The parent component is a component in which GreetComponent will be loaded dynamically. Before we start, make sure your local environment has the following tools installed: Using the following Angular CLI command, we can create a new app skeleton. Thanks for reading it. One solution is to create separate apps as different, discrete projects for each frontend. Basically i know i will have to try it and seek the answers just wanted to know your experience using cdns and is there any references which helped you out, it would be great if you can point me towards it. Dynamic import() introduces a new function-like form of import that unlocks new capabilities compared to static import. Note: We could also automatically generate the routing module for the admin module using the --routing switch i.e ng generate module admin --routing --module=app. The Remote; is lazy loaded successfully, loaded on
For example, lets say GreetComponent is using [(ngModel)] as shown in the next code listing: As ngModel is the part of FormsModule, when you use it inside a lazy-loaded component, Angular complains about that with error: Cant bind to ngModel since it isnt a known property of input. The lazy loaded module is not referenced to the application root module so, we need to use browser's built-in import ('') syntax for dynamic imports. : your LoginModule has routing to go to a 2FA view or a ForgotMyPassword view? Under the hood, all router modules roll-up the route definition to an injection token named ROUTES. I just don't even know where to start to debug this. Lazy loading feature allows to load components, modules, and other files of Angular application when required. app.module.ts Hence, you cannot use an await statement as we did earlier. Clear separation between the two portals: They can have their own styling or navigation, without affecting the other portal, The ability to share a set of common code and feature modules, Each frontend app can be built and deployed independently, The built package wont include the modules that are not being used, Loop through the routes in the router configs, Push the transformed menu data into the observable data stream. Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. To make these apps compatible with module federation, you will need to run the schematic on their projects: You can configure the port to be whatever you desire. Once unpublished, all posts by seanperkins will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. The newly created app contains a default app module and a default entry component. That routing should be inside the MFE, and I'm not able to navigate there correctly from the Shell? Node.js installed locally, which you can do by following, ng generate module shop --route shop --module app.module. Both environment files will reside under the environment folder, and well use the moduleId to differentiate the patient and doctor portals. We can bootstrap the module and immediately provide a new value on-top for the ROUTES value. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. We can launch the app by bootstrapping the app module. Dynamic module federation attempts to resolve this by allowing you independently request modules before bootstrapping Angular: We need the ability to have a decoupled shell, that can dynamically request federated modules at runtime. All of them have strict branding standards that aren't compatible with each other. I found the problem. Platform config is going to describe all the modules, the location of the modules, the module name to bootstrap and the route to register in the shell app for the remote module. The lazy loaded module have their own route file, so lazy loaded module can be defined in main routing file using "loadChildren" method. community. The unnecessary modules might get loaded as well. Now enhanced with: This article explains various ways of lazy loading a component in Angular, including via an import statement inside an async-await function and via the then method. Updated on June 30, 2021, DigitalOcean Kubernetes: new control plane is faster and free, enable HA for 99.95% uptime SLA, Step 3 Setting Route Configuration in the Feature Module, How to Install Node.js and Create a Local Development Environment, the official documentation for more information on lazy loading. LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording literally everything that happens on your site including network requests, JavaScript errors, and much more. The function will filter the routes and set routes into the current router, and the function will be completed before the app completely starts. The handshake for dependencies should also be the same, since it's evaluated at runtime against the generated bundles (independent of anything mono-repo specific). Remote shared configured with @angular/* singleton: false.Why are there two Home routes in the file? To add module federation to your workspace, run: This will install the necessary dependency, with the schematics needed to add remote apps to be consumed by module federation. There's other benefits to micro-frontends, including: The Angular Architects package @angular-architects/module-federation creates a simple API to request modules and pull them into your application. Sometimes a lazy-loaded component relies on other modules. _ |- feature1.module.ts
The loadChildren can be defined using string or LoadChildrenCallback. The above command creates Angular app with name "LazyLoadingTestApp" and here we have passed "--routing" flag, so "app-routing.module.ts" is also get generated that contains all routes. Let's assume you have the following mono-repo: Shell is your consuming application. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide! The root module or app module is created under /src/app. Firstly, we create a menu service. |- feature.module.ts Once suspended, seanperkins will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. The "app-routing.module" contains all the routes required in the application. It hosts all of the sub-components within the module.The Angular creates SPA (Single Page Application), so all the components, modules, and other files are compiled in a single file and loaded at once. I won't be able to necessarily keep all micro-frontends up to date with latest Angular, and Shell instance might move ahead in versions. Remote shared configured with @angular/* singleton: true. Read our angular tutorial and join our #DailyAngularChallenge where we learn to build In the module responsible for your shell app's router module declaration (typically app-routing.module.ts), update as follows: RouterModule.forRoot([]) establishes a lot of necessary providers and functionality required for routing. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public In bootstrap.ts we will consume this asset and build the injection token value: By passing the providers to platformBrowserDynamic, we are setting a static provider value prior to bootstrap, that can be used on bootstrap. I hope you found the article useful. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred. Similar to lazy-loading, remotely loading modules can greatly reduce the bundle size of your application and the network cost to loading modules that end up unused by your users. Yes, it should be possible. Next, in the constructor of the parent component inject ViewContainerRef and ComponentFactoryResolver classes: As of the official documentation, ComponentFactoryResolver class is a simple registry that maps components to generated ComponentFactory classes that can be used to create an instance of the component using the create() method. To target each frontend portal, well create a different environment file for them. Each portal app can be built for their environment with the following command. To build and run the two portals separately, we rely on the environment configuration. Firstly, we define all the routes in a single file, routes.ts, for easier maintenance. Others have their own corporate SSO.
The example below shows the admin feature module and its root component: AdminViewComponent. The source code for the example project, including the CSS style files we mentioned earlier, can be found on my GitHub. You can either type the URL into browser's address bar or define navigation to load the component defined under lazy loaded module.
To allow our shell app to have it's own built-in routes as well as the dynamic runtime routes, we use a factory to concat rootRoutes and the dynamicRoutes (from our injection token PLATFORM_ROUTES). To apply different styles for each app, we create the following scss files: In the Angular.json file, the styles are mapped to different builds. In this article, we walk through an Angular app with two frontends. I can locally develop on localhost:6000, having an accurate test bed for my application and live-dev against the changes with ease. The LogRocket NgRx plugin logs Angular state and actions to the LogRocket console, giving you context around what led to an error, and what state the application was in when an issue occurred. As a wrap-up, we've seen how to use the loadChildren property of a route in the Angular Router and the standard compliant dynamic import syntax to lazy load an example admin module.
The commands will generate a patient folder which contains the module, routing, and component files. One of the many benefits of micro frontends and module federation, is that you can pull in different frameworks, versions, etc. Then, we created feature modules. However it just breaks the app completely. In the previous step, we generated the default app module, which is the entry point of the app. Remote is the feature set, isolated and decoupled to be pulled in on-demand, by the shell. Now, it's time to run the application. Shell shared configured with @angular/* singleton: true The dynamic import API is a standard browser's API introduced in modern browers. To create a new component, we can use the following CLI command: Using the above CLI commands, we can set up our project structure as below. our feed for updates. Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, Chef, Kemp, Flowmon and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Defining the lazy loaded module is almost done. All of the top resources available for module federation show statically referencing the modules in your shell app's route definition. This article explains a step-by-step approach to lazy load a component and provides the code along the way. In addition, could you please share a github URL with the source code of this example? Perhaps obviously, this approach will bloat the codebase, likely cause duplication, and leave you with code that is hard to maintain. I have multiple micro-frontends running on a single Shell instance. You now need to use the dynamic import syntax to import your module in the loadChildren property of Angular Router routes. Thank you for the reply it saved me a lot of time, I will just add on to your answer for more clarity for those in the future who will face this problem. Dev Community to discuss anything related to Angular development. Love coding, learning, and writing. It is recommended to not use lazy loaded module if it is visited frequently by the user. The previous major version of Angular, 9, came with a lot of amazing features, and one of the most talked-about among them is theIvy renderer. If you are using Angular CLI, create Angular App using "--routing" flag. Step 2: Create feature module "FeatureModuleExample". Once they login to the application, they only need branding for their corporate logo and primary brand color; they can use all the existing interfaces. It is the highest container, responsible for what pieces are pulled in and the composition of features. It contains a menuItems$ observable. All contents are copyright of their authors. ./Module is nomenclature you can define as you please. For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. When the host loads the remote, the remote's sub-route gets loaded in the host's router-outlet, without running the remote's app.component.ts (nothing runs from the remote's app.component.ts and the content of app.component.html is not rendered). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Step 3: Create Demo component inside the "feature-module-example". Theyre built with Angular custom environment configurations, dynamic routes, and lazy-loading feature modules. The lazy loadof the modules can be done using the root routing module. This only matters for local development. Not ideal. The lazy-loading feature modules are built into small bundle files, which will only be downloaded to the client browser when the router is navigated to. Angular app may have multiple modules based on the nature of the application. Lazy loading is the process of loading some features of your Angular application only when you navigate to their routes for the first time. What happens if you want your MFE to have some routing inside? `, Angular Basics: Tips for Structuring Your Angular Project, Angular Basics: Working With Enums in Angular, Configuring the Kendo UI for Angular Rich Text Editor. By exposing feature.module.ts in your remote's webpack config, you should be able to something similar to this in your shell/root's app routing module: This should lazy-load your remote app's feature module contents when navigating to /feature-path and then defer to that module's structure for further nested lazy loading. In the application, add a new component using the Angular CLI command, as shown below. The home screens for both the patient and doctor portals are shown below. I am using Angular 12.0.10. Here --skip-import flag is used so that Angular does not declare GreetComponent in the module, as you wish to load GreetComponent dynamically. I don't see any circular dependencies visually inspecting the code. We can add a new module using the following CLI command. You can lazily load a component in any other component, hence creating a parent-child relationship between them. This helps to keep the initial bundle size small, so the initial load time is decreased. I am a full-stack developer. The Next step would be to create a separate route file inside the new module. Next, add code in GreetComponent as shown in the next code listing: GreetComponent has an @Input() decorated property to accept data from the parent component and an @Output() decorated EventEmitter so that the event raised here can be handled in the parent component. Find him on Twitter or GitHub. Dhananjay Kumar is an independent trainer and consultant from India. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Lastly, we have a fallback route, as routes will execute first-to-last, to handle global redirect behavior for unhandled routes. We can use the same menu component across both portal apps. In this article, we will explore how to build an Angular app with multiple frontends by utilizing lazy loading feature modules and dynamic configurations. You need to have Angular CLI 10 installed and an Angular 10 project with routing setup. We achieved our goals of clear separation, easy code sharing, and independent build output. This file is used to define lazy loading for our feature module. To lazy load a component inside a particular location in the template, you can use ViewChild. Angular allows using forRoot() only once in the application. When we change one app, the other wont be affected. At build time, a separate bundle file is created for a lazy-loaded feature module, making the main bundle file size smaller. __|- sub-feature2.module.ts, By exposing tha app.module.ts and app.component.ts I would only have 1 router-outlet and flat structure at remote app level: You should be able to do this all manually, pointing your remote entry to whatever port your other repository/project is on. You are unable to pass injection token instances between boundaries (shell to remote) at this time. To do this, refer greettemp as a ViewChild in the parent component class as shown in the next code listing: Here we are reading the ng-template as ViewContainerRef so that the component can be loaded to it, and finally, you can lazily load a component inside it as we did earlier: This article explained how you can use an import statement inside an async-await function to lazy load a component in Angular. This can be useful for increasing your app performance and decreasing the initial size of the bundle transmitted to the user's browser. Shell shared configured with @angular/* singleton: true One for Host and a different version for Remotes? ; so that you can independently manage slices of your application and update and deploy those changes. If you eco-system is small enough or not having live reloading against the remote isn't a deal breaker, you can federate the AppModule from the remote and not run into any issues.