You can change the location of the iTunes Mac backup by following these steps: Open iTunes on Mac to backup your iOS to a different directory. Step 2: Download FolderMove and run it as administrator. First, press the Option key while clicking on [ Go] > [ Library ]. Click your device. c:\users\ (username)\appdata\roaming\applecomputer\mobilesync\backup just doesn't exist. Steps to Change the iPhone Backup Location on Mac. 2.
You can also copy-paste this address if you like. Heres a step-by-step guide detailing how to change iPhone backup location on macOS Catalina. In the Command Prompt, change the current c:\ directory to the new iTubes backup one by typing cd [drive letter]\ [folder1]\ [folder2]\ and replacing the text in Just remember if the new target location isnt available (e.g. On a Mac with macOS Mojave or earlier, or on a PC: Open iTunes. By default your backups are located under ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ on your Mac. In light of that, weve created a new folder iTunes Backup on the G:\ drive. Now, if you run the backup from iTunes, it will push the backup to the new folder location through this junction (symbolic link) folder. Click OK when you're finished. You will now see the backup folder. I use iCloud for automatic backups, but would also like to have one on my computer before updating the software, however I do not have enough space. Open Spotlight (press Cmd+Space), type in the following path, and then press Enter: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync.
Step 2 In the pop-up prompt, enter the commander: mklink /J "C:Users (username)AppDataRoamingApple ComputerMobileSyncBackup" "D: empBackup". 1. On a Mac with macOS Mojave or earlier, or on a PC: Open iTunes. Change iTunes backup location. While you won't be able to change the default backup location, you can navigate to this folder and move the backup to another folder or external HDD/SSD. Open Finder and select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar, then enter this file path to go to that folder: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup. You are now at the location where your Mac makes the backups by default. Search for jobs related to Change iphone backup location mac or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 19m+ jobs. When restoring said backup though, you'll need to place it back in it's default location We need to locate the current iTunes backup directory and rename it. Once this command has been entered, press Enter and the change will be complete. Click on the iTunes menu at the top of the screen. Go try backup from Itunes (I just did and its working!) In the new versions of iTunes, this location has been changed. By this method, when iTunes takes backup of your iPhone, iPad, that will go to the new location. How do I change iPhone backup location on Mac? However, you may have no clear idea that where are iPhone backup stored by iTunes. After that, go to a different drive partition or an external drive to create a new iTunes backup folder and give it Launch iTunes on PC/Mac.For Windows, go to Edit > Preferences.For Mac, head to iTunes > Preferences.Click on "Devices".You'll now find a list of all the iTunes backup files.Choose the backup file to get individual details.Once you've decided which ones you wish to get rid of, select them and tap "Delete Backup". In the iTunes app on your PC, choose an option (Music or Movies, for example) from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library. The default directory for iTunes is the system partition. Just press the "Option" button, select "Go" and then select "Library". To trick Finder into placing backups on an external USB or eSATA drive, the standard backup location must be linked to a folder named Backup on the external drive. Click your device. If you have not changed the default iTunes backup file location, you can find iTunes backup on Mac OS X with this way. And the precise operations for Windows 10 and Windows 7 are slightly different, check them below. Where to Find iTunes Backup Location on Mac or Windows For instance, the recovery will not proceed if you attempt to recover from a relocated backup file.ind iTunes Backup Location Part 2. Lion 10.8.2, iTunes 10.7, 2011 Mini, all latest software versions on the iDevices. From here, right-click on the backup that you want, then choose Show in Finder, or select Delete or Archive. Right-click on the Start button and click on File Explorer. Follow these instructions to change the Finder (or iTunes) backup location on OS X or macOS: In the Finder navigate to Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal and open the Terminal app. I am running macOS 10.13.3 on a MacBook Pro with an almost full hard drive. Go to Apple Computer > MobileSync > Backup. After restarting the Mac, iTunes will store its backups in the new location. Click your device. This should open the default location for iTunes backups. Relocate iTunes iOS Backup Folder In Mac OS X: 1. Click on the iTunes menu at the top of the screen. By this method, when iTunes takes backup of your iPhone, iPad, that will go to the new location. You can access your preferred directory via a folder shortcut. iTunes always keeps the iOS backup on the main system drive. Step 2: Create a new folder in the external disk and then create the [ Backup] folder within the MobileSync folder.
April 25, 2022. Locate your iTunes files.

Method 3: Change the iTunes Backup Location on A Mac. Right-click the Backup folder, and then click Copy Backup. Step 1. Go to the MobileSync directory on your Mac by entering the following command at the Terminal prompt: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync. Where does iTunes store backups? How to Find iTunes Backup on Mac OS (X) and MacOS Sierra. Lets start with the guide. Launch Terminal from your Applications:Utilities folder. Select Preferences for a list of backups to pop up. Step 3: Open a fresh instance of Finder, and then navigate to the The screenshot of the backup location on a Mac. Hold down the Shift key and right-click on a vacant space in the File Explorer. Click Toolbox. Change default iTunes backup location. Go back to the Command Prompt and then type the same command: mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "c:\itunesbackup." IOS users often back up their iPhone/iPad/iPod to iCloud or computer through iTunes. Then, get into [ Application Support MobileSync Backup ]. Mac users may follow these instructions to change the location of iTunes backup files on their operating systems: 1.
The path to the file is shown at the bottom of the File pane (next to Location). Some directories like Application Data and AppData are hidden by default in Windows systems, you wont see them unless the Show hidden files is enabled. Every time you connect your iDevice to iTunes (if the iCloud backup option is disabled), the iTunes backup will automatically occur. Right-click in any Empty space and click on New Folder. Steps to Change the iPhone Backup Location on Mac. W. From what I've read on the subject it seems that iTunes backs up on your Mac and then the Mac backups the iPhone on the TC when it's doing its usual back up. You can do the same steps including finding the media files including songs and other stuff. And a new folder shortcut called "Backup" will appear in the original location.
Step 4) After the command is executed, a new folder shortcut will be created as Backup. This contains any iTunes backups which are already present on the computer. 5.) For instance, an external drive or secondary drive within your computer. You just need to replace the backups folder (which iTunes preferences will tell you where that is) with a symbolic link to the actual folder once youve copied it into another place. Equipment: Mt. Part 2: Where are iTunes Backups Stored on MacFirst click on Finder in the menu bar of your screen.Next type the given location there: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/Then press Enter. You should be able to see your iTunes backup there. Step 2. Find out where a file is stored: Select the item, then choose Edit > [ Item] Info. Then, select Open command window here or Open PowerShell window here.. In addition, there is another way to locate a specific backup, you can check the history backup in iTunes: Step 1. Rename this backup folder to backup_old. When you start macOS Catalina, it is the Finder app and not iTunes that backs up your iPhone to the Mac via USB or Wi-Fi. Click on the iTunes menu at the top of the screen.
With the increasing backup files overrun the main system drive, you might want to change iPhone backup location. Locate your iTunes files. Click on the Backup shortcut and paste the iTunes Backups to the custom location. How can I change the iTunes backup location? Right-click on the Backup folder and select Copy Backup. Method 3: change the iTunes backup location on a Mac. How to change itunes backup location mac mac os# On Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Click on Organize in any folder, and then select Folder and search options on the shortcut menu. 4.) Now, if you run the backup from iTunes, it will push the backup to the new folder location through this junction (symbolic link) folder. 2) You will now move your folder called ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ to the drive you want to back up to. From here, right-click on the backup that you want, then select Delete or Archive. Now you will see the command prompt window return a success in creating a junction. Next, copy the alphanumeric folder from the original iPhone backup location window to the NewBackup folder. Click Preferences to access the Device Preferences dialog. Step 3: Open Terminal and type the command. Step 1: At the root of the drive where you would like to save iPhone and iPad backup, create a folder called MobileSync and then create another subfolder called Backup. To find the backups on your Mac device follow the steps. Open the Finder. Step 2.
Enter %appdata% in the search bar and hit the Enter key. Step 4: Hold down the Shift key, and As we noted above, were going to redirect iTunes to the G:\ drive. Step One. Ensure to use the quotes.
Click Preferences to access the Devices Preferences dialog box. In order to change your computer's default iTunes backup location, the following is necessary: Medium competency with a PC or Mac; 10 minutes; An understanding of the desired new backup location path; A Mac running macOS 10.7 or newer, or a PC running Windows Vista or newer; If it is, then close it. Press Windows Key + E to open a new Windows Explorer window. Unlike the location of backup folder varies from the operating system on Windows, Mac store the iTunes backup data in the same location. Or directly press Command + Shift + G to open the dialog where you can access a folder on Mac OS X with location. Find out where a file is stored: Select the item, then choose Edit > [ Item] Info. History of the 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel Engine. A Finder window will open the MobileSync folder. Use quick start key: Command+Shift+G on the keyboard to open the Go To Fold interface, then copy and paste above location and click Go. to make a backup of my iPhone before updating software. Step 3. Oppositely, if you are on a Mac, follow the process below. #1. Open the iTunes backup location by using methods offered in Part 1. symlink for the Desktop version of iTunes.
Press the F2 key on your keyboard to rename the "Backup" folder to a To find iTunes location on a computer, you need to consider the operating system of your computer. Begin by downloading CopyTrans Shelbee from the following page: Download CopyTrans Shelbee. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Initially, they were being stored in C Drive -> Users -> Current User -> Apple -> MobileSync-> Backup. These command lines change the iTunes backup location on Windows 11 by creating a shortcut-like symlink from the old iTunes backup folder to the new backup folder. Click the Go on top menu, and select Go to Folder. Now I have read all the threads on locating the backup folder, but maybe my iTunes is entertaining itself with me as the backup file and folders aren't there. OS X 1) Make sure that iTunes is closed. Type or copy-paste this exact address ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync. Car History: Ford Mustang. In the Run window type in %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync. Youll get back to this folder later to copy the existing backups to the new location, so dont worry.
Head to the search box: Hit the Search box nearby Start (Windows 10); Click on Start (Windows 7). 3. 1. Thats it! Relocate iTunes iOS Backup Folder In Mac OS X: 1. 4. Step 2: Right-click the Backup folder, and then click Copy Backup.. Open iTunes > Click Preferences. You'll then see a folder labeled "Backup" - the default location that contains your iPhone backups. Change iTunes backup location on Windows. First, find the top menu bar and click Go. When you select Go To Folder you can type this address: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync. In the iTunes app on your PC, choose an option (Music or Movies, for example) from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library. Step 2. Open New Finder window ( Command + N) > navigate to the New Location where you want to save iPhone Backups > Right-click in any empty space and select Paste Item option. Step 1 Click "Start" > Enter "cmd.exe" to make the cmd.exe program shows up > Right click the program, and choose "Run as administrator". Then, press the Enter key: Note: You can select External Storage Drive or any other location on On Windows, do the same steps: copy the original Backup folder to its new location, rename it, and then open the Command window. By default, iTunes backup location is in your computer's first disk, usually the drive (C:). Change iTunes backup location automatically.

Step 2 iTunes Backup location is the same for all Mac operating system whether OS X or macOS. You can also use the Go to Folder menu option in the Finder menu to jump to the location.
Press the Windows key + R keys on the keyboard to open the Run window. Now, hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard and right-click anywhere in the original location of the Backup folder. A Finder window will open the MobileSync folder. Click Preferences to access the Device Preferences dialog. Use the following command ln -s [desired-new-backup-path] ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup. Change its name to Backup.old and press Enter to save it. So, the path should be: D:\MobileSync\Backup. As you have created the symbolic link successfully, you can now connect the two directories and change the iTunes backup locations in Windows 11/10. Therefore, weve discussed how to find iTunes Backups on your Mac or Windows PC. Right-click the Backup folder, and then click Copy Backup. April 25, 2022. Enter the following command and press Enter: Enter %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync and press Enter. iTunes is not that simple to uninstall. It is a program that is required by macOS and hence cannot be simply modified. Should you decide to drag iTunes into Trash, you will be presented with a prompt as below. Therefore, to delete iTunes from macOS, you would have to follow several steps. Select the backup folder and presses Ctrl + X to cut the folder. Name this New Folder as MobileSync and do not close the File Explorer window. Step 1. Rest assured, it is possible to tell your Mac to put backups on an external drive. Once the steps below are implemented, all iOS backup data will be saved to the new location. For Mac users: Change iTunes backup file's location. You can change the iTunes backup location Mac follow these steps: Open iTunes on Mac to back up your iOS to a different directory. Hold Shift and right-click on the MobileSync Explorer window. Before proceeding with the steps for changing the location, ensure that iTunes is not running. This will now automatically open the iTunes MobileSync directory automatically. Go to the other partition on your Windows 10 PC and create a new folder named NewBackup. Click your device.
2 Where Is iTunes Library on Mac. 2. If youre using an older version of Windows, youll get the option Open command window here instead. Method 3: change the iTunes backup location on a Mac. Under the General tab, click Manage Backups to see a list of your backups. Click on the Pencil symbol to choose a new location for your iTunes backup
These are instructions on how to change the location that iTunes uses to backup your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch for Mac. April 25, 2022. In order to change the backup folder's location, this folder must be renamed, moved or deleted.
Create a new backup folder on your secondary drive now. In File Explorer window, navigate to New Location where you want to save iPhone Backups. Under the General tab, click Manage Backups to see a list of your backups. Backups are stored in a hidden location in your user profile, specifically within a folder called Backup, which in turn is located within another folder called MobileSync. And you are not allowed to change where iTunes stores backups. This will launch a console window adjusted for that folder location. MkLink /J C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup C:\MobileSync\Backup. The path to the file is shown at the bottom of the File pane (next to Location). Close iTunes and start CopyTrans Shelbee. The Explorer window that opens will show a folder named "Backup". You can change the location of the iTunes Mac backup by following these steps: Open iTunes on Mac to backup your iOS to a different directory.