The Karma Dog Training Fort Collins private dog training program is designed to empower you with the focus, training and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you desire. The fundamentals of how to successfully conduct private in home sessions and lead group dog classes are also part of our Level 3 course. This can be done while you're away on vacation or even while you're home! Dr. Clarks expertise includes fearful/aggressive dogs.
Apprentice Level 3 helps students grow and gain confidence in their training behavior knowledge and skills, as they prepare for a career as a professional dog trainer. We offer puppy daycare 7 days a week in our home and under the supervision of one of our skilled trainers. Cell: 970-689-1445
The aptitude portion of test includes things like reactions to angry yelling, clumsy petting and being bumped from behind. Each of the indoor playrooms are heated and air-conditioned with plenty of fresh air. Through Dr. Clarks positive training methods and instruction, your puppy or dog will learn all the basic obedience and good manners. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dog aggression and dog anxiety cases are not for every dog trainer. In addition, our Fort Collins puppy kindergarten and puppy socialization classes cover all aspects of basic dog obedience with Karma Dog Training's "7 Requests for Success" and the "7 Steps to Become your Dog's Alpha Angel." Our Fort Collins basic obedience dog training class is identical to our Fort Collins puppy kindergarten and socialization class, except it is tailored for dogs 5 months of age and up and is taught on leash.
All rights reserved. Knowing what it takes to have your dog trained as a service dog, and more importantly designated as a service dog in the city of Fort Collins, will make your life much easier no matter what your handicap. Because we do limit the number of puppies that can come play, each pup receives a lot of personal attention and belly rubs from our staff!
That is okay.
This includes but is not limited to training in or modifying leash etiquette, chewing, dog resource guarding, barking, separation anxiety, leash lunging, leash aggression, leash reactivity, leash excitement, dog-on-dog aggression and dog to human aggression. Wellington, CO 80549, Phone: 970-484-8977 Your dog will be trained inside the home, outside on the street, around other dogs, at the park etc.
It is usually a one, two or three week program, and depending on which program you choose, is followed by 1 to 3 private in home dog training sessions as well as unlimited group dog obedience or puppy classes for up to six months. 11025 N County Road 7
Feel free to visit our testimonials page. Common tasks for service animals include flipping light switches, picking up dropped objects, alerting the person to an alarm, or similar disability-related tasks. Your personal dog trainer will empower you by holding you accountable to the commitments you make. Feel free to visit our testimonials page.
Puppy socialization classes offer a safe and organized means of socializing puppies and more quickly improve their responsiveness to requests. We offer a FREE 10-minute FaceTime, Skype, or Phone session to see which program is best for you. If you are interested in having your dog trained as a service dog, Karma Dog Training Fort Collins can also help you. Dog training teaches your dog to come when called, not to bite, proper social behavior around people and other dogs.
Early and adequate puppy socialization and programs of positive dog training can go a long way to preventing behavior problems and improving bonding between humans and dogs.
By attending one of Karma Dog Training Fort Collins's innovative and entertaining group dog training classes, you can expect to develop the tools, strategies and knowledge to deal effectively with all aspects of your dog's behavior, including learning an all-inclusive in depth introduction to "The Karma Dog Training Method". HABIC offers courses and certificates through Colorado State University to allow working professionals to value the science behind the human-animal bond, learn more about its benefits, and use them to help the populations they serve. Our Mission: Improving the quality of life for people of all ages through the therapeutic benefits of companion animals. Karma Dog Training Fort Collins was formed in 2004 and has since earned the respect of countless Fort Collins dog trainers and Fort Collins dog behaviorists as well as the endorsement of well-respected Fort Collins veterinarians. Subscribe to stay up to date with Human-Animal Bond in Colorado!
Dr. Clarks course is the only course that teaches sound learning principles with appropriate and positive socialization to children, adults, and dogs. Dr. Ian Dunbar, founder of the APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) has called Karma Dog Training's TPSP sponsored Fort Collins puppy training and socialization classes "a wonderful way to socialize puppies in a safe and responsible manner." In our Fort Collins puppy training classes, we cover the entire puppy training essentials from potty training to walking nicely on a leash. HABIC Volunteer Teams gain knowledge on the human-animal bond, develop skills around animal behavior and training, and work with their pets as registered therapy animals. At Karma Dog Training Fort Collins, when it comes to focusing and treating more serious dog-behavioral issues such as dog leash reactivity, dog leash lunging, dog leash excitement, dog-on-dog aggression, dog separation anxiety and dog-on-human aggression, our staff of Fort Collins dog behaviorists and Fort Collins dog trainers will always try and obtain as much information as possible on the history of your dog and if appropriate, then schedule an initial in-home evaluation. As a psychologist and a canine behaviorist, Dr. Clark developed the only complete behavior and obedience course for dog owners that has helped over 40,000 dogs in Fort Collins, northern Colorado, and neighboring states. The basic obedience exercises include walking on lead, heeling, sitting, down, sit-stay, down-stay, coming when called, systematic positive socialization, and much more. Some dog training companies who offer Board and Train will do whatever it takes to get quick results with your dog including employing choke chains and shock collars.
Founder and CEO of Karma Dog Training Inc., Jeffrey Liebowitz, developed our Fort Collins Puppy Training, Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Obedience and Dog Training education courses. The puppies are separated into groups based on their size and play style. If you are calling around to other Fort Collins dog trainers or have tried other dog trainers only to be turned off to the idea of training your dog because of the method of training used, please consider that you and your dog may just need a different approach. When your puppy starts going out in public, it is time to start class and teach him how to be a well-behaved community member. Dr. Clark has also produced a two-hour video production. We then provide you with many practical applications on how to overcome them turning them from potential negative experiences into positive healing opportunities.
Karma Dog Trainings Fort Collins Board and Train program uses ONLY positive reinforcement dog training methods. Our quarterly e-newsletter, Paws for News, includes latest updates, event info, and more. Dr. R. K. Anderson, the venerable DVM to the veterinarians has also endorsed Karma Dog Training Fort Collins's early puppy kindergarten and socialization class. Dr. Clark has successfully helped thousands of fearful, aggressive, and problem dogs.
In our Fort Collins basic obedience training classes, we cover all aspects of basic obedience dog training using a combination of hand signals and voice cues. In between dog training sessions, your dog will receive ample exercise, lots of playtime, have plenty of time to relax and get to hang out with several other dogs when not training. Dr. Gail Clark and her professional staff provide you and your dog with a fun and educational training experience through the Beginner Course in dog training. Without a doubt, dog obedience training is the key to saving your dogs life! In addition to shadowing Karma Dog Training's Private In Home Sessions and participating in the Karma Dog group classes, Apprentice Students will attend "Meet ups" where they will sit down one-on-one with a Karma Dog Teacher Trainer in a round table discussion format. You will then have your dog screened by a vet. In addition to working hands on with a rescue dog, Apprentice Students will delve into the world of working with the more "difficult dogs". Your private dog trainer will help measure, monitor and manage your dog's progress, and along the way support you to take consistent action that leads to the results you desire.
Karma Dog Training Fort Collins will NOT employ any kind of aversive dog training techniques on your dog unless specifically requested by you and agreed by us beforehand. Since dogs are learning in the environment where most of their "bad behavior" happens, the learning curve is shorter and less time is needed to train your dog. Karma Dog Training Fort Collins uses gentle and effective, 100% positive reinforcement training and behavior shaping techniques endorsed by the AHA, HSUS, SPCA, ASPCA and most Schools of Veterinary Medicine.
Apprentice Level 2 teaches students to go beyond the basic skills and protocols associated with how dog's successfully learn into how dog's think and problem solve. We use NO harsh corrections. Dog Training and Canine Behavior Counseling by Dr. Gail Clark, Canine Psychologist, The Mentally Sound Dog: How to Shape, Train and Change K9 Behavior, Dog Obedience Training for your Puppy or Dog, You will learn how to teach your dog to be obedient, how your dog thinks, and why he behaves as he does, and how to repair or prevent dog behavior problems, and most important, how to train successfully, When to Start Puppy and Obedience Classes Dog Training, Beginner Obedience Curriculum Dog Training, September 2020 Recent ObedienceGraduates, current obedience classes (name those breeds). In Dr. Clarks class you will also learn how to stop behaviors that can damage your loving relationship with your dog, and encourage those good behaviors which will bond you and your dog for life. This allows us to get to the root of the psychological and spiritual aspects of problem behavior. It's up to you.
Simply put, dogs are what we refer to as "contextual learners". At Karma Dog Training Fort Collins, our dog behaviorists and dog trainers will never advise euthanasia for aggressive dogs if there are plausible alternative choices that should be considered first. While the first three months is the most important puppy socialization period in a puppys life, owners of puppies that have passed this milestone are strongly encouraged to continue to socialize their puppies to as many people, pets, and locations as practical. Unlike a service animal, a comfort animal is not trained to perform specific tasks directly related to the person's disability. Our play areas are constantly being supervised by our highly trained puppy daycare staff members, who always make sure the puppies are always safe and having fun! Basic dog obedience is where we train in a new behavior. K9 Shrink Dog Training
In addition, with our Reverse Board and Train program, there is no adjustment period for a dog to get used to so learning takes place right away and the results happen a lot faster. You will take massive, intelligent action to achieve your dog training goals. Dog behavior modification is where we change an existing dog behavior.
You'll also benefit by teachings based on safe and gentle behavior principles such as Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Shaping, Jeff's "Training without Training" technique, Canine Communications, and the Spiritual Aspects of Training. Therapy dogs serve in a variety of roles. Our Reverse Board and Train program is where one of our Karma Dog Trainers will come and stay in YOUR home and train your dog in the comfort of your own home. If you choose our Reverse Board and Train program while you're not on vacation, our trainer will come to your home in the morning and leave in the afternoon, training and working with your dog throughout the day. We also have a large outside play area! All rights reserved. As a Karma Dog Training Fort Collins client, you'll also learn how to maintain your dog's progress after training has finished by understanding and implementing: Karma Dog Training's "5 in 5" Easy Maintenance Schedule, how to substitute using training treats for "Real Life Rewards", how to turn your morning dog walk into your "Meditation Walk" and how to master our "Training with Tranquility" Ritual. In addition, all of our puppy daycare play areas have access to live webcams, so you can watch the fun at home, work, or on your iPhone, Droid or Blackberry. He has developed a Zen like application for teaching clients called the "Karma Dog Training Method", that is considered among his clients to be the most gentle, effective and enlightened approach to puppy/dog training available. It is here where you can download all of the essential Karma Dog Training course materials in easy to access PDF format documents.
You will work with a highly skilled dog trainer or dog behaviorist selected to closely match your individual needs. Thats why we offer a variety of Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Services, including Overnight stays in your home. There are many dog trainers in the Fort Collins area that may not have the experience or aptitude dealing with aggressive dogs. At Karma Dog Training Fort Collins, it's our belief that when choosing a puppy trainer or dog trainer it's important to choose the Fort Collins dog training School that shares your values, and that will recognize your dog's innate right to be taught with patience, love and respect. Students will begin shadowing actual Karma Dog Trainers on private in home sessions with real clients. In addition to all the of the teachings in Level 1 and Level 2, students will be assisting in a wide variety of group classes and private dog cases. While consistently ranking in the top ten in the nation for their breeds, all of Dr. Clarks canine companions are certified therapy dogs, as well as TV and print media supermodels. They should be kept up-to-date on vaccines throughout the puppy class. A dog trainer who simply sees your dog as just a dog, may not always be able to help because they are only trained to evaluate your dog's behavior, as opposed to seeing your dog from a holistic perspective. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to, assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds, providing non-violent protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, assisting an individual during a seizure, alerting individuals to the presence of allergens, retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone, providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors. The beginner behavior course and obedience class is the place to bring your dog to successfully correct annoying dog behavior problems. We also go over all the puppy basics such as puppy chewing, puppy nipping, puppy jumping, puppy barking, and of course puppy potty training and puppy house training.
Her dogs have earned numerous titles: Championships to the highest obedience title awarded, Utility. This is precisely the reason why our Reverse Board and Train program is usually a shorter program (5, 7, 10, 14 days) then our Traditional Board and Train program. Comfort animals are pets that owners keep with them for emotional reasons (the owner may feel calmer when he or she is near the pet) do not qualify under the latest legal definition as a Service animal. We offer reduced pricing for clients with rescue dogs and dogs adopted from any of the Fort Collins dog shelters. She has instructed dog owners on how to teach their dogs to be obedient and to fix or prevent dog behavior problems.
Students in the Level 2 Program may also be asked to train a rescue dog from a local rescue. Dr. Clark offers private consultations to help you solve specific behavior problems or to assist you in raising your puppy to be well-behaved and socially adjusted. This is precisely the reason why Karma Dog Training Fort Collins's gentle and enlightened approach to dog training appeals to thousands of Fort Collins puppy and dog parents each year. Also included is instruction on how to prevent and solve behavior problems such as barking, jumping, digging, chewing, nipping, and house soiling. Dont worry about starting your dog too early with dog training.
At Karma Dog Training we understand that finding the right pet sitter or dog walker is like finding the right baby sitter for your kids - its an important decision! In certain cases, we can also assist you in the rehoming process. If you would like to speak to a Fort Collins dog trainer or a Fort Collins dog behaviorist and you are in the greater Fort Collins area, please contact us at Students will build on everything they learned during the Level 1 course, including working with dogs that are fearful or anxious. Karma Dog Training Fort Collins boasts an experienced and qualified staff of dog trainers and behaviorist specialists throughout the Fort Collins area. In our Fort Collins private dog training sessions and during our private dog coaching sessions, we cover all aspects of basic dog obedience as well as dog behavior modification. At Karma Dog Training, we are proud to be one of the only premiere in home puppy daycares in the city. Puppies should receive a minimum of one set of vaccines at least 7 days prior to the first class and a first deworming. We do not cage your dog under any circumstance unless specifically requested by you to do so, or if its part of a potty training or house training program that you decided upon. Thats why we make sure you have a chance to personally meet and interview your individual pet sitter or dog walker long before you ever agree to have them take care of your dog.
You will learn how to teach your dog to be obedient, how your dog thinks, and why he behaves as he does, and how to repair or prevent dog behavior problems, and most important, how to train successfully. When you sign up for any one of our Fort Collins puppy training or basic obedience classes in the Fort Collins area, in addition to receiving excellent instruction in class, you will also be given a unique user name and password to access the online Karma Dog Training Educational Center.
There are many jobs for therapy dog teams to participate in. If your dog is out of control, fearful, aggressive, or exhibiting annoying behaviors, a private consultation is the answer for addressing your dog problems and to help your dog become a well-behaved family member. They will also be part of the Karma Dog Training group classes where they will learn through observation and assisting. We provide private in home dog training lessons, basic dog obedience classes, puppy training and puppy socialization classes, dog behavior modification training, service dog training, therapy dog training, star puppy classes, canine good citizen classes, treatment plans and protocols for separation anxiety, zen type training, dog-on-dog aggression, resource guarding and human aggression cases. You can be right there watching the entire time or you can not be there at all. Our organization, which prides itself with a mission toward enhancing the human-canine relationship through education and dog-friendly training, offers 3 different levels of education for students interested in a part-time or full time career in animal behavior.