Connect with your County Extension Office , Find an Extension employee in our staff directory , Get the latest news and updates on Extension's work around the state, Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: | 2022 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Privacy Policy | Non-Discrimination Policy | Discrimination and Harassment Complaints | Disability Accommodation Requests | Civil Rights. This definition is not entirely satisfactory, because although most other Reduviidae are predators on other invertebrates, several will also suck vertebrate blood on occasion.26 Conversely, an increasing number of triatomine species have been shown to be at least facultative predators18,27 and some particularly of the tribe Bolboderini appear to be almost entirely predaceous in habit.28,29 Over half of the 140148 currently recognized species of Triatominae have been shown to be naturally or experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (causative agent of Chagas disease) and all are suspected to have this capacity. We welcome new contributions - just register and use the Submit Records form to post your photos. Another commonly-encountered assassin bug is the masked hunter, or masked bedbud hunter (Reduvius personatus). Similar resolution power as functional ITS-2 rDNA. Some prey in vegetable plantings include aphids, leafhoppers and asparagus beetle eggs and larvae. Triatomines occur also in Asia and Oceania, where vector-borne transmission of T. cruzi is not known to occur. Centrocnemidinae Microtominae (=Hammacerinae) "Exocrine Secretions of Wheel Bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: "Pre-copulatory behavior of the wheel bug, "Gross Morphology of Feeding Canal, Salivary Apparatus and Digestive Enzymes of Salivary Gland of, "Assassin bug requires dangerous ant prey to bite first", "Evolutionary History of Assassin Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae): Insights from Divergence Dating and Ancestral State Reconstruction",, "Debris-carrying camouflage among diverse lineages of Cretaceous insects", "A primitive triatomine bug, Paleotriatoma metaxytaxa gen. et sp. This species is common to the south and east of Wisconsin. Cetherinae Similarly, components of the vectors humoral immune system, such as defensin molecules, may also modulate the dynamics of establishment of T. cruzi transformation in the triatomine vector gut, illustrating the complexity of the mechanisms involved.40,45,5156. Eco-geographical differentiation among Colombian populations of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Widespread interest on their biology, however, arose only after Carlos Chagas discovered that they vector a human pathogen (Chagas, 1909). Ambush bug, Phymata americana, on various flowers. Cloning and subsequent clone sequencing are needed for pseudogen verification. A hemolytic factor has been shown to be present in the stomach of Rhodnius prolixus (Azambuja et al., 1983) and its effect on trypanosomatids (Azambuja et al., 1989). Parasit Vectors 2014;7:51923; Bargues MD, Zuriaga MA, Mas-Coma S. Nuclear rDNA pseudogenes in Chagas disease vectors: evolutionary implications of a new 5.8S+ITS2 paralogous sequence marker in triatomines of North, Central and northern South America. Salyavatinae Largely as a result of these initiatives, transmission rates have been steadily reduced, with corresponding reductions in infection prevalence.

They may feed on beneficial species as well as pests. Others, members of the subfamily Phymatinae in particular, have forelegs that resemble those of the praying mantis, and they catch and hold their prey in a similar way to mantises. On the anterior midgut surface, epimastigotes bound through the cell body or flagellum and on the posterior midgut occur only as flagellar attachment to perimicrovillar membranes. Largely as a result of these initiatives, transmission rates have been steadily reduced, with corresponding reductions in infection prevalence. Predatory Reduviidae use the long rostrum to inject a lethal saliva that liquefies the insides of the prey, which are then sucked out. Generally the heteroptera have wings flattened over the body whilst the homopterans hold their wings in a tent-like position. Keys for identification of triatomine species are given by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). Nuclear molecular markers most commonly used in systematics, Source: Adapted from Justi SA, Dale C, Galvo C. DNA barcoding does not separate South American Triatoma (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), Chagas disease vectors. The biological cycle comprises eggs, oval or rounded (Figure 12-12), five young stages similar to adult but without wings, and adults (with females larger than males). The Triatominae are classified as a subfamily of the Reduviidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) and are believed to have derived from predatory forms of the Reduviidae. Contributors own the copyright to and are solely responsible for contributed content.Click the contributor's name for licensing and usage information. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua have recently been declared free of transmission due to R. prolixus and/or its elimination. If youre unable to find the information you need, please submit your gardening question here: Connecting people with the University of Wisconsin. Several species of wild animals serve as reservoirs of the parasite, making eradication of infection difficult once established in a nonhuman primate colony [16,16a]. All triatomines have the potential to transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. ); can be used to distinguish between species, but mainly used for intermediate and higher taxonomic levels, Less used for phylogenetic analyses; the usefulness of the domains varies depending the organisms analyzed, Very low evolutionary rate; useful for distant species, genera and tribes; provides inferences about ancient to very ancient relationships of distantly related organisms (~ 100, Restricted to comparisons of distant taxa, Evolves faster than ITS-2; useful for closely related taxa that have diverged recently ( 50, Presents microsatellites and minisatellites which seem specific to particular populations, Useful for closely related taxa that have Diverged recently (~ 50, Not appropriate for the comparison of different tribes as no clear alignment could be obtained; microsatellites are numerous and are only population markers, Useful for specimen classification, phylogenetic analyses and systematic/taxonomic studies.

Variation in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 genes in the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). F$DG"\9I"!XU7NSto9Lt7Ms=n2%IO*J)p6]os,F
OeUa@29]fd {!D!M;Rahld4IBB5kdjP! Cladistic analysis of the family and status of higher taxa discussed in, 195 spp. The most distinctive feature of the family is that the tip of the proboscis fits into a ridged groove in the prosternum, where it can be used to produce sound by stridulation. Wheel bugs feed on aphids as young nymphs. Triatoma species and other members of the subfamily Triatominae, such as Rhodnius species, Panstrongylus megistus, and Paratriatoma hirsuta, are known as kissing bugs, because they tend to bite sleeping humans in the soft tissue around the lips and eyes. The saliva of Rhynocoris marginatus showed some insecticidal activity in vitro, in tests on lepidopteran pests. About 7000 species have been described, in more than 20 recognized subfamilies, making it one of the largest families in the Hemiptera. The Triatominae is divided into 5 tribes and 14 genera; 106 species are known only from the New World, 5 species (Linshcosteus) are found only in India, and 7 species (Triatoma) are known only from Southeast Asia.
It is known that not only the kinetics of T. cruzi epimastigote division but also the metacyclogenesis process is dependent on the strains and clones of the infecting parasites.45,6668 In vivo and in vitro metacyclogenesis experiments with the Y and Berenice T. cruzi strains using different Triatominae species resulted in a higher percentage of metacyclics for both strains in Rhodnius neglectus gut than in Triatoma maculate.69 Considering the high genetic variability of T. cruzi, some authors point out that an interaction and cooperation effect among the different parasite subpopulations in the insect gut should be considered.6668,70, Marta de Lana, Evandro Marques de Menezes Machado, in American Trypanosomiasis, 2010. They reported that the experimental infection rate of the progeny of a group of vectors that failed to become infected after ingesting T. cruzi was significantly lower than that obtained for the whole vector population. This process is generally referred to as extraoral digestion.

The Reduviidae are a large cosmopolitan family of the order Hemiptera (true bugs). Click it to build a custom PDF with species shown on that page or for all the species within that taxonomic level. Gene and fragment lengths refer to published studies on Triatominae. Chryxinae There are more than 130 species classified in this Reduviidae subfamily (Galvo et al., 2003; Schofield and Galvo, 2009). Triatomid bugs in the family Reduviidae serve as intermediate hosts and vectors. They lie in wait for their prey on flowers. In the Americas, triatomines are the vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease (Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1979). The legs of some Reduviidae have areas covered in tiny hairs that aid in holding onto their prey while they feed. The Triatominae are defined as Reduviidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) that suck vertebrate blood (Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1979), several of which are vectors or potential vectors of T. cruzi, in contrast to the other Reduviidae subfamilies that prey on invertebrates (Schofield, 2000). Is one of the most variable protein-coding genes in insects in general, Low level of variation and not useful information for phylogenetic inferences in, Is one of the most variable protein-coding genes in insects in general. 9 0 obj
There is not only a risk of repopulation by the main vector species but also a risk of other species invading domestic habitats and either establishing new domestic colonies or provoking accidental transmission (e.g., through contamination of food or drink) without necessarily establishing new colonies. Most assassin bugs are generalist predators in gardens and fields. Many species are brownish or blackish, but some species are brightly colored. While members of most subfamilies have no common names other than assassin bugs, among the many subfamilies are a few with their own common names that are reasonably widely recognized, such as: Adult insects range from roughly 12 to 36mm, depending on the species. Triatominae can transmit a protozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities. Sphaeridopinae Some assassin bug subfamilies are adapted to hunting certain types of prey; for example, the Ectrichodiinae eat millipedes, and feather-legged bugs eat ants. Learn how and when to remove this template message. There are more than 160 species in the family Reduviidae (the assassin bugs, ambush bugs, and thread-legged bugs) in North America, many of which are fairly common. If you need expert professional advice, contact your local extension office. In the rectum, the epimastigotes transform into metacyclic trypomastigotes (C), which are eliminated with the feces and urine46. 1p8 Ambush bugs are smaller (1/2 or less), stout-bodied insects with thickened, praying mantid-like front legs. Infect Genet Evol 2013;20:3526138; Gmez-Palacio A, Triana O. Molecular evidence of demographic expansion of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) in Colombia. The importance of these enzymes in the T. cruziinsect interaction is unknown. The bug order is divided into two sub-orders: heteroptera and homoptera. No longer interacts genetically with functional copies. Scheme of the digestive tract of the Triatominae. In cases where a species is not considered a major vector over the entire range given, countries where the triatomine species is an important vector are underlined (Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1979; Schofield, 1988). Though spectacular exceptions are known, most members of the family are fairly easily recognizable; they have a relatively narrow neck, sturdy build, and a formidable curved proboscis (sometimes called a rostrum). In the rectum, the epimastigotes transform into metacyclic trypomastigotes (c), which are eliminated with the feces and urine (Azambuja and Garcia, 2010). Reduviinae Saturation becomes a problem in comparison of distant species and at higher taxonomic levels. Photo by Dan Mahr, UW-Madison. M. de Lana, E.M. de Menezes Machado, in American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease (Second Edition), 2017. Kollien et al.58 characterized two cysteine proteases in the digestive tract of T. infestans and Aruajo et al.59 reported the sequence and expression patterns of defensins (def1 and def2), antibacterial peptides, and lysozyme (lys1) encoding genes from the gut of T. brasiliensis. That name, in turn, comes from the Latin reduvia, meaning "hangnail" or "remnant". In the early 1990s, an estimated 80% of Chagas disease cases were attributed to transmission from triatomine vectors.1 Since 1991, a series of multinational initiatives have focused on elimination of the domestic vector populations throughout the endemic areas of Latin America. Harpactorinae
There are several other species of assassin bug that feed on forest insects including pine webworm, gypsy moth, and May beetles. The effects included reduction of food consumption, assimilation, and use. In 2008, the World Health Organization estimated that there were >25 million people exposed to Chagas disease in South and Central America. PLoS ONE 2014;9:e87493.41, Table 6.4. Phimophorinae To create your own list of species, use the PDF Creator tool at the bottom of the Advanced Search page. Similarly, components of the vector's humoral immune system, such as defensin molecules, may also modulate the dynamics of establishment of T. cruzi transformation in the triatomine vector gut, illustrating the complexity of the mechanisms involved (Garcia and Azambuja, 1991; Garcia et al., 1995; Garcia et al., 1999; Kollien and Schaub, 2000; Lopez et al., 2003; Azambuja et al., 2004, 2005; Borges et al., 2006). Triatominae (2006) showed that in insects experimentally infected with T. cruzi, the level of cathepsin D activity increased 1 and 3 days after the blood meal. Mating pairs (R), with captured bee (RC). 1
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88 16.6A and B). Rates of transmission due to domestic vectors remain high in several regions, most notably the Gran Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay, as well as parts of the Andean Pact countries and Mexico. Other ways of inoculation are via the mucous membranes (eyes, for example), blood transfusion, organ donation and food contamination.37 The reservoirs of the parasite are mammals. Here's some links if you want to download a whole group. The name 'hemiptera' means half (hemi) wing (ptera) and refers to the feature that many bugs have the front half of the wing hardened (like in beetles) but the rear part is membranous. They are found on many fall-blooming yellow or yellow and white flowers, where their greenish-yellow color allows them to be well camouflaged. The New World triatomine species occur from just south of the Great Lakes region of the United States to southern Argentina, with all but a few species concentrated in subtropical and tropical regions. The number of species corresponds to the published works up to now, whatever the opinion we could have about their validity. Among the predaceous bugs Reduviidae (Assassin Bugs), one subfamily, the Triatominae, has evolved to hematophagy. For this review we refer mainly to the classification of Triatominae of Lent and Wygodzinsky7 as updated by Schofield and Galvo18 and Dujardin et al.31 and Galvo and de Paula.32 For this, the subfamily is classified into 5 tribes with 15 genera (or 18 genera according to Ref. /Filter /LZWDecode
This program comprises use of insecticides in villages, education to increase the knowledge of the problem in the population and detection in blood donors. Stenopodainae The insect feeds on blood infected with trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi that transform into epimastigotes and some spheromastigotes in the stomach (A).
The Reduviidae are members of the suborder Heteroptera of the order Hemiptera. Disclaimer: Dedicated naturalists volunteer their time and resources here to provide this service. (2004) characterized two cysteine proteases in the digestive tract of T. infestans and Arajo et al. Pseudocetherinae Most species are bright in colour with hues of brown, black, red, or orange. The main examples of nonpredatory Reduviidae are some blood-sucking ectoparasites in the subfamily Triatominae. Source: Adapted from Abad-Franch F, Monteiro FA. Insects in the order Hemiptera are commonly called Bugs. They reported that the experimental infection rate of the progeny of a group of vectors that failed to become infected after ingesting T. cruzi was significantly lower than that obtained for the whole vector population. This, in conjunction with declining public health interest in Chagas disease as the apparent control successes become more widely discussed, imposes a need for additional strategies in vector surveillance and control that can be sustained as a matter of routine over the long term.

Nogueira et al.62 demonstrated that T. cruzi epimastigote GIPLs (glycoinositolphospholipids, formerly collectively known as lipopeptidophosphoglycanLPPG) are the major cell surface glycoconjugates of the epimastigote forms of T. cruzi6365 involved in parasite attachment to the midgut and, somehow, are able to modulate the development of the parasite infection in R. prolixus, suggesting that glycoproteins from phosphomannomutase (PMM) and hydrophobic proteins from epimastigotes are important for parasite adhesion to the vectors posterior midgut cells. Then these epimastigotes divide by longitudinal binary fission and can attach to the perimicrovillar membranes, which are secreted by midgut epithelial cells,41,42 to continue their establishment and development.4345 In the rectum a proportion of epimastigotes differentiate into metacyclic trypomastigotes (metacyclogenesis), which eventually are eliminated together with feces and urine, and thus are able to complete the biological cycle through contact of the infected Triatominae feces with the skin or mucosal tissues of the vertebrate host.47. Useful for population genetic studies, Available for many Triatomini and Rhodniini genera and species. Kollien et al. Wheel bug, Arilus cristatus. The elongated head is narrow with a distinct neck behind the often reddish eyes. An assassin bug nymph, Costa Rica. Information on this Species is incomplete Bumble Bee Species Accounts at Montana Entomology Collection, Field Guide to Common Western Grasshoppers, Native Wildflowers and Bees of Western Montana, Natural Heritage MapViewer (Statewide Database of Animal Observations), North American Dragonflies - Slater Museum of Natural History, USDA Grasshoppers: their biology, identification, and management, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. A hemolytic factor has been shown to be present in the stomach of Rhodnius prolixus60 which has effect on trypanosomatids.61 These authors also verified that different T. cruzi strains present distinct susceptibility to the hemolytic factor, which suggests a selective advantage for the development of certain T. cruzi strains over others in the insect vector. Kollien and Schaub (1997) showed that diuresis rather than factors from the hemolymph or digestive products induced the development of metacyclic trypomastigotes of T. cruzi. We strive to provide accurate information, but we are mostly just amateurs attempting to make sense of a diverse natural world. Major Triatomine Vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi and Their Geographic Distribution. Similarly, studies on the vectorial potential of these species in the process of domestication are very important. The effects can be intensely painful and the injection from some species may be medically significant. The classification has a morphological basis, and has been challenged by various other arrangements based on morphology, and/or genetic characters (Tables 6.26.4). Borges et al. Since 1991, a series of multinational initiatives have focused on elimination of the domestic vector populations throughout the endemic areas of Latin America. If one lands or is seen on your body, brush it or flick it off with a sideways motion. Because of the presence of suitable arthropod vectors in the extreme southern United States, T.cruzi has become established in some captive nonhuman primate colonies in Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia. Fernando Araujo Monteiro, Fernando Abad-Franch, in Advances in Parasitology, 2018. In the rectum, a proportion of epimastigotes differentiate into metacyclic trypomastigotes (metacyclogenesis), which eventually are eliminated together with feces and urine, and thus are able to complete the biological cycle through contact of the infected Triatominae feces with the skin or mucosal tissues of the vertebrate host (Garcia et al., 2007). They bite people during sleep and take a blood meal. @"p)&L`F0n!d)B#4"
q,"894Cv4 Everything else copyright 2003-2022 Iowa State University, unless otherwise noted. Then these epimastigotes divide by longitudinal binary division and can attach to the perimicrovillar membranes, which are secreted by midgut epithelial cells (Billingsley and Downe, 1986; Billingsley, 1990), to continue their establishment and development (Zeledon, 1997; Gonzalez et al., 1999; Azambuja et al., 2005). The first cladistic analysis based on molecular data (mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNA) was published in 2009 and called into question the monophyly of some current groups, such as the Emesinae. Unfortunately it will also bite people. Head typically constricted behind the eyes, giving a neck-like appearance. Susan Mahr, University of Wisconsin Madison. and Catamirus brevipennis (Servile) have been studied because of their activity against human pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria (including strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, and Salmonella typhimurium) and the Gram-positive (Streptococcus pyogenes). Studies on orientation mechanisms and dispersal activity, could greatly assist the understanding of the process of triatomine domestication. The head is elongated, with a long and straight rostrum folded under the head. WILLIAM L. KRINSKY, in Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2002. Table 6.2. Kollien et al.57 described and characterized cDNA encoding for a lysozyme from the gut of Triatoma infestans that was expressed differentially in the various regions of the digestive tract. %
Kollien et al. Uruguay, Chile, and Brazil, together with several provinces and departments of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay, have been formally declared free of transmission due to T. infestans. Riverflies: Mayflies, Caddisflies & Stoneflies, Leicestershire & Rutland Entomological Society, Leicestershire Amphibian & Reptile Network, Market Bosworth & District Natural History Society, Natural History Section, Leicester Literary & Philosophical Society, Leicestershire & Rutland Swift Partnership, Leicestershire Urban Verge Wildlife Project. In the intestine, the epimastigotes multiply by longitudinal binary fission (b), increasing the population of parasites. Members of the heteropteran family Reduviidae are commonly called assassin bugs because most species attack and feed on other insects. Look for this PDF icon as you search and browse. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2013;88:8939640; Daz S, Panzera F, Jaramillo-O N, Prez R, Fernndez R, Vallejo G, et al. This species is an important predator of forest insects. Vesciinae The insect feeds on blood infected with trypomastigote forms, which transform into epimastigotes and some spheromastigotes in the stomach (a).
Although they are small they can capture much larger insects, such as bumble bees. The adult is about 1 1/4 long, gray in color, and has a striking semicircular crest on the upper back that looks like a cogwheel. [7], Some research on the nature of the venom from certain Reduviidae is under way. A few days after feeding the trypomastigotes form from the infected vertebrate host blood transform into epimastigotes or spheromastigotes in the midgut of the insect vector. Kollien and Schaub53 showed that diuresis rather than factors from the hemolymph or digestive products induced the development of metacyclic trypomastigotes of T. cruzi. 35.2) to humans and animals. One process of T. cruziinsect interaction involves attachment of the parasite to the gut's epithelial surfaces. Figure 14.6. Across the Americas, insects of the family Reduviidae, subfamily Triatominae, including species of the genera Rhodnius, Panstrongylus, and Triatoma, are the most important vectors of T. cruzi (Fig. Another well-known species is Reduvius personatus, known as the masked hunter because of its habit of camouflaging itself with dust. TABLE II. Some species are bloodsuckers rather than predators, and they are accordingly far less welcome to humans. Classification of Triatominae as in Schofield and Galvo18. Peiratinae Triatominae are composed of 14 genera and 140 species, inhabiting the Americas from southern Argentina to the Mid-USA.36 One genus, Linshcosteus, is distributed in India and one species, Triatoma rubrofasciata, associated with rats, migrates with ships and is now distributed to all main tropical ports. The range of forms is huge but they all have in common a piercing beak, used like a hypodermic needle to suck juices from plants or other animals. 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico July 20-24! In addition, there has been steady progress in blood donor screening, with coverage now approaching 100% in most of the endemic countries.5. When harassed, many species can deliver a painful stab with the proboscis, injecting venom or digestive juices. Molecular research and control of Chagas disease vectors. M.D. *2h:
Sound is made by rasping the proboscis against ridges in this groove stridulitrum (stridulatory organ). Kollien and Schaub (2000) also showed that there are several aspects of competition of T. cruzi with the vector's nutrients, showing that feeding affects not only the parasite population density, but also changes the percentages of different evolutionary stages observed in the rectum. Many species can inflict a painful bite on humans if handled, so it's wise to avoid touching them. Additional Sources of Information Related to "Insects". They are customarily defined by their blood-sucking habit and associated morphological adaptations, particularly the straight three-segmented rostrum in which the final segment is capable of flexing upwards when the rostrum is extended for feeding. Apparently, T. cruzi and the triatomine insect probably have not coevolved to facilitate parasite transmission (Schofield, 2000; Takano-Lee and Edman, 2002). As nymphs, some species cover and camouflage themselves effectively with debris or the remains of dead prey insects.
[11] The origin of the species dates to around the middle Jurassic. Holoptilinae W`ECQG{3cSmE.*V|RkK0g #'@2 Adult assassin bugs are usually 1/2 to 3/4 long. The establishment of T. cruzi infection in the gut of the insect vector may depend on, and is possibly regulated by, a range of complex biochemical and physiological factors involved in the mechanism of the T. cruzivector interaction.49 Phillips and Bertran50 suggested that the vectors genetic factors may be involved in the T. cruzi cycle in the invertebrate. On the anterior midgut surface, epimastigotes bound through the cell body or flagellum and on the posterior midgut occur only as flagellar attachment to perimicrovillar membranes (Gonzalez et al., 1999). Once a group is selected, the blue arrow will then open the family level sub-menu. In the invertebrate host, the development of the parasite has been known since the original work by Carlos Chagas1 and has been studied by different authors.3740 The biological cycle in the vector initiates when the insect feeds on the mammalian host by sucking blood contaminated with trypomastigotes. Then we present a summary of recent advances in the systematics of this diverse group of insects, with an emphasis on the contribution of molecular tools to the clarification of taxonomic controversies. A few days after feeding, the trypomastigotes form in the infected vertebrate host's blood, then transform into epimastigotes or spheromastigotes in the midgut of the insect vector.