It'sweird. I have also strong ties to the Black community as such but always as "light skinned" or even "high yellow". Reb Ariel Sisro once accompanied Rav Moshe on a flight to Buenos Aires with a stopover in Istanbul. Southern Europeans do as well. We bring the world one step closer to a time when the darkness of Greece will be replaced forever and the world is wrapped in light with the harmonious beauty of Yosef and Yerushalayim. My curl type is 2a-3a (I have a mix of different curls). By Rav-Milim - the leading online Hebrew dictionary, Yes, I want to register to practice and save words. It therefore is surprising when the Torah tells us that einei Leah rakosthe eyes of Leah were tender (Vayeitzei 29:17), which made them unsightly. My hair couldnt be compared to black hair but was very different from the hair of my white friends. He had much more hair when he was younger, ( , , , , ), , , , , (, , ). Are you sure you want to delete this list? We remind ourselves of this infinite distance every Motzaei Shabbos when we say borei meiorei haeish. (Unmanageable, it seemed. He asked him, Zeide, what do you see?, Rav Chaim answered, paraphrasing Bava Basra 74a, Makom dnashki Shamaya vara ahadadi I see the place where Heaven and Earth embrace.. My ethnicity according to 23 and Me is 95% Ashkenazi, which is a European/Middle Eastern ethnicity particular to Jews. )), In reply to "Jewish hair" "Jewfro" and by L. Genetics explains this phenomenon - all 8 Jewish communities, including the Ashkenazi share the same sub Saharan African signals ( ranging between 3 and 5% ) all predating the time of the diaspora. I think the American Doll is lame and not representative of the distinction of beautiful Jewish women. Rav Moshe explains that the shape of the face is the first aspect of beauty. (Though if you prefer to change your natural attributes: Have fun with that as well!). In order to play all quizzes, you need to upgrade your membership. In other words, all beauty belongs to Yerushalayim, it just shares its maaser (tithe) with the rest of the world! I'm mostly Irish & Scottish & am happy with my Celtic heritage but I was thrilled to see the Jewish DNA. , , . He is the only male in Chumash who is described as beautiful. So if anyone ever decides to claim thats not a Jewish trait it very much is. Rav Moshe shared a story he heard from the grandson of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik. Visit our Flickr group "My Jewish Hair," and share a photo of your great, Jewish hair! One can be a Jew and not be of these ethnicities; trust me Ive seen Indian Jews in Israel. I have always wondered if my grandmother's mother was Jewishmy father & grandmother both had very curly hair, I had semi curly hair& my four older sister's had curly hair like our father, almost frizzy curlymy paternal great grandmother was a Miege (German),but looked like a tiny Polish lady, her daughter looked like a very healthy German woman, but her son looked Morracan, with lots of dark,very curly hair with beard & mustachethey came to the United States from Bourgeony, France ..if you can let me know if I am possibly of Jewish heritage Thank you. Similarly, Sarah Imeinu, the most beautiful woman who ever lived, was nothing but a shadow of what existed before the cheit of Adam and Chava. It also tangles, is a nightmare to find a proper product to style it and in the humidity all the underneath tendrils bind up into tiny curls that will knot into a dread in less than a day. My hair used to be a frizzy mess but after researching how to care for it my hair gets lots of compliments:). The Hebrew word for hair is saarah, which can also mean storm. At least, thats what the world thinks. The blog is so informative and helped Hashem rewarded her with Dovid Hamelech, a descendant described as yefeh einayim having beautiful eyes (I Shmuel 16:12). I enjoyed the read. Being labeled as "exotic" has it percs. The Midrash in Mikeitz describes the extraordinary effect of his handsomeness on the people of Egypt. The Greeks, in their genius, postulated a pseudo-beauty that creates an illusion of inner depth. Every Chanukah we gaze at the flickering candles and renew our appreciation of true beauty, realizing that it allows us to access the ruchniyus world beyond. Important note: As with everything I write from what I gleaned from the Torah of my rebbi, this piece is based on my understanding and written in my style, and most certainly does not convey the full depths of what he wanted to teach. I noticed they always have curly hair. In an astonishing revelation, the Gemara (Berachos 61a) affirms that one can. But I do still wonder why we all have curly hair. Grey eyes are very pale with tiny brown flecks and they are typically found in Eastern Europeans, she is also very tall with very blonde hair. Thanks for the update. It's crazy that wound up being a way to "identify the race". He answered in awe that he was contemplating the world of tohu (emptiness and void) embodied by the vast midbar (desert). Why is that a trait? This English learning, translation and dictionary site is brought to you by Melingo, an Encyclopaedia Britannica subsidiary, Word pronunciation and usage examples are provided by Merriam-Webster. Thanks to those high profile Jews, the Jew-fro has become the mark of the "funny guy" who gets laughs making fun of himself and his Jewish heritage. In simplistic terms, external beauty is incomplete if it does not take us beyond the surface. What exactly makes something beautiful? If one were to take a survey of what makes the human face beautiful in any society at any time in history, eyes would always come first.
I have the opposite issue, I'm 1/2 Ashkenazi, ~1/4th cherokee, and some small percentages of scottish, british, and other races. I wanted to look pretty after the teasing and the constant longing to have the easy, soft silky hair the other pretty girls had. If you sign up FOR FREE, you can save words and practice them with fun quizzes. Rav Moshe suggests that this was the mistake of Yosefs brothers. I found this article while looking for Jewish hairdressers in my local area. Id recently migrated and had lost my entire cultural identity anyway, so what did my hair that got me picked on matter? They are so penetrating that we are aware when someone is staring at us from across the room. They all have different coloured eyes, blue, green, hazel and grey. My mom and brother are olive and I burn quick. This grammar quiz is only available on the ads-free Premium version. I always wondered where my curls came from! "What is Jewish hair?." My family all have straight. . I came across this realization on my own, due to celebrities who were Jewish. I wasnt connected to that part of my family. I too struggled. And why do Black women participate in the Afro, while Jewish women with big, curly hair do not usually appropriate the term "Jew-fro" to describe their 'do? Every [woman] compared to [the shine] of Sarah Imeinus face is like a monkey compared to a man. I love my hair - if I let it air dry, it has a nice shape and while the curls aren't uniform at all, I have some nice ringlets as well as loose curls. Apparently, our search for understanding the beauty of the human face must begin with eyes and hair. (Viewed on July 20, 2022)
And I've seen actors that I thought were black but were Jewish. And while Jews are known to have a variety of haircolors, as well as levels of curliness, "Jewish hair" seems to refer to dark, curly, and often frizzy, hair. I actually follow Zendaya's routine for her hair, though our hair is nothing alike (she has more of it, way more volume, and a different curl pattern. I did discover a diy hair product that works for me - it's a mix of cheap hell and a cheap cholesterol cream product, all from Dollar General. In reply to My ethnicity according to 23 by Judy McMillan. When one is misbonein (contemplates deeply) in His deeds and His great and wondrous creations and sees His endless and unfathomable wisdom (Rambam, Sefer Yesodei HaTorah 2:22). ), Turns out Ive got 22% Ashkenazi in me. I cannot speak for curly-haired Jewish women, since I have had a different experience with my "Jewish hair," if you can even call it that. My father was an Argentinian Jew and he sported the Jew fro. It wasnt until recently that I came across Jewish hair, and as Im reading all these stories abt Jewish kids growing up with thick curly hair I am thinking to myself thats like me, I had that experience, THAT is what I look like and its really liberating to know where I fit in terms of hair. We did get the civil rights & voting rights acts of 64 passed, marched in Selma, dealt with similar neighborhood segregations but also unless you grow out jewish hair to length and let it weigh itself down the fro naturally occurs. Every dramatic chapter of our legacy has its roots in Sefer Bereishis. Reb Ariel asked him, what did the Rav see? I recently did an AncestryDNA test and found out I have 8 percent Eastern European Jew. I learned to work with the curls rather than against them. If we don't stop it, who will? What's your Jewish hair identity? I've found that the more I touch my hair, the looser and less defined my curls are so that if I'm constantly moving and touching and pulling at my hair the curls will fall out and I'll have poofy, frizzy, ugly straight-ish/wavy-ish hair so I generally stop touching it after the shower and let it just rest behind me as I go about my day. Your vocabulary is growing. I have auburn curly hair and my dad dark brown eyes. My daughter attends a JCC after school program and (my Grandparents think that's so funny) but we celebrate Christmas. In reply to I found this article while by Leah. In reply to
We all originally came by Julia, In reply to We all originated in the by Scott. Got teased as a child, before anyone knew how to tame curls. and That's probably because Dad had someYakut DNA,and the Yakut people in Siberia have straight hair, while my mom's side was probably more from the Mediterannean, and they tend to have curlier hair. We've looked into my family history and my Ashkenazi roots (accidental pun) are quite close. hair - -. With the Premium version, you can keep adding words to your custom word lists, and create more word lists. Because I am proud of my Jewish ancestry. The "Jewish hair" issue is also gendered. A storm is perhaps a perfect metaphor for 100,000 hair follicles on a human scalp without a comb! In reply to
"Jews have African by i thought so. Yes, my hair was very curly too when growing up one of my sisters hated her curly hairI grew to love my long curly hair because later on, I didn't have to go to the salon to get a perm, just set it in curlers wet & when it dried, poof , a natural perm! My hair is very curly! Jews do have some African ancestry - about 3% . Flash forward to when I got married and my husband (a Scottish hunk) saw my real hair after being on vacation and not able to get it chemically straightened for months. Have a great day! I dont have the Jewish nose and Im fair in complexion. Jewish Women's Archive. Wed love to have you as a member! This would make sense as to why my hair was so similar to the black woman I knew but did not explain my pale white skin. But it is a bitter battle and is the seed of the future mesirus nefesh with which the Chashmonaim defended Tziyon, the source of all beauty. They could have been the masters of beauty in inner depth as well. With the Premium version, you can create word lists and share them with your friends, access all games and quizzes and enjoy the site with NO ADS. Many curly-haired Jewish girls straighten their hair, and some use chemical treatments for more permanent results. Note, all your progress in this level will be erased. Hair, after it has been styled, comes second. Do section by section, then revisit the first one and follow its curl pattern when pushing it up against your head with the palm of your hand. I read that DNA tests put Ashkenazi Jews closest to Italians and that conversation to Judaism was fashionable at one time in Ancient Rome but I have also seen Ashkenazi photos where one or more of the families look lighter haired and Eastern European and of course neither the Italian DNA link or Eastern European features explain wiry hair. We mentioned that Yosef is described as yefeh toar vyefeh mareh, handsome in form and handsome in appearance. I now love my hair; I rarely see people with hair like mine. Chazal teach us that maaseh Avos, siman lbanim, the actions of the Avos are the spiritual seeds of Jewish history. I got told it was ugly, and felt like the ugly duckling, always straightening my hair because thats when it was considered most beautiful. Rabbi Menachem Nissel is a mechanech in Jerusalem and is the author of Rigshei Lev: Women and Tefillah. Everyone should do what they can to stop all forms of stereotyping and bigotry. I'm always looking for other varieties and things to try when styling mine, so if anyone stumbles across my comment and has a different routine, I'd love to know! Now 70, I use a round brush and flatiron. Curiously, or perhaps not, it seems only Jewish women straighten their hair. (Originally featured in Family First, Issue 619). When he finally made it back to Yerushalayim and gave us our Friday shiur, he was still quite sick from the trip. I would like them to read the comments from various people. I need help managing my hair. Growing up I always wanted blond straight hair but I have learned to love my hair. Yosef has the same gematria as Tziyon, 156, because just as Yerushalayim is the quintessential beauty in this world, Yosef is the quintessential beauty in humanity. But dont forget the Bear Jew. Fought the curls and frizz when I was younger. Rather, she was concerned that she was destined to marry the wicked Eisav, a knowledge that led her to continuously weep in prayer, permanently damaging her eyes. I did braid my hair and have it ironed straight, it made me feel sexy but never wanted to find my sexuality with hair that did not represent me. Thank you for registering! ( ) , , , ; , , , , , , , , International Day of Persons with Disabilities, - . I think it's hysterical. For this reason, I would love to hear some stories from women with different hair and different experiences. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. I'm light skinned but tan easily into a reddish brown. Was the Jew-fro meant to be a mark of solidarity with the Black community during the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, or was it merely a fashion statement? Ohh my story is long. loved your article on Jewish Hair. The first letter, tzadi, refers to Yosef Hatzaddik. Trying again to reply to Dafydd Seal: Yerushalayim is referred to as Tziyon, which Dovid Hamelech (Tehillim 50:9) describes as the essence of beauty. Though it was a resolve to me, my result also showed that I was 10% Afican. Now, I embrace my curly hair, try to treat it right with moisturing shampoo and conditioners. While the politics of Black hair and Jewish hair are not comparable, it is safe to say that many Jewish women have felt the pressure to look like the mainstream images we see in magazines. If you've shared this list with others, it will no longer be accessible to them. Can one improve on perfection? Or, search for a DevaCurl salon where the hairdressers are trained to cut and style curly and wavy hair. I use Miss Jessie's multicultural curls, as well as Miss Jessie's pillow soft curls and they both do great things for my hair, while making the curls more uniform. As the plane flew over the Sahara Desert, everyone in the cabin was sleeping while Rav Moshe stared out of the window at the endless sands, riveted. Anyway I love you, love yourself for how HaShem made you, and don't ever be afraid to be yourself. When Rav Moshe traveled, he would look at the world around him with the Rambams depth. Unlock the full Psychometric lists From A-Z and come prepared for the test. Up until that moment, sitting in a crowded upperclassmen dorm, I had never really thought about my hair as a part of my Jewish identity. There is no one particular hair type that is more "Jewish" than others. I had a huge crush on the bear Jew. When I hit puberty my dark shiny wavy hair turned into a frizzy curly mess after my mother cut it in the late 70's. . I think the only time I have ever seen my older cousin's naturally curly hair was in her Bat Mitzvah photos from 1988. In the meantime you can use Morfix School and practice. My grandfather on my moms side is full blood Jew and I am very proud to have Jew blood in me. I started to see my hair as more than something I had to "fix". It is found in harmony, the pleasing way that everything fits together in a symmetrical concordant manner. This is not a war with armies and weapons; rather it is war of values, which on a metaphysical level is truly a war. I hate to break it to you but youd get the same results if you tested for the Amish, but that doesnt mean the Amish are a separate race; they also have many of the same genetic disorders that Jews have. how do it get it. For your protection, you have been logged out. The Imahos were perfectly beautiful. I mix them half and half and put on wet hair after shampooing and it both holds the curl , takes away the frizz and gives it some moisture, but doesn't weigh it down. I wish i had proper curls so styling the peyos would be be unnecessary, but it is what it is, still it makes my jewishness less overt, and to those that want to blend in, they'd like that, but I dont, i want to be identifyiable, i'm not afraid of antisemitism, i'm afrid of losing who i am in a sea of secularism, having straighter hair makes it more difficult for people to look at me and say "there goes a fellow jew". Before Hashem presented Chava to Adam, He braided her hair. Apparently styling hair adds a new dimension to beauty. No one knew how to handle my hair hair.). He then grooms his eyes, harmonizing his external beauty with his neshamah. With my light eyes and straight, brown hair, I found myself wondering if I "looked Jewish."
"Jewish hair" is a tricky thing to define, since Judaism can include people from any racial or ethnic background. Stereotypes used by the targeted population are still stereotypes. We all originally came from Africa. The word '(#)' has been successfully added to the list '($)'. I get compliments on the thickness & volume but to me its a frizzy mess that retains moisture way too well. At least, thats what the world thinks. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. I have the Jewish hair, but more brown than black, and nowadays, more grey. He finally made it to Buenos Aires, but his suitcases did not. Why make a Black doll that has straight hair? Zecharyah tells us to focus on the human body, the centerpiece of Hashems design. List {0} was was shared successfully with: Students are now able to see this list on their MY WORDS section of the site. If youre still looking for a hairdresser that knows how to work with your curls you should look for black salons since these hairdressers know how to cut and care for BOTH straight and curly or wavy hair. After all, if Avraham had a Yishmael and Yitzchak had an Eisav, maybe Yaakov could have a Yavan. One thing is certain. I didnt know what that meant only that my mom was very upset by the comment and didnt talk to them for years. Rav Moshe explains that nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout my life, regardless of where I've lived, every single hairdresser asks do I want my hair straightened - curly & frizzy, easily tangled mop that it is hard to manage, the 'typical' Jewish look to some - and the answer every single time is NO. I've got curly, thick, frizzy AND dry hair on account of my relatively close Ashkenazi ancestry. Many times growing up I had a variety of comments: HAHA jewfro! Why does beauty create a war between Yosef and Yavan? In reply to I have VERY curly hair. Therein lies the evil of Yavan. I always wondered about it. Western civilizations obsession with the human form, handsomely exploited by the fashion, cosmetics, entertainment, and advertising industries, all have a root in ancient Greek values. Similar to many Egyptians. Simply spoken, at the root of the Chanukah story is a war over the nature of beauty. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. But we both have the same kind of frizz) - I apply product to sopping wet hair, plop it, and then she uses the diffuser while I just plop with a towel or shirt and then let it air dry. I moisturize with Argan Oil, use African shampoos that incorporate oils, and condition, condition, condition!! ? It was not until that dramatic reunion in parshas Vayigash that they fathomed the true kedushah of Yosef and realized how wrong they were. Chazal expose it for its true worth: It is the beauty of darkness. But I turned the dark brown blonde. And it's not just the Jewfro. I have dark hair and green hazel eyes. Yosef understood that there was kedushah in yofi and that perfecting his personal beauty in the correct way would be a necessary step in bringing the whole world to perfection. Interestingly, we always read his history during the Shabbos leining of Chanukah. Youre a Jew if you were born of a Jewish mother or you convert in accordance with Jewish Law. Relaxing it makes the curls manageable. if you got those beautiful curls don't be even a little ashamed, I personally love them, and think they are beautiful. Im a guy, but I spent 10 years shaving my head rather than dealing with my curls, big lips and big nose. He is a talmid of Rav Moshe Shapira ztzl.