Join us at Mackie Harley-Davidson as we combine our passion for motorcycles with the support of an amazing cause! As you walk around the event you can take in the entertainment, peruse vendor alley and socialize with all the other motorcycle fans. Registration: $35 for CVMG members, $50 for non-members. 14-16 Godfather Movie Mini Rally Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt, Anywhere, ON Includes a door prize ticket. Afamily-friendly event to raise donations for Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario. Recommended Route:Deep Valley Run, 16, Quinte Ride for Paws, Trenton, ON The route will take you on an amazing 120 km route that will be full of twists, turns, hills and amazing scenery. There will be a door prize and a 50/50 draw when the ride returns and BBQ. Registration: $40 per participant. This eastern Ontario motorcycle really will be happening at the Railway Museum in Smith's Falls Ontario. Please join us for our ride which includes a poker run, lunch, door prizes, and much more; all while helping raise money to fight Prostate Cancer. Visit, Date:1st Thursday of every month This amazing knowledge breaks the cycle of mistakes we repeat and provides the actual know-how to melt difficulties, heal relationships and to stop needless emotional suffering. 'https:' : 'http:') + '//'; Feature models include the NIKEN GT, Star Venture TC, Tracer 900 GT, FJR1300, and models from the MT and XSR series. Pre-registration is preferred. the safe and enjoyable sport of motorcycling, both on and off road. Registration: $40 per bike. Registration opens on August 1, click here to get started. Chilliwack,BC V2R 4L8. The Sportbike Rally Ice-Cream Reunion is a go for Sunday, 10 July. Ride, Niagara, ON Time:7:30pm Admission: Early bird tickets are $17 each. Cross your fingers that you have horseshoes up your ass as this 26-hour rally will have you riding for 2 days visiting some amazing sites around Ontario. Ends at Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road. Ride ends at Morrisburg Legion. Registration: $35 before Ride Day, $40 on Ride Day or free with $100collected in pledges. Registration: Free to the public, $20 registration fee for show & shine. Registration: $30 ($20 for passengers) dinner included. Registration: $20 in advance, $30 at the gate. There's a lot happening, including paddle challenges, fly-in-breakfast, concerts, dances, food trucks and more. From the breakfast kick-off through the scenic police-escorted route, this unique outing is becoming one of the most anticipated events in support of SickKids. The Vancouver Prostate Centre (VPC) has a track record of success that has earned it a reputation as one of the worlds most respected cancer facilities. Please join us for our ride which includes a poker run, lunch, door prizes, and much more; all while helping raise money to fight Prostate Cancer. Click here to learn more about the 2019 Military Police National Motorcycle Relay. Recommended Route:Lake Huron Shore Route. Click for registration form and pledge form. Event:Langley Roadriders Tuesday Night Ride Description:ABC RestaurantUnit 101 15373 Fraser Highway,Surrey, BC. Lees Donuts Presents: Drag Story Time with Empress Fancy Pants! Description:The BMOC was established in 1985 to preserve and enjoy British Motorcycles. Opens at 8:30 am, closes at approximately 11 am. For the first time, the Sarnia R.O.C,K. Time:7:00 pm Visit, Date: 1st Tuesday every month Registration: Please contact dealer, Blackstock Motorsports(905-986-4437), for available units and to register for demo rides. Rev Your Heart at the 2019 Yamaha Power Tour! The cost to enter is $25. Recommended Route:Hwy 2The Ride of Choice for Ottawa and Montreal Riders, 29, Paul Whites Spread Your Wings and Ride Fundraiser, Kitchener, ON The forecast for Sunday looks promising, so lets get together for what looks like the last ride of the year. _plm.push(['_btn', 109641]); Event:Italian Bike Night Recommended Route:City Escapes Route, 20,Falcons MC Cap City Crew Battlefield Run & BBQ, Casselman, ON Starting location: Thunder Road Harley-Davidson, 2139 Huron Church Road, Windsor. Event:The Bee Cee Beemers Motorcycle Club Monthly Meeting A 250-kilometre MotoGiro-style time road run through the Northumberland Hills with scored agility tests, best of Class Awards and the CVMG Section Team Trophy. All pledges and donations are in support of Community Living (Trent Highlands) with event proceeds to stay in the Haliburton Area. Email for registration package. On from 9 am to 5 pm. Region:Huron, Perth, Waterloo, and Wellington, 11, 12, Fall Funduro at GOJO Farm, Chelmsford, ON Registration: Please contact dealer, deWildt Powersports(1-888-656-8680), for available units and to register for demo rides. The Kings and Queens Riding Club will be hosting their 2nd Annual Poker Run and Fundraiser Event on behalf of Sick Kids and Mackenzie who is a 7-year-old girl with Type 1 Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Recommended Route:Forks of the Credit Day Trip, 18, Golden Horseshoe Ride for Dad Golden Horseshoe, Hamilton, ON Go to the Facebook event page to register. There will be a bikers breakfast special. Distinguished gentlefolk around the world will don their cravats, tustle their ties, press their tweed, and sit astride their classic and vintage styled motorcycles to raise funds and awareness for mens health, specifically prostate cancer and men's mental health. Don't ride? Feature models include the NIKEN GT, Star Venture TC, Tracer 900 GT, FJR1300, and models from the MT and XSR series. After scoring each night there will be a buffet dinner included, and the chance togamble your day's points at theRally Casinowith a game of Crowns & Anchors. A great day to bring the family and friends, live music, bouncy castles and other children's activities, silent auction, 50/50 draw. Our goal is to grow the ride across Ontario and make the Victims Voices Heard! Volunteers will work 3 hours shifts, get a free HUB t-shirt and have an opportunity to meet like-minded folks and help improve cycling optionsin the city. NIKEN GT demo opportunities will only be available through pre-registration with dealer. Registration: Cost is $20 Rider & $20 Passenger. We will be selling burgers and hotdogs from 11 am to 1 pm to raise money to go towards the ride. Food is included and will be provided at the end of the ride.
The route will take youaround Prince Edward County back through Belleville before returning to the starting area in Trenton. and silent auction. Recommended Route:The Shield Ride, 25, Newmarket Optimists 9th Annual Poker Ride for Kids with Cancer, Newmarket, ON researchers aim to transform cancer treatment, Dr. Govind Kaigala appointed Senior Research Scientist, Professor Madanlal T. Wasan Memorial Prize awarded to Dr. Gillian Vandekerkhove, VCHRI News: Mapping the driver of prostate cancer, Father's Day Walk Run fundraiser - June 19, 2022, The 2022 Father's Day Walk Run for Prostate Cancer. We look forward to the full-force return of the Vancouver Motorcycle Show in 2023. On from 10 am to 4 pm at 1300 Hwy 7, Peterborough, ON. B.C. Recommended Route:Lake Huron Shore Route, 26-28, Crowns & Anchors Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt, King, ON Region:Niagara Canada This is the Royal Canadian Legion's first annual show and shine! all are welcome. var t=[43,17,80,-48,152,-38,139,-37,98,-64,173,-76,181,-73,189,-78,136,-98,133,-84,132,-84,143,-105,140,-83,138,-79,117,-82,131,-82,134,-75,113,-78,127,-77,126,-67,105,-70,119,-71,127,-68,106,-71,125,-73,132,-94,129,-80,128,-71,130,-92,127,-78,127,-78,137,-99,134,-85,134,-80,139,-101,136,-87,136,-87,146,-108,143,-94,143,-91,150,-112,147,-90,147,-88,126,-91,140,-90,139,-80,118,-83,140,-83,142,-104,139,-90,138,-82,141,-103,138,-89,137,-88,147,-109,144,-95,143,-87,146,-108,143,-86,141,-82,120,-85,134,-85,142,-83,121,-86,135,-85,134,-75,113,-78,127,-79,128,-69,107,-72,121,-72,124,-65,103,-68,120,-66,125,-87,122,-65,122,-63,101,-66,123,-68,127,-93,155,-86,195,-98,203,-95,127,-42,157,-97,144,-47,109]; Deadline to register is July 5th. Open on ride day from 8 to 9:30 am at Canadore College in the cafeteria. Includes event t-shirt, one ballot for onsite draw, light breakfast at check-in, lunch at the destination. Ride departs from Classy Chassis and Cycles,1399 8th Line Smith at 10:30 am with arrival TBA. The world famous Grand Prix track and grounds have seen substantial improvements over the last few years. Their preferred rates are around $100 and that includes breakfast. Be sure to share your pictures with us of your rides on our Facebook event page, or share on your own using the hashtags #lccf2021cmr and #rideforthekids. Registration: Fee is $30 for riders or participating passengers. Registration: Open from 8 to 10 am. 9 am to 5 pm to Saturday, 9 to 11 am on Sunday. He is the author of Physician Stress: A Handbook for Coping. In its 9th year, Rock and Rumble is quickly becoming a must-attend summer event for motorcycle enthusiasts and concert goers alike. All bike welcome to the 5th annual poker run. Meetings are held at 7:30pm Come to our car show and feast your eyes on a variety of beautiful vehicles. Registration starts at 10 am, ride departs at 11 am. Meet at 8 am at Home Depot, 10885 Leslie St. North and head to Arthur's Pub to enjoy an amazing Sunday brunch buffet. Recommended Route:Lake Huron Shore Route, 11, Bomb the Bruce & Blue Mountain BomberRide, Owen Sound, ON With a group of 5 or more the rider fee is $20/rider. Registration:$40 before Ride Day, $50 on Ride Day or free with $100collected in pledges. We will be doing a group ride of 200 to 250 kilometres through Kawartha Lakes ending at Classy Chassis around noon. For a table or more information call 519-991-8814 or email Time:7:00 pm There is a gas stop at the half way point for all to gas up and stretch. Youll know youve arrived when you hear the laughter. The Yamaha Power Tour is once again travelling across Canada, giving riders the opportunity to test our exciting 2019 lineup of touring, sport and sport heritage motorcycles. Please. It's time to put on your bell bottoms & polish up the MicroBus. var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Recommended Route: The Great Legends Tour, 6, The All Female Burnout, Smiths Falls, ON Visit, Date:2nd Monday of every month Includes BBQ lunch. There were over 15,000 attendees in 2015, dont miss it this year! All bikes and vintage cars are invited to take part in this socially distanced event to raise funds for the Quinte West Youth Centre. Recommended Route:Dynamite Alley, 5 - 7, Leave No-One Behind - Ride for Veterans, Kirkland Lake, ON Click for registration form and pledge form. $35 gets you a shirt too! Registration: Open from 10 to 11 am. $15 for single rider, $20 with a passenger. Join us for some live music, face painting for the kids, bbq and dice run. Recommended Route: The Small Loop, 10,Ride to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Oakville, ON Recommended Route:City Escapes Route, 19, Ruff Ride 2021, Burlington, ON This will be the 3rd annual Meals On 2 Wheels Dice Run 2 Dover. Like Trev Deeley Motorcycles on Facebook! Recommended Route:Snake RoadBest in the South, 19,Royal Canadian Legion Annual Motorcycle Show & Shine, Fergus, ON Leavingat 10am. Register at the Animal Shelter at 405 Park Ave. East from 10 to 11 am. Registration: Donation of a new unwrapped toy or $20. Get your poker faces ready! Register here now. Starting location: 373 Legget Drive, Kanata. Closing Ceremonies: Club Italia, 2525 Montrose Road Niagara Falls (at the Pavilion). Rev Your Heart at the 2019 Yamaha Power Tour! Recommended Route:Niagara Cherry Blossom Ride. Region:Northeastern Ontario Opens at 9 am, kickstands up at 11 am. Recommended Route:Lake Huron Shore Route, 24, Tri-City Ride for Autism 2019, Cambridge, ON Additional hands will beavailable for $10. Recommended Route: Ride Lake Superior, 18, 13th Annual Park Source Charity Car & Bike Show, North Bay, ON Kickstand up at10 am sharp. Registration: You and your members have the opportunity to help us fundraise, you can do this through our website Date:3rd Thursday of every month Round 1 will begin the VRRA's 2019 race season with the Quinte TT on Shannonville's 14-corner, 4.03 km-long track. From January 18-20, 2019, gearheads will be able to get their fix and find the newest models of motorcycles, accessories and technology featured, Practice your riding skills before you head out on the highway during upcoming Tri-Cities Motorcycle Challenge Just in time for the warmer weather, when motorcyclists hit the road, comes an opportunity for them to practise road skills that may have, On September 24th, 70,000 riders in 600 cities in 95 countries will participate in the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride (DGR), a fundraising initiative to support the awareness of global prostate cancer and mental health. Region:Ontario's Southwest Registration: $25 get you in plus a chance to win a custom built motorcycle. This no fee, no registration gathering could, quite possibly, be the biggest non-event event of the year! Gone but not forgotten. Feature models include the NIKEN GT, Star Venture TC, Tracer 900 GT, FJR1300, and models from the MT and XSR series. Recommended Route:Forks of the Credit Day Trip, 1, Heroes Highway Ride & Rally, Trenton, ON Kickstands up at 10 am. Registration: $40 per bike. Admission: Click here for information and buying tickets online. MUAC presents Paul Tonons 10th Annual Merrickville Motorcycle Show on Main Street from 10 am to 5 pm.