The Harrier, recognized back in 1885, is an old, reliable hunting breed from England. Bred to hunt in packs, they are slightly more sociable and trainable than your typical terrier. Its estimated that there are only 200 Catalburun canines in existence.

Chinook dogs are the state dog of New Hampshire, created by an innkeeper looking for a sled dog without the unpredictable natures of huskies and malamutes. Pet Keen is reader-supported. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. A post shared by Ludivine (@crazycatludi). While we wouldnt call any of those breeds boring, theyre certainly not that exciting anymore. Every item on this page was chosen by The Pioneer Woman team. How do you find a reputable breeder? There are some breeds that are so rare that most people havent heard of them, especially those that arent yet recognized as breeds yet. These basal dogs got their names due to their unique howl, which changes in frequency and has a haunting, melodic feel to it. A rare breed from Japan, Kai Ken dogs, are intelligent dogs with a knack for hunting and watching over their property. One of the older breeds from Great Britain, Otterhounds, are playful sheepdogs on the verge of extinction. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. But despite its German roots, the breed remains unrecognized in the country. While both can be beautiful and get some looks around the park, theyre common dogs that dont have the appeal of rare dogs. Closely related to the dingo, the New Guinean Singing dogs are known to produce some unique vocal sounds. With 199 recognized dog breeds, it can be difficult to learn about them all. Your email address will not be published. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 20 Rarest Dog Breeds You Never Knew Existed, Kristiinatammik/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images, dageldog/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images, predrag1/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images, Chris Strickland/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images, chaolik/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images. The name is from a character in the novel Guy Mannering by the Scottish author Walter Scott. But not every type of dog is as commonplace as the next. They stand about 11 inches tall and weigh into the low 20s, but theyre deceptively tough as they were bread for exterminating vermin. Sleek and compact, the Thai Ridgeback is covered in muscle, yet manages to remain completely streamlined. Bred for hunting foxes along the Isle of Skye of Scotland, they are stronger than their size makes them appear. Take a look at this roundup to learn a thing or two about these one-of-a-kind dogs! Nicole even worked as a dog sitter during her travels through South America and cared for stray pups something she. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Their name is derived from the Aztec deity Xolotl, the god of fire and lightening. While they are said to be easy to train, they're also a more vocal breed. These dogs are found only in select isolated villages. But these dogs arent entirely domesticated or wild. It is a native of America popularly used for hunting wild boars. Hope you find this list useful. Have a look at these rarest of rare dog breeds that you hardly have heard of before! Among recognized AKC breeds, the Chinook is one of the scarcest. Its believed that theyre the oldest breed from the Estrela Mountains of Portugal. 8 Potential Methods, How to Hold a Guinea Pig Correctly (with Pictures & Videos), 5 Best Sources of Iron for Dogs (& How Much They Need Daily), 13 Types of Angelfish for Freshwater Aquariums (With Pictures). A native of Peru,Peruvian Inca Orchid is a hairless dog. True to its Spitz heritage, the breed is lively, courageous, and friendly. The Chinook is a relatively rare dog breed that was bred in New Hampshire in the early 1900s and used as an all-purpose sled dog. These are one of the oldest dog breeds having its existence from the 16th century. But even if you're a pup lover, you may have never even heard of some rare dog breeds like the Azawakh, the Xoloitzcuintli, or the Hovawart. Strong, sturdy, and graceful with all-day endurance, this Foxhound is a great hunter. Xoloitzcuintli dogs, also called Mexican Hairless dogs, are an ancient breed of dog that dates back to nearly 3,000 years ago. However, this breed is not so commonly found everywhere. Blog Feed.
Originally from Canada, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband in New Zealand. Recognized as the state dog of Louisiana, Catahoula Leopard Dogs are farm dogs that can make great hunting dogs and family pets. Agile and strong, this terrier is a breed with elegance and dignity. Below are the 20 rarest dog breeds according to 2021 AKC registration data. According to the American Kennel Club,2 Labrador Retrievers have been the most popular dogs in the country since 1991. We interact with them often. Xiasi dogs are believed to bring wealth to their families, so many villagers keep these friendly, happy-go-lucky dogs. Coming in three official sizes (toy, miniature, standard), theyre highly intelligent, fiercely loyal, and make excellent watchdogs. They look like theyre wearing a sheeps coat, but underneath, these are athletic and agile dogs. Featured Image Credit: Viacheslav Vlasov, Shutterstock, Why Do Dogs Hate the Mailman? All Righs Reserved. A post shared by Sher, Lancet and Sadie (@sherdreams_wonalancet). What Smells Deter Cats from Peeing? Smart and devoted animals with great natural hunting and tracking abilities, the Catalburun is a great dog all the way around. Their noses are essentially forked, as if each nostril were its own separate nose. Named after Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is a tough breed that can tackle the state's forests and swamps. They're treasured for their hunting skills and are known for hunting game such as hare, fox, jackal, gazelle, and wild pigs.
Youve just read about 25 such breeds. Download this e-book for guidance on these questions and other important factors to consider when looking for a puppy. These dogs aim to please, making them easier to train. A post shared by LittleHouse (@catherinefcc). These are considered to be all-around dogs, able to hunt, retrieve, and point. Rather, theyre pariah dogs, and not really their own breed at all. This breed is ranked 131 out of 197 for popularity, so theyre definitely not one of the more popular breeds. There are many on this list that youve likely never heard of or seen before. They are outgoing and friendly, fairly active, and easygoing companions.
The Dandie Dinmont is also the only breed to take its name from a character in literature. The Chinook is also the official state dog of New Hampshire. How to Neutralize Dog Urine Odors 5 Proven Methods! Also known as the Dutch Spaniel, the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a hunting dog that hails from Holland. The Bergamasco is an ancient sheepdog breed, originating in Persias harsh mountain climates, where his coat protected him from the environment. What questions should you ask a breeder? When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the few dogs on this list recognized by the AKC thats not at the very bottom of their popularity rankings. This breed looks a lot like a fox and was bred to hunt both small and large game. They're fiercely protective and great hunters. This cute pup is the national dog of the Czech Republic. Of all the breeds on this list that are fully recognized by the AKC, the Lagotto Romagnolo is probably the most popular, ranked 99 out of 197. Get FREE Dog Food Recall Alerts by email whenever theres a recall. Originating in Hungary, this medium-small sheep dog is known for being lively and active, with the most adorable facial expressions. Or how about an elastic neck that can spin around and touch the head to the spine? Grey wolf sable and white Border Collie (bicolor agouti dog). It's a Bedlington Terrier! This tiny pup is often mistaken for a Yorkshire Terrier. Compact, alert, and adaptable, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a beloved watchdog from Poland.

These dogs were first used for hunting waterfowl but are now best known as truffle-hunters. Loud and large with lots of energy, Otterhounds are dogs built for hunting otters. There are also some hairless breeds, like the Peruvian Inca Orchid dog, that hail from great civilizations and are part of their countrys national heritage. Search our database of over 8371 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians.
An estimation indicates that they are only a few thousand Mudis left in the entire world. This Dutch Sheepdog almost went extinct during World War II. Sturdily built with large bones, full of strength, and well balanced, Harriers can work tirelessly in all terrain. Other breeds, like the Canaan Dog and the Sloughi, descend from primitive canines (a.k.a. While being similar in appearance to dingoes, these dogs are true canis familiaris members, unlike dingoes, which are not. These pups are native to Mexico and Central America. These are strongly boned muscular dogs that can grow upto 75cms in height. Male Rottweiler: Which One to Choose? Representing the 197th breed added to the official AKC registry, the Biewer Terrier just became an official AKC breed in 2020. Heres What To Do, Answered by Dr. Olivia Speight, BVSc MRCVS (Vet), Have a cat?

This breed has fox-like features and even a reddish coloring similar to a red fox. A post shared by Toby (Biewer Yorkshire) (@biewertoby). Before owning one, you have to understand just how energetic they are, as you must provide a large yard and lots of exercise for a member of these rare dogs.
Ranked just a few spots from the bottom of the AKCs most popular list, the Norwegian Lundehund is a small spitz-type dog that somewhat resembles a Chihuahua. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. The breed is named for the ridge pattern the breed displays where the hair on the bridge of the dogs back grows in the opposite direction from the rest of the coat. Youll find these villages located along the Telom River, in the middle of the rainforests that cover this part of the Malay Peninsula. Although theyre not recognized by the AKC, Chinooks are a popular breed due to their gentler, calmer temperaments. Weve all seen them before.
Cats are said to have nine lives, but the Russian Toy has a few to spare, too! Some of them are nearly extinct, others have been close in the past; all of these breeds are as rare as canines come. Unfortunately, this breed is nearly extinct. Nicole is the proud mom of Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway, and Baby, a Burmese cat. The rarest dog breeds in the United States are actually some of the most exciting!
Theyre known as the truffle dog, because theyre known for having a sharp sense of smell that helps them root out truffles. The official state dog of Texas, Blue Lacy Dogs are reliable working dogs that do best on a vast homestead or farm setting. With specimens reaching heights of 29 inches and weighing as much as 132 pounds, Estrela Mountain Dogs are some gargantuan pooches. These pups were almost wiped out twice and until the 1990s were almost unknown outside of their native Russia. The American Foxhound is leaner than its English cousin, and was bred in the United States to hunt foxes and other game. Funy, Icelandic Sheep Dog Icelandic Sheepdog puppy Viking Dog Spitz breed slenskur fjrhundur, Meet Willow, a 10 week old Italian Spinone pup - Imgur, Idaho Outback Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Puppies arriving in March 2013, Dog breed: French wire haired Korthals Pointing Griffon | All rights reserved. Some of these breeds, like the Russian Toy, are so rare that they have battled extinction. The majority of the dogs are found in Thailand but there are less than 100 registered with the USA parent specialty club. These massive canines need to be part of the family and require a very experienced dog owner since they are dominant dogs that will quickly take over the home if theyre able to. This Italian working breed needs a lot of mental stimulation and physical exercise.
They were also rumored to accompany nomadic, Romany-speaking groups in the Rothbury Forest in England in the 18th century. The Pyrenean Shepherd is a vibrant athlete and vigilant herding dog of all kinds of livestock. These giant mountain dogs are one of the oldest breeds in Portugal. However, theyre adept, independent hunters that are used for tracking and killing big game. You wont find these dog breeds walking past you near the shrubs, they arent so common. If youre looking for a very rare breed that will catch many peoples eyes, here are the 20 rarest dog breeds in the world: One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, New Guinea Singing Dogs are related to dingoes and have similar appearances. The Cesky Terrier, true to its terrier heritage, is feisty and tenacious in its work. One of the hairless dog breeds, the Peruvian Inca Orchid is native to Peru and has been officially recognized as part of the country's cultural heritage. These sturdy, hardy dogs were bred to watch over farms and homesteads, showing exceptional obedience and dependability as working dogs. Despite the similar appearance, this breed is unique with some features that set it apart, such as having six toes and extra paw pads on their feet! When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The Peruvian Inca Orca sighthounds are odd to see because theyre hairless and can have skin of any color. The Komondor is a massive Hungarian flock guardian draped with profuse white cords from head to tail, making it one of the most distinctive breeds in the world. Happy News! These pups were bred to hunt puffins, which is how they got their name. The dog is a noisy and persistent guardian of flock and home, always on the lookout. But just because theyre less popular, doesnt mean these dogs have nothing to offer. Their nickname, PON, is the acronym for the Polish breed name, Polski Owczarek Nizinny. But theyre not very popular, or maybe theyre just so rare that no one knows them. This interesting breed comes in three sizes, the smallest of which can be less than 10 inches tall, while the largest can reach heights of more than 25 inches. These herders are smart and full of energy, known for their rugged nature and cheerful temperament. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. The Finnish Spitz was originally bred for hunting small game and birds in Finland. Imposing in size and serious in demeanor, Tibetan Mastiffs are rare, Mastiff-type dogs that wary of strangers and protective of their families. Plus, theyve got the muscles to match. Although observant with strangers, the breed is friendly and loving with those they know well. Myth vs Reality, 9 Natural Home Remedies for Dog Skin Allergies & Itching.
These fast, agile dogs can be quite protective since they were bred for guarding and hunting, so early socialization is crucial to prevent aggression. These dogs have plenty of energy to go around, so if you're looking for a low-key lap dog, this spaniel won't sit around with you for long. The stamina and bravery of these short, long hunters are legendary in Gallic folklore. The English Foxhound is an old breed, recognized by the AKC in 1909, used most notably for hunting in large packs for fox. She has a strong love for all animals of all shapes and sizes (and particularly loves a good interspecies friendship) and wants to share her animal knowledge and other experts' knowledge with pet lovers across the globe. A post shared by Kennel Milomiss (@milomiss).