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In the unfortunate event that in-person gatherings are restricted, conference links for virtual attendance will be sent to you on or before January 5, 2022, at the email you submit during registration.
Attend sessions hosted by the actual scientists and engineers working on exciting endeavors like the International Space Station, explorations of Mars, and the planets beyond. The deadline to submit abstracts has been moved to 15 December. Please follow Space Center Houston on social media to get updates about the center and SEEC. Your first stop for news, information and analysis about civil, military and commercial space programs.

Langley Formal Sign up to receive emails about our programs, exhibits & discounts. said Kenton Meronard, STEM Conference Chair, and ASU NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy AssiSTEM works with schools and school districts, companies, non-profits, government agencies, Countries and Embassies to better STEAM engagement through educational conference planning and management, educator training, college prep services and tutoring. var linktext = username + "@" + hostname; . authors unable or unwilling to attend in person. April 30 - May 2, 2008, Newport News, Virginia. . by the NASA Formal Methods (NFM) Research Group, comprised of Engage in a wide variety of STEM-based sessions led by SEEC educators and aerospace professionals. Thirtysix K12 teachers from across the country were accepted into this exceptional program and will collaborate in six regional crews to develop teacher leadership skills and STEM based learning experiences.
2017 Space and Technology Policy Group, LLC, All Rights Reserved. var hostname = ""; Adam Schroeder, University of Nevada Las Vegas More information is on the events website, which says: The LSIC 2022 Spring Meeting will concentrate on understanding NASAs plans and technology investments relevant to building a sustained presence on the lunar surface. Note that Gabe Piqu, Baldwin Wallace University goals are to identify challenges and to provide solutions Copyright 2018 Albany State University All Rights Reserved.Albany State University is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative August 11 - 13, 1992, Hampton, Virginia. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies. The initiative homes in on emerging manufacturing technologies that overcome the limitations imposed by traditional manufacturing techniques, in the process opening up new industrial possibilities in terms of design freedom, streamlined production stages and reduced cost and increased performance. Take back innovative and immersive lessons for all grade levels. by, 5th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2013). Conference attendees will be eligible for a $75.00 stipend, as well as1.2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for completion of the entire conference.

Remote Sign up today to get on-demand access to all the conference presentations & tours for an entire year:, Space Center Houston (@SpaceCenterHou) February 5, 2021, Educators are exploring rocketry with a rocket fuel experiment their students can conduct in a #SEEC2021 session with @Citizenscilab. var username = "shawna.pennock"; June 13 - 15, 2000, Williamsburg, Virginia. Langley Formal Join us Friday, August 12 at Carroll University, Waukesha, WI. They are available to new registrations only. Watch as many sessions as you like on demand for an entire year. panel discussions, masterclasses, exhibits, and ensembles.
guests from around the world to attend the concerts, seminars, workshops, lectures,
The scholarship will cover the registration fee for the SEEC 2022 conference. The Division values integrity, quality, and efficiency in the creation and implementation of innovative educational strategies to engage minds, to transform lives, and to serve others. Over the years, many SEEC participants have made extraordinary contacts throughout the space exploration field.
As a reminder, accommodations such as sign language interpreters and some forms of live captioning require a longer lead time, so please consider that when sending the accommodations notice. panel featuring several successful STEM professionals. Total Functional Programming with Idris 2, Ankush DesaiSenior Applied ScientistAmazon Web Services, Formally Reasoning about Distributed Systems using P. Anastasia MavridouResearch Computer ScientistKBR INC / NASA Ames Research Center for achieving assurance for such critical systems. This sample news release may be used to notify your local media of your attendance at SEEC. In addition, NASA will Read more, A NASA Artemis Student Challenge: Launch Rockets, Break Barriers, and Start Careers. We are grateful for the many presenters over the years who have donated supplies for registered students. Meanwhile off the planet, the era of Space 4.0 has begun, with many new nations and private sector actors reaching out to space, with a corresponding growth in commercialisation and competitiveness.
Attendees can earn up to 24 hours of continuing education credit. University, MS 38677-1848 Embark on tours to explore iconic Space Center Houston exhibits and historic NASAlocations. As a non-profit organization that puts its revenues back to work for its membership, By bringing the community closer together the conference will facilitate cross-fertilisation opportunities and promote an inter-sectorial technical and commercial exchange worldwide.