You can easily cancel this subscription at any time by simply emailing us through our website contact page.
Recreational programs designed for kids with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and other exceptionalities. Our Families Say At this camp, students have a variety of opportunities from learning more about neurodiversity advocacy to the strengths-based model to universal design principles and more. Online camp setup instructions will be CC'ed to this address. Read below to find services or click here to sign up for email newsletter updates. Youre a very special group of people and we are so grateful for the time that you shared with Reed. Get info on events, open houses, reunions, deadlines and general camp info. Read below to find services or click, Our center-based ABA program uses evidence-based strategies to work on language, communication, emotional regulation, skill acquisition, and behavior management. Aspiring Youth helps children, youth, and young adults (ages 8-18) as they navigate their social world. Zack is definitely a more mature and more confident kid, and we know that Akeela played an important role in this transformation. Camp Video Reviews Meet the Directors. 10 0 obj
Not all, but some campers even come with a diagnosis such as mild Autism, ADHD, or a learning differences. Children with autism spectrum disorder, learning and attention issues and social or emotional challenges come together with typically developing children and children of military servicemembers to participate in programs that challenge, educate, and inspire. Be sure you put the parent's email used when you registered. 2020 Advanced Pragmatics Speech Pathology, Inc. Campers will meet at Rush Park in Los Alamitos, CA (, This program was carefully designed to build upon. endobj
21 0 obj
We also accept most major Credit/Debit cards through online payment. I can count on one hand the number of times that Claudia has come away from a new social experience feeling better about herself than she did when she arrived. Thank you! your child finally tastes the JOYFUL SUMMER that ALL children deserve. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others. National Symposium on Neurodiversity (2011. We can not stop raving about the staff, programming and overall sense of love and encouragement we witnessed today. Taught by a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist, campers receive expert social skills training in a fun, comfortable environment. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 546.41 390.196 557.909]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Over the winter and spring, Gabi will be working closely with our Camp Director Victoria to host our CK Camp Kirk understands and respects there are various language preferences within the disability community. Stay tuned! We'll need your mailing address for that. Ryther provides a range of individual, group, summer and young adult support services for autistic and neurodivergent youth. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 523.412 409.671 534.911]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Fill out the form below to register for the upcoming event. Learn safetyin your community as well as how to deal with bullies. (qYTPiCg\M.
https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3953/. 16 0 obj
<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> Youre doing a terrific thing by having such a camp. Field Trips Visit nearby attractions and practice socializing with new friends in fun environments. Welcome Gabi to the Camp Kirk Office Team. they are at a fun-loving, judgment-free sleep away camp. Akeela campers are boys and girls completing grades 3 10 who are excited about a camp experience that supports their social growth. He has made lasting friends, tried out new activities, matured beautifully, and most importantly, felt cherished by the Akeela community. Free time spent on our 400 acres in the Berkshire Mountains and our beautiful waterfront Walk, Run or Bike in support of Camp Kirk and our neurodiverse campers. Each week long program costs $375, with the exception of the Young Adult Life Camp which is $300. Subscriptions can be canceled or put on pause anytime. At Akeela, they truly belong and find lifelong friends. Camper, Peter made new friends and wonderful memories. An amazing opportunity for connection and exchange between the resident artist and campers. Our programs are designed specifically for kids and youth with autism, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, and other types of exceptionalities. The small setting and high counselor-to-camper ratio were great. Camp Southern Ground Aspergers Syndrome: help for sleepless kids with special needs. the camp also helps me not being shy. endobj Two of the classes are what we call intensives;" week-long classes with a consistent group of campers each day. Summer camp designed for people with autism and social challenges. Join us on Sunday, October 16th, for a family-friendly fundraiser in support of Camp Kirk and the Neurodiverse kids we serve. I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with all of your staff. Odyssey Teen Camp is a place that celebrates and embraces all kinds of differences. We hope nothing but good grows from what you have begun here. Each camper is as unique and gifted as the flying horse that inspired our camps name. Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. Discuss the importance of hygiene, taking care of our bodies, and being active. These classes fill up. I now know that the things that make me different, though sometimes theyve made my life harder, are also a big piece of what makes me the cool person I am. Through vocational and educational exploration, our program offers the opportunity to examine a variety of paths to sustainable employment. Latest From the Blog OTC welcomes those who identify as LGBTQ+, gamers, goths, geeks, artists, activists, shy kids and those with no label at all. 12 0 obj The first days of camp we will stay at the park and get to know each other. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 72 281.933 381.181 293.432]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> We are located in Los Alamitos/Rossmoor, which is near Long Beach, Cerritos, and Seal Beach. interchangeably to show consideration to two primary audiences. Check out Lakeside Retreats to plan an event at camp.
endobj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 500.414 380.776 511.913]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3965/. Your donation will be used to pay for our amazing speakers and the rest will be a contribution to OTC's scholarship fund! From our initial meeting in February to the video chat they had with my anxious camper (for an hour, no less) to an amazing summer They are kind, compassionate, helpful and thorough. April 01, 2021 10:15 ET Please submit a resume or CV. Family Camp is a one-week camp in mid-August for the entire family! Arlo and Papa: A Tale of Neurodiversity. After the camp, most students continue with their neurodiversity advocacy projects in their own high school. It helps kids know they are accepted, celebrated, and capable of bigger things.. This is the 4th year the Stanford Neurodiversity Project (SNP) has organized two-week summer camps for high school students. We will not put them on a permanent list. What Different Can Do is made possible by Lovesac, designers of furniture for life, and Wilmington Trust, premier providers of wealth and institutional service, two generous organizations dedicated to supporting their communities. We love when people think outside of the box or have a unique lens they view the world through. We'll send out an email blast when the application period opens. Take Care of Your Body Discuss the importance of hygiene, taking care of our bodies, and being active. 19 0 obj They were interested in how well I would do on standardized tests and how in the world I could somehow, someday be a good employee. Pegasus, the winged-horse creature from mythology, is unlike any other animal. If you have more than one child to sign up, complete this form again. Camper, 4 New King Street, White Plains, NY 10604. endobj For more information, please visit https://CampSouthernGround.org. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 431.42 395.809 442.919]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> My trust in Debbie & Eric and the entire Akeela staff was immeasurable. This is the name you used when you registered. They will be sent an invitation explaining that you invited them and made a donation on their behalf. https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3960/. I felt confident that it was the right place for Nate and Id recommend it in a heartbeat. At the Advanced Pragmatics Social Camp, campers will meet new people their age, learn how to become more independent, build confidence, explore the community, and take part in a summer camp designed specifically for them. If you want to set up that account for your camper or you want all communications to go through you, then leave this blank. Through the design thinking process, campers then collaborate on neurodiversity advocacy projects that often continue beyond the program. endobj This form is for all of our virtual programs. This camp is designed for neurodiverse kids, teens, and young adults with high-functioning autism or other social language challenges. Find out more. Fill out the form below to RSVP for an upcoming OTC Open House. ), your child LEARNS powerful social & coping skills to SUCCEED socially & academically when school resumes. Our center-based ABA program uses evidence-based strategies to work on language, communication, emotional regulation, skill acquisition, and behavior management. https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3966/. Through vocational and educational exploration, our program offers the opportunity to examine a variety of paths to sustainable employment. Learn more, Aspiring Youth helps children, youth, and young adults (ages 8-18) as they navigate their social world. When you pause, we just suspend it and can reactivate at a later date. Campers will meet at Rush Park in Los Alamitos, CA (3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor, CA 90720) at 9:00am daily (or 1:00 pm for adults)at the picnic tables by the playground. Copyright 2022 Camp Pegasus. A follow up study was undertaken in summer 2019 and the results were just posted to our Were Evidenced Based! webpage under the menu item, About Us . <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 511.913 386.882 523.412]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Last summer, 60 high school students were selected from over 340 applications representing students from all over California and the United States. Answering yes will send a notification to the dungeon master who will reach out to you directly. Billy loved all of the counselors and instructors. They will receive one or two reminders about the event and a follow-up. Find out if your child could benefit from Camp Kirk, Make camp accessible to the kids who need it most, Explore jobs and be part of our staff team. Alex loved camp and cant wait to go back next year. endobj https://CampSouthernGround.org/events/April. Ryther provides a range of individual, group, summer and young adult support services for autistic and neurodivergent youth.
We will not put them on a permanent list. endobj Thank you for your dedication to these kids. 15 0 obj Scott had a wonderful experience at camp. endobj Explore the Community Navigate the rules and steps for riding our city bus while discovering nearby attractions. Atlanta, Georgia, April 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Camp Southern Ground kicks off What Different Can Do, a month-long awareness campaign to flip the perception of different on its head. Georgios knows our camp culture as well as anyone because he created so much of it. It was all we could have hoped for her! Using the experience of summer camp as a catalyst for change, Camp Southern Ground brings together children of different backgrounds and abilities to celebrate every childs unique differences, providing them with the encouragement and tools that allow them to see themselves and others through a new lens one that recognizes differences as assets and, ultimately, changes the world for the better. Provided: Too often, young people are punished for being different. Some of our students are shy or quirky. Camp Southern Ground, founded by GRAMMY Award-winning artist Zac Brown, was built from the ground up to be fully inclusive. Debbie and Eric are my heroes. We would just like to say thank you for all this camp has done for Nicole! Flexible payment options are available (please reach out).
8 0 obj Its hard to find a camp for an older child who wants to attend for the first time and Akeela was a great experience for Chris. I picked up a different boy than I sent. Use this form to cancel subscriptions for any of our virtual programs. Full2021 Summit Presentation of SNP-REACH Projects document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please join our mailing list at the bottom of the page where it says "Stay in the loop." 18 0 obj Groups will resume in the fall. Students learn from professors, researchers, clinicians, and neurodivergent student advocates. Two of these classes will have a brand new group of campers each day. Description of Event: Georgios came to camp when he was 15 for our first summer back in 2003, and now hes in his 30s. Its hard to find a camp for an older child who wants to attend for the first time and Akeela was a great experience for Chris. Thank you for everything. Get notified when camp enrollment is nearing capacity. Gabi will be with us in the role of Assistant Camp Director between now and September 2022. Thanks again for a terrific summer of growth, opportunity and fun. Sign up today for your free Reader Account. We host year-round programming with fun and engaging summer programs. 7 0 obj There were so many aspects of the camp that were impressive, but the compassion of the counselors was absolutely inspiring. I am thrilled to learn she expanded her comfort level to try them. Camp Southern Ground. Navigate the rules and steps for riding our city bus while discovering nearby attractions. This jam-packed newsletter includes a lot of important information. Finding Odyssey Teen Camp, and other spaces that celebrated me for who I was instead of trying to change me, was a significant step towards figuring out how to love myself. This is not mandatory, but if you are not on these lists you will miss information needed for online camp setup and other important info. Learn morehere. Check out some of the highlights from our summer camps 2021! So your email will be routed to the right person. The Odyssey Teen Camp Artist in Residency Program is open to established and emerging artists who are interested in passing the passion of their craft on to teenagers and inspiring the next generation of artists. https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3970/, All content Copyright 2022 Camp Akeela - All Rights Reserved. In 2017, an outcome study found that the Camp Pegasus program helped campers increase expected (pro-social) behaviors & decrease unexpected (unhelpful) behaviors. Loving myself and my neurodivergent brain helped me find coping mechanisms and figure out how to navigate a world built by neurotypical people.
<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 362.426 423.567 373.925]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Our program is NOT able to support children who: demonstrate significant self-regulation challenges, such as: extreme physical or verbal aggression, frequent and uncontrolled tantrums, or a tendency to elope (run away), have extreme preoccupation with internal thoughts or experiences, perseveration on ideas/objects to the exclusion of focus on peers or activities, exhibit pervasively oppositional and defiant behaviors. In this issue: Eric, Read The Akeela Newsletter Here Dear Akeela Friends, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to publish this newsletter because when we. Through our after-school social groups and summer camps, our facilitators help students build confidence, develop skills, and connect to the community. Campers live in cabins with up to 8 peers and 4 counselors.
Akeela offers a small, supportive community that helps campers connect and thrive within a well-rounded, traditional camp program. These classes are an hour and half each and happen Monday-Friday. We also provide trainings for parents, caregivers, providers and allies, as well as community events. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 557.909 359.11 569.408]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Artists are welcome to teach the same class each day or submit ideas for multiple classes. Read The Akeela Newsletter Here The May 2022 edition of the Camp Akeela newsletter has arrived! %PDF-1.7 <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 569.408 396.332 580.907]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> During my, Akeela Wisconsin Spring Newsletter Have an Akeela director call meEmail me to set up a time to chat. All gifts up to $10,000 will be matched to support Camp Southern Ground in providing more children the life-changing experience of summer camp. <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/F 4/Rect[ 288 419.921 380.771 431.42]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Weve always had neurodivergent teens at Odyssey. For the remainder of the year, Camp Southern Grounds two veteran programs, Warrior Week and Warrior PATHH, help veterans find community, direction, purpose and healing duringand even long aftertheir transition back to civilian life. If they like to be called something else, it's fine to put that in the first name field instead of given name. People who participate in our summer camp must be fully verbal, able to stay with a group, and follow directions. Our residents teach four classes per day. EMBRACED and not punished for social miscues or emotional reactions. You have no idea how lucky I feel that we found you, that you're such an excellent camp and that I can give Jon this wonderful, happy experience! endobj We host year-round programming with fun and engaging summer programs. This summer, we are pleased to offer week long programs for pre-teens, teens, and young adults.
Visit nearby attractions and practice socializing with new friends in fun environments. 9 0 obj Parent, I love this place. For most teenagers, nothing matters more than having friends and fitting in. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Interested in which Akeela program(s)? In addition to our camps for grades 3 10, Beyond Akeela prepares 10th 12th graders for life after high school, with an emphasis on social skills, independence, college readiness and FUN! I spent months looking for the right camp, and as you know many phone conversations being sure you were the right place. https://campakeela.com/testimonials/3957/. (Please provide any details you can about potential dates, group size, etc.). In 2011, with the belief his musical talent was given for the purpose of putting more good into the world, Zac Brown purchased 400 acres of pastoral land in Fayetteville, Georgia, about 30 miles south of Atlanta, and built Camp Southern Ground, a world-class facility dedicated to serving youth and veterans. Teens/Young Adults: 7/25-7/29. As a neurodivergent person, my teenage years were punctuated by pressures to conform. Registration and additional information can be found here.