Where to find Crystal Marrow in Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Tier List: The best characters to use, Genshin Impact Luhua Landscape Quest Guide. West Southwest of Windrise Statue and East of the teleporter, youll find an Anemoculus atop a cliff. To grab this Anemoculus, head directly north of the same teleporter and look for a tree at the apex of the hills. The Anemoculus is high above the path towards Stormterrors Lair. Stand on the southwesterly cliff edge and look. To arrive on the island where it's located, you will need a few prerequisites: Use a dish reducing endurance consumption.OR. South of the Straightaway West of Windrise Statue, 14. Climb them to find the Anemoculus on top. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. South of Stormterrors Lair, on a Cliff Edge, 50. 43. For example, at level 9 of the statue, you will be asked for a total of 15 anemoculus to raise it to level 10. North-Northwest nearby Dadaupa Gorge Teleporter, 15. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Maybe you've seen some kind of green shape floating in the air before and picked it up. The Anemoculus is actuallyhighin the air, way above your typical Anemoculus, so youll have to use the wind current directly below it to propel yourself upward. This ones as heading to marked location and looking for the anemoculous sitting right on the ground just waiting to be picked up. Simply run up to these on your map to grab them, though note that they may be hiding in a cave below you or sitting in the air high above you. Directly east of Monstadt proper, look for a small pile of stone slabs to get your hands on this Anemoculus. Follow the water, you will find the Anemoculus on the south side high above the riverbed. This one is easy to overlook as the Anemoculi symbol will not appear while youre on the cliffs.
The Anemoculus is on one of its branches. When hunting down Amenoculus and Geoculus, we recommend using this interactive map, checking them off as you find them. And that concludes this guide on Anemoculus. This isn't necessarily negligible especially when you know that you will have to increase your level of adventurer often enough to continue the story. Find the wind tunnel on the rock near the water. 15. Please refresh the page and try again. Genshin Impact Phantasmal Conch: Where to find them and what are their locations? Theres a wind current nearby but you can access it just by climbing up the side. You can also find my words on PCGamesN, Fanbyte, PCGamer, Polygon, Esports Insider, and Game Rant. Video Game Reviews & Guides as Basic as They Come, Last Updated May 14, 2021 By Johnny Salib Leave a Comment. Located on an island way out in the water, the only way to get there is to use Amber with at least 180 stamina and some stamina replenishment items in your inventory. 16. Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete". Specter Genshin Impact: Where to find them and why beat them? Are there enough in the World to max out all the towers or just one? Players can receive this healing automatically if they stand extremely close to the Statue of The Seven. 53. it might be used to get something good, they just havn't implemented it yet. Learn more about me. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. You cant climb it, so get to the top of the cliff on the southeast, and glide down. Just take the teleporter north of Stormterror and climb up the ringed stone structure thats impossible to miss. Its on top of the ancient ruin. 64. Above Stone Pillar East-Southeast of Dadaupa Gorge Teleporter, 19. While all Statues of The Seven are linked, players will have to make separate offerings to the Anemo Statues of the Seven than offerings to the Geo Statues of the Seven. (C)2010 MGG. Head East-Southeast of the Dadaupa Gorge Teleporter until you hit the Stone Pillar shown above. The Anemoculus is easy to spot on a small pile of rocks. Walk close to the giant tree and look up; you will see the Anemoculus on one of its branches. If you can't find your anemoculus and you are near a tree, check the tree as some of these objects are located in the trunks. Right off an Overhang north of Wolvendoms Northern Teleporter, 49. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Genshin Impact guide: How to get more stamina, Mondstadt puzzles and quests walkthroughs, Enkanomiya puzzles and quests walkthroughs, Sign up for the Grab Noelle and have her pull a smash and grab with her claymore to net yourself one new Anemoculus. On a Pillar Southwest of Stormterror Lair, 62. If so, you have unknowingly taken your first steps in collecting the famous Anemoculus. Under the Rocks northwest of Wolvendoms Northern Teleporter, 47. To get the Anemoculus, just head directly west of the same teleporter and find the tall cliff overhanging a free chest set behind four stone pillars. 47. The northernmost Anemoculus location in Genshin Impacts map, this one can be found by leaping right off the cliff and climbing over to the Anemoculus clinging to the rock face. When you reach the Anemoculus point on the map, look up. 49. You will find an Anemoculus floating just above the player height that just needs a simple jump to collect. After all, the wiser man learns from the mistakes (and successes) of others. ugh, A nice thing you can do is go talk to the lady in monstate with the triangle symbol level your rep to 2 and you get a thing you can make to tell you where they are, I also miss 1 . and idk which one is left xD. As you continue your hunt for the last few orbs, its going to become very hard to find the missing ones as you backtrack. Directly Southwest of Windrise statue is a curved stretch of road hugged on either side by a pair of cliffs. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. See the large pillar with a chest on top of it? Youll find it right at the apex of a large overhang.
Find the Anemoculus next to the large rock formation in the water. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. 24. Youll see an area between two cliffs. newsletter, How to upgrade your characters Constellations, Where to find Spectral Husks, Hearts, and Nucleus, Where to find the Perpetual Mechanical Array Teleport Waypoint and Domain, The Chi of Guyun quest walkthrough and solution, Treasure Lost, Treasure Found quest solution, Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula puzzle solution, Dimming Mushrooms Call for Help world quest walkthrough, The Millennial Mountains world quest walkthrough, How to open up the Tatarasuna barrier in Inazuma, How to unlock the Shakkei Pavilion domain, Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual world quest walkthrough, A Strange Story in Konda world quest walkthrough, Sacrificial Offering world quest walkthrough, Cleansing Defilement world quest walkthrough, The Farmers Treasure world quest walkthrough, Collection of Dragon and Snakes world quest book locations, Dates Challenge world quest puzzle solution, Enkanomiya Teleport Waypoints world quest, Hyperions Dirge world quest, Divine Bridle location, The Phaethons Syrtos world quest walkthrough. Southeast of Stormterrors Lair Southern Teleporter, 48. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Players can gain a higher max stamina and other passives by powering up the Statue of The Seven. Its floating high above the path between the lake and the wooden arena. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Youll find a stone pillar rising out of the river just southeast of Windrise Statue you can actually see it from the statue itself. An Anemoculus will serve you for a fairly essential thing in Genshin Impact, namely to improve your statues of the seven.
59. This ones pretty simple too. West of Wolvendoms Eastern Teleporter, off the cliff, 43. I checked every possible spot from internet , You mightve already found them all but if you didn't, leveling up your reputation in mondstadt you can get items that will help you find anemoculus, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Following the road by the Dawn Winery south until youre approaching the water, youll come across a field on the left just before the beach where you can find a set of Anemograna to leap into the air and use the rings to catch the Anemoculus. 10. Get on the long, straight section of the road directly west of Windrise statue and then keep going south off-road when it bends to the east. newsletter, Real-world animal shelters are streaming Stray to save cats lives, Its a mix of streaming, fundraising, and outreach, Pets are freaking out over their owners playing Stray, and I love it, If all our pets had a game of the year, this would be it, Sign up for the Directly Southwest of Windrise Statue, 12. To help you out we've divided the Genshin Impact map into four regions below, with all the Anemoculus locations marked and a short description on how to find each one of them. Once youre up there, just glide down into the tower like youre threading a needle. 28. Just next to the Stormbearer Teleporter is a large, multi-tiered tower that only needs to be climbed to nab the Anemoculus floating in the air facing northwest. Its inside. published 27 January 21, Find them all for more stamina, adventure experience, Primogems and Anemo Sigils. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! In the Tree North of the Wolvendoms Eastern Teleporter, 44. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury,
Walk towards the windmill and the houses, the second house on the left has the Anemoculus floating on its roof. 2. If players want to change the Elemental Talent of the Traveler they will have to head to one of the following Statues of The Seven. 51.
Head north-northwest of the Brightcrown teleporter until you come across a set of ruins with a prominent staircase with a large pile of rubble leaned against it. When you give a statue its respective orb, it will level up, capping out at level 10. Its just below the edge of the cliff on your right side if coming from the direction of Mondstadt. As a reminder, Genshin Impact is available on the following platforms: PS4, PC, iOS and Android. Destroy them (normal attack is enough) to get the Anemoculus underneath. 12. 8. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Use an Anemo skill on one of the Anemograna (the little sparkly creatures in the grass) to create a wind current. South Southwest of Springvale Teleporter, 37. Heres why you can trust us. One such collectible, Anemoculus, is of particular importance for reasons we will go into. You will receive a verification email shortly. Will Heydecker is a writer, screenwriter and illustrator who still likes dragons. Amenoculus are blue floating orbs that are given to the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt and Geoculus are golden floating orbs that Statues of the Seven in Liyue take. Look for the highest ruin. To do this, youll have to find Geoculus and Amenoculus to give to the various Statues of the Seven around the map. Lore notwithstanding, thats pretty much everything you need to know about Anemoculus locations in Genshin Impact. I just noticed this after finding one last one nearby a static wind current. 34. The Anemoculus is underneath its roof. And that means we have a lot more information about how to best progress through the game. Like any other open-world ARPG, Genshin Impact places a strong emphasis on character building and exploration something that goes hand-in-hand with the variety of collectibles spread across the land. You can climb the rock and jump down. When you have any Amenoculus or Geoculus, you can offer them to the statues by selecting Worship Statue when you get close. They will look a bit differently from normal rocks. You can use the Anemograna to create a wind tunnel and get the Anemoculus. Simply playing through the dungeon will see you rewarded with an Anemoculus. I only need to find 1 more to max level my statue and you are telling me that there are in fact 2 that i could still find? Use the wind monument to activate a wind tunnel and fly up. Go to the lower platforms near the water, west of the large cliff. Hop onto the island directly north of Monstadt, activate the wind current there and use some finesse to snatch up the Anemoculus thatisthere its just easy to miss. BA1 1UA. The Anemoculus is hidden beneath it. The Anemoculus is floating right next to the old tower. The Anemoculus is on top of the portal. To snatch up this Anemoculus, just get yourself atop the highest point of the Thousand Winds Temple entrance. On a small set of flat-topped hills beside the road, youll find a set of Anemograna for you to create a wind current to collect the Anemoculus floating above. Indeed, Anemoculus is not a simple currency used to purchase upgrades or gear. In the center of the water is a tall rock spire crowned by a platform finagle your way up the side across a few different faces and then jump off facing south, aimed towards the platform below, to get it. Johnny is a 20-something year old average gamer. NOTE: From right there you can glide to another Anemoculus down below without making it two trips (see 59). Head for the highest ground you can find northwest of the Brightcrown Teleporter you should have a clear view of the ocean and look for a wind column to descend through and nab that Anemoculus. Eventually, youll come across a set of Anemograna you can collect to catch the Anemoculus in the air.
Its close to the water. You will need to climb a cliff (either side will do) to glide down and grab it. This can be traversing an obstacle (like climbing a tree, landing in a specific spot, or swimming out to a certain area), defeating a set of enemies, or solving a puzzle. Look for a cluster of houses directly southeast of the Springvale teleporter youll find an Anemoculus right on top of one of them. The following are all of the Anemoculus and Geoculus that players will have to obtain in order to fully upgrade their Statues of The Seven. Glide towards it from a high cliff or use Kaeyas freezing skill on the water. You can glide from a nearby ledge to grab it while avoiding the guard. There is only one extra Anemoculus and Geoculus in the world, meaning that players will have to collect almost all of the Anemoculus and Geoculus to fully upgrade their Statues of The Seven. You can easily reach the island by gliding from a nearby Mondstadt tower. You will surely come across the item of the day quite early on during your adventure.
Shoot a fire arrow at the brambles to be able to climb it. You can get inside by gliding from a nearby cliff. As you run around Teyvat, youll see little white four-pointed stars on your minimap to indicate that youre near a Geoculus or Amenoculus. The Anemoculus is all the way down on the small patch of grass next to the ocean. Genshin Impact 2.8: Can we pre-load the update? To nab this Anemoculus, simply head Northeast of Windrise Statue and look for it floating nonchalantly in the air between a cluster of trees. Use the Anemograna to grab it. Look down to see the Anemoculus near the edge of one of the highest cliffs. You can see what it looks like in the image above. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. 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The following are the rewards players will receive from levelling up to each tier. One of the trees closest to the water contains an Anemoculus. 52. The northernmost Anemoculus in the Stormbearer region, this one can be acquired by dropping off the cliffs northwest of the previous Anemoculus. Following the road to the south, the Anemoculus is on your right side, above the cliff. More tips, more guides, more knowledge to share. Just southwest of the Wolvendoms teleporter near the western edge of Monstadts moat is an Anemoculus atop a pillar of stone slabs. The Anemoculus is on the edge of the cliff right next to it. Look for a pillar, the Anemoculus is on top of it. A note to new Genshin Impact adventurers: use the map above to keep track of every Anemoculus location as you work your way through the game to avoid missing out on any. Players will want to visit the Statue of the Seven regularly to Worship it (upgrade it) and receive its benefits. Jump off the edge of the cliff and immediately turn around; the Anemoculus is floating just beneath the cliffs edge. Youll see a lop-sided pillar; its right behind it. Getting to this one is simple once you understand the parts. The Anemoculus will be right up top. When you reach the ruins, look for a broad staircase with a pile of loose stones next to it. When it comes to travelling around the Genshin Impact world, players are going to find themselves discovering a number of structures and areas, including things like shops and freestanding structures. 65. To help you in your research, here is a map showing the different places where you can find an Anemoculus. Whether it is on PS4, PC, iOS or Android, you will have to rack your brains to obtain them. Progressively going from location to location will not only keep your character powerful but will prevent you from having to do any arduous backtracking later on. Cider Lake Between the Islands North of Monstadt, 29. Genshin Impact 2.8: How to access Golden Apple Archipelago? 27. Others will ask you to solve a quest like the one in the Graveyard of Swords. The Anemoculus is on the east side, floating above the water. The hardest to get will be the one in the water at the top right. Look below the large rock formation with the ruins on top. Moving directly southeast of the Dawn Winery youll eventually come to a little inlet where, if you look to and fro, youll see an Anemoculus floating right above the waters surface. 29. Related: Find all Mondstadt Shrines and Liyue Shrines in Genshin Impact, Anemoculus are collectibles scattered across Teyvat, typically in hard to reach out off-the-beaten-path places, that can be deposited at a Statue of the Seven for a reward whenever the statue levels up. Atop the Ringed Structure by Stormterrors Northern Teleporter, 64. Off the Cliff Northeast of Stormbearer Teleporter, 33. Theres an Anemoculus west of the major structure, justnortheast of the western Stormterror teleporter, sittinghigh in the air over a series of wind currents. This side mission will ask you to explore the mysteries of Luhua Pool, not far from the Guili Plains. Note: you will have to confirm the subscription with a link in your e-mail to fully activate the subscription. Youll have to get up onto the cliffside above and hop down to bypass to get at it. You can use the nearby rock to glide down and grab it. Just south of the teleporter is a pile of rubble tucked under a cliff overlooking the water. I am missing 12 of them and no matter where i look, i can't find them. Use the teleporter at the top of the tower and then climb up to grab Anemoculus and dont forget to get to theverytippy-top to earn an achievement. There are 66 Anemoculus locations in Genshin Impact, though only 65 Anemoculus are required to level the Statue up to level 10. It will be high in the air, seemingly out of reach. The final Anemoculus requires anemo skills to obtain. 58. You will find Anemograna next to some trees. All rights reserved. The Anemoculus is flowing in the air between the trees. Thanks Mihoyo, my ocd apreciates it :). Make your atop it to find the Anemoculus right on the longitude line with the Statue. Remote Island East of Starsnatch Cliff, 34. Johnny is also a sound designer/composer, recently becoming interested in video game soundtracks, and is a big animal enthusiast. Genshin Impact Freedom-Sworn: stats, passives, everything about the sword. Climb the rock next to the enemy camp, you will find the Anemoculus on top. Its floating high above the grass in an open field.
Where do you get those btw? By A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon. Head to the point above fixed some distance southeast of Windrise Statue. Your email address will not be published. That Time I Reincarnated As Raiden Shogun's Booba Sword. Look for a high hill south of the Springvale Teleporter with its apex facing north with a great view of Monstadt. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its floating above a guard. They will appear on your mini-map as tiny stars. To grab this Anemoculus, head to the lake north of Stormterror Lair. The currents may or may not be able to propel you into the Aanemoculus, in which case youd be advised to glide from the top of Stormterror Lair itself. Upon first unlocking the statue of the seven players will receive 50 Adventure experience and 5 Primogems. For those who wish to obtain them without forgetting some, we give you some useful tips. Aquila Favonia Genshin Impact: stats and passive, everything about the sword, Wolf's Gravestone Genshin Impact: stats and passive everything about the sword. Find the multi-tiered tower just northwest of the Stormbearer Mountains teleporter, get to the top, and glide Northeast right into the Anemoculus. If you're looking to get some free Primogems, Mora, Adventure XP and Hero's Wit, you're in the right place. Use gliding and climbing abilities to get there. England and Wales company registration number 2008885.
To get to it, either burn away the bramble bushes using a pyro skill or climb the adjacent pillar and glide off of it onto the pillar, dodging the bush. All you have to do is hit the stones (normal attack is enough) until they break.
Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. Once on dry land, the anemoculus will be above the portal of the spiraling depths. Double space to fly up and grab your Anemoculus. Use the wind currents to fly to the top of the ruin. West-Northwest of Dadaupa Gorge Teleporter, 18. The limited resource resupplies 500 HP per second and is fully restored in 25 minutes. 30. It is entirely possible youve stumbled across a few Anemoculus Locations already without knowing what theyre used for, collecting those glowing blue orbs of energy with precisely zero understanding of their importance later on. In the Water Southeast of Dawn Winery, 41. Just outside the Temple of the Lion, take a right. Each time it levels up, youll gain more max stamina, as well as some other goodies, like Primogems and EXP. Turn your back to the giant tree and the Statue of the Seven and you will see the Anemoculus right in front of you, on the opposite side of the road. 1. Use Anemograna to fly up and get it. Some Statues of The Seven will allow players to change the elemental talents of the Traveler depending on the region the statue is in. There are a total 10 Statues of The Seven and all of them should be easy to locate as a player explores the world as a player can simply head into their map and select a location to tell whether they are seeing a waypoint for a teleport location or a Statue of The Seven. 48. To increase the level of a statue, you will need a certain number of anemoculus. The Anemoculus is floating above the water, near the coast. Genshin Impact is full of things to discover and among them, there are the Anemoculus which you will use to improve the statues of the seven. Smashing the rubble will reveal not only a free chest but a hidden room with a single Anemoculus waiting for you. Hidden outside the structure just to the north, set inside a small cave within the rock ledges, is an Anemoculus thats pretty easy, comparatively, to snatch up. 42. 32. Standing near one of The Statue of The Seven will revive downed allies to 35% of their Max Health. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! See the small island? This Anemoculus is as easy as climbing atop the arch of the temples highest wall. You can either complete the quest in this area or pass the barrier by gliding over it from the nearby cliff. For that, you will have to find a point in height to glide over it but for some, there will be conditions to find them. 38. Related: Genshin Impact: How to Change Glider. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. However, searching for Genshin Impact Anemoculus can be hard work.