0000215212 00000 n Use the Import utility of the new database to import the objects exported from the current database. 0000129839 00000 n
Supports filtering the metadata that is exported and imported based upon objects and object types, using INCLUDE and EXCLUDE parameters. 0000181969 00000 n Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. 0000212444 00000 n
0000168645 00000 n %PDF-1.7 %
Oracle Data Pump provides high performance Export (expdp) and Import (impdp) utilities. 0000000016 00000 n
0000212330 00000 n hMlE^&.K@2" TnbqHl/PH(BR].H"Ej5.Z ^[C;ow _ChL VW>}[, -T;&)mtl=_O&1%l${2RDj$fkgFzl4Pc'gO[|NeyiZ%T\-\QFKkW=9 ,==,gjVxRy8HfdX0V30Z/GZ$(]NZv+ToS]nf^!
0000165711 00000 n This is useful after upgrading Oracle Database. ?#\B?[]N)[=~/}w)}i6\ !v[=O{"]+3%o;J~M\2DN$/ 3Df!o{Xc/%=XVl`QzsYG]uyYG]Y k(t8BgY,t8=B72STd*3LE2S|E>(}PAE}PAE}0lp6:glp6:glp6w +&}Os1|M8.7+ > endstream endobj 180 0 obj <> endobj 181 0 obj <> endobj 182 0 obj <> endobj 183 0 obj <>stream
Run the following command, where import_user is the username for the importing user, and db_link is the name of the database link owned by the exporting user: A log file for the import operation writes to the DATA_PUMP_DIR directory. 0000214754 00000 n HLO +Rl:5\5&i>N%v Mqp-9uVDmq I4`BG9d~GsB+!k4^:U_X(GE2|}Vxh@!#yd1I&bV>xw)X@:uK\1S#b6 a#S#V=9{*L!PFuT@=E2x &2VlmFx.r.$"=Di8^Z82xYUZktx\Zv~ 5} endstream endobj 179 0 obj <>stream 0000166232 00000 n 0000166307 00000 n

0000128989 00000 n
YmB /TBG8OCaq8b7]Q)=U];g^4~K}|H?#:Cp1N q4 endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>>> endobj 171 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 213>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 147 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 172 0 obj <> endobj 173 0 obj <> endobj 174 0 obj <>stream After the import, check the import log file for information about the imports of specific objects that completed successfully.
This chapter contains the following topics: Overview of Data Pump and Export/Import For Migrating Data, Migrating Data With Data Pump When Upgrading Oracle Database, Data Pump Requirements When Downgrading Oracle Database. To ensure a consistent export, the current database must not be available for updates during and after the export. 0000032632 00000 n You can use the Data Pump Import utility with a database link to perform a full database import from a source database to a destination database without intermediate dump files. (See the topics about Data Pump export modes and Data Pump import modes in Oracle Database Utilities.). 0000212908 00000 n Connect to the database instance as a user with SYSDBA privileges. Provides support for the full range of data types. You may also refer to support note ID 4511371.8, which discusses ORA-6544 and ORA-4052 errors.
0000007015 00000 n
0000166713 00000 n
0000098514 00000 n You can take advantage of Oracle Data Pump to export data from the source database before you install the new Oracle Database software, and then import the data into the target upgraded database. 169 0 obj <> endobj xref
Oracle provides Data Pump Export and Import to migrate, or move, data from one Oracle database to another. 0000023382 00000 n 0000020520 00000 n
Oracle Database Utilities for an overview of Data Pump Export and Import, "The Export/Import Method for Migrating Data When Upgrading Oracle Database" for information on when to use this method.
0000005404 00000 n 0000212369 00000 n 0000214294 00000 n 0000168162 00000 n
To obtain a downward compatible dump file with Data Pump Export: Use the Data Pump Export utility in the current release, and set the VERSION parameter to the release of the earlier target to which you are downgrading.
0000215598 00000 n This method is an alternative to the procedure in "Migrating Data With Data Pump When Upgrading Oracle Database". 0000008185 00000 n
Ensure that the importing user at the destination database has the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.
0000265882 00000 n Create and test a database link between the source and destination databases.
See the current Oracle Database Utilities documentation for information about using the Export utility on the current database. Complete the procedures described in Chapter 4, "Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Database". Start an Oracle Database instance using STARTUP.
When items have been pre-created, specify the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND option for Data Pump Import. This user must be specified when you create the database link.
0000166788 00000 n If the current database is available to users for updates after the export, then, before making the current database available, put procedures in place to copy the changes made in the current database to the new database after the import is complete.
0000023498 00000 n 0 l endstream endobj 175 0 obj [/ICCBased 188 0 R] endobj 176 0 obj <> endobj 177 0 obj <> endobj 178 0 obj <>stream 0000005255 00000 n
0000024003 00000 n Install the new Oracle Database software. 0000129374 00000 n 0000005973 00000 n 0000005292 00000 n 0000023614 00000 n 0000165750 00000 n You can discover the location of this directory by running the following command: When using Data Pump with the downgrade process, the Oracle Database release to which you downgrade can be one release earlier, at the most.
0000023711 00000 n
0000213297 00000 n 0000128914 00000 n Supports different modes for unloading/loading portions of the database including: full database mode, schema mode, table mode, tablespace mode, and transportable tablespace mode. 0000004198 00000 n
0000020636 00000 n 0000213832 00000 n 0000135350 00000 n
Therefore, the best way to perform a downgrade is to use Data Pump Export with the VERSION parameter set to the release number of the target database to which you are downgrading.
0000167266 00000 n 0000006534 00000 n 0000235580 00000 n 0000168237 00000 n
0000008799 00000 n
0000005518 00000 n 0000130377 00000 n 0000130768 00000 n "%fd(eUiy'Z+_XL4"Z*aI#Z"$V]Ftmf)W%G^IUT9* 0000181894 00000 n Refer to Oracle Database Installation Guide for your operating system. Use further Import scenarios as described in Oracle Database Utilities, or use SQL scripts that create the database's objects to clean up incomplete imports (or possibly to start an entirely new import). 0000169125 00000 n 0000230336 00000 n 0000165825 00000 n 0000214219 00000 n Include a parameter to save the informational messages and error messages from the import session to a file as follows: The LOGFILE parameter for Data Pump Import.
trailer <]/Prev 1404729>> startxref 0 %%EOF 253 0 obj <>stream
0000168720 00000 n 0000098400 00000 n 0000002995 00000 n
0000098439 00000 n Installation steps for Oracle Database are covered in your operating system-specific Oracle documentation. 0000007550 00000 n 0000003126 00000 n "The Export/Import Method for Migrating Data When Upgrading Oracle Database", Chapter 4, "Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Database", "Migrating Data With Data Pump When Upgrading Oracle Database". If there were failures, check for information about any objects that failed.
To use a network link with the Data Pump Import utility, impdp: Ensure that the exporting user at the source database has the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.
0000212833 00000 n 0000215137 00000 n
;.m+vgG3Y\{^n9.gsssK\]A.jrp/tpqotoursr^:$"dX'K-_NiTF"bOn=>STT&S~{V~`e[U*f[jV}zZTv:;o^cO{L{^fl\o;{bt'W[;{ BZB v|!!_ o !^(ODL>NN FxMyMxY]}1y13H8Op!7'_6r&yMrv#.
If changes are made to the current database after the export, then make sure those changes are propagated to the new database before making it available to users.
0000129914 00000 n Refer to step 1 in this procedure.
To use Oracle Data Pump with the upgrade procedures: Export data from the current database using the Export utility shipped with the current database.
0000001996 00000 n Data Pump Import cannot read dump file sets created by a database release that is later than the current database release, unless those dump file sets were created with the VERSION parameter set to the release number of the target database.
0000129449 00000 n 0000226995 00000 n 0000046409 00000 n ABmb#TIB ^-[O+tt\QB5OZ+bkV/Y}9:EL~L[-?lt~O,`9`Q v &"[7T4~9 cNnr@7mn.r .7n_jpc}/ES`'|alsLQsc.a
0000167191 00000 n When you pre-create tables using SQL*Plus, either run the database in the original database compatibility mode or make allowances for the specific data definition conversions that occur during import. 0000135275 00000 n You can pre-create tablespaces, users, and tables in the new database to improve space usage by changing storage parameters.
0000046295 00000 n 0000004592 00000 n
If the new database has the same name as the current database, then shut down the current database before creating the new database. 0000213372 00000 n 0000007288 00000 n 0000167678 00000 n 0000004859 00000 n 0001030136 00000 n CeBh+q(1Q~v\u"|?Deul?Cx-ULSCTD28TUCAX=kyWX}hg(`G4?pv48E+L(|d>ySgYT8ey/g>K$|b?_-u5RWs]->57nM3hoSC_F[ H\n0y 0000213757 00000 n
0000232958 00000 n Optionally, consider using the REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLESPACE and REMAP_TABLE options so that references to the old names in the dump file set are remapped to new, non-colliding names. 169 85 Optionally, you can change the storage parameters from the source database. `36jw'@bz_X O `]sFPaI*m&+2ptlB v}6w=cb#z3nTn 0gn1U+QMUs8LcziQH|aF`\}4b3|kb1@T@B%cm.~^M>PT UNUP-TZtt>]X%u$JoerY,BRV}n:ZqVk5oMYOv;m.
0000020733 00000 n
0000167753 00000 n To facilitate upgrading Oracle Database, you can use the Export and Import utilities in Oracle Data Pump to migrate data from one database to another.
0000214679 00000 n HtU x]}#H1O^n)!$jK[fjy97fjVS |9YnBQ h5/Ui6b# ?
0000023857 00000 n