Before and After care is available for a nominal fee, and a snack will be provided at the end of each day.
As we progress forward, together as a community, MiSci reminds everyone to continue practicing everyday preventive actions to help avoid illness. Come chill out with Frost Science during Winter Break!

Were exploring the science and strategy behind all of our favorite sports and games-set up the perfect jump shot, learn how to beat anyone at tic-tac-toe, and how a team can work together to conquer a common goal. This week is all about engineering and exploring whats possible while creating something new. Campers will explore MiScis 220+ interactive exhibits, engage in immersive theater experiences, and investigate science phenomena through hands-on activities and experiments. Two (2) snacks per day are included with registration. Campers will discover how math, physics and the body work together to create a game plan for success! This week, were mixing science and art and seeing how they blend together to create a beautiful masterpiece! Interested in learning more about our Science Camps? | Privacy Policy. Do you have an eye for design? Sunscreen labeled with your childs name is also highly recommended, as camps go outside for a daily recess time and outdoor activities. To all those who have ever looked to the skies and wondered, this week is for you! Camps will run weekly from June 27thuntil August 19th. Save $3 per person when you purchase. Each week will focuson adifferent STEM themewithactivitiestailored to each age group. *Members must be logged in to their online membership account to receive the discounted rate. All rights reserved. Campers will put their astronaut skills to the test to launch rockets, see gravity in action, and solve problems in space! Funds will be returned. While an inherent risk of contagious illness exists in any public space, the Michigan Science Center iscommitted to creating a safe and enriching summer experience for your young scientist! Join Frost Science for two, four-day camps and start the new year right with amazing experiments and innovative investigations, all while creating friendships. Get ready to get messy during Chemistry Week at Spark Camp! Is your child ready for a fun experience at a place they love? Explore options below. Campers willconnectwith experts throughout the summer to learn about careers and have their questions about STEM topics. Check out our ECHO Live program weekdays at 2:30 p.m. on our Facebook Page. Campers will discover how mountains are formed, why volcanoes explode, where weather comes from, and how we can work together to take care of our Mother Earth. All systems go for launch! Check out these resources for answers. Additional T-shirts may be purchased for $10 each.
Registration is $25, and students will receive a $25 gift card upon completion of the camp. Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about the U of M campus and its data science programs. Have questions? *There will be no camp on Monday, July 4 - registration price will be prorated automatically when added to cart*. Campers will learn how fun science can be through interactive experiments and demonstrations about states of matter, chemical reactions, and making things go boom (safely, of course!). Camps run 9am-4pm daily. This camp will take place July 11th-15th at the Michigan Science Center in Detroit and at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor Campus (transportation will be provided). Falcon Batchelor Raptor Rehabilitation Center.
In an effort to bring something new and immersive to you every day during this time, we have switched to a virtual presence as we work to safely open up the building for you, our MiSci family. You can also have your child bring a lunch from home. Winter Break from school is the perfect time to chill out with science! 2022 Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science. 428. Pricing starts as low as $345for members and $395for non-members, making now the perfect time to register for a summer of discovery. At the Michigan Science Center, we put your child at the center of science!Whether its controlling the forces of nature or investigating how math impacts our world, kids will be inspired to discover new things in a safe and engaging environment. Campers are expected to come with a packed lunch and a water bottle, both labeled with their names. Camp Hours: 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m., including after care from 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. $320 per non-member, $280 per member per 4-day week. Winter Camp Dates: Tuesday, December 27 Friday, December 30, 2022. Kentucky Science Center is open 7 days a week, 9:30AM - 5PM. Please note, all children must be potty trained and able to handle all aspects of going to the bathroom by themselves. The mission of the Michigan Science Center is to inspire curious minds of all ages to discover, explore and appreciate science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in a creative, dynamic learning environment. Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science. Learn more about what MiSci is doing to guests and employees safe. 428 with any questions. Join us in the planetarium as we adventure beyond the solar system and learn about the stars, planets, and galaxies that make up our universe. 2022 Michigan Science Center. Campers will gethands-onwithexperiments, designchallenges, team building, and games; plushave exclusive access to MiScis stage shows, theater spaces, and exhibits for a truly immersive experience.

Our camps encourage all campers to play, tinker, and investigate the world around them with plenty of time to explore their favorite science center. Hosted in partnership with MIDAS U of M, this Introduction to Data Science and AI Summer Camp offers lectures and hands-on activities led by U of M professors and data science students where campers will learn all about data and analytics. Back to top, Please do not register for camps that are not open to children in your child's age group. The Michigan Science Center operates in accordance with State of Michigan Pandemic Preparedness & Response Plan requirements, and adheres to all Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Emergency Ordersandrecommendationsfor pandemic safety, including daily health screeningsandtemperature checksfor employees andcampers, nose-and-mouth-covering mask requirements, and capacity restrictions. Lab to design, build and test new ideas and inventions, working independently and in groups to bring their wildest ideas to life.

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This week, well be seeing if we have what it takes to go to space, as well as what its like to live among the stars! Campers must bring a non-perishable lunch each day that does not require refrigeration or microwave. All campers are required to wear the camp t-shirt while attending camp. See our newest Toyota Engineering Theater 4D Show during this explosive week of camp! Camp hours are approximately 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. $10 per day plus sales tax $43.20 for the week. Registration coming soon. Were unearthing history this week and going underground to learn about fossils, rocks, and how the Earth we know was formed millions of years ago. Summer Camp. Calling all Detroit high school rising juniors and seniors who want to learn more in STEM fields! Hand sanitizer will be providedthroughout MiSci and in camp spaces. Kentucky Science Center believes that Science Matters. Campers will dig deep into how archaeologists, paleontologists, and geologists learn more about our planet and its former inhabitants during this rocking week of camp. One (1) t-shirt is included with camp registration per week. Its time to tinker! COVID-19 Precautions:Campers and staff will be required to wear face maskswhile indoors, aside from mealtimes where safe distance will be maintained. We encourage people of all ages to Do Science in ways that inspire a lifetime of learning. Join us for this summer forMiSci Spark! Exhibits, movies, classes and labs a camp experience designed for engagement and learning! Get ready to move and flex your brain- this week is all about games! Students in demographic groups who are under-represented in STEM fields are particularly welcome! Children must be at least 4 years of age on the first day of the camp to attend. MiScis Sponsors of Science Program supports students for our Summer Science Camps each year in order to fulfill our mission of engaging and empowering all children and all communities with STEM! Campers will experiment with color, form, and different mediums in order to learn about the many ways science makes art possible during this colorful week of camp. For more information contact us at or 313-577-8400 ext. Contact or call 313-577-8400 ext. Campers will visit the Spark! Were going green this week as we explore the flora and fauna of our beautiful planet! Please email, Before registering your child for camp, please review our refund policy.