trying to take my place. About thinking - or having others think - that she needs to be healed romantically? Both Apollo and Zeus are shocked. Do gods have pity? Instead, the Rebirth part of her duties often goes hand-in-hand with the Redemption portion. How can you look at me like that, knowing what I did to you? Skylar had trembled in anger as hed comforted his father, silently vowing that hed protect Apollo from his MONSTER of a father. (I think I just listed Nico initially, but I figure they could both use one). Its just a perfect-looking god suddenly becoming average and as a result, since for himperfect is normal, average will befat. Hes the one who got on the wrong side of the lightning bolts. In the spot where his heart had been, a tiny sapling emerged from the soil. It would die down whenever some time had passed between Zeuss punishments, but returned in full force whenever Zeus was angry. The greater parallel however comes later, with Apollos hypothesis for how Frank survived his stick burning up. Not so long ago - like this morning, for instance - the idea of these young demigods being able to help me would have been ridiculous. You cant always control other people, and sometimes you cant control the circumstances - but you can control yourself, how you respond. He looks like hes about to bolt, when Apollo calls out,WAIT!. He made sure that Apollo felt EXACTLY how deadly and accurate his bolts were, when he electrocuted him repeatedly for the insult, ensuring that Apollo would NEVER forget who was in charge. Dunno why that fixed it, but it did. The difference is seeing it applied more broadly to themselves by people who dont already know them well, and then applying it to others that same way in turn. Apollo should have known better. It surprised me at first when I read Tower of Nero, and the meeting between Apollo and Zeus was so understated, but it made sense. Like with my other Masterposts, I will keep the original version of the post updated. Ill just have to tell the emperor that he resisted arrest. (TDP 152). But its not really an overnight change, is it? He doesnt show any obvious signs of remembering anything during those first few days, but its apparent hes growing fast, at roughly the rate of aging a year per a week. They work together to make sure that demigods get to camp safely. After a second, the young satyr (and I do mean young. The period right after Austin and Kayla go missing comes to mind, as he abruptly drops all of his bullshitting to tear after them. Luckily, while his immortal family sensed that Zeus is back, they cant actually sense where he is, so Zeus has some time to try to sort himself out.