You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below. This certification is for the treatment in, on or around commercial grain elevators and other grain-handling establishments, feed mills, flour mills, food processing plants and other places where processed or unprocessed foods are stored. Manuals for all categories are also sold at 19 of twenty-one County Cooperative Extension offices.
Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. To return to the manual order, see the menu to the left and select Product Search to access a Product Categories webpage. Para el Tecnico Registrado de habla Hispana (for the Spanish language Registered Technician): COMMERCIAL Applicators:Applicators authorized to apply general-use and restricted-use pesticides for a commercial purpose, or as a scheduled and required work assignment in the course of his or her employment. The table below identifies each manual title with its corresponding Certified Pesticide Applicator number (CPA #). You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.

Trade names used herein are for convenience only; no endorsement of products is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products implied. 525 Tower Road Philosophy, Religion, & Critical Thinking, Category A-1: National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual, 2nd Edition (2014), Category A-2: Minnesota Supplement Pesticide Applicator Training Manual, 2nd Edition (2012), Category B: Aerial Pesticide Applicator's Training Manual, 2nd Edition (2013), Category C: Agricultural Field Crops Pesticide Safety Education Manual (2016), Category E: Turf And Ornamentals Pesticide Safety Education Manual, 4th Edition (2014), Category F: Aquatics Pesticide Safety Education Manual (2016), Category H: Seed Treatment Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (2011), Category I: Antimicrobial Pesticide Applicator Safety Education Manual (2010), Category J: Natural Areas, Forestry And Rights-of-way Pesticide Certification Study Manual, 2nd Edition (2016), Category K: Livestock Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (1996), Category L: Mosquito, Black Fly And Tick Pest Control, 2nd Pesticide Certification Study Manual, Category M & S Non-commercial Structural Pest Control ( Pesticide Applicator Training Manual), Category N: Stored Grain And Fumigation Pesticide Applicator Safety Education Manual (2013), Category O: Soil Fumigation Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (2013), Category P: Vertebrate Pest Control Pesticide Certification Study Manual, 2nd Edition (2016), Category Q: Wood Preservatives Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (2002), Category R: Sewer Line Root Control Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (1996), Category Spca: Structural Pest Control Applicator For Master & Journeyman Applicators, Private Pesticide Applicator Safety Education Manual, 19th Edition (2012), Category, M Physicians and M Health Fairview Uniforms. Program Phone: (607) 255-1866 Order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below. The list of Pesticide Training Manuals for each of the exams is listed below. Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Large copies are divided into smaller files for ease of downloading. Order study materials listed below (in addition to the core manual) if you are performing aerial or fumigant applications of pesticides: REGISTERED Technicians:Applicators authorized to apply general-use and restricted-use pesticides for a commercial or private agricultural purpose, or as a scheduled and required work assignment in the course of employment. Cost: $12 plus tax and shipping. The purpose of this training manual is to provide study material for people interested in becoming a certified pesticide applicator in the seed treatment categ. This study guide is for those wanting to become certified in Category 6: Right-of-Way and Industrial Pest Control. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned., 106 Martin D. Woodin Hall Emails and staff information Microorganisms are found nearly everywhere - in water, air, dust, and soil; in most non-processed foods; and in all decaying matter. CCE-PSEP develops Pesticide Applicator Certification Training Manuals that are used in New York and many other states. Addendum included in back of book (4/2010), Michigan Private Applicator Core Training Manual for registered technicians working for private applicators, Michigan Commercial Applicator Core Training Manual for registered technicians working for commercial application businesses, Michigan Aplicador Comercial Anexo Del Manual Basico, Michigan Commercial Applicator Core Training Manual (New, 2008), Certificacion de Aplicadores de Pesticidas Manual Basica Nacional, Michigan Commercial Applicator Core Training Manual, Michigan Private Applicator Core Training Manual, 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Aerial Application of Agricultural Chemicals (8/2006). The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. Manuals are not sold at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Hudson County office; Gloucester County reports that they limit their sales to Private manuals (4/2022).

The information contained at this web site is not a substitute for a pesticide label. Fax: (607) 255-3075, Directory and Contact A study manual for those who want to become certified in Category 7C: General Pests, Stored-Grain Pest Control and Vertebrate Pest Control. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any accessibility issues with Rutgers web sites to: or complete the Report Accessibility Barrier or Provide Feedback Form. Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
This manual is a study guide for preparing to take the Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Exam.
You can purchase manuals through The Cornell Store. The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture, 101 Efferson Hall The NYSDEC is the state lead agency that enforces pesticide regulation and pesticide registration in NYS. Reading and studying the manuals will prepare you to pass the relevant Pesticide Certification Exams. These manuals can be ordered online (effective 10/23/2019), OR obtained from your Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station County Cooperative Extension Office. These versions of the manuals contain information from which the Private, Dealer, and Commercial and twenty-seven separate commercial category certification exams are derived. Ithaca, NY 14853 The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Cost: $15 plus tax and shipping. Some of the manuals listed on this page and in the navigation bar are available in PDF format for free. CALS Surge Facility Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. National Pesticide Safety Education Center, Michigan Private Applicator Core Training Manual (New, 2008), Michigan Aplicador Privado Anexo del Manual Basico, Aerial Application of Agricultural Chemicals (8/2006), Fumigation: Commodity, Structural, Greenhouse, Soil. 2022 Regents of the University of Minnesota. The links will go to each manual with its table of contents. If you you need assistance with locating a County office that carries the Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals or require assistance with online ordering, please contact our office at 848-932-9802. If you intend to pick up your manual(s) in person, be sure to call first and check manual availability as well asCounty office operational status (due to possible emergency closures due to COVID-19). 225-578-4161
A study manual for those wishing to become certified in Category 5: Aquatic Pest Control. Please note that states use differing numbering systems for certification categories, so be sure the manuals you order reflect the types of pesticide applications you will be making. Disclaimer: Please read the pesticide label prior to use. This certification is for commercial application or supervision of the application of restricted-use pesticides applied purposefully to standing or running water or sprayed commercially around large bodies of water, ponds, lakes, etc. It includes all the content found on the National Aerial Pesticide Applicator Pilot Certification Examination, as well as a glossary of terms and additional information that may prove useful as you prepare for the examination.. Prior to purchase, you will be directed to set up an account. To order training manuals, visitthe National Pesticide Safety Education Center. The printed copies of training manuals can be obtained by visiting theNational Pesticide Safety Education Center.
Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. We comply with the Federal Trade Commission 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Questions? Order.
Sign up for our listserv, Pesticide Sales and Use Reporting Database and Information (PSUR), Cornell University2022University PrivacyWeb Accessibility Assistance. This information is for educational purposes only. PRIVATE Applicators- Applicators using or supervising the use of restricted-use pesticides for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity on their own lands or their employer's land, or on land rented to them. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Preparation to take the required exams for pesticide applicator certification in New Jersey should include reading and studying the information contained in the training manual(s) specific to the type of certification desired. Manual Requirements by Applicator Type:Dates in parenthesis indicate the earliest date at which the manual can be used as a study guide. If you are unsure which manuals you need, contact your states pesticide regulatory agency or Dan Wixted of CCE-PSEP ( Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 225-578-4143 It also specifies the current revision date and cost (effective February 1, 2017) of each manual. Private applicators need only the Private manual; pesticide dealers need only the Dealer manual; commercial applicators will need the Core manual plus the corresponding manual for each of the commercial categor(ies) for which they desire certification. (PDF Format Only). You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.