This page is sponsored by Rossier Online, a masters level teaching degree program delivered online that enables you to earn a masters degree and teaching credential. On the homelands of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian peoples, we serve the coastal environments, cultures, economies, and communities of Alaska, through interdisciplinary education, workforce development, and scholarship, research, and creative activity.
The University of Alaska is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. Code tit. Elementary Teacher Salary:$77,030Avg. Alaska Admin. Once your certification application is complete, make a copy of the packet for your own records and mail the originals to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. 2) Email a copy of the receipt to Flora Roddy at The information below is collected from state regulatory agencies responsible for regulating school based speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists. Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. 3) Email a copy of the receipt to Flora Roddyin the Teaching and Learning Department The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for 223,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students.
If a teacher needs to take a PRAXIS Test, the district will pay for its cost. Teacher preparation includes the completion of an accredited teacher education program.
Please avoid using your personal credit card. Online MAT programs are a practical option for students who have professional and personal commitments that make it difficult to obtain teaching certification through a full-time program. Sexual abuse and sexual assaultawareness and prevention (AS 14.30.355), Alcohol or drug related disabilities (AS 14.20.680), Dating violence awareness and prevention (AS 14.30.356). Code tit. You do not have JavaScript Enabled on this browser. Suicide Awareness, Prevention, & Postvention, Department of Education & Early Development, Teacher Certification, Alaska State Teacher Certification Statutes, Alaska State Teacher Certification Regulations, Special Services Certificate (Type C) Endorsed in Speech, Language, or Hearing Certificate (valid for 5 years) does not qualify for assignment as a classroom teacher or school administrator, Master's or higher degree with a major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, or speech-language and hearing science or a Certificate of Clinical Competence from ASHA, Recommendation for endorsement by an institution with a program approved by NCATE or ASHA, Six semester hours or nine quarter hours taken within the past five years, Three semester hours of approved Alaska studies and three semester hours of multicultural education or cross-cultural communications. Approved Alaska Studies CoursesApproved Multicultural Ed Courses. Original score reports must be submitted to the Alaska DEED Teacher Certification Office. Please see ourinterstate reciprocity disclaimerfor more information. Youth suicide awareness and prevention (AS 14.30.362), As per statute, only trainings approved by the Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) will satisfy this requirement. 1997- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 1)To register and pay, please call the Teaching and Learning Department (Flora Roddy 11422, or Alica Unruh 11424) to get a p-card. Step One: Complete a bachelors degree and other prerequisite coursework required. Whale! Teacher salaries were provided by theU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2017 Occupational Employment Statisticsreport. 4, 12.397, Alaska Department of Education & Early Development State Board. While involvement in an education program may seem financially daunting, a number of financial resources specifically for teachers exist around the country. Email the Webmaster, Teacher Retention & Recruitment Working Group, Compass: A Guide to Alaska's Public Schools, Professional Teaching Practices Commission. Some elements on this page may not function properly until Javascript is enabled. Please confirm licensing requirements with your state before applying for licensure or renewal. The best online programs offer the same curriculum as the schools on-campus program and apply the same admission requirements. It looks like you have Javascript for this browser disabled. Six semester hours of credit or nine quarter hours of credit, earned from a regionally accredited university are required every five years. The Alaska Department of Education & Early Development offers aType M Limited Certificateto those who do not have a bachelors degree, but who can demonstrate subject matter expertise and teaching competency as verified by the local school district. Please enable it in order to use the full functionality of our website. Teachers can take required classes via distance learning offered by Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN),UAF eCampusor take a district sponsored "Alaska Studies and Culturally Responsive Teaching" class at the cost of $179. Alaska will recognize teaching credentials from other states, butanyone wishing to teach in Alaska must apply for an Alaska teaching certificate. zARCHIVE - Administrative Advisory Committees, Employment & Educational Opportunity (EEO), Professional Development (Federal Programs), Professional Learning (Teaching & Learning), Social Emotional Learning & Prevention Services, Social Emotional Learning and Prevention Services, Autism & Behavior Educational Liaisons (ABEL), Employment & Educational Opportunity (EEO)/Title IX, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, Teachers who need to renew their certification or need to complete classes to receive their Alaska Teaching Licence can find all information on the, For recertification, there is also an option to use Alaska Department of Education's E-Learning site -, Teachers can take required classes via distance learning offered by, does not pass his/her first attempt, the district will cover every consecutive test, Alaska Studies and Culturally Responsive Teaching, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Citation:
UAS SOE will email you and DEED a completed Program Verification form. Many schools of education now offer online MAT programs that provide increased flexibility by allowing aspiring or working teachers to attend class and complete coursework from any location that has an Internet connection. Trainings offered by universities and other organizations must be approved by DEED. ET MondayFriday, Site Help | AZ Topic Index | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use
Avg. For scholarships specific to the State of Alaska, visit ourAlaska Teacher Scholarshipspage. 1) When you are going to register and pay, please use a school p-card that you will check out from the secretary. Important Note: Education licensure requirements, statistics and other information are subject to change. Alaska Admin. This page uses Javascript to display menus and interactive content. Learn more about how the University of Southern California can help you become a transformative teacher in Alaska. UAS is committed to providing accessible websites and protecting your privacy. To become a certified teacher in Alaska, you will need to fulfill these requirements: Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible, and we are dedicated to updating with new information on a regular basis. Available 8:30 a.m.5:00 p.m.
In case a teacher does not pass his/her first attempt, the district will cover every consecutive test. The ASHA Action Center welcomes questions and requests for information from members and non-members. year in which it is issued, to a person not otherwise qualified if the district demonstrates to the satisfaction of the commissioner that, despite diligent efforts, including advertising in one or more newspapers of general circulation, it has been unable to fill the position with a qualified person
Step Four: Submit an Alaska teaching credential application. More information can be found on the DEED site. This process can take three to six weeks from when we receive your request. Examinees must have passing scores from all three sections (reading, writing, and math) ononeof the exams. To received a certificate, 15 hours of work must be completed. At the request of a school district seeking to employ a person in a position for which a special services certificate (emergency Type C) is required, the commissioner may issue an emergency special services certificate (Type C), valid for a period not to exceed the end of the school
cross-cultural education, may apply for a Provisional Type C Special Services Certificate (valid for one two years). F: Teachers who need to renew their certification or need to complete classes to receive their Alaska Teaching Licence can find all information on the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website. Last updated:08/09/2018. In addition, Alaska participates in theMountain Pacific Region Troops to Teachers Program, which helps military personnel transition to teaching careers. Teacher salaries were provided by theU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2017 Occupational Employment Statisticsreport. UAS is committed to providing accessible websites: Graduates of accredited colleges or universities whose bachelors degree was not in education, and who have not yet earned a traditional teaching certificate, can still receive an alternative teaching certificate by satisfying certain requirements. Additionally, some states have undergraduate credit hour requirements for certification in specialty areas. 801 West 10th Street, Suite 200Juneau, Alaska 99811(907) 465-2831. Secondary Teacher Salary:$85,420Vacation Weeks Per Year:15. Certification Map is owned and operated by 2U, Inc. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2017 Occupational Employment Statistics, Learn more about how the University of Southern California can help you become a transformative teacher in Alaska, Learn more about getting your MAT online with our partner USC Rossier School of Education, Mountain Pacific Region Troops to Teachers Program, Please view the Alaska DEEDs instructions on fingerprinting, How to Become a Substitute Teacher in Alaska, anyone wishing to teach in Alaska must apply for an Alaska teaching certificate, Alaska Department of Education & Early Development, visit the Alaska Teacher Placement website to begin your online application, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators, National Evaluation Series Essential Academic Skills, Reading: 22 / Writing 8 (2/2005 to 8/2015) now 23 (9/2015) / Math: 22, New Mexico Assessment of Teacher Basic Skills. Providing students with the ability to communicate with instructors and classmates in a face-to-face online environment is another hallmark of a good online program. Contact your state education department for more information. The Alaska Teacher Placement system is an online application for all school districts in the State of Alaska. Complete application packet, which includes a signed and notarized application, an institutional recommendation form, official transcripts, two sets of completed fingerprint cards, and all fees. UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: Teachers who need to take an Alaska Studies course and Multicultural course, can find the list of approved courses on the Alaska Department of Education website, under Certification Requirements. This limited certificate applies to the specialty areas of Alaska Native language or culture, military science, and vocational or technical. 4, 12.400. The exams listed below meet the basic competency requirements for becoming a certified teacher in the State of Alaska. Contact theAlaska Department of Education & Early Developmentto inquire about your specific situation. Visit. In addition, candidates in online MAT programs should be provided with the opportunity to complete student teaching fieldwork in the local community. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Alaska Admin. Citation:
You do not need to wait for your program verification form us. Earn your Masters or EdD online at the Top-Ranked USC Rossier School of Education. UAS is on the unceded territories of the akw wan, Taant wan, and Sheetk wan on Lingt Aan and we are grateful for their stewardship of these places that are also known as Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka, Alaska, which are adjacent to the ancestral home of the Xaadas and Tsmsyen peoples. For further information on laws and regulations for school based speech-language pathologists and audiologists, please visit these websites: Questions regarding state advocacy issues? Please view the Certification MapHow to Become a Substitute Teacher in Alaskapage form more information. For more information on this, visit our page onscholarships for teachers. Code tit. At least three semester hours must be upper division or graduate level credit. Alaska, however, does not have any undergraduate credit hour requirements. Contact information, applicable laws, and complaint procedures are included on UA's statement of nondiscrimination available at Please be advised that laws, regulations, and policies may change at any time, so always check with your state for the most up-to-date information. The Alaska DEED requires the submission of an applicant fingerprint card for an employee background check on both a state and federal level. 2) Print the receipt and return it together with the p-card to the school secretary. Complete and send in your packet to DEED when your degree is posted. The districts of Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, and Matanuska-Susitna (referred to as The Big 5), as well as Kodiak and North Slope, maintain their own job databases, but job listings in those districts can still be accessed through ATP. Pleasevisit the Alaska Teacher Placement website to begin your online application. There may be additional methods of certification that have not been covered here. The information is reviewed on an annual basis. Call ASHA at 800-498-2071 and ask for the State Advocacy Team. This site offers several courses, ranging from one hour to six hours. Only trainings approved by an Alaska public school district or the Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) will satisfy this requirement. makes its best effort to keep content accurate; however, the official sources are the state education departments. These course are free and each teacher can take maximum of two continuing education credits (CEUs). The University of Alaska Southeast is a student-centered university that provides instruction in liberal arts, professional, and technical fields. Please view the Alaska DEEDs instructions on fingerprinting. Fax: Applicants meeting all other requirements for certification, but lack six (6) semester hours of credit earned during the five-year period preceding the date of application, or lack three semester hours in Alaska studies and/or three semester hours in multicultural education or
If you have completed a UAS School of Education program that results in teacher certification or endorsement you must complete the following: Admissions and General Inquiries: (907)7966100, Juneau Campus: 11066 Auke Lake Way, Juneau, AK 99801 | General Inquiries: (907)7966100 or toll free (877)4654827, Ketchikan Campus: 2600 7th Ave, Ketchikan, AK 99901 | General Inquiries: (907)2256177 or toll free (888)5506177, Sitka Campus: 1332 Seward Ave, Sitka, AK 99835 | General Inquiries: (907)7477700 or toll free (800)4786653. In order to qualify for a certificate issued on June 30, 2017, or after, an individual must be able to demonstrate that the following mandatory trainings have been completed within the five years prior to the date of application: Citation:
For recertification, there is also an option to use Alaska Department of Education's E-Learning site - All states require that certified teachers at a minimum have a bachelors degree. holding the required certificate. 4, 12.355. Learn more about getting your MAT online with our partner USC Rossier School of Education.