This program is allowed in situations where payment could not be made by any other means or would bring hardship to the visitor. The University reimburses commercial airfares for economy/coach accommodations. Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392-3261, International Travel Acknowledgement of UF Directives/Policies, Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations (ITSR),, International Engagement and Collaborations, U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories, Completing Foreign Travel or Shipment Requests. M&IE Rate Table for Foreign Per Diem Contains information regarding travel to Cuba for UF employees. The person traveling or shipping the item is ultimately responsible for ensuring a travel request has been submitted and approved prior to travel, however, anyone with a Gatorlink account can follow the steps below to submit the travel request for the traveler. Students are required to obtain Deans Office TAR approval if travel expenses will be covered by an award, PI IDC or funds managed by DO. Additional information on the UF Visitor review process can be located on the International Scholar Visit webpage. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering accurate reimbursement to the traveler: Stay In Touch! Contains rates for renting vehicles from AVIS/Budget across various classes both in state, and out of state. The University may reimburse authorized travelers for international travel based on the current rates as specified by the U.S. Department of State, Office of Allowances. Follow instructions in the. These forms can be found at or contact the department. We would also kindly ask you to let us know if your travel plans change, so that we can remove your registration accordingly and dont accidentally check in with you, if there is an alert in your country of destination. For general travel related questions, please contact the UF Travel Team. Non-Employee Travel Request Form INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL & INSURANCE REGISTRY.
endobj Travel and Expense Module Authorize Approver Request This informational video provides further details about the new process, which is outlined below. If you plan to travel abroad, please review the UF Travel webpage for travel policy information and updates on new state requirements. To fulfill this commitment, UFIC provides 24-hour emergency contact, monitors international events, informs program participants of potential health and safety issues and provides international health insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation and repatriation coverage. All UF faculty and staff who plan to travel internationally on university business on or after Jan. 1, 2022, will be asked to read and acknowledge applicable UF regulations, policies, and directives to adhere with this requirement. The state of Florida has mandated preapproval and screening programs for international travel for all state agencies that receive $10 million or more in state funds. When Foreign Travel Requests and Off-Site Certifications, Completing Foreign Travel or Shipment Requests, Off-Site Certifications for Capital Assets and Attractive Property. To register an international trip online and obtain coverage, simply log on with your Gatorlink username and password and your UF directory information will be automatically displayed. Keep any receipts for which you would like to receive reimbursement. Always coordinate reservations/changes with your secretary or the fiscal office (352) 273-5550. Off-Site Certifications are required for property which is removed from UF owned, leased, or used locations. Before you travel to or plan collaborations with any of the comprehensively sanctioned countries, contact UF RISC to determine whether your planned travel or activity requires a license. 1765 Stadium Road, Suite 170 Hub Gainesville, FL 32611 Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-3261, UF HR Toolkit Create a Travel Authorization, International Travel Acknowledgement of UF Directives/Policies, Completing Foreign Travel or Shipment Requests, The department must complete (create and approve) a travel authorization. of the TAR request to our travel processing team, the person requesting Graduate students who wish to undertake research in countries with a Level IV advisory, should contact Susanne Hill for more information. If a trip combines personal and professional business, please register for the dates on which you will be conducting university business). University of Florida are required to register with the UF International Center prior to initiating travel. International Travel Screening and Visitor Policy. Therefore, if you want to be reimbursed for incidentals, only the actual incidentals expenses incurred are allowed, and they will be on the expense report as another expense line besides meals. Gainesville, FL 32611 Travel Authorization Instruction Guide Please submit a Travel Request at least 10 business days in advance. The goal of this page is to fully inform MAE faculty and students of the steps that need to be taken to comply with the authorization & reimbursement processes associated with travel. the travel, and the PI listed for funding approval if other than the Travelers are allowed up to 1 day on domestic travel and 2 days on foreign travel to reach destination and return from destination if needed. Rules of Thumb for Traveling with Equipment or Software: Do not take the following items on an international trip without first consulting UF RISC: Plan ahead! %PDF-1.7
UF International Center Acknowledgement of Compliance with Regulations Form, UF HR Toolkit Travel and Expense Module, Travel and Employee Reimbursements: (352) 392-1241, University of Florida International Center: (352) 392-5323, University of Florida UF personnel are restricted from using any UF funds to support travel expenses for travel to Iran (includes UF Foundation, gift, start-up, college/departmental, or sponsored research funds); This license requirement applies regardless of the topic of the conference and regardless of whether the information presented is within the public domain. Complete this form to establish an AVIS/Budget Billing Account if you have the need to rent vehicles for other travelers but charge the rental costs to a UF PCard. The University of Florida carefully monitors these advisories. UF International Center Acknowledgement of Compliance with Regulations Form, UF HR Toolkit Travel and Expense Module, Travel & Employee Reimbursements: (352) 392-1241, University of Florida International Center: (352) 392-5323, University of Florida @wgug_wwC$)d\+.ik$oT#*u *)1 fZq:8t6VWUib#AViXu@U)6_)7_ Currently, the U.S. State Department assigns that designation to countries identified here: Tel: 352-392-0961Graduate Student Advising: 352-392-0808 no state funds may be used to travel to Cuba at this time. Departments may use the template document that will be provided, or they may adapt existing documents to include the required language for ease of use with their units processes. If you have any questions, please contact us at (352) 392-1241 or, UF HR Toolkit Travel and Expense Module, Travel & Employee Reimbursements: (352) 392-1241, University of Florida Travelers with flights of 9 hours or more may complete this form to request upgrading the class before the ticket is purchased.
To ensure compliance with the U.S. Department of State foreign per diem allowances, as well as all rules and regulations of the University. GSA rate applies. If claiming per diem during international travel instead of actual lodging expenses incurred up to the maximum, and instead of the meal allowances, the total per diem rate will be $80 per day. stream
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This insurance is made possible with the support of the Office of the Provost, at no charge to the traveler. 4 0 obj
This directive establishes the proper methods completing a Foreign Travel or Shipment Request for capital assets or attractive property. Request (TAR) form: For student group travel, please complete the following form: The online form automatically routes a copy 60 Day Form
Gainesville, FL 32611 For lodging, a maximum allowance is provided for each country in the rate schedule that can be found at Foreign Per Diem Rates. Used for foreign visiting travelers that may experience delivery problems with their check. First class transportation is not allowed. Gainesville, FL 32611 If you need an official letter confirming your insurance coverage for visa purposes, please contact Susanne Hill. Since student group travel will need to be approved by the UFIC first, the group leaders should submit the following to the UFIC: IMPORTANT: Accompanying faculty will also need to purchase CISI insurance and will need to complete theInternational Travel & Insurance Registry. The Center for Disease Control keeps the public informed about potential health issues in specific destinations in addition to Immunization requirements and recommendation for country or countries you plan to visit. Contains information regarding airport parking and special rates for UF employees. Travelers are not to make commitments to travel or to incur travel expenses without first obtaining the appropriate approvals. Fly America Act Exception Form Faculty on study tours that are not billed through our office will pay the regular charges. Gainesville, FL 32611 To receive this service all UF students, faculty and staff traveling outside the US on official university business must complete an Online Travel Registration. (Please note: Personal travel such as vacation or family visits should not be registered. your UF-owned laptop, tablet, or hard drive), visit themyAssets Portalto submit a foreign travel request prior to departure. Acknowledgement of Compliance with Regulations Form All travelers must be familiar with University of Florida travel policies prior to any official travel and are advised to carefully review all relevant UF policies here. International travel will cover per diem rates and will vary by location. 2 0 obj (See more information on Cuba and Iran, below). UF Export Control Compliance Program Guidelines, UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance: (352) 392-9174, University of Florida It is allowed in situations where payment could not be made by any other means or would bring hardship to the visitor. By completing this registration, faculty, staff, and grad students will be enrolled in theCISI Emergency and Health Insurance Plan. Guide to UFs adherence to export licensing requirements. Asset Management will review the information on the Foreign Travel or Shipment Request and either: If approved, Asset Management will provide an authorization letter for the traveler establishing the ownership of the equipment. If you are traveling with a UF-owned item (e.g. AVIS/Budget Price List University of Florida International Center. Review the Expenses for International Travel directive & procedure for information on allowable rates for lodging, meals, and per diem. <> This will assist the traveler in clearing the UF equipment through foreign and domestic customs, If an export license is required, the traveler will be referred to, Print and carry the authorization from Asset Management, Bring any documentation received from the Division of Research Compliance and Global Support, If available, print and carry a copy of the purchase invoice for the item. Any purchases made prior to approval are made at the risk of the purchaser and reimbursement will not be guaranteed. traveler. Visiting the world outside our country's borders can be an incredibly rewarding experience. If you plan to host collaborators or visitors from abroad, or host foreign nationals, please should review UF Visitor Policy to ensure compliance with U.S. export controls, trade sanctions, embargoes and state statute. If you have any question, please contact Linda Gritman. One of the biggest challenges for the travel processing staff has been. endobj Time Meal Wheel Travel Advance Refund Travelers must complete a Travel Reimbursement Request (TRR) upon return from travel.
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K |d[odj+{U5LUwwk+V \V=" X}? For more information please refer to the following website, Only after approval of the TAR, travel related P-Card purchases can be made, All P-Card charges must be signed and submitted within 3 days of purchase, and receipts may be emailed to, All P-Card receipts should be submitted within 3 days of purchase if possible, and may be emailed to, For relatively short trips (one week or less), it is reasonable to submit all receipts together promptly upon return from travel. Download here. You may also contact the U.S. embassy in Canada (list of embassies) or Mexico (list of embassies). (352) 392-5323, International Center University of Florida, Outstanding Post-Graduate International Student Awards, Outstanding Undergraduate International Student Awards, UFs Simon Award for Internationalization, International Student Scholarships & Awards, 30 Great Quotes About Internationalization, Contact an Advisor / Virtual Office Hours, International Fulbright Scholars & Students, International Experience or Language Learning, Obtaining an International Scholars Program Designation for a Course, International Seminars, Workshops, and Study Tours, Directory of International Funding Opportunities, Active International Memoranda of Understanding, Active Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreements, Establishing an International Memorandum of Understanding, Establishing a Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement, going to Canada or Mexico in regard to your U.S. visa, University of Florida International Center UFIC. This page uses Google Analytics (Google Privacy Policy). You can also contact the Alachua County Health Department for general information concerning immunization requirements for any country, as well as for the Immunization Clinic hours. For check that are sent to an alternate address or held for pickup in Elmore Hall. Learn about your myAssets Foreign Travel Request, University of Florida
This insurance is made possible with the support of the Office of the Provost, at no charge to the traveler. Additional forms may be required including Conflict of Interest form and UF Leave Application. Students on individual international trips that have been approved by UF will need to register with the Student Travel Registry and purchase CISI health insurance through the UFIC by submitting the CISI enrollment form and the associated fee to be paid by check or cash. (352) 392-5323, International Center University of Florida, Outstanding Post-Graduate International Student Awards, Outstanding Undergraduate International Student Awards, UFs Simon Award for Internationalization, International Student Scholarships & Awards, 30 Great Quotes About Internationalization, Contact an Advisor / Virtual Office Hours, International Fulbright Scholars & Students, International Experience or Language Learning, Obtaining an International Scholars Program Designation for a Course, International Seminars, Workshops, and Study Tours, Directory of International Funding Opportunities, Active International Memoranda of Understanding, Active Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreements, Establishing an International Memorandum of Understanding, Establishing a Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement, International Travel & Insurance Registry, University of Florida International Center UFIC, A complete itinerary of the proposed trip, including contact information onsite to be sent to the. UFs Travel Office recommends the TripSource website as a resource to help UF faculty and staff make informed decisions concerning travel restrictions. reimbursable expenses and P-Card purchases made during travel, including generally deducted from the daily Per Diem, and that the payment of any meals directly with a UF P-Card is not allowed. Visit UF HR for more information. Clarifies what times of the day and dollar amounts correspond to breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. * [K\e=%[|/*U+tHx+3 g[VMW5cO_:;j!0^4$9b%Yk>6TpE'h>/O-. In partnership with the UF Travel Team and the RISC office, a sample acknowledgment document that can be used to fulfill step 1A, Policy/Directive Acknowledgement. Departments should attach the acknowledgment form or adapt existing documents to include the language in the form to the travel authorization in myUFL.
Global Electronic Billing Terms of Agreement A formal Travel Authorization (TA) must be completed for the following: If you are planning to travel on official University business, please complete the Travel Form as soon as travel dates are known and at least 10 days prior to travelhere. Pcard receipts related to your travel that are in need of processing are to be sent to the receipts team email, [emailprotected]. For information on health and travel notices, including vaccines and medications, visit CDC Travel Recommendations. Travelers are allowed up to 1 day on domestic travel and 2 days on foreign travel to reach destination and return from destination if needed. The UF Travel Office has established a program to assist departments with paying some foreign travelers that are coming to the university to ensure payment is received before departure by the visitor. To insure prompt processing of your travel reimbursement, all pertinent data and receipts must be forwarded to the Fiscal Section within five (5) working days of the employee's return. Then, use the M&IE Rate Table for Foreign Per Diemto determine the amounts the State of Florida has authorized for meal payments for that travel area. Use this form when returning Travel Advance funds. For information on the Export Control Classification Number(ECCN) used in purchasing an asset that will leave the country or be used outside of the United States, please visit the UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance. Faculty on these types of programs will not need to register with the International Travel & Insurance Registry. UF Travel Guide <>
Only the Property Custodian or Property Contact can update an ECCN.
Most interactions with those countries will require a license from the U.S. government. Travel costs are to be allocated and expended within established budgetary limitations and serve an officialUniversity of Floridapurpose. Guide to travel for UF employees including information about authorization, reimbursement, transportation, meals, advances, etc. If traveling to Canada or Mexico, please contact those embassies well in advance to find out the requirements. A Travel Authorization (TA) is required for all international travel. Do not book or pay for anything until your travel is approved. Follow instructions in the, The form must be completed and submitted to the Travel office 5 business days prior to the visit to ensure the timely receipt of payment, Once the Foreign Visiting Traveler Payment form is received, the Travel Office will create the Expense Report (ER) and submit it for approval, The ER will be created within 24 business hours, and the department will be notified once the ER has been submitted for approval, Once the ER is approved, the Travel Office will create and submit the Alternate Check Delivery form to, The Disbursement Banking area will inform the department when the check is ready to be picked up.