ACA provides education, resources and support for camp professionals and camp programs across the country and around the world. Open Houses March 5th, April 23rd, and May 21st from 2-4 pm, 4924 Tapawingo Trail Please see our swim test policy in the parent packet. You can call our office and talk to one of our directors at any time regarding medical information/medications. It is our belief that cell phones isolate the campers from developing positive relationships at camp and are a distraction from their camp experience. Our staff use a step by step process to work with campers who are missing home. Weekend options available. Our kitchen staff is trained to serve individuals with a variety of dietary needs and food allergies. Cabin mate requests must be within 2 grade levels and are limited to 2 requests per camper. Please only include healthy snacks and no nuts.

Thank you! You can go directly to any of our other 2022 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page. There is an additional fee for bus transportation ($30/camper/week). Please be sure to sign in with the Camp Weaver staff, who will be wearing a staff shirt. Will my child have to take a swim evaluation? Day Camp is open to rising 1st through 9th graders. Check Out The Following Amazing Summer Camp Experiences. endobj All overnight campers will have the opportunity to go horseback riding and signing up for the specialty camp is not required to participate in this activity.
In the peaceful setting of Friendship Park, campers explore woods and creeks, participate in team building activities and enjoy visits from contractors and programmers to lead specialized sessions. As ACA accredited camp programs, CFCC follows these guidelines, consistently upholds the standards and meets compliance as set forth by ACA. Gahanna Parks and Recreation offers in-house school break and summer camp programs that are accredited by the American Camp Association and run by Gahanna Parks and Recreation Camp Staff. }. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesnt support. Check out our Online Parent Orientation Video. CFCC Staff also go through several days of training specific to communication, leadership, recognizing and reporting child abuse, youth development and behavior management. Overnight Camp is open to rising 2nd through 10th graders. Please contact the Camp Supervisor with specific questions. In order for the campers health forms to be connected and visible to Parks and Recreation staff, parents must hit submit/share at the end of the health profile. The structured camp activities and field trips are scheduled from 9am-3pm each day.
CORE campers are transported in the Citys 15-passenger recreation vans. Come visit, and be sure to bring a friend! Check-In at CAMP WEAVER is from 7:30 AM 8:45 AM at the Warwick Pavilion (giant covered shelter located by our office/pool). Overnight campers sign up for 3 clinic activities in advance of their camp session. <> Greensboro, NC 27406 Adventurers enjoy traditional camp activities along with specialized programs and activities specific to a weekly theme. REGISTRATION, CANCELLATIONS AND REFUND POLICY. Summer 1-Day Camps are day by day camp options that add days on to the beginning and/or end of the regular summer camp schedule, to allow for some extra summer care options to fill the gap between school ending/stating and regular summer camp weeks. INFORMATION YOU REQUEST: Visitors (13 years of age and older) may request information from us by submitting a secure web form. Please contact Parks and Recreation with questions or for exceptions to these requirements. 4 0 obj Buses will leave promptly at 8:15 AM; so please have your child to the bus site BEFORE 8:15 AM. Can I request a day camp tribe mate request? Leadership Camps From our basic day camp chiefs program to our advanced Counselor in Training, we have great options for your teen camper. After the first day, they were happy and excited to go. We dont allow cell phones at camp. These program options vary each year and are based around the Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools calendar. Each counselor goes through a thorough screening prior to hire that includes interviews, references, background checks, and drug tests. Call us anytime with questions or to schedule a tour at (336) 697-0525. CAMP INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED: Horseback Riding, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Team Sports, Basketball, and more. :VQ#-t8,MIt|S@B*t+P^u(\_K'3NC"R]hzzDx[&>\cV6H;%u5[VC#2rDG[P:527} n|nyIZ {~2PSzb}2VN2~3_> `PxgQc,[[jUaFKx}^ z_,aYA-zNT8Xm}7_Au>9h)w6w2-$nh]c EjkZ,+Xs@i kGt=[Jq[>6^d?byN14xR zv._!08$dG&lZW`uDiKp/ x_Fx+*@nax+)rn5'qn_{`_ ]e&bQ} l:?{ Horse Riding Camps: Submit Your 2022 Info, Visit Our YMCA Camp Weaver Website336-697-0525jessica.james[AT]ymcagreensboro.org4924 Tapawingo TrailGreensboro, North Carolina 27406 The opt-out option will be included in any email (or other web communication) sent to any requestor. More info here:Our Camp Website Link: Our Camp consists of 100 Acres of gorgeous rolling hills, wooded areas, fields, hiking trails, lakes, creeks, shaded spaces and modern facilities that provide an ideal setting for our high quality programs. CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Counselor in Training (CIT) and Leader in Training (LIT) programs are designed for teens that want to build leadership skills while learning what it takes to be a great camp counselor. Greensboro, NC 27406 Summer Day Camp Greensboros premier high adventure day camp program with low staff to camper ratios, awesome activities and cooked lunch in our dining hall. How will my child get to camp if they are flying in. Campers also participate in traditional camp activities like crafts, games and weekly visit to the Gahanna Swimming Pool, as well as a field trip and time just hanging out with friends. Fees will apply in the event that a camper is picked up late. These standards range from having adequate, working fire extinguishers and proper driver training to staff screening and camper to staff ratio requirements. TO SEE THEIR LIST OF BEST 2022 CAMPS, HOME | SUBMIT YOUR CAMP | FIND A CAMP | 2022 CAMP GUIDE, Top Ten Reasons to Attend Horse Riding Camp, Enter Keywords, Activities, Phrases, or Camp Names in space above to Search Entire Site, State-by-State Directories of Red Restricted to non swimmer areas of pool and lake. More info here: Our Camp Website Link: See our facilities at: Our Camp Website Link: Check-In at BUS SITES is from 7:30 AM 8:10 AM. Camp activities and field trips are based off of weekly themes that vary week to week and year to year. Camp will provide the afternoon snack. Depending on the days activities, an extra change of clothes, pool attire and towel or clothing layers may also be appropriate.
% Children are grouped by age and make the journey to each camp activity under the supervision of Camp Weaver counselors. CAMP PROGRAM INFO: YMCA Camp Weaver is accredited by the American Camp Association. Our food selections not only taste good but are healthy too. endobj Campers are subject to a swim test in order to assess swimming ability if they wish to access the back pool or the deep end of the front pool. These specialty camp programs are run by the third party organization, but registration takes place through Parks and Recreation. CHOOSE A STATE FROM THE LIST BELOW HorsebackSpecialty Camp For the camper looking for a more intensive activity experience in horseback riding. Campers enjoy a variety of structured activities around a weekly theme including arts & creativity, sports & games, outdoor education, character education and more in a welcoming atmosphere. @[",NKmLi In-person summer camp registration opens on Camp Registration Day. You can feel confident placing your child under our care and supervision. Field Trips are scheduled to complement the weeks theme. If your camper has sensitive skin, would prefer a higher SPF or has a sunscreen preference, please provide your own sunscreen, labeled clearly with the campers name. Green all access. SHARING: We do not share any personally identifiable information about our visitors with anyone. Campers at Friendship Park Adventure typically attend field trips on Fridays. (336) 697-0525. Please enter your tribe mate request on our camper application under cabin mate request.
Camp friendship is a well-operated, organized and affordable camp program for Gahanna families. You may at any time opt-out of receiving any further communications from us and have any information you submitted removed from our database. How do you transport campers for field trips and pool days? We work with ePACT, a third party organization, to organize all camper health forms and get information to parents/guardians. (336) 697-0525. What if my child cant swim or is not a good swimmer? % Free time after lunch and during extended care hours gives campers a chance to select their favorite activities from the playground, time with friends at the shelter, a game of gaga ball or basketball and more. LINKS: This website includes links that are submitted by the camps that are listed in our directory, and also some third party advertising affiliates (such as Amazon) whose ads we display. Upon registration with Parks and Recreation, a campers name and email address are sent to ePACT for an account to be created. Many camp staff are teachers or students interested in pursuing coursework in education, youth development, recreation or related fields. SECURITY: This website is secured via HTTPS and SSL which is designed to protect (encrypt) any data transmitted between your devices and our website host. Our Activities Include: Canoes/Kayaks, Arts & Crafts, Jewelry Making, Pottery, Outdoor Living Skills, Horse Camp, Skateboarding, High & Low Ropes Course, Radio, Multi-media, Dance, Drama, BB Guns, Archery, Organic Garden. Camp Weaver focuses on Youth Development, nurturing the potential of every child and teen. kM`Puv[8sVXc0{B/n\FBcN;/5*k7 rPFh2&":t#IcEQ^ =Sz"X2fcex{:$'uYD7kunyD,4|:z!Z9 LxSQob$/2CIgY ltk o_XXTq9bv G"zHhGgO 7 ':9^ \1lUuor@lIhV*("8|,+>KkJ]9v*z.*c@]99%",;H. You guys did a great job keeping them busy, safe and having fun! This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesnt support. Each day every camper will have the opportunity to participate in both land and water activities. Buses depart from Camp Weaver @ 4:30p.m. DISCLAIMERS, PLEASE READ: This site is for informational purposes only. These forms may ask for information such as your email address so that we can deliver to you the information you request. CFCC Staff are interviewed every year by the Camp Director, along with work history and reference checks. CORE campers receive an enriching experience as they participate in service projects, explore local recreation facilities, parks & cultural arts venues while having plenty of opportunities to hang out and enjoy leisurely time with friends. There is no additional cost for extended care. Go to The Best North Carolina Horse Riding Camps Directory to Find More Summer Horse Riding Camps Near Greensboro, North Carolina. The bus cannot wait on late arrivals. (336) 697-0525. Groups are divided by age. This is also the time of day where campers can elect to swim at the lake or pool. Other various specific boundaries are given to other campers, based on the swim test they have passed and the coordinating colored wristband they receive. ACA also provides guidelines and standards for day and residential camps alike, to help ensure camps are providing safe, educational, and developmentally appropriate programs. While we are not a nut-free program, we do provide a nut-free eating space for children with documented sensitivities/allergies. Transportation available from 2 convenient locations in Greensboro.
Summer Overnight Camp The ultimate camp adventure with more activities, more time to make friends, and more opportunities to gain responsibility, all under the supervision of positive role models in a safe and fun environment. Day camp themes are used to distinguish weeks and have little impact on programming, please select sessions that work with your schedule. Extended care hours are provided from 7-9am (7:30-9am for CORE) and 3-6pm (3-5:30pm) each day. They took time to get to know the children and were a positive influence on them. Each night, Overnight campers sign up for 2 free-choice activities for the following day. During the summer, a Registered Nurse is on-site day and night for all of our camp sessions. <> Swimming in the pool or lake (swim evaluation takes place on Mondays, campers will not have regular swim time on Mondays), 1:30 p.m. Activities Continue, 4924 Tapawingo Trail Additional shirts may be purchased on-site for $10 each. Camp Weaver is accredited through the American Camp Association and meets ACA guidelines for camper safety, this means we are held to a higher standard of safety and quality in all our programming. Registration for all CFCC programs close ten (10) calendar days PRIOR to the start of that camp week or day for which a camper is wanting to register. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2022 CAMP SESSION DATES & FEES: See website for availability. YMCA Camp Weaver is accredited by the American Camp Association. Summer camp registration does not open until Camp Registration Day. Meals are prepared with your active child in mind. Our programs are designed to help meet the needs of busy families and working parents. At Camp Weaver we offer a fun filled day camp experience for campers who are rising 1st graders through 9th graders.
If a parent/guardian indicates a camper can apply his/her own sunscreen, CFCC Staff will monitor the child to ensure that sunscreen is appropriately applied. 4924 Tapawingo Trail All seasonal Parks and Recreation employees receive training on workplace violence and harassment, accident and emergency procedures, ethics and Ohio laws. .white_content { Gahanna City Hall200 S Hamilton RdGahanna, OH 43230614-342-4000. We suggest that your camper comes to camp in comfortable play clothes that you do not mind getting dirty while they are having a blast in their Camp activities! Any updates will be available here (or via a link), and the date of any update will be noted at the top of the policy statement. Campers register for these programs by the day, participating in traditional camp activities and station rotations. 3 0 obj If you are running late you can bring your camper directly to Camp Weaver, 4924 Tapawingo Trail, Greensboro, NC 27406. Each day campers should bring a packed lunch, a refillable water bottle and wear closed-toe shoes and clothes appropriate for active play. We are a nut free campus. Please, please do not bring any items of high importance or value. At Camp Hannah Traditional, campers enjoy traditional camp activities that focus on teamwork and character education while also participating in weekly sessions of arts and creativity, sports and games, and outdoor education. Greensboro, NC 27406 Gahanna Parks and Recreation partners with several organizations to provide specialty camp programs throughout the year. <> Campers spend 3 hours a day at the barn. \nz3.y`\G@AEfM(u3UHE@= -<0 Fd6G(*"d5Gq rFxx7`$PfM/EMHX4CVN4p 1a,kD!;]ibsw@nz;1[l~itI3^XHskPYjTo8%{qckg'J7r_+R7hD]=bW;%PffR,E4Q~eP>ZF7A|7> pTIQD3ci|xFNz. TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. We do not endorse or recommend any of the camps whose information or advertisements appear on any page of this website (or in any linked or referenced media, websites, directories, or web pages) and we cannot confirm the accuracy of any information that appears herein. A morning snack, along with a non-refrigerated packed lunch are to be provided by parents/guardians each day. z-index:1002; xn8=@A&*R$%.,7vf cvQ{.,9j(Kyzuw~llMp8?AD,Hm)=%=}D*E4>F!22)#q hCD,_p5p;0E08}F2T$yAfb*&s @0DVa Please note that campers will walk to the Gahanna Swimming Pool for pool day. Please detail your childs allergies on the camper medical form as well as their Camper Profile form. These activities all have a skill building and educational focus. We also offer leadership programs (LIT and CIT) for rising 10th and 11th graders. Please be sure to note any specific dietary restrictions on the health information form. *In person open houses will have safety protocols in place for the protection of staff and guests. Please see our schedule for information about the stay over trip locations. YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Available for corporate conferences and retreats and outdoor education field trips year-round.
Please call office to communicate any important information. The mission of the YMCA of Greensboro is to put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> <> As per policy set forth by the City of Gahanna, all pool patrons age 12 and under must pass a swim test in order to go in the diving well areas or swim in the back pool. Please make sure you write the cabin name on the letter. What kind of staff do you hire for your camps? stream T%O<5Q"6a.i"JM4@'omYPj1.Di 2pBxnyKmJ)7* Jp.Hn7J2 Includes a grab and go lunch. We do not prorate any fees. endobj Each week-long summer day camp session typically holds one field trip. VISITOR ANALYTICS: This site uses third-party website analytics (such as Google Analytics) that collect some user data that is provided by your web browser and/or browsing device. Yes! Our registered nurse will be available on Sunday at the check if you prefer a face-to-face conversation. stream We will do our best to accommodate any noted restrictions; parents are welcome to send a replacement/supplemental snack, if preferred. Thank you for securing the best and brightest counselors for our children. }zM_pMMV{s&C/\$x]^zC*=,u$R/-%. The American Camp Association (ACA) is a community of camp professionals who have joined together, for over 100 years, to ensure the quality of camp programs. CAMP FACILITIES: We have 10 modern cabins, outdoor pool, beautiful lake for swimming and canoeing, 2 recreation/dining halls, outdoor basketball courts, 2 covered pavilions, a massive covered play area, amphitheater, equestrian center, high and low ropes course for teambuilding. <> Each week campers also have a Pool Day, go on a field trip, participate in an all-camp activity and Community Involvement, a program where outside organizations come to camp and present information about their programs or lead activities for campers, teaching them how to get involved in their communities. In the beautiful setting of Hannah Park or Friendship Park campers explore nature, participate in small group games and activities, enjoy visits from program partners such as local artists, scientists or entertainers, go on a field trip in the Columbus area and cool off at the Gahanna Swimming Pool. Groups are divided by age. All of our staff are CPR, first aid and AED certified prior to starting employment. These programs will help teens explore their talents as individuals and in groups. During the application process you can request children to be in the same group. Amenities include trails, a playground, athletic fields, a community garden and plenty of opportunities to These programs are under the umbrella of the Camp Friendship Camping Company, allowing them to follow the same set of policies and procedures as well as the same set of health forms and registration requirements. Please note that, depending on the activity, additional participation forms may be required. 2 0 obj All campers travel to all activity areas and meals in their group cohort. 4 0 obj Day Camp. Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each North Carolina Horse Riding Summer Camp or Summer Horse Riding Recreation Program. These items can either be uploaded by the parent/guardian or emailed/faxed/delivered to Parks and Recreation. (336) 697-0525. We are a completely nut-free facility. In order to be an ACA accredited camp, a camp must provide written documentation that it upholds ACA policies and procedures, as well as pass an on-site visit where volunteer visitors see first-hand that ACA standards are being met. Iga)g@RP8Zuxb+)GF hx$nABU4[k0';Yi K-\HzUykR4sx'mBg +]1/5\NKel(s. CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR RECREATION EXPERIENCES (CORE) AGES 1214. SUMMER CAMP JOBS: We start hiring in January for the following summer. Please share this password with anyone who will be picking up your child. CAMPS WHO ARE LISTED IN THIS DIRECTORY: The above Privacy Policy applies only to visitors of this website. Our food service director, Ray Jackson, is always happy to talk with parents directly about food allergies. !sd5k$O%3@[ e+!. Unlike the clinic activities, these are meant for campers to give campers a chance to try an activity without committing to a full week of it.